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Created October 27, 2021 20:10
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import scala.util.Random
object Sudoku {
lazy val localSquareLength = 3
lazy val length = localSquareLength * localSquareLength
lazy val totalCells = length * length
lazy val sideIndices = 0 to (length - 1)
lazy val legalValues = 1 to length
lazy val emptyCells = for {
y <- sideIndices
x <- sideIndices
} yield {
Cell(x, y)
def randomPuzzle(blankCellCount: Int): Option[Puzzle] = {
randomizedFullGrids.flatMap(grid => removeCellValues(grid, blankCellCount)).nextOption()
private def removeCellValues(puzzle: Sudoku.Puzzle, removeCellCount: Int): Option[Puzzle] = {
def removeCellValues0(filledValues: Seq[CellValue], permanentValues: Seq[CellValue], removeCellCount: Int): Option[Puzzle] = {
filledValues match {
case head :: tail => {
val updated = Puzzle(tail.++(permanentValues).toSet)
val solutions = fill(updated)
if (solutions.take(2).size == 1) {
if (removeCellCount == 1) {
Some(updated) //done
} else {
removeCellValues0(tail, permanentValues, removeCellCount - 1) //successfully removed an element, need to remove more
} else {
removeCellValues0(tail, permanentValues.:+(head), removeCellCount) //couldn't remove the element, keep it in the puzzle and move on
case Nil => None
removeCellValues0(Random.shuffle(puzzle.filledCells.toSeq), Seq.empty, removeCellCount)
lazy val randomizedFullGrids: Iterator[Puzzle] = fill(Puzzle(filledCells = Set.empty))
def fill(puzzle: Puzzle): Iterator[Puzzle] = {
puzzle.legalChanges match {
case Failed => Iterator.empty
case Success(legalChanges, isDone) => {
if (isDone) {
} else {
legalChanges.flatMap(changedPuzzle => fill(changedPuzzle))
case class Cell(x: Int, y: Int) {
def sharesRowOrColumn(other: Cell) = x == other.x || y == other.y || localSquare == other.localSquare
lazy val localSquare = (x / localSquareLength, y / localSquareLength)
case class CellValue(cell: Cell, value: Int) {
def isCompatible(other: CellValue) = {
val incompatible = value == other.value && cell.sharesRowOrColumn(other.cell)
case class Puzzle(filledCells: Set[CellValue]) {
lazy val legalChanges: LegalAdditions = {
.find(cell => !filledCells.exists(fc => fc.cell == cell))
.map { nextFreeCell =>
val candidates =
Random.shuffle( => CellValue(nextFreeCell, value)))
if (candidates.hasNext)
Success(candidates, isDone = filledCells.size + 1 >= totalCells)
}.getOrElse {
def tryAdd(newCell: CellValue): Option[Puzzle] = {
if (filledCells.forall(filled => filled.isCompatible(newCell))) {
Some(Puzzle(filledCells + newCell))
else {
override lazy val toString = {
.map(cell => filledCells.find(cv => cv.cell == cell).map(cv => cv.value.toString).getOrElse("_"))
.map(row => row.mkString(" "))
trait LegalAdditions
case class Success(legalChanges: Iterator[Puzzle], isDone: Boolean) extends LegalAdditions
object Failed extends LegalAdditions
object RunSudoku extends App {
import scala.util.chaining.scalaUtilChainingOps
import Sudoku._
Sudoku.randomPuzzle(40).tap(x => println(s"final:\n${x.get}"))
def parsePuzzle(puzzle: String) =
.flatMap { case (row, rowNum) =>
row.split(" ", Sudoku.length).zipWithIndex.flatMap { case (value, colNum) =>
if (value == "_")
Some(CellValue(Cell(x = colNum + 1, y = rowNum + 1), value = value.toInt))
.pipe(cellValues => Puzzle(cellValues.toSet))
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