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Last active March 11, 2022 10:11
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Starfall - Basic Event Chair Controller Example
--@name Basic event chair controller
--@author Name
-- Place chip on the ground, a chair will spawn, sit in it and press W or S
local owner, client, chip, world = owner(), player(), chip(), entity(0)
-- Create a frozen SENT chair 20 units above the chip
local chair = prop.createSent(chip:getPos() + chip:getUp() * 20, Angle(), "Seat_Jeep", true)
-- Create a basic hologram in front of the chair with a scale of 0.75
local holo = holograms.create(chair:getPos() + chair:getForward() * 40, Angle(), "models/props_phx/games/chess/white_rook.mdl", Vector(0.75))
-- Player that's currently sitting in the chair
local driver
-- Due to the fact that `PlayerEnteredVehicle` has a `role` parameter, but `PlayerLeaveVehicle` doesn't I can easily distinguish between the 2 hooks.
-- If a `role` argument is present, set the `driver` variable to the provided player, otherwise set it to `nil`
local function set_driver(ply, vehicle, role)
if vehicle ~= chair then return end -- If the vehicle in question isn't our chair, we don't care
driver = role and ply -- If role is "Truthy" then set `ply` as our driver, otherwise set `driver` to `role` which in this case will be `nil`
-- Attach the `set_driver` function to appropriate hooks
hook.add("PlayerEnteredVehicle", "SetDriver", set_driver)
hook.add("PlayerLeaveVehicle", "SetDriver", set_driver)
-- Variables responsible for the movement of the hologram
local velocity = 0
local acceleration = 0
-- Map of inputs and their acceleration values / forces
local inputs = {
[IN_KEY.BACK] = -8,
-- Attach a callback to `KeyPress` so we can detect when players press their binds
hook.add("KeyPress", "KeyPress", function(ply, key)
if ply ~= driver then return end -- If the player isn't our driver then we don't care
if inputs[key] then -- If the key is present in our input map...
acceleration = inputs[key] -- then set acceleration to that value
-- Attach a callback to `KeyRelease` so we can detect when players release their binds
hook.add("KeyRelease", "KeyRelease", function(ply, key)
if ply ~= driver then return end -- If the player isn't our driver then we don't care
if inputs[key] then -- Check if the key is one of allowed ones from the input map
-- Without this snippet, when player decides to press W and S at once, then release only one of them, the hologram will stop
-- This will simply check whether any other keys from our input map are pressed, if so, set the velocity to the first found one:
for key, force in pairs(inputs) do -- Loop through the input map...
if ply:keyDown(key) then -- If a key from the input map is still pressed...
acceleration = force -- set the acceleration to it's value
return -- Return from the whole function so that `acceleration = 0` doesn't get executed
-- If the code above didn't detect any pressed keys, set the acceleration to 0
acceleration = 0
-- Update function blah blah blah
hook.add("Tick", "Update", function()
-- Add acceleration from user input to the velocity
velocity = velocity + acceleration
-- Create a new vector with Y axis based on the `velocity` and apply that to the hologram
holo:setVel(Vector(0, velocity, 0))
-- Decrease the velocity, otherwise hologram will never stop
velocity = velocity * 0.9
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