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Created November 24, 2019 01:45
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Presentation given at RubyConf 2019. This is the source for my slides, used with Deckset (paid Mac app).

build-lists: true

In the beginning
there was require


^ Story that led to this talk Custom processing video uploads Extend ActiveStorage πŸ‘‡ Came across these lines


class ActiveStorage::Blob < ActiveRecord::Base
  require_dependency "active_storage/blob/analyzable"
  require_dependency "active_storage/blob/identifiable"
  require_dependency "active_storage/blob/representable"

  # ...

^ Ruby? Rails? Shoved aside to complete task (lines were inconsequential) Rails engine Where it goes, how to organize and require Unfamiliar πŸ‘‡ Find other engine examples, use them without understanding

![](/Users/adam/Downloads/Screen Shot 2019-11-17 at 9.53.36 AM.png)

Cargo culting

^ More often than I'd like to admit Got it working without understanding the glue The knowledge gap was uncomfortable πŸ‘‡ Writing Ruby professionally for 12 years

![](/Users/adam/Downloads/no idea.jpg)

12 years

[.footer: photo by John Nebbia]

^ I didn't know how to require code πŸ‘‡ Wrote the proposal for this talk


^ All about requiring code in ruby We all do everyday My goal is to fill that knowledge gap πŸ‘‡ Introduce myself

Who am I?

  • Adam McCrea
  • @adamlogic
  • You Need A Budget (YNAB)
  • Rails Autoscale

^ Ruby 12 years, software for 18 years πŸ‘‡ Requiring code... dependencies


  • standard library
  • Rubygems
  • within a project

[.footer: Photo by Iker Urteaga on Unsplash]

^ Three flavors Csv, open-url, logger Activerecord, rspec, minitest πŸ‘‡ Every lang has a way


include 'banana.php';


const fs = require("fs");
const banana = require("./banana.js");


import fs from "fs";
import banana from "./banana.js";


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✨ Rails ✨

^ Simple topic, not so simple Blindsided by how little I knew πŸ‘‡ As I learned, made a mental model


^ Left, right, top, bottom πŸ‘‡ Let's talk about require


^ Require is the foundation πŸ‘‡ To understand, let's see it in action

Require a standard library

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# NameError (uninitialized constant CSV)

> require 'csv'
# true


> require 'csv'
# false

^ Requiring stdlib is the simplest example πŸ‘‡ What is require?

> Kernel.methods.sort
# [ :attr_accessor,
#   :attr_reader,
#   :attr_writer,
#   ...
#   :puts,
#   :raise,
#   :require,
#   :require_relative,
#   ...

^ Just a method Can be overridden (see later) πŸ‘‡ What happens when we pass "csv"?

> $LOAD_PATH.inspect
# [ "/Users/adam/.asdf/plugins/ruby/rubygems-plugin",
#   ...
#   "/Users/adam/.asdf/installs/ruby/2.6.4/lib/ruby/2.6.0",
#   ...

^ Load path set by Ruby We can add to it (later) πŸ‘‡ Another global var...

# [ ...
#   "/Users/adam/.../ruby/2.6.0/csv/writer.rb",
#   "/Users/adam/.../ruby/2.6.0/csv/version.rb",
#   "/Users/adam/.../ruby/2.6.0/csv.rb"]

^ Require return true/false csv.rb requires its own dependencies πŸ‘‡ Requiring a gem is similar

Require a gem

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> Minitest
# NameError (uninitialized constant Minitest)

> require 'minitest'
# true

> Minitest
# Minitest

^ Must have gem installed πŸ‘‡ Looks the same, subtle diff

Gem activation

.code-highlight: 1-2 .code-highlight: 1-5 .code-highlight: all

> $LOAD_PATH.grep(/minitest/)
# []

> require 'minitest'
# true

> $LOAD_PATH.grep(/minitest/)
# [".../ruby/2.6.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/minitest-5.11.3/lib"]

^ Rubygems overrides Kernel#require πŸ‘‡ What does it do?

