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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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Save adamrp/7b9c98051f0e9e595c02 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Port studies from old database to qiita
#!/usr/bin/env python
from datetime import datetime
from os.path import join
import click
from data_access_connections import data_access_factory
from enums import ServerConfig, DataAccessType
from import StudyPerson
qda = data_access_factory(ServerConfig.data_access_type, 'qiime')
SHOW_FULL_STR = "Show full list of Study People"
NEW_STR = "Create new Study Person"
def null_blank_whitespace(old):
if old in (None, ''):
return None
return old.lower().strip()
def boolean(old):
if old is None:
return None
if old in ('yes', 'y'):
return 't'
return 'f'
def funding(old):
new = null_blank_whitespace(old)
if new in ("no", "yes", "$$"):
return None
return new
def most_recent_contact(old):
new = null_blank_whitespace(old)
if new is None:
return None
dtime = datetime.strptime(old, '%m/%d/%Y')
except ValueError:
return None
return dtime.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
def spatial_series(old):
return boolean(null_blank_whitespace(old))
def portal_type_id(old):
if old == 'emp':
return 3
if old == 'qiime':
return 1
def cli():
def _menu(options, prompt="Please select an option."):
response = -1
print '++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
for i, opt in enumerate(options):
print '%d. %s' % (i, opt)
print prompt
while response not in range(len(options)):
response = raw_input("(enter number between 0 and %d)" %
print '--------------------------------------------------------------'
response = int(response)
except ValueError:
print "Please only enter numbers\n"
return response
def _format_sp_str(sp):
"""Generatees the 'name, email, affiliation' string for a study person"""
return '%s, %s, %s' % (,, sp.affiliation)
@click.argument('study_ids', nargs=-1, type=int, required=True)
@click.option('--output-dir', type=click.Path(exists=False, file_okay=False,
writable=True), default='.')
def get_study_config(study_ids, output_dir):
required_fields = ['timeseries_type_id', 'mixs_compliant',
'portal_type_id', 'reprocess', 'study_alias',
'study_description', 'study_abstract',
'metadata_complete', 'efo_ids',
optional_fields = ['funding', 'most_recent_contact', 'spatial_series',
'number_samples_collected', 'number_samples_promised',
'vamps_id', 'study_id']
SQL = """select 1 as timeseries_type_id, 't' as mixs_compliant,
portal_type as portal_type_id, 'f' as reprocess, study_alias,
study_description, study_abstract, 'f' as metadata_complete,
funding, most_recent_contact, spatial_series,
number_samples_collected, number_samples_promised, vamps_id,
study_id, principal_investigator as principal_investigator_name,
from study
where study_id in ({})""".format(
', '.join([str(x) for x in study_ids]))
results = qda.dynamicMetadataSelect(SQL)
cols = [x[0].lower() for x in results.description]
for row in results:
# Get all study people so that we can minimize user interaction here
study_people = list(StudyPerson.iter())
names = [ for p in study_people]
row_dict = dict(zip(cols, row))
print '**********', row_dict['study_id'], '**********'
print '(((((((((', row_dict['principal_investigator_contact'],
print '((((((((('
# Clean up values
row_dict['funding'] = funding(row_dict['funding'])
row_dict['most_recent_contact'] = most_recent_contact(
row_dict['spatial_series'] = spatial_series(
row_dict['portal_type_id'] = portal_type_id(
# just inserting 1 here for now, as usual...
row_dict['efo_ids'] = 1
# Need to get PI information
pi_name = row_dict['principal_investigator_name']
if pi_name is not None:
pi_name = pi_name.strip()
print '*****', pi_name, '*****'
if not pi_name:
# catches both blanks and Nulls
pi_name = raw_input("What is the name of the PI?")
# See if we already have this PI as a StudyPerson
options = [p for p in study_people if == pi_name]
selection = None
if len(options) == 1:
# If there is only one PI by this name, use it
pi = options[0]
elif len(options) != 1:
# If there is not exactly one PI, then use a menu system to
# determine the PI
menu_options = [_format_sp_str(opt) for opt in options]
if menu_options:
selected_index = _menu(
menu_options, "Multiple people named %s; please select "
"the PI from the list below" % pi_name)
selected_option = menu_options[selected_index]
print "-> No existing PIs found with name %s" % pi_name
selected_option = SHOW_FULL_STR
if selected_option == SHOW_FULL_STR:
# Show the full menu
options = study_people
menu_options = [_format_sp_str(opt) for opt in options]
if menu_options:
selected_index = _menu(menu_options)
selected_option = menu_options[selected_index]
print "-> There are no people in the database"
selected_option = NEW_STR
if selected_option == NEW_STR:
print "Create a new entry in the database for %s" % pi_name
# Create new study person
pi_name = raw_input("Enter a new name (if desired; default "
"will be %s)" % pi_name) or pi_name
pi_email = raw_input("What is the email for %s?" % pi_name)
pi_affiliation = raw_input("What is the affiliation for %s?" %
pi = StudyPerson.create(pi_name, pi_email, pi_affiliation)
# Use the selected person
pi = options[selected_index]
row_dict['principal_investigator'] = _format_sp_str(pi)
# Write out the configuration file
outfile_fp = join(output_dir, str(row_dict['study_id']) + '.txt')
with open(outfile_fp, 'w') as outfile:
for field in required_fields:
outfile.write('%s = %s\n' % (field, str(row_dict[field])))
for field in optional_fields:
if row_dict[field] is not None:
outfile.write('%s = %s\n' % (field, str(row_dict[field])))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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