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Cross-platform C++ wrapper for the Paddle licensing SDK
Created: 23 Sep 2017 9:15:20pm
Author: Adam Wilson
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
#include "PaddleSetup.h"
#include <iostream>
PaddleSetup::PaddleSetup (string apiKey, string productId, string vendorId)
paddle = Paddle::initSharedInstance (apiKey.c_str(), productId.c_str(), vendorId.c_str());
void PaddleSetup::startLicensing (string productName, string vendorName, float price, int trialLengthInDays,
string productImage, bool timeTrialLicense)
//product name, vendor name, price (USD), trial length (days)
paddle->setProductData (productName.c_str(), vendorName.c_str(), (double) price, trialLengthInDays, productImage.c_str());
cout << "setProductData, now startLicensing...";
paddle->startLicencing (timeTrialLicense);
Created: 23 Sep 2017 9:16:38pm
Author: Adam Wilson
#pragma once
#include <string>
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include "TargetConditionals.h"
#else // Windows
typedef wchar_t* LPWSTR, *PWSTR; // Needed if not including Windows.h
#include "Paddle.h"
using namespace PaddleSDK;
using namespace std;
class PaddleSetup
PaddleSetup (string apiKey, string productId, string vendorId);
#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(TARGET_OS_MAC)
void startLicensing (string productName, string vendorName, float price, int trialLengthInDays,
string currency, string imageURL, string trialText, string productImage, void* windowHandle,
bool timeTrialLicense = true);
#elif defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
void startLicensing (string productName, string vendorName, float price, int trialLengthInDays, string productImage,
bool timeTrialLicense = true);
Paddle *paddle;
Created: 23 Sep 2017 9:15:20pm
Author: Adam Wilson
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include "TargetConditionals.h"
#include "PaddleSetup.h"
#import <Paddle/Paddle.h>
PaddleSetup::PaddleSetup (string apiKey, string productId, string vendorId)
Paddle *paddle = [Paddle sharedInstance];
[paddle setApiKey:@(apiKey.c_str())];
[paddle setProductId:@(productId.c_str())];
[paddle setVendorId:@(vendorId.c_str())];
void PaddleSetup::startLicensing (string productName,
string vendorName,
float price,
int trialLengthInDays,
string currency,
string imageURL,
string trialText,
string productImage,
void *windowHandle,
bool timeTrialLicense)
NSDictionary *productInfo = @{kPADCurrentPrice: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f", price],
kPADDevName: @(vendorName.c_str ()),
kPADCurrency: @(currency.c_str ()),
kPADProductName: @(productName.c_str ()),
kPADTrialDuration: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%u", trialLengthInDays],
kPADTrialText: @(trialText.c_str ()),
kPADProductImage: @(productImage.c_str ())};
if (!imageURL.empty()) [productInfo setValue:@(imageURL.c_str()) forKey:kPADImage];
NSView* view = (NSView*) windowHandle;
[[Paddle sharedInstance] startLicensing:productInfo timeTrial:timeTrialLicense withWindow:view.window];
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