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Created August 28, 2012 21:16
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Inkdit Class
// Ussage:
// documentation of this process and these example values are taken from
require 'inkdit.php';
$inkdit = new inkdit();
// == URL generation
$offer_url = "";
$private_key = "cab005e";
$query_string = "redirect=[contract-input-1]=St.%20Louis&";
$code = $inkdit->validation_code($private_key, $query_string);
assert("'$code' == '68b56b6044f0ea95aff6b06112c32ae9caabed80'");
$url = $inkdit->_offer_url($offer_url, $private_key, $query_string);
assert("'$url' == '$offer_url/$code?$query_string'");
// == Response verification
$query_string = 'contract_id=x1234&signed_at=2012-08-14T00:00:00Z&confirmation=a508066c2b02d95e9e67521c7baf6587a975d154';
$result = $inkdit->verify_signing($query_string, $private_key);
assert($result['contract_id'] == 'x1234');
assert($result['contract_url'] == '');
assert($result['signed_at'] == '2012-08-14T00:00:00Z');
print "If no warnings were printed then we succeeded :)\n";
class inkdit {
offer_url: constructs a URL that a user can visit to sign an offer
with some prefilled information.
$user_opts is an array that can contain the keys:
$inputs is an array that can contains a key for each input field in the
See for a
description of these options.
array('email' => '', 'redirect' => ''),
array('contract-input-1' => 'St. Louis'));
public function offer_url($offer_url, $private_key, $user_opts, $inputs) {
$opts = $user_opts;
$opts['inputs'] = $inputs;
$query_string = http_build_query($opts, '', '&');
return _offer_url($offer_url, $private_key, $query_string);
verify_signing: verifies that the result parameters returned in the
redirect are genuine.
$query_string = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
$result = verify_signing($query_string, $private_key);
// ensure that the signing was created recently (PHP 5.3+)
$t = DateTime::createFromFormat(DateTime::ISO8601, $result['signed_at']);
if((time() - $t->getTimeStamp()) > 300)
throw new Exception('This signing was created more than 5 minutes ago!');
public function verify_signing($query_string, $private_key) {
$pieces = explode('&confirmation=', $query_string, 2);
$data = $pieces[0];
$validation_code = $pieces[1];
if($this->validation_code($private_key, $data) != $validation_code)
parse_str($query_string, $params);
$contract_url = '' . $params['contract_id'];
return array(
'contract_id' => $params['contract_id'],
'contract_url' => $contract_url,
'signed_at' => $params['signed_at']
public function validation_code($private_key, $query_string) {
return hash_hmac('sha1', $query_string, $private_key);
public function _offer_url($offer_url, $private_key, $query_string) {
$validation_code = $this->validation_code($private_key, $query_string);
return $offer_url . "/" . $validation_code . "?" . $query_string;
public function build_query($user_opts, $inputs) {
$opts = $user_opts;
$opts['inputs'] = $inputs;
return http_build_query($opts, '', '&');
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