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adamp/Router.kt Secret

Last active September 13, 2022 11:02
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Simple derivedStateOf navigation
import androidx.activity.OnBackPressedDispatcher
import androidx.activity.OnBackPressedDispatcherOwner
import androidx.activity.compose.BackHandler
import androidx.activity.compose.LocalOnBackPressedDispatcherOwner
import androidx.compose.animation.Crossfade
import androidx.compose.material.Button
import androidx.compose.material.Text
import androidx.compose.runtime.*
import androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.LocalSaveableStateRegistry
import androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.SaveableStateRegistry
import androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.Saver
import androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.rememberSaveable
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.SnapshotStateList
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.SnapshotStateMap
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalLifecycleOwner
import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle
import androidx.compose.ui.tooling.preview.Preview
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleOwner
* Build and [rememberSaveable] a [RouterState] with a starting location of [startLocation]
* and optional additional initial state constructed by [builder]. If the underlying [RouterState]
* already exists it will be returned and [startLocation] and [builder] will be ignored.
* Generally [startLocation] should be a constant matching the constant used to define the
* initial "home" route in the [Router] that this [RouterState] is used with.
inline fun rememberSavedRouterState(
startLocation: String,
crossinline builder: RouterState.() -> Unit = {}
): RouterState =
rememberSaveable(saver = RouterState.Saver) { RouterState(startLocation).apply(builder) }
* [Saveable][rememberSaveable] state for use with the [Router] composable.
* [RouterState] holds the current user-visible state of navigation: the current navigation
* location and back stack, as well as the [saveable state][rememberSaveable] of each screen
* that the user has visited.
* Use [Saver] to persist a [RouterState] using [rememberSaveable] or as a component of another
* state object, or see [rememberSavedRouterState] for a convenient shortcut.
* [RouterState] operations operate on [androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.Snapshot] state.
* Use [androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.Snapshot.withMutableSnapshot] when you need to perform
* several operations atomically.
class RouterState private constructor(
private val routeStack: SnapshotStateList<BackStackRecord>
) {
* Construct a [RouterState] with [startLocation] as the [currentRoute].
constructor(startLocation: String) : this(mutableStateListOf(BackStackRecord(startLocation)))
* The [BackStackRecord] at the top of this [RouterState]'s back stack.
val currentRoute: BackStackRecord
get() = routeStack.last()
* `true` if [currentRoute] is the root destination of this [RouterState].
* Calls to [pop] if [isAtRoot] are no-ops.
val isAtRoot: Boolean
get() = routeStack.size == 1
* Push a new [BackStackRecord] onto this [RouterState]'s back stack.
* [currentRoute] will reflect the newly created record.
fun push(name: String, args: Map<String, Any?>? = null, tag: String? = null) {
routeStack += BackStackRecord(name, args, tag)
* Pop [currentRoute] off of the back stack and discard it if [isAtRoot] is `false`.
fun pop() {
if (!isAtRoot) routeStack.removeLast()
* Pop [currentRoute] until a [BackStackRecord] with a [BackStackRecord.tag] matching [tag]
* is reached if at least one matching record exists. If there are no records matching [tag]
* in the stack, [popToTag] does nothing.
fun popToTag(tag: String, inclusive: Boolean = false) {
val inclusiveIndex = if (inclusive) 0 else 1
val lastIndex = routeStack.indexOfLast { it.tag == tag } + inclusiveIndex
if (lastIndex > 0) {
routeStack.removeRange(lastIndex, routeStack.size)
* Pop [currentRoute] until a [BackStackRecord] with a [BackStackRecord.location] matching
* [location] is reached if at least one matching record exists. If there are no records
* matching [location] in the stack, [popToLocation] does nothing.
fun popToLocation(location: String, inclusive: Boolean = false) {
val inclusiveIndex = if (inclusive) 0 else 1
val lastIndex = routeStack.indexOfLast { it.location == location } + inclusiveIndex
if (lastIndex > 0) {
routeStack.removeRange(lastIndex, routeStack.size)
* Pop [currentRoute] until [isAtRoot].
fun popToRoot() {
if (!isAtRoot) routeStack.removeRange(1, routeStack.size)
* Record of a [location] that the user has navigated to.