Kernel#require from rubygems

  • Check LOAD_PATH
  • Check for a matching installed gem
  • Add gem's lib* dir to LOAD_PATH
  • Resume default require behavior

^ When you require something you're using the override But don't override it yourself πŸ‘‡ Not necessarily lib dir do |spec|
  spec.require_path = "lib"

^ πŸ‘‡ 3rd thing we might want to require is within project

Require within a project

.code-highlight: 1-5 .code-highlight: 1-7 .code-highlight: all

β”œβ”€β”€ main.rb
└── lib
    └── example.rb

# main.rb
require 'example'
require 'lib/example'

^ Goal: require example from main What happens? πŸ‘‡ Alternatives?

Require within a project

β”œβ”€β”€ main.rb
└── lib
    └── example.rb

# main.rb
require '/Users/Adam/project/lib/example'

^ Absolute file system path Starts with / Brittle, not portable

Require within a project

.code-highlight: 1-7 .code-highlight: all

β”œβ”€β”€ main.rb
└── lib
    └── example.rb

# main.rb
require './lib/example'

$ ruby project/main.rb

^ Relative file system path Starts with ./ Better, but with a gotcha πŸ‘‡ How to reliably require example?

add to load path

β”œβ”€β”€ main.rb
└── lib
    └── example.rb

# main.rb
$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'lib')
require 'example'

^ Works in an working directory Good for common root dir πŸ‘‡ Another way to alter load_path at runtime

alter load_path at runtime

β”œβ”€β”€ main.rb
└── lib
    └── example.rb

$ ruby -I lib main.rb

^ Same behavior we just saw πŸ‘‡ Very useful for running tests

alter load_path at runtime

β”œβ”€β”€ main.rb
└── test
    β”œβ”€β”€ test_helper.rb
    └── example_test.rb

# example_test.rb
require 'test_helper'

$ ruby -I test test/example_test.rb

^ πŸ‘‡ What if we don't want to mess with load path?


^ πŸ‘‡ Revisit relative path example

require relative

.code-highlight: 1-7 .code-highlight: 1-6,8

β”œβ”€β”€ main.rb
└── lib
    └── example.rb

# main.rb
require './lib/example'
require_relative 'lib/example'

^ Execute from anywhere Useful Sometimes load path is easier πŸ‘‡ Quickly... Load



.code-highlight: 1-3 .code-highlight: 1-5 .code-highlight: all

> load './lib/example.rb'
# true

> load './lib/example.rb'
# true

> load './lib/example.rb'
# true

^ Note the file extension Re-evaluates target file Not useful for most apps πŸ‘‡ Bundler


^ πŸ‘‡ To illustrate, revisit our minitest example

gem versions

.code-highlight: 1-2 .code-highlight: 1-5 .code-highlight: all

> require 'minitest'
# true

$ gem list minitest
# minitest (5.12.2, 5.11.3)

> Minitest::VERSION
# "5.12.2"

^ How do we know which version gets used? How do we ensure others use the same version? πŸ‘‡ Bundler...


.code-highlight: 1-3 .code-highlight: all

# Gemfile
gem 'minitest', '~> 5.11.0'

❯ bundle install
# Resolving dependencies...
# Using minitest 5.11.3

^ Bundle install installs and locks πŸ‘‡ When locking, creates Gemfile.lock

# Gemfile.lock
    minitest (5.11.3)

^ Collaborators or prod environments will install the same version πŸ‘‡ Now that we've run bundle install, let's try to require it again

.code-highlight: 1-2 .code-highlight: all

> require 'minitest'
# true

> Minitest::VERSION
# "5.12.2"

^ We've required it, which version did we get? Why didn't we get the locked version? Gem activation always uses latest installed version πŸ‘‡ We need bundlers help to require

.code-highlight: 1-2 .code-highlight: 1-7 .code-highlight: all

> require 'bundler'
> Bundler.setup

# [ "/Users/adam/.asdf/plugins/ruby/rubygems-plugin",
#   ".../ruby/2.6.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/minitest-5.11.3/lib",
#   ...

