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Calculate leaf wetness in R using relative humidity, latitude and day length. Adapted from GPL3 code from R. Hijmans in the meteor and cropsim packages.
#' Get weather data from NASA POWER API
#' @param lonlat A numeric vector of geographic coordinates for a cell or region
#' entered as x, y coordinates.
#' @param dates A character vector of start and end dates in that order.
#' @return A \code{\link[data.table]{data.table}} of weather data, dates and
#' geolocation information (LAT/LON values) suitable for use in \pkg{epicrop}
#' with the following columns:
#' \tabular{rl}{
#' **YYYYMMDD**:\tab Date as Year Month Day (ISO8601).\cr
#' **DOY**:\tab Consecutive day of year, commonly called "Julian date".\cr
#' **TEMP**:\tab Mean daily temperature (°C).\cr
#' **TMIN**:\tab Minimum daily temperature (°C).\cr
#' **TMAX**:\tab Maximum daily temperature (°C).\cr
#' **TDEW**:\tab Mean daily dew point temperature (°C).\cr
#' **RHUM**:\tab Mean daily temperature (°C).\cr
#' **RAIN**:\tab Mean daily rainfall (mm).\cr
#' **LAT**:\tab Latitude of area of interest.\cr
#' **LON**:\tab Longitude of area of interest.\cr
#' }
#' @details This function is just a wrapper for the \CRANpkg{nasapower}
#' \code{\link[nasapower]{get_power}} function with predefined parameters
#' suitable for use in \pkg{epicrop}.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # get weather for IRRI Zeigler Experiment Station in wet season 2000
#' (wth <- get_wth(
#' lonlat = c(121.25562, 14.6774),
#' dates = c("2000-06-30", "2000-12-31")
#' ))
#' }
#' @author Adam H. Sparks
#' @export get_wth
get_wth <- function(lonlat, dates) {
wth <- setDT(
lonlat = lonlat,
dates = dates,
community = "AG",
pars = c("T2M",
temporal_average = "DAILY"
wth[, c("YEAR", "MM", "DD") := NULL][]
old = c(
new = c(
#' Calculate leaf wetness
#' @param wth Weather data in the proper format
#' @param simple Logical value whether to use RH >= 90 to equal free moisture
#' or perform more complex calculation to estimate leaf wetness that weights
#' values > 95% (1), < 95 & > 80 ((rh - 80) / 15) or > 80 % (0)
#' @examples
#' wth <- get_wth(
#' lonlat = c(121.25562, 14.6774),
#' dates = c("2000-06-30", "2000-12-31")
#' )
#' .leaf_wet(wth = wth, simple = TRUE)
#' @return A numeric value for hours of leaf wetness based on RH
#' @noRd
.leaf_wet <-
function(wth = wth, simple = TRUE) {
# CRAN NOTE Avoidance
RHUM <- TMIN <- TMAX <- LAT <- DOY <- TEMP <- NULL # nocov
rh <- .diurnal_rh(
doy = wth[, DOY],
rh = wth[, RHUM],
tmin = wth[, TMIN],
tmax = wth[, TMAX],
tmp = wth[, TEMP],
lat = wth[, LAT]
if (isTRUE(simple)) {
lw <- length(rh[rh >= 90])
} else {
w <- rh
x <- (rh - 80) / 15
w[rh > 95] <- 1
cs_1 <- rh < 95
w[cs_1] <- x[cs_1]
w[rh < 80] <- 0
lw <- sum(w)
#' Calculate hourly relative humidity for a given day
#' Uses mean rh, doy, location (lat), mean tmp, TMIN and TMAX to calculate
#' hourly rh values.
#' @param rh Mean daily relative humidity as provided by `wth` via `SEIR()`
#' @param tmin Minimum temperature as provided by `wth` via `SEIR()`
#' @param tmax Maximum temperature as provided by `wth` via `SEIR()`
#' @param tmp Mean daily temperature as provided by `wth` via `SEIR()`
#' @param doy Sequential day of year as provided by `wth` via `SEIR()`
#' @param lat Latitude provided by `wth` via `SEIR()`
#' @examples
#' wth <- get_wth(
#' lonlat = c(121.25562, 14.6774),
#' dates = c("2000-06-30")
#' )
#' .diurnal_rh(rh = wth[, RHUM],
#' tmin = wth[, TMIN],
#' tmax = wth[, TMAX],
#' tmp = wth[, TEMP],
#' doy = wth[, DOY],
#' lat = wth[, LAT])
#' @return A numeric vector of relative humidity values
#' @noRd
.diurnal_rh <- function(rh, tmin, tmax, tmp, doy, lat) {
# CRAN NOTE avoidance
vp <- .saturated_vapour_pressure(tmp) * rh / 100
hrtemp <- .diurnal_temp(lat = lat,
doy = doy,
tmin = tmin,
tmax = tmax)
es <- .saturated_vapour_pressure(hrtemp)
rh <- 100 * vp / es
rh <- pmin(100, pmax(0, rh))
#' Calculate hourly temperature for a given day
#' Uses doy, location (lat) and TMIN and TMAX to calculate hourly temperatures.
