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Last active April 8, 2016 09:13
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A utility function for stapling together igraph graphs
mergeGraphs <- function(...,desiredEdgeAttributes = c("from","to","edge_type"), omitNAnodes = TRUE){
graphList <- list(...)
if(graphList %>% sapply(is.igraph) %>% all){
stop("Input should be series of igraph objects or a single list of such objects")
},error = function(e){
graphList <<- c(...)
if(graphList %>% sapply(is.igraph) %>% all){
stop("Input should be series of igraph objects or a single list of such objects")
mergedGrapsEdgeDT <- graphList %>%
lapply( %>%
lapply(data.table) %>%
lapply(function(dt) { dt[,desiredEdgeAttributes, with = F]}) %>%
rbindlist %>%
.[(! | ! & omitNAnodes] %>%
.[,.(edgeCount = .N),by=desiredEdgeAttributes]
mergedGraph <- mergedGrapsEdgeDT %>%
commonNodeIDs <- graphList %>%
lapply(,what="vertices") %>%
lapply(colnames) %>%
lapply(as.vector) %>%
if(! "name" %in% commonNodeIDs){
warning("Not all graphs have a 'name' attribute, which is odd ...")
mergedGrapsNodeDT <- graphList %>%
lapply(,what="vertices") %>%
lapply(data.table) %>%
lapply(function(dt) { dt[,commonNodeIDs, with = F]}) %>%
rbindlist %>%
.[,.(nodeCount = .N),by=commonNodeIDs]
for(nodeLabel in c(setdiff(commonNodeIDs,"name"),"nodeCount")){
mergedGraph <- set_vertex_attr(mergedGraph,
value = mergedGrapsNodeDT[V(mergedGraph)$name,get(nodeLabel)])
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