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Last active December 8, 2015 19:46
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Higher-kinded types encoded as path-dependent types
// Based off of
protocol λ {
typealias α
struct K<L: λ>: λ {
typealias α = L.α
protocol Each: λ {
typealias α: λ
typealias A = K<α>.α
static func foreach(x: α, f: A -> Void)
extension Optional: λ {
typealias α = Wrapped
struct OptionalEach<Wrapped>: Each {
typealias α = Optional<Wrapped>
static func foreach(x: α, f: Wrapped -> Void) {
if let e = x {
extension Array: λ {
typealias α = Element
struct ArrayEach<Element>: Each {
typealias α = Array<Element>
static func foreach(x: α, f: Element -> Void) {
ArrayEach<Int>.foreach([1,2,3]) { print($0) }
OptionalEach<String>.foreach("a") { print($0) }
OptionalEach<String>.foreach(nil) { print($0) }
protocol HasEach: λ {
typealias E: Each
extension Array: HasEach {
typealias E = ArrayEach<Element>
// Can't figure out how to get the typeclass to resolve for global functions.
func foreach<X: HasEach>(x: X, f: X.α -> Void) {
X.E.foreach(x, f: f)
// Compiler Error:
// error: cannot convert value of type 'X.α -> Void' to expected argument type '_ -> Void'
// X.E.foreach(x, f: f)
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