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Last active October 19, 2021 12:46
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An example of how to chain together local and remote GraphQL resolvers.
import {
} from "@private/graphql-proxy";
import { startGraphQLService } from "@private/graphql-scripts";
import { graphql, printSchema, print, parse } from "graphql";
import {
} from "graphql-tools";
import * as graphqlMask from "graphql-mask";
import { ApolloLink } from "apollo-link";
import { getAppSvcInstance } from "./appSvcInstance";
import { localExtensions } from "./graphql/schema";
import { localResolvers } from "./graphql/resolvers";
// This function just automates the fetching of a remote schema
name: "remote GraphQL API",
host: "",
path: "/graphql",
port: 443,
ssl: true,
introspectionToken: "abc"
}).then((remoteSchema, httpLink) => {
// *** Important section below ***
// Merge remote schema with local extensions
const mergedSchema = mergeSchemas({
schemas: [remoteSchema, localExtensions]
// Make a locally executable version of the merged schema
const localExecutableSchema = makeExecutableSchema({
typeDefs: printSchema(mergedSchema),
resolvers: localResolvers
// Create a post processing link using ApolloLink
// Takes data retrieved from remote API and reprocesses with with graphql
// and the local schema
const localProcessingLink = new ApolloLink((operation, forward) => {
// Save the incoming query to use locally
const localQuery = operation.query;
// Filter out any local extensions to keep them from being
// sent to remote API
operation.query = parse(
graphqlMask(remoteSchema, print(operation.query))
return forward!(operation).map(data => {
// Take the remote data and reprocess it locally
return graphql(
// Wire everything up
const remoteExecutableSchema = {
name: "remote GraphQL API",
schema: makeRemoteExecutableSchema({
schema: localExecutableSchema,
link: ApolloLink.from([localProcessingLink, authLink, httpLink])
// *** end of important section ***
// Start up the proxying server
// (this function essentially just passes the schema into express-graphql)
schema: remoteExecutableSchema.schema,
appSvcFactory: getAppSvcInstance
// ./graphql/schema.ts
export const localExtensions = `
extend type Customer {
greeting: String
// ./graphql/resolvers.ts
export const localResolvers = {
Query: {
customer: {
// Let's change the customer's name as we proxy the data through
resolve: (parent, args, context, info) => {
const { customer } = parent;
return {
name: `Mr. ${}`
Customer: {
greeting: {
// Let's extend the Customer with a greeting
resolve: (parent, args, context, info) => {
return "Hello!"
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dimitar-nikovski commented Mar 7, 2019

Firstly many thanks for this gist @adamkl!

Anyone trying this, you will need

// Filter out any local extensions to keep them from being
    // sent to remote API
    operation.query = parse(
      graphqlMask(remoteSchema, print(operation.query)).maskedQuery // *** notice here

for the latest version of graphql-mask to work with parse.

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iDVB commented Oct 19, 2021

Thanks @adamkl !
Any idea how relevant the code is now that it seems they are moving aways from using ApolloLink for this and instead using executors? I may not understand this but reading up on ApolloLink is looks as though they moved it into apollo-client and are leading people towards executors ?

Also, I'd LOVE to see what some of you custom functions do to help complete the picture. fetchRemoteSchema, authLink etc.

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