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Created October 18, 2016 20:21
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  • Save adamtal3/678129cc456e937fa8e855a31cd0895d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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ssh2 logs for issue #485
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
2016-10-18T19:37:28.843Z - debug: DEBUG: Local ident: 'SSH-2.0-ssh2js0.1.11'
2016-10-18T19:37:28.845Z - debug: DEBUG: Client: Trying ftp .... .com on port 2222 ...
2016-10-18T19:37:29.299Z - debug: DEBUG: Client: Connected
2016-10-18T19:37:29.900Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_INIT
2016-10-18T19:37:29.901Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_GREETING
2016-10-18T19:37:29.901Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_HEADER
2016-10-18T19:37:29.901Z - debug: DEBUG: Remote ident: 'SSH-2.0-CrushFTPSSHD'
2016-10-18T19:37:30.468Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing KEXINIT
2016-10-18T19:37:30.469Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 8)
2016-10-18T19:37:30.469Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:30.469Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:412,padLen:9,remainLen:408
2016-10-18T19:37:30.469Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:30.470Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: KEXINIT
2016-10-18T19:37:30.472Z - debug: DEBUG: Comparing KEXINITs ...
2016-10-18T19:37:30.472Z - debug: DEBUG: (local) KEX algorithms: ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
2016-10-18T19:37:30.472Z - debug: DEBUG: (remote) KEX algorithms: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
2016-10-18T19:37:30.472Z - debug: DEBUG: KEX algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
2016-10-18T19:37:30.472Z - debug: DEBUG: (local) Host key formats: ssh-rsa
2016-10-18T19:37:30.472Z - debug: DEBUG: (remote) Host key formats: ssh-dss,ssh-rsa
2016-10-18T19:37:30.473Z - debug: DEBUG: Host key format: ssh-rsa
2016-10-18T19:37:30.473Z - debug: DEBUG: (local) Client->Server ciphers: aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-gcm,,aes256-gcm,
2016-10-18T19:37:30.473Z - debug: DEBUG: (remote) Client->Server ciphers: aes128-ctr,aes128-cbc,3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc,arcfour128,arcfour
2016-10-18T19:37:30.473Z - debug: DEBUG: Client->Server Cipher: aes128-ctr
2016-10-18T19:37:30.473Z - debug: DEBUG: (local) Server->Client ciphers: aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-gcm,,aes256-gcm,
2016-10-18T19:37:30.473Z - debug: DEBUG: (remote) Server->Client ciphers: aes128-ctr,aes128-cbc,3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc,arcfour128,arcfour
2016-10-18T19:37:30.473Z - debug: DEBUG: Server->Client Cipher: aes128-ctr
2016-10-18T19:37:30.473Z - debug: DEBUG: (local) Client->Server HMAC algorithms: hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1
2016-10-18T19:37:30.473Z - debug: DEBUG: (remote) Client->Server HMAC algorithms: hmac-md5,hmac-sha1,hmac-md5-96,hmac-sha256
2016-10-18T19:37:30.473Z - debug: DEBUG: Client->Server HMAC algorithm: hmac-sha1
2016-10-18T19:37:30.473Z - debug: DEBUG: (local) Server->Client HMAC algorithms: hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1
2016-10-18T19:37:30.473Z - debug: DEBUG: (remote) Server->Client HMAC algorithms: hmac-md5,hmac-sha1,hmac-md5-96,hmac-sha256
2016-10-18T19:37:30.473Z - debug: DEBUG: Server->Client HMAC algorithm: hmac-sha1
2016-10-18T19:37:30.474Z - debug: DEBUG: (local) Client->Server compression algorithms: none,,zlib
2016-10-18T19:37:30.474Z - debug: DEBUG: (remote) Client->Server compression algorithms: none,zlib
2016-10-18T19:37:30.474Z - debug: DEBUG: Client->Server compression algorithm: none
2016-10-18T19:37:30.474Z - debug: DEBUG: (local) Server->Client compression algorithms: none,,zlib
2016-10-18T19:37:30.474Z - debug: DEBUG: (remote) Server->Client compression algorithms: none,zlib
2016-10-18T19:37:30.474Z - debug: DEBUG: Server->Client compression algorithm: none
2016-10-18T19:37:30.474Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing KEXDH_GEX_REQUEST
2016-10-18T19:37:30.474Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 8)
2016-10-18T19:37:30.777Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:30.777Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:276,padLen:8,remainLen:272
2016-10-18T19:37:30.777Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:30.777Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: KEXDH_GEX_GROUP
2016-10-18T19:37:31.043Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing KEXDH_GEX_INIT
2016-10-18T19:37:31.043Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 8)
2016-10-18T19:37:31.499Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:31.500Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:1340,padLen:7,remainLen:1336
2016-10-18T19:37:31.500Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:31.500Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: KEXDH_GEX_REPLY
2016-10-18T19:37:31.501Z - debug: DEBUG: Checking host key format
2016-10-18T19:37:31.501Z - debug: DEBUG: Checking signature format
2016-10-18T19:37:31.501Z - debug: DEBUG: Verifying host fingerprint
2016-10-18T19:37:31.501Z - debug: DEBUG: Host accepted by default (no verification)
2016-10-18T19:37:31.556Z - debug: DEBUG: Verifying signature
2016-10-18T19:37:31.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing NEWKEYS
2016-10-18T19:37:31.563Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 8)
2016-10-18T19:37:31.971Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:31.971Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:12,padLen:10,remainLen:8
2016-10-18T19:37:31.971Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:31.971Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: NEWKEYS
2016-10-18T19:37:31.973Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing SERVICE_REQUEST (ssh-userauth)
2016-10-18T19:37:31.974Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:32.318Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:32.318Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:32.319Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:10,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:37:32.319Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:32.319Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:32.319Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:32.319Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:32.319Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:32.319Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:32.319Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: SERVICE_ACCEPT
2016-10-18T19:37:32.320Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing USERAUTH_REQUEST (password)
2016-10-18T19:37:32.320Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:32.599Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:32.599Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:32.599Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:12,padLen:10,remainLen:0
2016-10-18T19:37:32.599Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:32.599Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:32.599Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:32.599Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:32.600Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:32.600Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: USERAUTH_SUCCESS
2016-10-18T19:37:32.600Z - debug: SFTP Client is ready
2016-10-18T19:37:32.601Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_OPEN (0, session)
2016-10-18T19:37:32.601Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:32.831Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:32.831Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:32.831Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:10,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:37:32.831Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:32.831Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:32.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:32.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:32.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:32.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:32.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION
2016-10-18T19:37:32.833Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_REQUEST (0, subsystem: sftp)
2016-10-18T19:37:32.833Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:33.060Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:33.060Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:33.060Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:37:33.060Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:33.060Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:33.060Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:33.060Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:33.060Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:33.060Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:33.060Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 524288)
2016-10-18T19:37:33.061Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:33.332Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:33.332Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:33.332Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:12,padLen:6,remainLen:0
2016-10-18T19:37:33.332Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:33.332Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:33.332Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:33.332Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:33.332Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:33.332Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_SUCCESS (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:33.333Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:33.334Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:33.984Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:33.984Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:33.984Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:60,padLen:12,remainLen:48
2016-10-18T19:37:33.984Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:33.984Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:33.985Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:33.985Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:33.985Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:33.985Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:33.985Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:33.988Z - debug: dirname: "/files/subdir/33"
2016-10-18T19:37:33.990Z - debug: parents(dirname): ["files\\subdir\\33","files\\subdir","files","."]