> require 'minitest'
# true
> Minitest::VERSION
# "5.11.3"

.code-highlight: 1-2 .code-highlight: all

> require 'bundler'
> Bundler.require

> Minitest::VERSION
# "5.11.3"

^ Can also require specific groups πŸ‘‡ Can opt out in Gemfile

# Gemfile
gem 'minitest', '~> 5.11.0', require: false

^ No effect unless Bundler.require Must explicitly require πŸ‘‡ That's Bundler


^ Skipping require_dependency for now Entering lazy territory with autoload πŸ‘‡ Let's see what that means


.code-highlight: 1-4 .code-highlight: 1-8 .code-highlight: all

# lib/example.rb
class Example
  puts "Example has loaded"

# main.rb
$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'lib')
autoload :Example, 'example'

# Example has loaded

^ Autoload calls require (LOAD_PATH) Reduces initial load πŸ‘‡ Handy for libraries (like rack)

# rack-2.0.6/lib/rack.rb
autoload :Builder, "rack/builder"
autoload :BodyProxy, "rack/body_proxy"
# ... 40 more autoloads

^ Gem activation puts lib in load path πŸ‘‡ This autoloading built into Ruby Rails autoloading different beast


^ Implicit quadrants, both Rails No explicit requires for app code πŸ‘‡ What does it look like?

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> defined? User
# nil

# #<User:0x00007fd6547a88e8>

> defined? User
# "constant"

^ πŸ‘‡ Let's us write code like this

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  def new
    @user =

^ No require for ApplicationController or User Where are they required from?

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^ Missing constant (User) Convention: user.rb Paths within app AND gems πŸ‘‡ LOAD_PATH != autoload_paths

$LOAD_PATH != autoload_paths

# lib/example.rb
class Example

# users_controller.rb
require 'example'

^ Lib not autoloaded Rails does add it to LOAD_PATH Require from lib, not app What if we added lib to autoload_paths? Come back to it. πŸ‘‡ Autoload in dev, prod is different


^ Dev optimized for fast boot, reloading Prod optimized for fast requests Eager require all files in autoload_paths Eager require lib can be dangerous πŸ‘‡ Sometimes Rails needs eager loading ...even in dev


^ Back where my journey began Part of Rails, not Ruby Explicit, eager, for Rails πŸ‘‡ Why?... back to ActiveStoarge

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# app/models/active_storage/blob.rb
class ActiveStorage::Blob < ActiveRecord::Base
  require_dependency "active_storage/blob/analyzable"
  require_dependency "active_storage/blob/identifiable"
  require_dependency "active_storage/blob/representable"

  include Analyzable
  include Identifiable
  include Representable

  # ...

^ Rails would autoload these, so why eager load them? What if our app defined Analyzable? Why not require? πŸ‘‡ Irony, not needed in Rails 6


^ What led me down this path... Now irrelevant πŸ‘‡ Takeaways



standard libraries

require 'csv'

^ Even in Rails


require 'minitest'

# OR

require 'minitest'

# OR


^ Done for you in Rails

within a project (non-Rails)

require_relative 'lib/example'

# OR

$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'lib')
require 'example'

# OR

autoload :Example, 'example'

within a project (Rails)

embrace implicit autoloading

expclicitly require files in lib

^ App directories autoload, don’t require them Name your files and classes appropriately πŸ‘‡ I hope this talk has filled knowledge gap

[.footer: Photo by Laurie-Anne Robert on Unsplash]

^ Next time you encounter a gap, dive in! No shame πŸ‘‡ Questions

Thank you!

Comments/Questions: @adamlogic (or come talk to me)

^ Shirts, stickers Thanks so much

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