* * [location] is the name of a navigation location matching the name of a
* [RouteBuilder.route] defined by the [Router]. If no matching route is defined
* the [Router] will display a fallback or error state.
* * [args] is a map of named values safe for persistence via [rememberSaveable].
* These may be interpreted by the [RouteBuilder.route] defined for [location].
* * [tag] may be used to mark a position in the back stack. [RouterState.popToTag]
* pops all [BackStackRecord]s from the top of the back stack to the first [BackStackRecord]
* with a matching [tag].
class BackStackRecord private constructor(
val location: String,
val args: Map<String, Any?>,
val tag: String?,
private val restored: SnapshotStateMap<String, List<Any?>>
) {
location: String,
args: Map<String, Any?>? = null,
tag: String? = null
) : this(
location = location,
args = args ?: emptyMap(),
tag = tag,
restored = mutableStateMapOf()
override fun hashCode(): Int = location.hashCode()
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other !is BackStackRecord) return false
return location == other.location && restored == other.restored
* The [location] of this [BackStackRecord].
operator fun component1(): String = location
* The [args] of this [BackStackRecord].
operator fun component2(): Map<String, Any?> = args
* Save the current state now. Performed automatically when navigating away
* or when [currentRoute] state is being saved.
fun freeze() {
* The [SaveableStateRegistry] provided as [LocalSaveableStateRegistry] by [Router]
* when this [BackStackRecord] is the [RouterState.currentRoute].
val saveableStateRegistry = object : SaveableStateRegistry {
* Implementation note:
* valueProviders is NOT backed by snapshot state, as registering and unregistering
* providers is always performed outside of composition.
* Access should be synchronized on the collection itself.
private val valueProviders = mutableMapOf<String, MutableList<() -> Any?>>()
* This method doesn't do us much good since [RouterState] and the [BackStackRecord]s
* contained within are independent of any one place in composition. There is no
* parent [SaveableStateRegistry] available for us to appeal to, so this method
* always optimistically returns `true`. This makes for some nasty surprises at
* actual state save time, but this would happen anyway when we're dealing with
* arbitrary nested objects that may mutate over time.
override fun canBeSaved(value: Any): Boolean = true // lol
* Implementation note:
* [consumeRestored] takes advantage of [restored] as snapshot state, as it
* is called during composition to make [rememberSaveable] state immediately available.
override fun consumeRestored(key: String): Any? = restored.remove(key)?.let { list ->
list.first().also {
if (list.size > 1) {
restored[key] = list.drop(1)
override fun performSave(): Map<String, List<Any?>> {
val map = restored.toMutableMap()
synchronized(valueProviders) {
valueProviders.forEach { (key, list) ->
if (list.size == 1) {
val value = list[0].invoke()
if (value != null) {
map[key] = arrayListOf<Any?>(value)
} else {
// nulls hold empty spaces
map[key] = { it() }
return map
override fun registerProvider(
key: String,
valueProvider: () -> Any?
): SaveableStateRegistry.Entry {
require(key.isNotBlank()) { "Registered key is empty or blank" }
synchronized(valueProviders) {
valueProviders.getOrPut(key) { mutableListOf() }.add(valueProvider)
return object : SaveableStateRegistry.Entry {
override fun unregister() {
synchronized(valueProviders) {
val list = valueProviders.remove(key)
if (list != null && list.isNotEmpty()) {
// if there are other providers for this key return list
// back to the map
valueProviders[key] = list
companion object {
fun saveFrozen(record: BackStackRecord): List<Any?> = with(record) {
args.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() },
fun restore(list: List<Any?>): BackStackRecord = BackStackRecord(
location = list[0] as String,
args = list[1] as Map<String, Any?>? ?: emptyMap(),
tag = list[2] as String?,
restored = mutableStateMapOf<String, List<Any?>>().apply {
putAll(list[3] as Map<String, List<Any?>>)
companion object {
val Saver = Saver<RouterState, List<List<Any?>>>(
save = { value ->
value.currentRoute.freeze() { BackStackRecord.saveFrozen(it) }
restore = { value ->
mutableStateListOf<BackStackRecord>().apply {
addAll( { BackStackRecord.restore(it) })
annotation class RouteBuilderDsl
* Receiver scope for the [Router] composable. Use [route] to associate composable functions
* with route locations.