2016-10-18T19:37:33.990Z - debug: dirs: ["files\\subdir\\33","files\\subdir","files","."]
2016-10-18T19:37:33.990Z - debug: mkdir dir: "."
2016-10-18T19:37:33.990Z - debug: mkdir dir: "files"
2016-10-18T19:37:33.991Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing MKDIR
2016-10-18T19:37:33.991Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:33.991Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:34.518Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:34.518Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:34.518Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:10,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:34.518Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:34.518Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:34.518Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:34.518Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:34.518Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:34.518Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:34.518Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:34.518Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:34.519Z - debug: mkdir dir: "files\\subdir"
2016-10-18T19:37:34.519Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing MKDIR
2016-10-18T19:37:34.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:34.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:34.784Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:34.784Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:34.784Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:10,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:34.784Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:34.784Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:34.784Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:34.784Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:34.784Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:34.784Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:34.784Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:34.785Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:34.785Z - debug: mkdir dir: "files\\subdir\\33"
2016-10-18T19:37:34.785Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing MKDIR
2016-10-18T19:37:34.785Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:34.785Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:35.030Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:35.030Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:35.030Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:10,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:35.030Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:35.030Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:35.030Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:35.030Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:35.030Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:35.030Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:35.030Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:35.030Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:35.031Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:35.032Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing OPEN
2016-10-18T19:37:35.032Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:35.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:35.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:35.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:92,padLen:17,remainLen:80
2016-10-18T19:37:35.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:35.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:35.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:35.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:35.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:35.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:35.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:35.293Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: HANDLE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:35.294Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.294Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:35.295Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.295Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:35.296Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.296Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:35.297Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.297Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:35.298Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.298Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.298Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.298Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.298Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.298Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.299Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.299Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.299Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.299Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.299Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.299Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.299Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.299Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.299Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.300Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.300Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.300Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.300Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.300Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.300Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.300Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.300Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.300Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.300Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.300Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.300Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.300Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.301Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.301Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.301Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.301Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.301Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.301Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.301Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.301Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.301Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.301Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.302Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.302Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.302Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.302Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.302Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.302Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.302Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.302Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.302Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.302Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.302Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.302Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.302Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.303Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.303Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.303Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.303Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.303Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.303Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.303Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.304Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:35.304Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:37:36.344Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:36.964Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:36.965Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:36.965Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:36.965Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:36.965Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:36.965Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:36.965Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:36.965Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:36.965Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:36.965Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:36.965Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:36.965Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:38.422Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:38.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:38.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:38.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:38.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:38.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:38.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:38.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:38.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:38.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:38.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:38.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:38.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:38.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:38.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:38.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:38.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:38.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:38.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:38.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:38.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:38.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:38.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:38.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:39.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:39.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:39.437Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:39.437Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:39.437Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:39.437Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:39.437Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:39.437Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:39.437Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:39.437Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:39.437Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:39.437Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:39.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:39.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:39.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:39.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:39.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:39.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:39.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:39.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:39.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:39.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:39.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:39.782Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:40.261Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:40.262Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:40.262Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:40.262Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:40.262Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:40.262Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:40.262Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:40.262Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:40.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:40.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:40.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:40.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:40.565Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:40.565Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:40.565Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:40.565Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:40.565Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:40.565Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:40.565Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:40.565Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:40.565Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:40.565Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:40.565Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:40.566Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:41.004Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:41.004Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:41.004Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:37:41.004Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:41.004Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:41.004Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:41.004Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:41.004Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:41.004Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:41.004Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262903)
2016-10-18T19:37:41.005Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:41.005Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:41.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:41.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:41.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:41.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:41.265Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:41.265Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:41.265Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:41.265Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:41.265Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:41.265Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:41.266Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:41.266Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:41.534Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:41.534Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:41.534Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:41.534Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:41.534Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:41.534Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:41.534Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:41.534Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:41.534Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:41.535Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:41.535Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:41.535Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:41.817Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:41.817Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:41.817Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:41.817Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:41.817Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:41.817Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:41.817Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:41.817Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:41.817Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:41.818Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:41.818Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:41.818Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:42.082Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:42.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:42.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:42.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:42.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:42.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:42.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:42.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:42.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:42.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:42.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:42.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:42.341Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:42.342Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:42.342Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:42.342Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:42.342Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:42.342Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:42.342Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:42.342Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:42.342Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:42.342Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:42.342Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:42.342Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:42.595Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:42.595Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:42.595Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:42.595Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:42.595Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:42.595Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:42.595Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:42.595Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:42.596Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:42.596Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:42.596Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:42.596Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:42.838Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:42.838Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:42.838Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:42.838Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:42.838Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:42.838Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:42.838Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:42.838Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:42.838Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:42.838Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:42.838Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:42.838Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:43.428Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:43.428Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:43.428Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:43.428Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:43.428Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:43.428Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:43.429Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:43.429Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:43.429Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:43.429Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:43.429Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:43.429Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:45.123Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:45.123Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:45.123Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:37:45.123Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:45.123Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:45.123Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:45.123Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:45.123Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:45.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:45.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:37:45.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:45.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:46.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:46.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:46.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:46.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:46.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:46.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:46.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:46.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:46.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:46.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:46.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:46.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:47.190Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:47.190Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:47.190Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:47.190Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:47.190Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:47.190Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:47.190Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:47.191Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:47.191Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:47.191Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:47.191Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:47.191Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:47.806Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:47.806Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:47.806Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:47.806Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:47.806Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:47.806Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:47.806Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:47.806Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:47.806Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:47.807Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:47.807Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:47.807Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:48.305Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:48.306Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:48.306Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:48.306Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:48.306Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:48.306Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:48.306Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:48.306Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:48.306Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:48.306Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:48.306Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:48.306Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:48.792Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:48.793Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:48.793Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:48.793Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:48.793Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:48.793Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:48.793Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:48.793Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:48.793Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:48.793Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:48.793Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:48.793Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:49.272Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:49.272Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:49.272Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:49.272Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:49.272Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:49.272Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:49.272Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:49.272Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:49.272Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:49.272Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:49.272Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:49.272Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:49.873Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:49.873Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:49.873Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:49.873Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:49.873Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:49.873Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:49.873Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:49.873Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:49.873Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:49.873Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:49.873Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:49.873Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:50.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:50.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:50.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:50.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:50.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:50.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:50.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:50.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:50.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:50.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:50.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:50.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:50.993Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:50.993Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:50.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:37:50.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:50.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:50.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:50.