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Last active September 19, 2020 17:00
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function [hFig, hAxes, hCurve] = my_plot_function(hAxes, ...
xData, yData, myFigProp, myAxesProp, myCurveProp, xStr, yStr)
% A plotting wrapper function. Designed to plot one curve per call.
% hAxes - handle to existing axes (set to 0 to create new figure and axes)
% xData - x data to plot (set to [] to not plot)
% yData - y data to plot (set to [] to not plot)
% myFigProp - structure of figure properties to change from defaults. See
% subfunction buildFigureStruct for defaults. Ignored if hAxes == 0. Set
% to [] to not change any defaults
% myAxesProp - structure of axes properties to change from defaults. See
% subfunction buildAxesStruct for defaults. Ignored if hAxes == 0. Set
% to [] to not change any defaults
% myCurveProp - structure of curve properties to change from defaults. See
% subfunction buildCurveStruct for defaults. Ignored if xData == [] or
% yData == 0. Set to [] to not change any defaults
% OUTPUTS (All optional)
% hFig - handle to figure
% hAxes - handle to axes. Store to plot more curves later
% hCurve - handle to curve
% Created by Adam Noel, 2016-09-16
% Adapted from function accordPlotMaker.m, part of AcCoRD's MATLAB utilities
% Options to expand
% - control for type of plot (e.g., plot3, bar, surf)
% Create figure and apply properties if it does not exist
if hAxes == 0
figProp = buildFigureStruct(myFigProp);
axesProp = buildAxesStruct(myAxesProp);
% Create Figure
hFig = figure;
hFig = applyObjChanges(hFig, figProp);
% Create Axes
hAxes = axes('Parent',hFig);
hAxes = applyObjChanges(hAxes, axesProp);
hold(hAxes, 'on');
xlabel(xStr, 'interpreter', 'Latex');
ylabel(yStr, 'interpreter', 'Latex');
hFig = get(hAxes, 'Parent');
if ~isempty(xData) && ~isempty(yData)
% Load curve properties
curveProp = buildCurveStruct(myCurveProp);
hCurve = plot(hAxes, xData, yData);
hCurve = applyObjChanges(hCurve, curveProp);
% Set default figure properties and apply changes
function figProp = buildFigureStruct(myFigProp)
figProp.Color = 'w';
figProp = applyStructChanges(figProp, myFigProp);
% Set default axes properties and apply changes
function axesProp = buildAxesStruct(myAxesProp)
axesProp = struct(...
'Box', 'on', ... % If on, draw complete box outline along axis limits
'FontSize', 12, ...
'XGrid', 'on', ...
'YGrid', 'on', ...
'TickLabelInterpreter', 'latex');
axesProp = applyStructChanges(axesProp, myAxesProp);
% Set default curve properties and apply changes
function curveProp = buildCurveStruct(myCurveProp)
curveProp = struct(...
'LineStyle', '-', ... % Line style. Options: '-', '--', ':', '-.', 'none'
'LineWidth', 1, ... % Line width
'Color', 'black', ... % Line color
'Marker', 'o', ... % Marker shape. Options: 'o', '+', '*', '.', 'x', 's', 'd', '^', 'v', '>', '<', 'p', 'h', 'none'
'MarkerSize', 6, ... % Marker size
'MarkerEdgeColor', 'auto', ... % Marker edge color. Options: 'auto', 'none', 'RGB triplet', 'color string'
'MarkerFaceColor', 'none', ... % Marker edge color. Options: 'auto', 'none', 'RGB triplet', 'color string'
'DisplayName', ''); % Display string (if legend turned on)
curveProp = applyStructChanges(curveProp, myCurveProp);
% Change specified elements of structure
function curStruct = applyStructChanges(curStruct, changeStruct)
if ~isempty(changeStruct)
propFields = fieldnames(changeStruct);
numProp = numel(propFields);
for j = 1:numProp
curStruct.(propFields{j}) = changeStruct.(propFields{j});
% Apply changes to object with handle
function h = applyObjChanges(h, changeStruct)
if ~isempty(changeStruct)
propFields = fieldnames(changeStruct);
numProp = numel(propFields);
for i = 1:numProp
set(h, propFields{i}, changeStruct.(propFields{i}));
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