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Last active May 5, 2024 13:50
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Implementation of D* Lite Algorithm for Unity
// D* Lite is an incremental heuristic search algorithm that finds the shortest path in a graph
// from a goal node to a start node. It is designed to be efficient in terms of memory and computation
// while updating the graph in real-time.
// Koenig and Likhachev -
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
public static class NumberExtensions {
public static bool Approx(this float f1, float f2) => Mathf.Approximately(f1, f2);
namespace Pathfinding {
public class Node<T> {
public T Data { get; set; }
// Calculate the "real" cost from one node to another node
public Func<Node<T>, Node<T>, float> Cost { get; set; }
// Estimate the cost from one node to another node
public Func<Node<T>, Node<T>, float> Heuristic { get; }
public float G { get; set; } // Real cost from start to this node
public float RHS { get; set; } // Estimated cost from start to this node
public bool GEqualRHS => G.Approx(RHS);
public List<Node<T>> Neighbors { get; set; } = new();
public Node(T data, Func<Node<T>, Node<T>, float> cost, Func<Node<T>, Node<T>, float> heuristic) {
Data = data;
Cost = cost;
Heuristic = heuristic;
G = float.MaxValue;
RHS = float.MaxValue;
public readonly struct Key {
readonly float k1;
readonly float k2;
public Key(float k1, float k2) {
this.k1 = k1;
this.k2 = k2;
public static bool operator <(Key a, Key b) => a.k1 < b.k1 || a.k1.Approx(b.k1) && a.k2 < b.k2;
public static bool operator >(Key a, Key b) => a.k1 > b.k1 || a.k1.Approx(b.k1) && a.k2 > b.k2;
public static bool operator ==(Key a, Key b) => a.k1.Approx(b.k1) && a.k2.Approx(b.k2);
public static bool operator !=(Key a, Key b) => !(a == b);
public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is Key key && this == key;
public override int GetHashCode() => HashCode.Combine(k1, k2);
public override string ToString() => $"({k1}, {k2})";
public class DStarLite<T> {
readonly Node<T> startNode;
readonly Node<T> goalNode;
readonly List<Node<T>> allNodes;
float km; // Key modifier
class KeyNodeComparer : IComparer<(Key, Node<T>)> {
public int Compare((Key, Node<T>) x, (Key, Node<T>) y) {
return x.Item1 < y.Item1 ? -1 : x.Item1 > y.Item1 ? 1 : 0;
// TODO Move to a custom priority queue implementation
// SortedSet will add or remove elements in O(log n) time and fetch the minimum element in O(1) time
readonly SortedSet<(Key, Node<T>)> openSet = new(new KeyNodeComparer());
// Dictionary will add or remove elements in O(1) time and fetch the element in O(1) time
readonly Dictionary<Node<T>, Key> lookups = new();
public DStarLite(Node<T> start, Node<T> goal, List<Node<T>> allNodes) {
startNode = start;
goalNode = goal;
this.allNodes = allNodes;
const int k_maxCycles = 1000;
public void RecalculateNode(Node<T> node) {
km += startNode.Heuristic(startNode, node);
var allConnectedNodes = Successors(node).Concat(Predecessors(node)).ToList();
foreach (var s in allConnectedNodes) {
if (s != startNode) {
s.RHS = Mathf.Min(s.RHS, s.Cost(s, node) + node.G);
public void ComputeShortestPath() {
int maxSteps = k_maxCycles;
while (openSet.Count > 0 && (openSet.Min.Item1 < CalculateKey(startNode) || startNode.RHS > startNode.G)) {
if (maxSteps-- <= 0) {
Debug.LogWarning("ComputeShortestPath error: max steps exceeded.");
var smallest = openSet.Min;
var node = smallest.Item2;
Debug.Log($"Computing for node: {node.Data}");
if (smallest.Item1 < CalculateKey(node)) {
var newKey = CalculateKey(node);
openSet.Add((newKey, node));
lookups[node] = newKey;
else if (node.G > node.RHS) {
node.G = node.RHS;
foreach (var s in Predecessors(node)) {
if (s != goalNode) {
s.RHS = Mathf.Min(s.RHS, s.Cost(s, node) + node.G);
else {
var gOld = node.G;
node.G = float.MaxValue;
foreach (var s in Predecessors(node).Concat(new[] { node })) {
if (s.RHS.Approx(s.Cost(s, node) + gOld)) {
if (s != goalNode) {
s.RHS = float.MaxValue;
foreach (var sPrime in Successors(s)) {
s.RHS = Mathf.Min(s.RHS, s.Cost(s, sPrime) + sPrime.G);
startNode.G = startNode.RHS;
Debug.Log("Shortest path computed in " + (k_maxCycles - maxSteps) + " steps.");
IEnumerable<Node<T>> Predecessors(Node<T> node) {
// May need to be more complex depending on Type T
// f. eks. return allNodes.Where(n => n.Neighbors.Contains(node));
return node.Neighbors;
IEnumerable<Node<T>> Successors(Node<T> node) {
// May need to be more complex depending on Type T
return node.Neighbors;
void UpdateVertex(Node<T> node) {
var key = CalculateKey(node);
if (!node.GEqualRHS && !lookups.ContainsKey(node)) {
openSet.Add((key, node));
lookups[node] = key;
else if (node.GEqualRHS && lookups.ContainsKey(node)) {
openSet.Remove((lookups[node], node));
else if (lookups.ContainsKey(node)) {
openSet.Remove((lookups[node], node));
openSet.Add((key, node));
lookups[node] = key;
Key CalculateKey(Node<T> node) {
return new Key(
Mathf.Min(node.G, node.RHS) + node.Heuristic(node, startNode) + km,
Mathf.Min(node.G, node.RHS));
public void Initialize() {
km = 0;
foreach (var node in allNodes) {
node.G = float.MaxValue;
node.RHS = float.MaxValue;
goalNode.RHS = 0;
var key = CalculateKey(goalNode);
openSet.Add((key, goalNode));
lookups[goalNode] = key;
public List<Node<T>> GetPath() {
var path = new List<Node<T>> { startNode };
// Implement your own path construction here using the calculated costs
// Greedy best-first search, Dijkstra's, etc.
return path;
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