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Last active September 23, 2019 17:05
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Python is a very inelegant language. Here are some things I dislike.
# 1. Clunky lambda syntax
numbers = [1, 2, 3]
# don't do this...
doubled = list(map(lambda n: n * 2, numbers))
# There's no way to define the end of the block except that comma. What about wrapping lines?
# better for this case
doubled = [n * 2 for n in numbers]
# 2. Confusing ways to call base method
def do_something(self):
super(MyClass, self).do_something() # MyClass not ParentClass
super().do_something() # is the same I think???
# you can call it on self if it's not overridden
# shouldn't this just be super() ???
# 3. Import abbreviation inconsistency
import numpy as np
# it's 5 letters, why does everybody abbreviate!!!
# 4. confusing magic functions len() __len__, str(), __len__ what are the other ones? I DON'T KNOW.
# Why can not do
# There are a handful of magic global functions (like len) that depend
# on an internal definition of the correct format
# it's an OO language, why doesn't list implement .length()??
# 5. libraries that use camel case (unitest setUp)
# More inconsistencies
# 6. Why must self be passed to every instance method? It's inside a class
class MyClass:
def member_method(self): # WTF!
# 6b. This is minor, but many @classmethods could probably be @staticmethods
>>> class Foo:
... @classmethod
... def bar(cls, **kwargs):
... print(kwargs)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: bar() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
# 7. similiarly, why must we use @staticmethod decorators to declare static methods?
# (it’s like OO was an afterthought)
# 8. Can’t initialize a dictionary with symbolized keys like you can in Javascript and Ruby
d = { a: "b" } # will evaluate a as if it is a variable
# in ruby, you can d = { key: value } where key is converted to the symbol "key"
# 9. Tuple initialization makes me want to cry
(1) != (1,)
# oh, and by the way you don't need parens
t = 1, # hanging comma same as t = (1,)
# and yet you can't do...
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also: "inheritance" in python -- super() only returns a proxy object, which doesn't support __set__ -- so you can't use property setters from descendents

still unfixed
can't user setters because python

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@robmcdan Multiline anonymous functions are unnessecary. Just define a function before you die of the horrible code stench that will inevitably rise when you have tons of multiline lambdas instead of functions.

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