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Mod 0 Session 3 Readings

Session 3 Readings and Responses

The readings and responses listed here should take you approximately 20 minutes total.

To start this assignment:

  1. Click the button in the upper right-hand corner that says Fork. This is now your copy of this document.
  2. Click the Edit button when you're ready to start adding your answers.
  3. To save your work, click the green button in the bottom right-hand corner. You can always come back and re-edit your gist.

Slack Shortcuts and Features (10 min)

Use Google to go find at least one online resource detailing keyboard shortcuts and/or features that are built into Slack.

  • What resource(s) did you find? Paste them below:



  • What are three Slack shortcuts and/or features that will contribute to your productivity?
  1. command + K and command + shift + K - This would be very helpful in searching for certain people, assigments or questions while also speeding up the process of starting a direct message or thread.

  2. option + up and option + down - this is helpful in just navigating throughout the channels and Slack in general - especially once we have a lot of threads and message groups going as well.

  3. command + shitft + s - I did not even know you could star messages like you can an email and then access them in their own area. This will be supper helpful in starring specific messages that contain to-dos or important information I want to follow up on, respond to, or research further. I can star if I do not have time to do it then and then later can easily look at what I starred and go through it.

The idea of the staging area is frequently one of the trickiest concepts to wrap your head around when you're first learning git. Read the question and answers (or do your own Googling on the git staging area). Then, create your own metaphor comparing the staging area to something in real life.

  • Type your metaphor below: The idea of the staging area of git is similar to that of building a lego model. You start a lego model with a bunch of unassembled pieces and a booklet with instructions on how to build the model. skipping ahead five minutes to an hour (depending on your lego building skills) you are now on step 6 and have the beginning of a model in an indeterminate form along with a bunch of unused pieces. This model is now a series of steps and pieces that have been put together confirmed as being correct (staged) and then committed. Each page of the instructional booklet acts as the staging area. you flip to a new page and your project, the model, enters the working area where it can be edited and manipulated. At this point you can add pieces, take away pieces and change it however you want. Once you believe that you have added the pieces in the correct places you then inspect the work confirming that it matches the instructional diagram. This process is the equivalent to the staging area. Once you have confirmed that it is correct you then turn the page committing the work to be accurate and complete. you then repeat as you are now at a new page (step) and once you touch a new piece you re-enter the working area and once done with that page you inspect the work and confirm it is correct (staging area) then turn the page committing that work to be finalized.


If you have any questions, comments, or confusions that you would an instructor to address, list them below:

  1. I found this resource to be really helpful in understanding the staging area:

I thought the comment with the "Broken Metaphor Time" of packing to move as a metaphor for the staging area to breally helpful in understanding the concept.

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damwhit commented Jul 4, 2019

@adamsjr8576 great work on this! Love the metaphor. Also, good find on the SO post. 💪

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