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Last active December 30, 2020 20:36
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"main": [
"ps": "I (just |)(hope|pray) there is (a light at the end of the tunnel|some hope in the end) for (healthcare workers|people working in healthcare) after (thanksgiving, Christmas, then New Years|three winter holidays in a row). What (do you think|is your take|are your thoughts), are we (almost out of the woods|about to turn a corner|going to see this all calm down soon|soon going to be out of harms way)?"
"ps": "(I think |)(We are|We're)(| definitely) not (almost out of the woods|about to turn a corner|going to see this all calm down soon|out of harms way) when it comes to (this virus|the coronavirus|COVID|the virus). (What|How) do you think we could (all |)do to (show|give) (some |)(appreciation for|respect to) (healthcare workers|people working in healthcare)?"
"ps": "(Some|I understand some) (healthcare workers|people working in healthcare) (don’t like being|prefer not to be|ask not to be) called “heroes”(| which is understandable), but (their sacrifices cannot be ignored|we cannot ignore their sacrifices|we must acknowledge their sacrifices). Do you have (any |)(healthcare workers in your family|family members working in healthcare), among your friends(| maybe)?"
"ps": "With (all |)the bad news (constantly |)hitting (healthcare workers|people working in healthcare), do you (think|believe) the vaccine will be a( light at the end of the tunnel|n answer to their prayers)?"
"ps": "(healthcare workers|people working in healthcare) don’t deserve the (strain|stress|pressure) they’ve been (put under|subjected to) but they (sure|absolutely) are (working|performing) miracles (to care|in caring) for (victims|patients). Do you know (a healthcare worker|any healthcare workers) yourself?"
"ps": "The real heroes of (healthcare workers|people working in healthcare) are the many (we don’t know by name|whose names are unreported|who work thanklessly without recognition). How do you (think|believe) we (can|could) (really |)show our (appreciation|respect|admiration)?"
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