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Adam Niedzielski adamniedzielski

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adamniedzielski /
Last active June 25, 2020 10:05
Frontend / Mobile Developer - Senior Level (d|f|m)

Frontend / Mobile Developer - Senior Level (d|f|m) at Liefery

About the job

You will be working in a team of talented Flutter, JavaScript, and Rails developers of all levels. You will contribute to a mobile app for delivery drivers. You will also get the chance to work on our React apps.

The team is currently putting the finishing touches on our first Flutter app and will soon modernize the UI of a very large Rails application. We provide plenty of challenges and growth opportunities like the ability to contribute significantly to the creation of new applications.

You will act as a mentor and lead developer for other less experienced frontend developers. We have the space on the team for you to take on people management responsibilities and become a team lead in the future, but we also have a Maker Track for the people who prefer to stay individual contributors (our career ladder).

If you thrive on challenges, this might just be a great job for you.

// React.js - wprowadzenie
// Czym jest i gdzie jest jego miejsce?
// Jak uczyć się Reacta?
// JSX
adamniedzielski / gist:8635539
Created January 26, 2014 16:49
You will have to adjust the big number depending on your amount of free memory
a = (1..500000000).to_a
if system('ls')
puts "system works"
puts "system fails"
adamniedzielski / gist:b8e55d5da3afd28624c4
Last active October 22, 2015 06:25
How to prepare for NodeSchool Łódź
  1. install Node.js -
  2. npm install -g learnyounode or sudo npm install -g learnyounode (Linux)
  3. run learnyounode and see if it doesn't blow up
class Admin::ItemsController < ApplicationController
def index
item_resource =
@items = item_resource.fetch_for_index
@form = item_resource.form
class Admin::ItemResource
class CreateUserAccount
def initialize(send_welcome_email, track_registration)
@send_welcome_email = send_welcome_email
@track_registration = track_registration

Wargame is about the final battle which will happen soon, but nobody knows when exactly. Two armies are standing just opposite. The generals have to move their soldiers carefully to have the advantage exactly when the final battle begins.

There are two players playing against each other. Each player is a general and has his army. An army consists of soldiers. The game may last from 1 to 10 rounds. Each round consists of three phases:

  1. player A makes a move
  2. player B makes a move
  3. checking

Phase 1) and 2) happen in the same time so player B does not know moves of player A before his own move.

module.exports = function checkUsersValid(goodUsers) {
return function(submittedUsers) {
return submittedUsers.every(function (submittedUser) {
return goodUsers.some(function (goodUser) {
return ===