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Created September 18, 2023 22:54
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A theme picker custom element with a "random" option
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
switch between color themes
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
export default class ThemePicker extends HTMLElement {
static randomInt(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
static getLuminanace(values) {
const rgb = => {
const val = v / 255;
return val <= 0.03928 ? val / 12.92 : ((val + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4;
return Number((0.2126 * rgb[0] + 0.7152 * rgb[1] + 0.0722 * rgb[2]).toFixed(3));
static RGBToHSL(r, g, b) {
const red = r / 255;
const green = g / 255;
const blue = b / 255;
const l = Math.max(red, green, blue);
const s = l - Math.min(red, green, blue);
const h = s
? l === red
? (green - blue) / s
: l === green
? 2 + (blue - red) / s
: 4 + (red - green) / s
: 0;
return [
Math.round(60 * h < 0 ? 60 * h + 360 : 60 * h),
Math.round(100 * (
s ? (l <= 0.5 ? s / (2 * l - s) : s / (2 - (2 * l - s))) : 0
Math.round((100 * (2 * l - s)) / 2),
static generateRgb() {
const red = ThemePicker.randomInt(0, 255);
const green = ThemePicker.randomInt(0, 255);
const blue = ThemePicker.randomInt(0, 255);
return [red, green, blue];
static getContrastRatio(colorA, colorB) {
const lumA = ThemePicker.getLuminanace(colorA);
const lumB = ThemePicker.getLuminanace(colorB);
return (Math.max(lumA, lumB) + 0.05) / (Math.min(lumA, lumB) + 0.05);
generateTheme() {
const c1 = ThemePicker.generateRgb();
const c2 = ThemePicker.generateRgb();
const contrast = ThemePicker.getContrastRatio(c1, c2);
if (contrast < 4.5) {
} else {
const c1HSL = ThemePicker.RGBToHSL(c1[0], c1[1], c1[2]);
const c2HSL = ThemePicker.RGBToHSL(c2[0], c2[1], c2[2]);
const c1HSLString = `${c1HSL[0]}deg, ${c1HSL[1]}%, ${c1HSL[2]}%`;
const c2HSLString = `${c2HSL[0]}deg, ${c2HSL[1]}%, ${c2HSL[2]}%`;'--color-random-text', c1HSLString);'--color-random-sheet', c2HSLString);
localStorage.setItem('color-text', c1HSLString);
localStorage.setItem('color-sheet', c2HSLString);
save(theme) {
document.documentElement.setAttribute('theme', theme);
localStorage.setItem('theme', theme);
update(theme) {
if (this.querySelector('.--active')) {
selectable() {
const themeButtons = this.querySelectorAll('[data-theme]');
themeButtons.forEach((element) => {
element.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
const newTheme = element.getAttribute('data-theme');;
if (newTheme === 'random') {
closeable() {
document.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
const isClickInside = this.contains(;
const isOpen = this.querySelector('details[open]');
if (!isClickInside && isOpen) {
connectedCallback() {
customElements.define('theme-picker', ThemePicker);
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