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Last active December 13, 2015 19:39
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  • Save adamkuipers/4964511 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save adamkuipers/4964511 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
; Find Nth algorithm
; This algorithm finds the nth largest element in a list. First, it sorts
; the list in descending order and then places the value at index n in
; location 127.
; Dynamic Instruction Count for 19.b. at location 30
; 18,240 instructions
; 30th largest element in given array is 32
; Registers
; Window A:
; %a0: 62, length of array - 2, temp
; %a1: Iterator for L1, iterates upto n
; %a2: n, we want the nth largest element
; %a3: List[List.length - 2] = Mem[190]
; Window B:
; %b0: temp
; %b1: Last index sorted
; %b2: L2 iterator
; %b3: temp
seti 4 ; set %a0 to 16
sli %a0 2 ; %a0 = 16 * 4. Length of array
subi %a0 2 ; Since we begin at location n - 2 of our
; loop
sub %a1 %a1 ; %a1 = 0, L1 iterator
swapw ; toggle to window B
seti 4 ; set %b0 to 16
sl %b0 3 ; set %b0 to 128
sub %b0 2 ; set %b0 to 126, location of n
ld %b3 %b0 ; loads n from location 126
movout %b0 %a2 ; %b0 to %a2
seti 6 ; set b0 to 24
sll %b0 3 ; set b0 to 192
subi %b0 2 ; Set to 190, list[list.length - 2].
movout %a3 %b0 ; Store array addres in window A.
sub %b3 %b3 ; b3 ends up being the last index to be
; sorted so that we will not sort past that index
; in our next iteration of L2
swapw ; toggle to window A
; Loops at most n times, if the first `n` elements of the list are sorted,
; then the loop halts
setlt %a1 %a2 ; assert %a1 < %a3 (Loop at most n times)
bne ExitL1 ; leave loop when i >= n
swapw ; toggle to register window B
movin %a2 %b0 ; Temporary hold of n. If elements
; upto n are sorted, we're done
sub %b1 %b1 ; Track the last element sorted,
; won't sort passed b1 again, init at 0
seteq %b0 %b1 ; assert n == %b1
swapw ; always leave in window A
be ExitL1 ; Leave loop is b1 == n,
; array is sorted upto n
; Loops from 64 upto last sorted element of the array,
; swapping elements in descending order
swapw ; Toggle window B.
movin %b2 %a3 ; Bring |list| - 2 (Mem[190]) to current window.
; This will be our iterator.
setlt %b2 %b1 ; Assert last sorted element
; (%b2) > current index.
be ExitL2 ; Exit L2 if %b2 < %b1
ld %b3 %b2 ; %b1 = list(%b0)
subi %b2 -1 ; move up index
ld %b0 %b2 ; b2 = list[iter + 1]
; If List[i + 1] < List[i] then swap.
setlt %b0 %b3 ; assert %b0 < %b3 (Descending order)
bne Always ; leave if statement, %b0 >= %b3
st %b3 %b2 ; moves b3 to where b0 was in array
subi %b0 1 ; decrement pointer
st %b0 %b2 ; moves b0 where b1 was in array
movout %a0 %b0
movin %b1 %a0 ; Save last sorted index
subi %b2 -1 ; Decrement L2 iter.
seteq %b0 %b0
be L2 ; Branch always.
swapw ; Toggle window A
subi %a1 -1 ; Inc L1 iter
seteq %a0 %a0
be L1 ; Branch always to L2
; Array is now sorted up to index n. We now store Array[n] to
; Mem[127]
swapw ; Toggle to window A
ld %a0 %a1 ; load value from list at location n
seti %a1 4 ; set a1 to 16
sri %a1 2
sri %a1 1 ; set a1 to 128
subi %a1 1 ; set a1 to 127, location for result
st %a0 %a1 ; store a0 into Mem[127]
halt ; DONE
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