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:50.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:50.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:50.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:37:50.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:50.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:51.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:51.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:51.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:51.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:51.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:51.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:51.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:51.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:51.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:51.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:51.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:51.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:52.021Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:52.021Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:52.021Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:52.021Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:52.021Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:52.021Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:52.021Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:52.021Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:52.021Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:52.021Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:52.021Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:52.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:52.434Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:52.434Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:52.434Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:52.435Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:52.435Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:52.435Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:52.435Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:52.435Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:52.435Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:52.435Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:52.435Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:52.435Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:53.021Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:53.021Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:53.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:53.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:53.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:53.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:53.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:53.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:53.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:53.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:53.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:53.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:53.474Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:53.474Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:53.474Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:53.474Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:53.474Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:53.474Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:53.474Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:53.474Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:53.474Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:53.474Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:53.475Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:53.475Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:53.476Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.476Z - debug: progress: 32768/30839489 0%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.476Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.476Z - debug: progress: 65536/30839489 0%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.476Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.477Z - debug: progress: 98304/30839489 0%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.477Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.477Z - debug: progress: 131072/30839489 0%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.477Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.477Z - debug: progress: 163840/30839489 0%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.477Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.477Z - debug: progress: 196608/30839489 0%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.477Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.477Z - debug: progress: 229376/30839489 0%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.477Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.477Z - debug: progress: 262144/30839489 0%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.477Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.477Z - debug: progress: 294912/30839489 0%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.477Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.477Z - debug: progress: 327680/30839489 1%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.477Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.477Z - debug: progress: 360448/30839489 1%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.477Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.477Z - debug: progress: 393216/30839489 1%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.478Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.478Z - debug: progress: 425984/30839489 1%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.478Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.478Z - debug: progress: 458752/30839489 1%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.478Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.478Z - debug: progress: 491520/30839489 1%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.478Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.478Z - debug: progress: 524288/30839489 1%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.478Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.478Z - debug: progress: 557056/30839489 1%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.478Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.478Z - debug: progress: 589824/30839489 1%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.478Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.478Z - debug: progress: 622592/30839489 2%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.478Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.478Z - debug: progress: 655360/30839489 2%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.478Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.478Z - debug: progress: 688128/30839489 2%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.479Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.479Z - debug: progress: 720896/30839489 2%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.479Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.479Z - debug: progress: 753664/30839489 2%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.479Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.479Z - debug: progress: 786432/30839489 2%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.479Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.479Z - debug: progress: 819200/30839489 2%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.479Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.479Z - debug: progress: 851968/30839489 2%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.479Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.479Z - debug: progress: 884736/30839489 2%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.479Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.479Z - debug: progress: 917504/30839489 2%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.830Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:53.830Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:53.830Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:53.830Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:53.830Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:53.830Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:53.830Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:53.830Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:53.831Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:53.831Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:53.831Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:53.831Z - debug: progress: 950272/30839489 3%
2016-10-18T19:37:53.831Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:53.831Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:54.368Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:54.368Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:54.368Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:54.368Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:54.368Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:54.368Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:54.368Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:54.368Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:54.368Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:54.369Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:54.369Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:54.369Z - debug: progress: 983040/30839489 3%
2016-10-18T19:37:54.369Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:54.369Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:54.847Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:54.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:54.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:54.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:54.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:54.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:54.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:54.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:54.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:54.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:54.848Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:54.848Z - debug: progress: 1015808/30839489 3%
2016-10-18T19:37:54.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:54.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:55.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:55.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:55.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:37:55.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:55.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:55.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:55.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:55.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:55.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:55.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:37:55.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:55.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:55.692Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:55.692Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:55.692Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:55.693Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:55.693Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:55.693Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:55.693Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:55.693Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:55.693Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:55.693Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:55.693Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:55.693Z - debug: progress: 1048576/30839489 3%
2016-10-18T19:37:55.693Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:55.693Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:56.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:56.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:56.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:56.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:56.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:56.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:56.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:56.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:56.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:56.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:56.406Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:56.406Z - debug: progress: 1081344/30839489 3%
2016-10-18T19:37:56.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:56.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:56.908Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:56.908Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:56.908Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:56.908Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:56.909Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:56.909Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:56.909Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:56.909Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:56.909Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:56.909Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:56.909Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:56.909Z - debug: progress: 1114112/30839489 3%
2016-10-18T19:37:56.909Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:56.909Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:57.456Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:57.456Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:57.456Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:57.456Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:57.456Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:57.456Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:57.456Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:57.456Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:57.456Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:57.456Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:57.456Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:57.456Z - debug: progress: 1146880/30839489 3%
2016-10-18T19:37:57.456Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:57.457Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:57.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:57.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:57.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:57.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:57.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:57.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:57.871Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:57.871Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:57.871Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:57.871Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:57.871Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:57.871Z - debug: progress: 1179648/30839489 3%
2016-10-18T19:37:57.871Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:57.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:58.306Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:58.306Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:58.306Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:58.306Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:58.306Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:58.306Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:58.306Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:58.306Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:58.306Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:58.306Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:58.306Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:58.306Z - debug: progress: 1212416/30839489 3%
2016-10-18T19:37:58.307Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:58.307Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:58.773Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:58.774Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:58.774Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:58.774Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:58.774Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:58.774Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:58.774Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:58.774Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:58.774Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:58.774Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:58.774Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:58.774Z - debug: progress: 1245184/30839489 4%
2016-10-18T19:37:58.774Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:58.774Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.084Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:59.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:59.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:59.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:59.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:59.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:59.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:59.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:59.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.085Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:59.085Z - debug: progress: 1277952/30839489 4%
2016-10-18T19:37:59.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.086Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:59.086Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:59.086Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:37:59.086Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:59.086Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:59.086Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:59.086Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:59.086Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:59.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:59.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:59.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:59.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:59.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:59.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:59.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:59.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:59.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.087Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:59.087Z - debug: progress: 1310720/30839489 4%
2016-10-18T19:37:59.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.410Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:59.410Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:59.410Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:59.410Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:59.410Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:59.410Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:59.410Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:59.410Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:59.410Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.410Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.410Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:59.410Z - debug: progress: 1343488/30839489 4%
2016-10-18T19:37:59.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:59.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:59.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:59.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:59.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:59.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:59.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:59.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:59.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.411Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:59.411Z - debug: progress: 1376256/30839489 4%
2016-10-18T19:37:59.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:59.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:59.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:59.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:59.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:59.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:59.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:59.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:59.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.412Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:59.412Z - debug: progress: 1409024/30839489 4%
2016-10-18T19:37:59.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:37:59.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:59.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:37:59.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:37:59.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:37:59.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:37:59.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:37:59.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:37:59.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.413Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:37:59.413Z - debug: progress: 1441792/30839489 4%
2016-10-18T19:37:59.413Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:37:59.413Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:00.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:00.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:00.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:00.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:00.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:00.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:00.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:00.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:00.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:00.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:00.246Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:00.247Z - debug: progress: 1474560/30839489 4%
2016-10-18T19:38:00.247Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:00.247Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:00.502Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:00.502Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:00.502Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:00.502Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:00.502Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:00.502Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:00.502Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:00.502Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:00.502Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:00.502Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:00.502Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:00.502Z - debug: progress: 1507328/30839489 4%
2016-10-18T19:38:00.502Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:00.502Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:00.979Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:00.980Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:00.980Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:00.980Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:00.980Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:00.980Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:00.980Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:00.980Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:00.980Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:00.980Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:00.980Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:00.980Z - debug: progress: 1540096/30839489 4%
2016-10-18T19:38:00.980Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:00.981Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:01.526Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:01.526Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:01.526Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:38:01.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:01.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:01.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:01.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:01.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:01.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:01.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:38:01.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:01.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:02.107Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:02.108Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:02.108Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:02.108Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:02.108Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:02.108Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:02.108Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:02.108Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:02.108Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:02.108Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:02.108Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:02.108Z - debug: progress: 1572864/30839489 5%
2016-10-18T19:38:02.108Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:02.108Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:02.414Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:02.414Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:02.414Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:02.414Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:02.414Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:02.414Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:02.414Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:02.414Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:02.414Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:02.414Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:02.414Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:02.414Z - debug: progress: 1605632/30839489 5%
