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Last active August 22, 2016 16:39
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Interview #1

The Challenge
  • Given a .ZIP file with many files. Files contained:

    • A "Dataset" made of lots of CSV files. The CSV's did not have headers, just comma-seperated strings and integers.
    • Headers were stored in seperate file that acted as a CSV directory/key.
  • the task consisted of dynamically consuming the CSV data and rendering dynamic vizualization of said Data.

  • restrictions / guidelines:

    D3.js using this data. Don’t worry about not using all aspects of the data, but instead focus on a small subset. Examples could be:
    Visualizing the global obesity/overweight prevalence vs a selected country for the various age groups
    Visualizing obesity/overweight prevalence of males vs females in a selected country
    It would be good to see at least one dynamic change in the visualization. For instance, if you were visualizing the prevalence of males vs. females in a specific country, it would be great to see a dropdown where you could select the country and have the visualization respond to the country change dynamically.
    The type of chart to use if completely up to you and will be dependent on the story that you want to tell.
    Once you are done:
    Make the source code available on GitHub
    Host the final visualization on GitHub pages, or Heroku (your choice)
    Send me a link to both

Interview #2

The Challenge
  • The goal is to pair via google hangouts and discuss gems/npm packages. The interviewer would share a repo and we would dive into the source code.

This was insightful and challenging. We reviewed ActiveModel, jQuery library, HTTParty etc. Interviewer stated that he was looking for communication skills and the ability to read highly sophiscated code and clearly explain what is happening.

Interview # 3

The Challenge
  • Given an API endpoint, consume the data and render it using es6 and React.
  • would like to see results sorted by various parameters, such as first name alphabetized, last name alphabetized, rating hi-low, rating low-hi, distance away, etc etc
  • would like to be able to search and filter through results asynchronously.
  • would like to navigate to /thing/:id show pages SPA style.

Interview # 4

The challenge
  • a simple essay centric quiz requiring the candidate to answer about rails, javascript, API/rest, and data manipulation.

Interview # 5

The Challenge pt. 1

Online survey that assessed technical and social skills and bias. Many of the tech questions were abstracted into made up languages, and the user was to choose the best ansewr based on logic. Social skills were guaged by asking what I would do in a hypothetical scenario(s).

Next I was given a techincal codign challenge

The Challenge pt. 2
  • given a file of Heroku production logs, build a program that can sort HTTP responses. Filter all 404's and list:

    • Why did the error occur
    • what was the average time to serve the page
    • Which DB table is most frequently loaded
    • did a URL re-direct occur?
    • Any other server errors? Why did it/they occur?
  • The next task was to design a DB Schema that provides business intelligence endpoints for a hypothetical chain of stores. basically, write a bunch of SQL that is very similar to SalesEngine.

The Challenge pt. 3

Build a Rails/PHP/Java/whatever app that consumes RottenTomatos API. For a given movie, your app must iterate through the list of casted actors. For each actor, scrape the wikipedia for said actor and store all info in a relational DB. You can not use the Wikipedia, instead, you must scrape the Wikipedia page.

The app must update all DB tables "Each time the process is run"

Final notes

There are other challenges that I came across, but I can not share/can not find. However, they seemed to either:

  • include some sort of data manipulation scenario. EX: here's an array, do something with it.
  • here's an API, do something with it.
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