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Last active February 8, 2016 19:38
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Vim Tips and Tricks

Adam Keenan's Vim tips and tricks cheatsheet



Learn these. It's tricky at first but it improves productivity by a lot.

  • j: up
  • k: down
  • h: left
  • l: right
  • gg: top of file
  • G: bottom of file
  • w: next word
  • e: end of word
  • b: back word
  • n: next search
  • N: prev search


  • t: up to
  • T: back to


  • i: insert mode (at current character)
  • I: insert mode (at beginning of line)
  • a: insert mode (1 after current character)
  • A: insert mode (at end of line)
  • o: insert mode (new line under)
  • O: insert mode (new line above)
  • u: undo
  • ctrl-r: redo


  • v: select mode
  • V: line select mode
  • ctrl-v: block select mode
  • y: yank selection (copy)
  • Y: yank line


  • x: delete
  • d: delete (prefix)
    • d: delete and copy current line
    • $: delete and copy do end of line

Recommended configuration options

set nocompatible            " Use Vim settings rather than Vi settings. Should have this first because it changes a lot of options
set mouse=a                 " It is OK to use the mouse.....but try not to.
set bg=dark                 " Set to having dark bg (if you have a dark bg)
set t_Co=256                " Force 256 colors
colorscheme xoria256        " My favorite as of now
set shell=/bin/bash         " If using a non sh-compatible shell. Like fish

filetype plugin indent on   " Set file specific settings
set ai                      " Sets autoindent on
set tabstop=4               " Sets how many columns a tab is
set softtabstop=4           " Sets how many columns to insert when pusing tab
set shiftwidth=4            " Sets how many columns to indent with << and >> and cindent
set expandtab               " Makes spaces when pusing tab

set nu                      " Shows numbers in left margin
set hls                     " Highlights all matching words when searching
set incsearch               " Search as you type
set ruler                   " Always show cursor position
set showcmd                 " Show command info in statusline like visual selection ranges
set laststatus=2            " Always show statusline
set noesckeys               " Remove delay when pushing escape in insert mode although makes things like the delete key not work
set scrolloff=1             " Always show one line in advance when scrolling
set splitright              " When vsplitting, open new pane to right
set splitbelow              " When hsplitting, open new pane below

set autochdir               " Automatically changes working dir to dir of file when opened
set undofile                " Enables undo file which stores all history for every file
set undodir=~/.vim/undo     " Place to store undofiles
set directory=~/.vim/swap   " Place to store swapfiles
set backupdir=~/.vim/backup " Place to store backupfiles

set wildmenu                " Command line completion
set wildmode=full           " Shows full list to tab through

set iskeyword-=_            " Removes _ from being a keyword so commands like cw treat it as end of word
" Turns on spell check. Use z=
set invspell spelllang=en_us

" Keybindings
map <ScrollWheelUp> <C-Y>   " Sets scrolling to do one line at a time
map <ScrollWheelDown> <C-E> " May only be useful on trackpads
nnoremap "" :w<CR>          " Sets `""` in normal mode to save file (you could change to your own shortcut)
nnoremap ^_ I// <esc>j      " Sets both ctrl-_ and ctrl-/ to put two slashes at beginning of line for commenting and goes to next line. Note that the ^ is an escape character not an actual ^. To insert this do ctrl-v ctrl-/. 

" Jump back to last known cursor position when opening a file again
autocmd BufReadPost *
    \ if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") |
    \   exe "normal! g`\"" |
    \ endif

If you haven't noticed by now many configuration options can be shortcut with using only part of the word or using letters of it like set number;set nu or colorscheme xoria;colo xoria or even set expandtab;set et.

You can also prefix options with no to turn them off like set nopaste and appending a ? after an option will display what it is set to

Recommended plugins - I use pathogen to load

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