2016-10-18T19:38:02.414Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:02.414Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:02.858Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:02.858Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:02.858Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:02.858Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:02.858Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:02.858Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:02.858Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:02.858Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:02.858Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:02.858Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:02.858Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:02.859Z - debug: progress: 1638400/30839489 5%
2016-10-18T19:38:02.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:02.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:03.134Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:03.134Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:03.134Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:03.134Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:03.134Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:03.134Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:03.134Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:03.134Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:03.134Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:03.134Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:03.134Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:03.134Z - debug: progress: 1671168/30839489 5%
2016-10-18T19:38:03.135Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:03.135Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:03.403Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:03.403Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:03.403Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:03.403Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:03.403Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:03.403Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:03.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:03.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:03.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:03.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:03.404Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:03.404Z - debug: progress: 1703936/30839489 5%
2016-10-18T19:38:03.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:03.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:03.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:03.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:03.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:03.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:03.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:03.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:03.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:03.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:03.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:03.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:03.872Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:03.873Z - debug: progress: 1736704/30839489 5%
2016-10-18T19:38:03.873Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:03.873Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:04.116Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:04.116Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:04.116Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:04.116Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:04.116Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:04.116Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:04.116Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:04.116Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:04.116Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:04.116Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:04.116Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:04.116Z - debug: progress: 1769472/30839489 5%
2016-10-18T19:38:04.117Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:04.117Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:04.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:04.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:04.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:04.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:04.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:04.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:04.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:04.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:04.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:04.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:04.404Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:04.404Z - debug: progress: 1802240/30839489 5%
2016-10-18T19:38:04.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:04.405Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:04.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:04.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:04.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:38:04.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:04.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:04.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:04.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:04.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:04.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:04.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:38:04.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:04.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:04.884Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:04.884Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:04.884Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:04.884Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:04.884Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:04.885Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:04.885Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:04.885Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:04.885Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:04.885Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:04.885Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:04.885Z - debug: progress: 1835008/30839489 5%
2016-10-18T19:38:04.885Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:04.885Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:05.127Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:05.127Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:05.127Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:05.127Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:05.127Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:05.127Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:05.127Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:05.127Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:05.127Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:05.128Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:05.128Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:05.128Z - debug: progress: 1867776/30839489 6%
2016-10-18T19:38:05.128Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:05.128Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:05.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:05.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:05.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:05.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:05.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:05.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:05.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:05.820Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:05.820Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:05.820Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:05.820Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:05.820Z - debug: progress: 1900544/30839489 6%
2016-10-18T19:38:05.820Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:06.191Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:06.191Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:06.191Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:06.191Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:06.192Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:06.192Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:06.192Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:06.192Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:06.192Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:06.192Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:06.192Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:06.192Z - debug: progress: 1933312/30839489 6%
2016-10-18T19:38:06.192Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:06.192Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:06.192Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:06.192Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:06.192Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:06.192Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:06.192Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:06.192Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:06.192Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:06.192Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:06.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:06.193Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:06.193Z - debug: progress: 1966080/30839489 6%
2016-10-18T19:38:06.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:06.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:06.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:06.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:06.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:06.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:06.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:06.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:06.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:06.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:06.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:06.193Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:06.193Z - debug: progress: 1998848/30839489 6%
2016-10-18T19:38:06.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:06.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:06.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:06.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:06.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:06.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:06.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:06.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:06.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:06.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:06.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:06.194Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:06.194Z - debug: progress: 2031616/30839489 6%
2016-10-18T19:38:06.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:06.697Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:06.697Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:06.697Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:06.697Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:06.697Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:06.697Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:06.697Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:06.697Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:06.697Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:06.697Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:06.697Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:06.697Z - debug: progress: 2064384/30839489 6%
2016-10-18T19:38:06.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:07.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:07.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:07.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:38:07.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:07.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:07.239Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:07.239Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:07.239Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:07.239Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:07.239Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:38:07.239Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:07.515Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:07.516Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:07.516Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:07.516Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:07.516Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:07.516Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:07.516Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:07.516Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:07.516Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:07.516Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:07.516Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:07.516Z - debug: progress: 2097152/30839489 6%
2016-10-18T19:38:07.516Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:07.517Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.517Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:07.518Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.518Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:07.518Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.518Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:07.519Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:07.519Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.519Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.519Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.520Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.520Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.521Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.521Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.521Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.521Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.521Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.521Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.521Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.521Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.521Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.521Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.521Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.521Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.521Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.522Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.522Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.522Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.522Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.522Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.522Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.522Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.523Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.523Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.523Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.523Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.523Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.523Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.523Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.523Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.523Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.523Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.523Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.523Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.523Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.524Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.524Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.524Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.524Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.524Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.524Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.524Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.524Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.524Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.524Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.524Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.524Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.524Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.524Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.524Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.524Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.525Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.525Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.525Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.525Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.525Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:07.525Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:08.337Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:08.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:08.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:08.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:08.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:08.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:08.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:08.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:08.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:08.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:08.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:08.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:08.873Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:09.362Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:09.363Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:09.363Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:09.363Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:09.363Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:09.363Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:09.363Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:09.363Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:09.363Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:09.363Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:09.363Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:09.363Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:09.853Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:09.853Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:09.853Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:09.853Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:09.854Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:09.854Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:09.854Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:09.854Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:09.854Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:09.854Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:09.854Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:09.854Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:10.158Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:10.158Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:10.158Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:10.158Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:10.158Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:10.158Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:10.158Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:10.158Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:10.158Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:10.158Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:10.158Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:10.158Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:10.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:10.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:10.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:10.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:10.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:10.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:10.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:10.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:10.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:10.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:10.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:10.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:11.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:11.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:11.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:11.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:11.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:11.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:11.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:11.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:11.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:11.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:11.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:11.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:11.694Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:11.694Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:11.695Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:11.695Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:11.695Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:11.695Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:11.695Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:11.695Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:11.695Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:11.695Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:11.695Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:11.695Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:12.090Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:12.090Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:12.090Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:38:12.090Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:12.091Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:12.091Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:12.091Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:12.091Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:12.091Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:12.091Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:38:12.091Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:12.091Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:12.611Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:12.612Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:12.612Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:12.612Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:12.612Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:12.612Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:12.612Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:12.612Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:12.612Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:12.612Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:12.612Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:12.612Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:12.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:12.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:12.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:12.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:12.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:12.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:12.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:12.947Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:12.947Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:12.947Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:12.947Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:12.947Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:13.458Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:13.458Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:13.458Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:13.458Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:13.458Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:13.458Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:13.458Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:13.458Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:13.458Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:13.459Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:13.459Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:13.459Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:13.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:13.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:13.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:13.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:13.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:13.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:13.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:13.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:13.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:13.