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Created March 22, 2019 13:08
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{"exporter": "speedscope@1.3.2", "name": "blog2_full.speedscope", "activeProfileIndex": 0, "$schema": "", "shared": { "frames": [ { "name": "Process64 ABABABABABA (19392) Args: " }, { "name": "Thread (9076) CPU=1300ms (Startup Thread)" }, { "name": "ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart" }, { "name": "ntoskrnl!KiStartUserThreadReturn" }, { "name": "ntoskrnl!KiStartUserThread" }, { "name": "ntoskrnl!PspUserThreadStartup" }, { "name": "ntoskrnl!DbgkCreateThread" }, { "name": "ntoskrnl!PsCallImageNotifyRoutines" }, { "name": "mssecflt!?" }, { "name": "fltmgr!FltCreateFileEx" }, { "name": "fltmgr!FltpCreateFile" }, { "name": "ntoskrnl!IoCreateFileEx" }, { "name": "ntoskrnl!IopCreateFile" }, { "name": "ntoskrnl!ObOpenObjectByNameEx" }, { "name": "ntoskrnl!ObpLookupObjectName" }, { "name": "ntoskrnl!IopParseDevice" }, { "name": "ntoskrnl!IoCallDriverWithTracing" }, { "name": "ntoskrnl!IofCallDriver" }, { "name": "fltmgr!FltpCreate" }, { "name": "fltmgr!FltpLegacyProcessingAfterPreCallbacksCompleted" }, { "name": "fltmgr!FltpPassThroughCompletionWorker" }, { "name": "fltmgr!FltpPerformPostCallbacks" }, { "name": "wdfilter!MpPostCreate" }, { "name": "wdfilter!MpAmPostCreate" }, { "name": "wdfilter!MpCopyCacheAddEntry" }, { "name": "fltmgr!FltGetFileNameInformation" }, { "name": "fltmgr!FltpGetFileNameInformation" }, { "name": "ntoskrnl!ExAcquirePushLockSharedEx" }, { "name": "ntoskrnl!KiCheckForKernelApcDelivery" }, { "name": "ntoskrnl!KiDeliverApc" }, { "name": "?!?" }, { "name": "ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk" }, { "name": "ntdll!LdrpInitialize" }, { "name": "ntdll!??_LdrpInitialize" }, { "name": "ntdll!LdrpInitializeProcess" }, { "name": "ntdll!EtwEventRegister" }, { "name": "ntdll!EtwNotificationRegister" }, { "name": "ntoskrnl!NtCreateWorkerFactory" }, { "name": "ntoskrnl!ObOpenObjectByPointer" }, { "name": "ntoskrnl!ObpCreateHandle" }, { "name": "ntoskrnl!ObpCallPreOperationCallbacks" }, { "name": "ntoskrnl!KeLeaveCriticalRegion" }, { "name": "ntoskrnl!??KiSwInterruptDispatch" }, { 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