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Paginate Stripe customers created in the last month
// Load Stripe's PHP bindings and set your API key
// Retrieve the first 100 customers created in the last month
$customers = \Stripe\Customer::all(array("limit" => 100, "created" => array("gte" => strtotime("-1 month"))));
// Iterate through the first 100 and output the customer ID and created date
foreach ($customers->data as $customer){
echo $customer->id . " created " . date("m-d-y", $customer->created) . "<br>";
// While we have more results, iterate through them
while ($customers->has_more){
// Add the `starting_after` parameter to reflect the last customer ID
$customers = \Stripe\Customer::all(array("limit" => 100,"created" => array("gte" => strtotime("-1 month")), "starting_after" => $customer->id));
foreach ($customers->data as $customer){
echo $customer->id . " created " . date("m-d-y", $customer->created) . "<br>";
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