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:13.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:13.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:14.417Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:14.417Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:14.417Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:14.417Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:14.417Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:14.417Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:14.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:14.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:14.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:14.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:14.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:14.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:15.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:15.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:15.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:15.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:15.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:15.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:15.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:15.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:15.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:15.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:15.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:15.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:16.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:16.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:16.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:16.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:16.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:16.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:16.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:16.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:16.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:16.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:16.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:16.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:17.481Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:17.481Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:17.481Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:17.481Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:17.481Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:17.481Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:17.481Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:17.481Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:17.481Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:17.481Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:17.481Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:17.481Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:18.325Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:18.326Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:18.326Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:38:18.326Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:18.326Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:18.326Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:18.326Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:18.326Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:18.326Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:18.326Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:38:18.326Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:18.326Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:19.021Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:19.021Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:19.021Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:19.021Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:19.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:19.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:19.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:19.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:19.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:19.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:19.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:19.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:19.561Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:19.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:19.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:19.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:19.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:19.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:19.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:19.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:19.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:19.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:19.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:19.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:19.911Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:19.911Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:19.911Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:19.911Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:19.912Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:19.912Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:19.912Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:19.912Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:19.912Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:19.912Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:19.912Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:19.912Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:20.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:20.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:20.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:20.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:20.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:20.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:20.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:20.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:20.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:20.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:20.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:20.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:21.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:21.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:21.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:21.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:21.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:21.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:21.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:21.101Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:21.101Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:21.101Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:21.101Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:21.101Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:21.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:21.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:21.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:21.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:21.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:21.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:21.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:21.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:21.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:21.591Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:21.591Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:21.591Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:22.181Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:22.181Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:22.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:22.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:22.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:22.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:22.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:22.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:22.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:22.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:22.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:22.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:22.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:22.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:23.196Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:23.197Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:23.197Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:38:23.197Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:23.197Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:23.197Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:23.197Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:23.197Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:23.197Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:23.197Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:38:23.197Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:23.197Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:23.475Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:23.475Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:23.476Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:23.476Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:23.476Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:23.476Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:23.476Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:23.476Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:23.476Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:23.476Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:23.476Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:23.476Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:23.766Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:23.766Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:23.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:23.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:23.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:23.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:23.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:23.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:23.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:23.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:23.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:23.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:24.539Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:24.539Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:24.539Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:24.539Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:24.539Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:24.539Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:24.539Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:24.539Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:24.539Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:24.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:24.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:24.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:24.794Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:24.794Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:24.794Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:24.794Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:24.794Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:24.794Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:24.795Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:24.795Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:24.795Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:24.795Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:24.795Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:24.795Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:25.286Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:25.286Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:25.286Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:25.287Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:25.287Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:25.287Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:25.287Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:25.287Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:25.287Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:25.287Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:25.287Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:25.287Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:25.288Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.288Z - debug: progress: 2129920/30839489 6%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.288Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.288Z - debug: progress: 2162688/30839489 7%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.288Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.288Z - debug: progress: 2195456/30839489 7%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.288Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.288Z - debug: progress: 2228224/30839489 7%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.288Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.288Z - debug: progress: 2260992/30839489 7%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.288Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.289Z - debug: progress: 2293760/30839489 7%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.289Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.289Z - debug: progress: 2326528/30839489 7%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.289Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.289Z - debug: progress: 2359296/30839489 7%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.289Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.289Z - debug: progress: 2392064/30839489 7%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.289Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.289Z - debug: progress: 2424832/30839489 7%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.289Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.289Z - debug: progress: 2457600/30839489 7%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.289Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.289Z - debug: progress: 2490368/30839489 8%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.289Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.289Z - debug: progress: 2523136/30839489 8%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.289Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.289Z - debug: progress: 2555904/30839489 8%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.290Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.290Z - debug: progress: 2588672/30839489 8%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.290Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.290Z - debug: progress: 2621440/30839489 8%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.290Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.290Z - debug: progress: 2654208/30839489 8%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.290Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.290Z - debug: progress: 2686976/30839489 8%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.290Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.290Z - debug: progress: 2719744/30839489 8%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.290Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.290Z - debug: progress: 2752512/30839489 8%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.291Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.291Z - debug: progress: 2785280/30839489 9%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.291Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.291Z - debug: progress: 2818048/30839489 9%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.291Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.291Z - debug: progress: 2850816/30839489 9%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.291Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.291Z - debug: progress: 2883584/30839489 9%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.291Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.291Z - debug: progress: 2916352/30839489 9%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.291Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.291Z - debug: progress: 2949120/30839489 9%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.291Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.291Z - debug: progress: 2981888/30839489 9%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.291Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.291Z - debug: progress: 3014656/30839489 9%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.779Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:25.779Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:25.779Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:25.779Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:25.779Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:25.779Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:25.779Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:25.779Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:25.779Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:25.779Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:25.779Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:25.779Z - debug: progress: 3047424/30839489 9%
2016-10-18T19:38:25.779Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:25.779Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:26.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:26.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:26.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:26.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:26.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:26.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:26.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:26.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:26.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:26.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:26.367Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:26.367Z - debug: progress: 3080192/30839489 9%
2016-10-18T19:38:26.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:26.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:26.727Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:26.727Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:26.727Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:26.728Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:26.728Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:26.728Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:26.728Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:26.728Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:26.728Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:26.728Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:26.728Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:26.728Z - debug: progress: 3112960/30839489 10%
2016-10-18T19:38:26.728Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:26.728Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:27.124Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:27.124Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:27.124Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:38:27.124Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:27.124Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:27.124Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:27.124Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:27.124Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:27.124Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:27.124Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:38:27.125Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:27.125Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:27.463Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:27.463Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:27.463Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:27.463Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:27.463Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:27.463Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:27.463Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:27.463Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:27.463Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:27.463Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:27.463Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:27.463Z - debug: progress: 3145728/30839489 10%
2016-10-18T19:38:27.463Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:27.464Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:27.772Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:27.772Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:27.772Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:27.772Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:27.772Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:27.772Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:27.772Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:27.772Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:27.773Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:27.773Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:27.773Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:27.773Z - debug: progress: 3178496/30839489 10%
2016-10-18T19:38:27.773Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:27.773Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:28.089Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:28.089Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:28.089Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:28.089Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:28.089Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:28.089Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:28.090Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:28.090Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:28.090Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:28.090Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:28.090Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:28.090Z - debug: progress: 3211264/30839489 10%
2016-10-18T19:38:28.090Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:28.090Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:28.409Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:28.409Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:28.409Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:28.409Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:28.409Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:28.409Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:28.409Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:28.409Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:28.409Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:28.409Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:28.409Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:28.410Z - debug: progress: 3244032/30839489 10%
2016-10-18T19:38:28.410Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:28.410Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:28.705Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:28.706Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:28.706Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:28.706Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:28.706Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:28.706Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:28.706Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:28.706Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:28.706Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:28.706Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:28.706Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:28.706Z - debug: progress: 3276800/30839489 10%
2016-10-18T19:38:28.706Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:28.707Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:29.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:29.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:29.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:29.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:29.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:29.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:29.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:29.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:29.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:29.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:29.406Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:29.407Z - debug: progress: 3309568/30839489 10%
2016-10-18T19:38:29.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:29.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:29.472Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:29.472Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:29.472Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:29.472Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:29.472Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:29.472Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:29.472Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:29.472Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:29.472Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:29.472Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:29.472Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:29.472Z - debug: progress: 3342336/30839489 10%
