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Last active March 11, 2016 18:04
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Module 2 Portfolio

Adam Hundley - M2 Portfolio


Beginning MOD 2 I have a desire to become more proficient in my command line, typing and git skills.


  • MASTER GIT! I still do not feel confident in my gitbilities and I want to fix that. I want to be the git leader who knows all that is git.
  • I love the design and prettiness aspect that programming can I have. I would like to learn things outside of what we are being taught to make the things I create prettier on the web. ie CSS, Bootstraps, etc.
  • For my soft skills goal, I would love to improve my listening skills. Not only in the classroom setting but in a personal, one on one, conversational context.
  • constantly improve Blog
  • join meetup outside turing (another language)
  • local mentor?

Soft Skills / Protocol Requirements:

Mentor Sessions

  • My mentor sessions this module were with a friend that works as a developer at RTD, Steve Szczecina. We met on 2/10, 2/16, 2/23, 3/1 and 3/8.

Posse Challenges

Not Evaluated Projects

Evaluated Projects

Little Owl - (David Whitaker & Nick Weiland)

A primary goal for the Little Owl project was to model UX Design workflow from ideation to production. We started this process by building a Journey Map to define our ideal users. With an idea of these users defined, we interviewed a group of people who fit "The Persona" in order to gather insights on what type of experience our users would like when interacting with an eCommerce app. Rooted in this research, we wireframed the entire app and did our first round of usability testing without writing a snippet of code.

Assessor: Rachel Warbelow

  • Feature Completeness: 4+
  • Views: 4
  • Controllers: 3.5
  • Models: 4
  • Testing: 3
  • Usability: 4
  • Workflow: 3


  • Testing could be much better. Plenty of feature tests but need more model tests to fully cover code. Don'y rely on simplecov.
  • Security flaw with users viewing other orders
  • Overall great project. Very impressed.
Rush Hour - (Adrienne Domingus & July Tran)

This app receives payloads through CURL requests. It then parses them and provides analytics for a client on the basis of their requests, including:

  • Number of hits per hour for a specific event
  • HTTP verbs used
  • Response time analytics
  • URLs visited
  • And more!

Technologies used include Sinatra, built with a basic MVC model and a Postgres Database.

Assessor: Rachel Warbelow

  • Feature Completeness: 3
  • Test Driven Development: 3.5
  • Encapsulation / Breaking Logic into Components: 3.5
  • Fundamental Ruby & Style: 3
  • Sinatra / Web and Business Logic: 3.5
  • View Layer: 3


  • Strange behavior with socialLogin hour-by-hour breakdown and os/browser breakdown.
  • All other functionality exists and is implemented.
  • Added web interface for creating, editing, and deleting accounts.

End of Module Assessment

Assessor: Andrew Carmer

  • Analytic/Algorithmic Thinking: 3
  • Ruby Syntax & Standard Library: 4
  • Rails Syntax & API: 3
  • MVC & Rails Style: 4
  • Testing: 3
  • Collaboration: 3


  • Testing was decent, struggled to get rolling but with a little prompting the tests came along well.
  • Collaboration was slow to start but came along towards the end.
  • developer was instructed to focus on making robust tests and collaboration particularly with new pairs.

Mid Module Assessment

Assessor: Rachel Warbelow

  • Analytic/Algorithmic Thinking: 3
  • Ruby Syntax & Standard Library: 3
  • Rails Syntax & API: 3
  • Rails Style: 3
  • Testing: 3
  • Collaboration: 3


I missed a half day 2/25 and all day 2/26 for my best friends wedding in Indianapolis. My instructors were aware and approved

Feedback to Me

I strive to give feedback in the moment with my classmates. Below is some feedback that has been recorded.

Being a Community Member

From Adrienne Domingus

"Adam was great to work with - an excellent thought partner when pairing or troubleshooting, in addition to being reliable and thorough when dividing and conquering. I appreciated his consistently positive attitude and strong work ethic - it's a powerful combination, and I hope to have the opportunity to pair with him again."

From July Tran

"Adam did a good job thinking the problems through and being flexible in all aspects of the project. He was an enjoyable person to work with due to his technical skill, communication skills, and fun personality."

From David Whitaker

"I had the opportunity to work with Adam on Little Owl. He is a talented programmer who is able to grasp things very quickly and implement them almost seamlessly. When presented with a problem he is able to stay cool(unless the internet shuts down multiple times when he is trying to use record-it lolol), in the moment and confident that he’ll get to the bottom of it. His soft skill of googling things is actually quite impressive and I feel as though mine have improved after working with him. His eagerness to learn new things and ability to apply those concepts is inspiring and hope to have the chance to work on another project with him."

From Nick Weiland

"Working with Adam and David on Little Owl was an awesome experience because it was the first time I’ve worked on a project where our workflow was like a functioning team rather than a pairing session. I was impressed with Adam’s skill and reliability as our project progressed, but these are things I already knew. What was really impressive was his impact on the team culture. It was super fun working with him and I know the soft skills that make him a great teammate will be a huge asset in whatever he does after Turing. I know we’re supposed sandwich the bad with the good, but there is really nothing constructive I can think of. Oh, wait, get rid of your transparent terminal."

Giving Feedback

For Adrienne Domingus

"Adrienne did an amazing job of driving our team to complete deliverables in a timely manner. She grasped active record at a lightening pace and fixed bugs that plagued the project when we turned it in because she passionately cared about the team and project. She could treat herself to more of a break in the evenings/weekends in order to have a better school life balance."

For July Tran

"July did a great job with with team morale and taking notes during our check ins with Rachel because she listened intently and made sure we didn’t miss anything we should fix. She could volunteer/ask to drive while group coding more in order to get experience at that side of pairing."

For David Whitaker

"David and I have paired on homework many times but working on Little Shop together was our first time in a structured pairing situation. David's communication and passion for solving the problem is contagious. There is nothing like 2 grown men high fiving after getting a test to pass. Speaking of tests, he is a beast. Testing is a weaker point for me but David quickly filled that void for our team by writing model tests and constantly challenging us to TDD. I found that even when our team was working separately he would want to be brought up to speed with what was accomplished and learn whatever he could. His tenacity for always learning is contagious and I hope to pair with him again."

For Nick Weiland

"This is the second time I have paired with Nick on a project. Nick’s passion for programming is only outdone by his SKILL in programming. I have never worked with someone who grasps concepts as quickly as Nick. His fearless diving head in to problems is inspiring. He will see a problem or something he wants to implement and instead of saying “wow that looks hard,” his immediate response is to figure it out. No matter how hard. I look forward to more projects with Nick and hope to have the opportunity to continue to work with him even after finishing Turing."

Playing a Part

  • 1602 Tutoring Corner: I volunteered 2 weeks for scheduled tutoring with module 1 students. Throughout the module I also tried to make myself readily available for all mod 1 students.
  • 1603 Prework: I was readily available for my assigned incoming student and following his progress.
  • Hack Design: I attended weekly hack design lunches and attended a UX meet up with members.
  • API Meet Up: I helped set up and attended the Intro to API's meet up hosted by Turing.
  • Turing Alma Mater: I wrote and lead the school in the Turing Alma Mater
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