interface RouteBuilder {
* Associate [content] with [location]. When the [RouterState.currentRoute]'s
* [RouterState.BackStackRecord.location] matches [location] the [Router]
* will compose [content].
fun route(location: String, content: @Composable (RouterState.BackStackRecord) -> Unit)
private class Routes : RouteBuilder {
val routeMap = mutableStateMapOf<String, @Composable (RouterState.BackStackRecord) -> Unit>()
override fun route(
location: String,
content: @Composable (RouterState.BackStackRecord) -> Unit
) {
routeMap[location] = content
typealias RouterDecoration = @Composable (
location: RouterState.BackStackRecord,
modifier: Modifier,
content: @Composable (RouterState.BackStackRecord) -> Unit
) -> Unit
* A router to [state]'s [RouterState.currentRoute] content as declared by [routeBuilder].
fun Router(
state: RouterState,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
decoration: RouterDecoration = { location, modifier, content ->
Crossfade(location, modifier, content = content)
unavailableRoute: @Composable (String, RouterState) -> Unit = { route, _ ->
"Route not available: $route",
style = TextStyle(color = Color.Yellow)
routeBuilder: RouteBuilder.() -> Unit
) {
val currentBuilder by rememberUpdatedState(routeBuilder)
val routes by remember { derivedStateOf { Routes().apply(currentBuilder) } }
val currentRoute = state.currentRoute
decoration(currentRoute, modifier) {
val currentRouteComposable = routes.routeMap[it.location]
if (currentRouteComposable != null) key(it) {
CompositionLocalProvider(LocalSaveableStateRegistry provides it.saveableStateRegistry) {
} else {
unavailableRoute(it.location, state)
BackHandler(enabled = !state.isAtRoot) {
// Preview materials below
private val UniversalSnapshotStateListSaver = Saver<SnapshotStateList<*>, List<*>>(
save = { it.toList() },
restore = { mutableStateListOf<Any?>().apply { addAll(it) } }
private fun <T> snapshotStateListSaver() =
UniversalSnapshotStateListSaver as Saver<SnapshotStateList<T>, List<*>>
private class FakeOnBackPressedDispatcherOwner(
lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner
) : OnBackPressedDispatcherOwner, LifecycleOwner by lifecycleOwner {
private val dispatcher = OnBackPressedDispatcher()
override fun getOnBackPressedDispatcher(): OnBackPressedDispatcher = dispatcher
fun RouterPreview() {
var counter by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(0) }
val items = rememberSaveable(saver = snapshotStateListSaver()) { mutableStateListOf<String>() }
val routerState = rememberSavedRouterState("home")
val lifecycleOwner = LocalLifecycleOwner.current
val fakeObpo = remember { FakeOnBackPressedDispatcherOwner(lifecycleOwner) }
CompositionLocalProvider(LocalOnBackPressedDispatcherOwner provides fakeObpo) {
Router(routerState) {
route("home") {
Column {
Button(onClick = { routerState.push("details") }) {
Text("See details")
Button(onClick = { routerState.push("bogus") }) {
Text("Bogus route")
items.forEach { item ->
Button(onClick = { routerState.push(item) }) {
Text("See $item")
Button(onClick = { items += "item ${++counter}" }) {
Text("Add another item")
route("details") {
Button(onClick = routerState::pop) {
Text("Go back")
items.forEach { item ->
route(item) {
Column {
Column(Modifier.padding(vertical = 16.dp)) {
var count by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(0) }
Text("Count: $count")
Button(onClick = { count++ }) {
Button(onClick = routerState::pop) {
Text("Go back")
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