2016-10-18T19:38:29.472Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:29.473Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.007Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:30.008Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:30.008Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:30.008Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:30.008Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:30.008Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:30.008Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:30.008Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:30.008Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.008Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.008Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:30.008Z - debug: progress: 3375104/30839489 10%
2016-10-18T19:38:30.008Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.009Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.009Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:30.009Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:30.009Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:38:30.009Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:30.009Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:30.009Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:30.009Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:30.009Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:30.009Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.009Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.010Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.010Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.010Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:30.010Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:30.010Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:30.010Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:30.010Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:30.010Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:30.010Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:30.010Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:30.010Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.010Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.010Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:30.010Z - debug: progress: 3407872/30839489 11%
2016-10-18T19:38:30.010Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.639Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:30.639Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:30.639Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:30.639Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:30.639Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:30.639Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:30.639Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:30.639Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:30.639Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.639Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.639Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:30.639Z - debug: progress: 3440640/30839489 11%
2016-10-18T19:38:30.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:30.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:30.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:30.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:30.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:30.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:30.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:30.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:30.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.640Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:30.640Z - debug: progress: 3473408/30839489 11%
2016-10-18T19:38:30.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:30.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:30.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:30.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:30.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:30.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:30.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:30.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:30.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.641Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:30.641Z - debug: progress: 3506176/30839489 11%
2016-10-18T19:38:30.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:30.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:30.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:30.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:30.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:30.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:30.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:30.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:30.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.641Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:30.641Z - debug: progress: 3538944/30839489 11%
2016-10-18T19:38:30.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:30.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:30.642Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:30.642Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:30.642Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:30.642Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:30.642Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:30.642Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:30.642Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.642Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.642Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:30.642Z - debug: progress: 3571712/30839489 11%
2016-10-18T19:38:30.642Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:30.642Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:31.235Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:31.768Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:31.768Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:31.768Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:31.768Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:31.768Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:31.768Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:31.768Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:31.768Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:31.768Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:31.768Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:31.768Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:31.768Z - debug: progress: 3604480/30839489 11%
2016-10-18T19:38:31.768Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:31.768Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:32.250Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:32.251Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:32.251Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:32.251Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:32.251Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:32.251Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:32.251Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:32.251Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:32.251Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:32.251Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:32.251Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:32.251Z - debug: progress: 3637248/30839489 11%
2016-10-18T19:38:32.251Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:32.251Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:32.938Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:32.938Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:32.938Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:38:32.938Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:32.938Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:32.938Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:32.938Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:32.938Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:32.938Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:32.938Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:38:32.938Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:32.938Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:32.938Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:32.938Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:32.938Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:32.939Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:32.939Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:32.939Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:32.939Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:32.939Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:32.939Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:32.939Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:32.939Z - debug: progress: 3670016/30839489 11%
2016-10-18T19:38:32.939Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:32.939Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:33.757Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:33.757Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:33.757Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:33.757Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:33.757Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:33.757Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:33.757Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:33.757Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:33.757Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:33.757Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:33.757Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:33.757Z - debug: progress: 3702784/30839489 12%
2016-10-18T19:38:33.757Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:33.758Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:34.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:34.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:34.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:34.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:34.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:34.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:34.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:34.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:34.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:34.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:34.265Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:34.265Z - debug: progress: 3735552/30839489 12%
2016-10-18T19:38:34.265Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:34.265Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:35.011Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:35.011Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:35.011Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:35.011Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:35.011Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:35.012Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:35.012Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:35.012Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:35.012Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:35.012Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:35.012Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:35.012Z - debug: progress: 3768320/30839489 12%
2016-10-18T19:38:35.012Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:35.012Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:35.841Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:35.841Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:35.841Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:35.841Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:35.841Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:35.841Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:35.841Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:35.841Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:35.841Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:35.841Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:35.841Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:35.842Z - debug: progress: 3801088/30839489 12%
2016-10-18T19:38:35.842Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:35.842Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:36.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:36.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:36.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:36.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:36.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:36.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:36.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:36.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:36.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:36.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:36.110Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:36.110Z - debug: progress: 3833856/30839489 12%
2016-10-18T19:38:36.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:36.111Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:36.676Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:36.676Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:36.676Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:36.677Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:36.677Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:36.677Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:36.677Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:36.677Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:36.677Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:36.677Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:36.677Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:36.677Z - debug: progress: 3866624/30839489 12%
2016-10-18T19:38:36.677Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:36.677Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:37.836Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:37.836Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:37.836Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:37.836Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:37.836Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:37.836Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:37.836Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:37.836Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:37.836Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:37.836Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:37.836Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:37.836Z - debug: progress: 3899392/30839489 12%
2016-10-18T19:38:37.836Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:37.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:38.132Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:38.133Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:38.133Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:38:38.133Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:38.133Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:38.133Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:38.133Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:38.133Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:38.133Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:38.133Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:38:38.133Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:38.133Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:38.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:38.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:38.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:38.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:38.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:38.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:38.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:38.923Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:38.923Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:38.923Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:38.923Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:38.923Z - debug: progress: 3932160/30839489 12%
2016-10-18T19:38:38.923Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:38.923Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:39.976Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:39.976Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:39.976Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:39.977Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:39.977Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:39.977Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:39.977Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:39.977Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:39.977Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:39.977Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:39.977Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:39.977Z - debug: progress: 3964928/30839489 12%
2016-10-18T19:38:39.977Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:39.977Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:41.161Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:41.161Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:41.161Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:41.161Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:41.161Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:41.161Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:41.161Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:41.161Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:41.161Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:41.161Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:41.162Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:41.162Z - debug: progress: 3997696/30839489 12%
2016-10-18T19:38:41.162Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:41.162Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:42.843Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:42.843Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:42.843Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:42.843Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:42.843Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:42.843Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:42.843Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:42.843Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:42.843Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:42.843Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:42.843Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:42.843Z - debug: progress: 4030464/30839489 13%
2016-10-18T19:38:42.843Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:43.668Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:43.668Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:43.668Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:43.668Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:43.668Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:43.668Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:43.668Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:43.668Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:43.668Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:43.668Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:43.668Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:43.669Z - debug: progress: 4063232/30839489 13%
2016-10-18T19:38:43.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:43.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:43.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:43.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:43.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:43.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:43.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:43.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:43.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:43.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:43.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:43.669Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:43.669Z - debug: progress: 4096000/30839489 13%
2016-10-18T19:38:43.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:43.754Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:43.754Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:43.754Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:43.754Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:43.754Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:43.754Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:43.754Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:43.754Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:43.754Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:43.754Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:43.754Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:43.754Z - debug: progress: 4128768/30839489 13%
2016-10-18T19:38:43.755Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:44.300Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:44.300Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:44.300Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:44.300Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:44.300Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:44.300Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:44.300Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:44.300Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:44.300Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:44.300Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:44.300Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:44.301Z - debug: progress: 4161536/30839489 13%
2016-10-18T19:38:44.301Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:44.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:44.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:44.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:38:44.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:44.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:44.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:44.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:44.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:44.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:44.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:38:44.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:45.432Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:45.432Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:45.432Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:45.432Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:45.432Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:45.432Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:45.433Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:45.433Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:45.433Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:45.433Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:45.433Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:38:45.433Z - debug: progress: 4194304/30839489 13%