#' @param lat Latitude as provided by `wth` via `SEIR()`
#' @param doy Sequential day of year as provided by `wth` via `SEIR()`
#' @param tmin Minimum temperature as provided by `wth` via `SEIR()`
#' @param tmax Maximum temperature as provided by `wth` via `SEIR()`
#' @param dayl Daylight hours as provided by `wth` via `SEIR()`
#' @return A numeric vector of hourly temperature values for the duration of
#' `wth` data
#' @examples
#' wth <- get_wth(
#' lonlat = c(121.25562, 14.6774),
#' dates = c("2000-06-30", "2000-12-31")
#' )
#' .diurnal_temp(lat = wth[, LAT],
#' doy = wth[, DOY],
#' tmin = wth[, TMIN],
#' tmax = wth[, TMAX])
#' @noRd
.diurnal_temp <- function(lat, doy, tmin, tmax) {
dayl <- mapply(FUN = .daylength, lat = lat, doy = doy)
nightl <- 24 - dayl
sandhya <- 0.5 * dayl
sunris <- 12 - sandhya
sunset <- 12 + sandhya
dt <- t(cbind(dayl, nightl, sunris, sunset, tmin, tmax))
.hourly_t <- function(x) {
hr_temp <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = 24)
for (hr in 1:24) {
# period a: dhour between midnight and sunrise;
if (hr < x["sunris"]) {
tsunst <-
x["tmin"] + (x["tmax"] - x["tmin"]) * sin(
pi * (x["dayl"] / (x["dayl"] + 3)))
hr_temp[[hr]] <-
(x["tmin"] - tsunst * exp(-x["nightl"] / 4L) +
(tsunst - x["tmin"]) * exp(
-(hr + 24 - x["sunset"]) / 4L)) /
(1 - exp(-x["nightl"] / 4L))
} else if (hr < x["sunset"]) {
# period b: dhour between time of sunrise and sunset
hr_temp[[hr]] <-
x["tmin"] + (x["tmax"] - x["tmin"]) * sin(
pi * (hr - x["sunris"]) / (x["dayl"] + 3))
} else {
# period c: dhour between sunset and midnight;
tsunst <-
x["tmin"] + (x["tmax"] - x["tmin"]) * sin(
pi * (x["dayl"] / (x["dayl"] + 3)))
hr_temp[[hr]] <-
(x["tmin"] - tsunst * exp(-x["nightl"] / 4L) +
(tsunst - x["tmin"]) * exp(-(hr - x["sunset"]) / 4L)) /
(1 - exp(-x["nightl"] / 4L))
x <- as.vector(apply(X = dt, MARGIN = 2, FUN = .hourly_t))
#' Calculate day length for a given latitude on a given date
#' @param lat Latitude as provided by `wth` via `SEIR()`
#' @param doy Sequential day of year (Julian date) as provided by `wth` via
#' `SEIR()`
#' @examples
#' wth <- get_wth(
#' lonlat = c(121.25562, 14.6774),
#' dates = c("2000-06-30", "2000-12-31")
#' )
#' .daylength(lat = wth[, LAT], doy = wth[, DOY])
#' @return A numeric vector of daylight hours based on latitude and date
#' @noRd
.daylength <- function(lat, doy) {
if (lat > 90 | lat < -90) {
stop(call. = FALSE,
"Latitude values must fall between -90 and 90 degrees")
doy <- doy %% 366
# William C. Forsythe and Edward J. Rykiel and Randal S. Stahl and Hsin-i Wu
# and Robert M. Schoolfield. Ecological Modeling, Volume 80 (1995) pp. 87-95,
# "A Model Comparison for Daylength as a Function of Latitude and Day of the
# Year", <DOI: 10.1016/0304-3800(94)00034-F>
P <- asin(0.39795 * cos(0.2163108 + 2 * atan(0.9671396 *
tan(0.00860 * (
doy - 186
a <- (0.01454 + sin(lat * 0.01745) * sin(P)) /
(cos(lat * 0.01745) * cos(P))
a <- pmin(pmax(a, -1), 1)
dl <- 24 - (24 / pi) * acos(a)
#' Calculate saturated vapour pressure, es
#' @param TM Mean temperature as provided by `wth` via `SEIR()`
#' @return Single double precision value of es as kilopascals
#' @references Alduchov and Eskridge 1995,
#' <doi:10.1175/1520-0450(1996)035<0601:IMFAOS>2.0.CO;2>
#' @example .saturated_vapour_pressure(0)
#' @noRd
.saturated_vapour_pressure <- function(tmp) {
0.61094 * exp((17.625 * (tmp)) / ((tmp) + 243.04))
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