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Created April 27, 2017 20:25
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Late blight forecasters from the cropsim package
# cropsim
# Potato late blight forecast models
# Model name: Hyre
# Hyre, R. A. 1954. Progress in forecasting late blight of potato and tomato. Plant Disease Reporter. 38: 245-253.
# R implementation by Robert Hijmans,
# October 2009
# Days are considered blight favorable when the 5-day average temperature
# is below 25.5 C and the total rainfall for the last 10 days is 3 cm or greater.
# Days with minimum temperatures below 7.2 C are considered unfavorable.
# Source:
.subsetwth <- function(wth,
emergence = "2000-05-15",
duration = 120) {
emergence <- as.Date(emergence)
wth@w <- subset(wth@w, wth@w$date >= emergence)
if (dim(wth@w)[1] < duration) {
stop("Incomplete weather data")
wth@w <- wth@w[1:duration, ]
.cumulate <- function(x) {
xx <- vector(length = length(x))
xx[1] <- x[1]
for (i in 2:length(x)) {
xx[i] <- xx[i - 1] + x[i]
Hyre <- function(wth,
emergence = "2000-05-15",
duration = 120) {
w <- .subsetwth(wth, emergence, duration)@w
t5 <- raster::movingFun(w$tavg,
n = 5,
type = "to",
na.rm = TRUE) / 5
p10 <- raster::movingFun(w$prec,
n = 10,
type = "to",
na.rm = TRUE)
blightFavorable <- t5 < 25.5 & w$tavg > 7.2 & p10 > 30
cbind($date), blightFavorable)
Wallin <- function(wth,
emergence = "2000-05-15",
duration = 120) {
wth <- .subsetwth(wth, emergence, duration)
leafwet <- leafWet(wth)
w <- wth@w
t1 <- w$tavg > 7.2 & w$tavg <= 11.6
t2 <- w$tavg > 11.6 & w$tavg <= 15.0
t3 <- w$tavg > 15.0 & w$tavg <= 26.6
lw16 <-
severity <- vector(length = duration)
severity[leafwet < 16 & t1] <- 0
severity[leafwet < 13 & t2] <- 0
severity[leafwet < 10 & t3] <- 0
severity[leafwet < 19 & t1] <- 1
severity[leafwet < 16 & t2] <- 1
severity[leafwet < 13 & t3] <- 1
severity[leafwet < 22 & t1] <- 2
severity[leafwet < 19 & t2] <- 2
severity[leafwet < 16 & t3] <- 2
severity[leafwet <= 24 & t1] <- 3
severity[leafwet < 22 & t2] <- 3
severity[leafwet < 19 & t3] <- 3
severity[leafwet >= 22 & t2] <- 4
severity[leafwet >= 19 & t3] <- 4
cumSeverity <- .cumulate(severity)
x <- which(cumSeverity > 19) + 10
x <- subset(x, x <= duration)
action <- vector(length = length(severity))
action[] <- FALSE
action[x] <- TRUE
cbind($date), severity, cumSeverity, action)
blitecast <- function(wth,
emergence = "2000-05-15",
duration = 120) {
wth <- .subsetwth(wth, emergence, duration)
hyre <- Hyre(wth, emergence, duration)
wallin <- Wallin(wth, emergence, duration)
first <- hyre$blightFavorable | wallin$action
spray <- first
spray[] <- FALSE
if (sum(first) > 0) {
first <- min(which(first))
} else {
return(cbind($date), spray))
rainfav7 <-
raster::movingFun(wth@w$prec > 3,
n = 7,
type = "to",
na.rm = TRUE)
severity7 <-
n = 7,
type = "to",
na.rm = TRUE)
second <- first
second[] <- -1
second[rainfav7 < 5 & severity7 == 4] <- 0
second[rainfav7 < 5 & (severity7 == 5 | severity7 == 6)] <- 1
second[rainfav7 < 5 & severity7 > 5] <- 2
second[rainfav7 > 4 & severity7 == 3] <- 0
second[rainfav7 > 4 & severity7 == 4] <- 1
second[rainfav7 > 4 & severity7 > 4] <- 2
spray[first] <- TRUE
sprayed <- 0
for (i in first:length(second)) {
if ((second[i] == 1 &
sprayed == 7) | (second[i] == 2 & sprayed == 5)) {
spray[i] <- TRUE
sprayed <- 0
sprayed <- sprayed + 1
return(cbind($date), spray))
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