2016-10-18T19:38:45.433Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:45.434Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.434Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:45.435Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.435Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:45.436Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:45.437Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.437Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:45.438Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.438Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.438Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.438Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.438Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.438Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.438Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.438Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.438Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.438Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.438Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.439Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.439Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.439Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.439Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.439Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.439Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.439Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.439Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.439Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.439Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.439Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.439Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.439Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.439Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.440Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.440Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.440Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.440Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.440Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.440Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.440Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.440Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.440Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.440Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.440Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.440Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.440Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.440Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.441Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.441Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.441Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.441Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.441Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.441Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.441Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.441Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.441Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.441Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.442Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.442Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.442Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.442Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.442Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.442Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.442Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.442Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.442Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.443Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:45.443Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:38:46.937Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:47.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:47.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:47.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:47.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:47.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:47.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:47.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:47.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:47.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:47.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:47.866Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:47.866Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:49.707Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:49.707Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:49.707Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:49.707Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:49.707Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:49.707Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:49.707Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:49.707Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:49.707Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:49.707Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:49.707Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:49.707Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:52.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:52.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:52.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:52.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:52.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:52.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:52.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:52.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:52.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:52.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:52.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:52.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:53.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:53.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:53.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:53.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:53.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:53.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:53.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:53.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:53.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:53.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:53.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:53.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:54.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:54.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:54.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:54.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:54.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:54.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:54.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:54.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:54.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:54.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:54.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:54.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:54.742Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:54.742Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:54.742Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:54.742Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:54.743Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:54.743Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:54.743Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:54.743Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:54.743Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:54.743Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:54.743Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:54.743Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:55.943Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:55.943Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:55.943Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:55.943Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:55.943Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:55.943Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:55.943Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:55.943Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:55.943Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:55.943Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:55.943Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:55.943Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:56.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:56.261Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:56.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:38:56.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:56.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:56.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:56.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:56.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:56.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:56.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:38:56.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:56.264Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:57.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:57.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:57.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:57.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:57.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:57.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:57.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:57.402Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:57.402Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:57.402Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:57.402Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:57.402Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:57.871Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:57.871Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:57.871Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:57.871Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:57.871Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:57.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:57.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:57.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:57.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:57.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:57.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:57.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:59.458Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:38:59.458Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:59.459Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:38:59.459Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:38:59.459Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:38:59.459Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:38:59.459Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:38:59.459Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:38:59.459Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:38:59.459Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:38:59.459Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:38:59.459Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:00.004Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:00.004Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:00.005Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:00.005Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:00.005Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:00.005Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:00.005Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:00.005Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:00.005Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:00.005Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:00.005Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:00.005Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:00.886Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:00.886Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:00.886Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:00.886Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:00.886Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:00.886Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:00.886Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:00.886Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:00.886Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:00.886Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:00.886Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:00.886Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:01.288Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:01.288Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:01.288Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:01.288Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:01.288Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:01.289Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:01.289Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:01.289Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:01.289Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:01.289Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:01.289Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:01.289Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:01.985Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:01.985Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:01.985Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:01.985Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:01.985Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:01.985Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:01.985Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:01.985Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:01.986Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:01.986Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:01.986Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:01.986Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:02.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:02.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:02.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:02.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:02.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:02.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:02.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:02.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:02.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:02.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:02.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:02.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:02.874Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:02.874Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:02.874Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:39:02.874Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:02.874Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:02.874Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:02.874Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:02.874Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:02.874Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:02.874Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:39:02.874Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:02.874Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:03.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:03.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:03.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:03.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:03.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:03.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:03.999Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:03.999Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:03.999Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:03.999Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:03.999Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:03.999Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:04.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:04.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:04.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:04.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:04.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:04.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:04.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:04.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:04.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:04.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:04.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:04.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:04.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:04.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:04.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:04.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:04.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:04.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:04.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:04.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:04.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:04.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:04.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:04.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:05.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:05.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:05.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:05.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:05.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:05.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:05.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:05.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:05.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:05.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:05.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:05.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:06.387Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:06.387Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:06.387Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:06.387Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:06.387Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:06.387Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:06.387Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:06.387Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:06.387Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:06.387Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:06.388Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:06.388Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:06.997Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:06.997Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:06.997Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:06.997Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:06.997Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:06.997Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:06.997Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:06.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:06.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:06.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:06.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:06.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:07.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:07.868Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:07.868Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:07.868Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:07.868Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:07.868Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:07.868Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:07.868Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:07.868Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:07.868Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:07.868Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:07.868Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:08.376Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:08.376Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:08.376Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:08.376Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:08.376Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:08.376Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:08.376Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:08.376Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:08.376Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:08.376Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:08.376Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:08.376Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:09.053Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:09.053Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:09.053Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:39:09.054Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:09.054Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:09.054Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:09.054Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:09.054Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:09.054Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:09.054Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:39:09.054Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:09.054Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:09.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:09.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:09.591Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:09.591Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:09.591Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:09.591Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:09.591Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:09.591Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:09.591Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:09.591Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:09.591Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:09.591Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:10.078Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:10.078Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:10.078Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:10.079Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:10.079Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:10.079Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:10.079Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:10.079Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:10.079Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:10.079Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:10.079Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:10.079Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:10.607Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:10.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:10.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:10.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:10.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:10.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:10.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:10.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:10.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:10.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:10.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:10.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:10.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:10.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:10.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:10.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:10.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:10.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:10.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:10.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:10.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:10.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:10.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:10.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:11.738Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:11.738Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:11.738Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:11.739Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:11.739Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:11.739Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:11.739Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:11.739Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:11.739Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:11.739Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:11.739Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:11.739Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:11.739Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.739Z - debug: progress: 4227072/30839489 13%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.740Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.740Z - debug: progress: 4259840/30839489 13%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.740Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.740Z - debug: progress: 4292608/30839489 13%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.740Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.740Z - debug: progress: 4325376/30839489 14%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.740Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.740Z - debug: progress: 4358144/30839489 14%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.740Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.740Z - debug: progress: 4390912/30839489 14%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.741Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.741Z - debug: progress: 4423680/30839489 14%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.741Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.741Z - debug: progress: 4456448/30839489 14%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.741Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.741Z - debug: progress: 4489216/30839489 14%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.741Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.741Z - debug: progress: 4521984/30839489 14%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.741Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.742Z - debug: progress: 4554752/30839489 14%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.742Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.742Z - debug: progress: 4587520/30839489 14%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.742Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.742Z - debug: progress: 4620288/30839489 14%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.742Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.742Z - debug: progress: 4653056/30839489 15%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.742Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.742Z - debug: progress: 4685824/30839489 15%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.742Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.742Z - debug: progress: 4718592/30839489 15%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.742Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.742Z - debug: progress: 4751360/30839489 15%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.742Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.742Z - debug: progress: 4784128/30839489 15%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.742Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.743Z - debug: progress: 4816896/30839489 15%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.743Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.743Z - debug: progress: 4849664/30839489 15%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.743Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.743Z - debug: progress: 4882432/30839489 15%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.743Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.743Z - debug: progress: 4915200/30839489 15%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.743Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.743Z - debug: progress: 4947968/30839489 16%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.743Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.743Z - debug: progress: 4980736/30839489 16%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.743Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.743Z - debug: progress: 5013504/30839489 16%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.743Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.743Z - debug: progress: 5046272/30839489 16%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.743Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.743Z - debug: progress: 5079040/30839489 16%
