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Created April 9, 2015 12:59
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/// <summary>
/// Registers a specimen builder for open generic type Lazy<>.
// When asked for a concrete instance of Lazy<T>, the specimen builder constructs it using a func that returns the concrete inner specimen T using the current fixture.
// So it works like:
// fixture.Register<Lazy<T>>( fixture, () => new Lazy<T>( () => fixture.CreateAnonymous<T>() ) );
// where T is a runtime type
/// </summary>
class LazyCustomization : ICustomization
public void Customize( IFixture fixture )
fixture.Customizations.Add( new LazyOpenGenericsSpecimenBuilder() );
class LazyOpenGenericsSpecimenBuilder : ISpecimenBuilder
object ISpecimenBuilder.Create( object request, ISpecimenContext context )
var typedRequest = request as Type;
if ( typedRequest != null && typedRequest.IsGenericType && typedRequest.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof( Lazy<> ) )
Type lazilyConstructedType = typedRequest.GetGenericArguments().Single();
Type concreteServiceType = typeof( Lazy<> ).MakeGenericType( lazilyConstructedType );
var builderDelegate = CreateStronglyTypedBuilderDelegate( context, lazilyConstructedType );
return Activator.CreateInstance( concreteServiceType, new object[] { builderDelegate } );
return new NoSpecimen( request );
static Delegate CreateStronglyTypedBuilderDelegate( ISpecimenContext context, Type lazilyConstructedType )
var builderMethodInfo = context.GetType().GetMethod( "Resolve", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public );
var builderLambda =
Expression.Constant( context ), builderMethodInfo, Expression.Constant( lazilyConstructedType ) ),
lazilyConstructedType ) );
return builderLambda.Compile();
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