2016-10-18T19:39:11.743Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:11.743Z - debug: progress: 5111808/30839489 16%
2016-10-18T19:39:12.230Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:12.231Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:12.231Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:12.231Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:12.231Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:12.231Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:12.231Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:12.231Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:12.231Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:12.231Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:12.231Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:12.232Z - debug: progress: 5144576/30839489 16%
2016-10-18T19:39:12.232Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:12.232Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:12.572Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:12.572Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:12.572Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:12.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:12.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:12.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:12.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:12.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:12.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:12.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:12.573Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:12.573Z - debug: progress: 5177344/30839489 16%
2016-10-18T19:39:12.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:12.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:13.125Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:13.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:13.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:13.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:13.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:13.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:13.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:13.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:13.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:13.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:13.126Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:13.126Z - debug: progress: 5210112/30839489 16%
2016-10-18T19:39:13.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:13.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:13.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:13.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:13.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:39:13.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:13.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:13.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:13.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:13.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:13.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:13.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:39:13.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:13.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:13.708Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:13.708Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:13.708Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:13.708Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:13.708Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:13.708Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:13.708Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:13.708Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:13.708Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:13.708Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:13.708Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:13.708Z - debug: progress: 5242880/30839489 17%
2016-10-18T19:39:13.708Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:13.708Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:14.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:14.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:14.167Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:14.167Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:14.167Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:14.170Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:14.170Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:14.170Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:14.171Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:14.171Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:14.171Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:14.171Z - debug: progress: 5275648/30839489 17%
2016-10-18T19:39:14.171Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:14.171Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:14.448Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:14.448Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:14.448Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:14.448Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:14.448Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:14.448Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:14.448Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:14.448Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:14.448Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:14.448Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:14.448Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:14.448Z - debug: progress: 5308416/30839489 17%
2016-10-18T19:39:14.448Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:14.448Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:14.740Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:14.740Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:14.741Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:14.741Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:14.741Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:14.741Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:14.741Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:14.741Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:14.741Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:14.741Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:14.741Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:14.741Z - debug: progress: 5341184/30839489 17%
2016-10-18T19:39:14.741Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:14.741Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:15.073Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:15.073Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:15.073Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:15.073Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:15.073Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:15.073Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:15.073Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:15.073Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:15.073Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:15.073Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:15.073Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:15.073Z - debug: progress: 5373952/30839489 17%
2016-10-18T19:39:15.073Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:15.074Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:15.329Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:15.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:15.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:15.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:15.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:15.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:15.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:15.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:15.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:15.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:15.330Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:15.330Z - debug: progress: 5406720/30839489 17%
2016-10-18T19:39:15.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:15.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:15.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:15.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:15.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:15.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:15.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:15.544Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:15.544Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:15.544Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:15.544Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:15.544Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:15.544Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:15.544Z - debug: progress: 5439488/30839489 17%
2016-10-18T19:39:15.544Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:15.544Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:15.783Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:15.783Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:15.783Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:15.784Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:15.784Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:15.784Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:15.784Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:15.784Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:15.784Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:15.784Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:15.784Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:15.784Z - debug: progress: 5472256/30839489 17%
2016-10-18T19:39:15.784Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:15.784Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:15.784Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:15.785Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:15.785Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:39:15.785Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:15.785Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:15.785Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:15.785Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:15.785Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:15.785Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:15.785Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:39:15.785Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:15.785Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:16.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:16.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:16.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:16.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:16.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:16.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:16.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:16.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.046Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:16.046Z - debug: progress: 5505024/30839489 17%
2016-10-18T19:39:16.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:16.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:16.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:16.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:16.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:16.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:16.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:16.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:16.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.046Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:16.046Z - debug: progress: 5537792/30839489 17%
2016-10-18T19:39:16.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:16.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:16.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:16.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:16.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: progress: 5570560/30839489 18%
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: progress: 5603328/30839489 18%
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:16.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:16.048Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:16.048Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:16.048Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:16.048Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:16.048Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:16.048Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:16.048Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.048Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.048Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:16.048Z - debug: progress: 5636096/30839489 18%
2016-10-18T19:39:16.048Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.048Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:16.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:16.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:16.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:16.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:16.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:16.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:16.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:16.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.245Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:16.245Z - debug: progress: 5668864/30839489 18%
2016-10-18T19:39:16.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:16.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:16.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:16.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:16.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:16.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:16.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:16.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:16.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.870Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:16.870Z - debug: progress: 5701632/30839489 18%
2016-10-18T19:39:16.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.934Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:16.934Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:16.934Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:16.934Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:16.935Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:16.935Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:16.935Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:16.935Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:16.935Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.935Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.935Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:16.935Z - debug: progress: 5734400/30839489 18%
2016-10-18T19:39:16.935Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:16.935Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:17.869Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:17.869Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:17.869Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:39:17.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:17.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:17.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:17.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:17.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:17.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:17.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:39:17.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:17.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:17.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:17.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:17.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:17.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:17.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:17.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:17.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:17.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:17.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:17.870Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:17.870Z - debug: progress: 5767168/30839489 18%
2016-10-18T19:39:17.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:17.871Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:18.643Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:18.644Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:18.644Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:18.644Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:18.644Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:18.644Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:18.644Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:18.644Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:18.644Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:18.644Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:18.644Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:18.644Z - debug: progress: 5799936/30839489 18%
2016-10-18T19:39:18.644Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:18.644Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:19.016Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:19.016Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:19.016Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:19.016Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:19.016Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:19.016Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:19.016Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:19.016Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:19.017Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:19.017Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:19.017Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:19.017Z - debug: progress: 5832704/30839489 18%
2016-10-18T19:39:19.017Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:19.017Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:19.656Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:19.656Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:19.656Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:19.656Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:19.656Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:19.656Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:19.656Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:19.656Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:19.656Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:19.656Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:19.656Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:19.656Z - debug: progress: 5865472/30839489 19%
2016-10-18T19:39:19.656Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:19.656Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:21.065Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:21.065Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:21.065Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:21.065Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:21.066Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:21.066Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:21.066Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:21.066Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:21.066Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:21.066Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:21.066Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:21.066Z - debug: progress: 5898240/30839489 19%
2016-10-18T19:39:21.066Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:21.066Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:21.666Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:21.666Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:21.666Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:21.667Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:21.667Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:21.667Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:21.667Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:21.667Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:21.667Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:21.667Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:21.667Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:21.667Z - debug: progress: 5931008/30839489 19%
2016-10-18T19:39:21.667Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:21.667Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:22.828Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:22.828Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:22.828Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:22.828Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:22.829Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:22.829Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:22.829Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:22.829Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:22.829Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:22.829Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:22.829Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:22.829Z - debug: progress: 5963776/30839489 19%
2016-10-18T19:39:22.829Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:22.829Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:23.070Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:23.070Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:23.070Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:23.070Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:23.070Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:23.070Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:23.070Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:23.070Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:23.070Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:23.070Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:23.070Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:23.071Z - debug: progress: 5996544/30839489 19%
2016-10-18T19:39:23.071Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:23.071Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:23.616Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:23.616Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:23.616Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:39:23.616Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:23.616Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:23.616Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:23.616Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:23.616Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:23.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:23.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:39:23.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:23.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:23.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:23.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:23.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:23.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:23.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:23.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:23.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:23.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:23.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:23.617Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:23.617Z - debug: progress: 6029312/30839489 19%
2016-10-18T19:39:23.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:23.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:24.138Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:24.138Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:24.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:24.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:24.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:24.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:24.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:24.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:24.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:24.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:24.139Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:24.139Z - debug: progress: 6062080/30839489 19%
2016-10-18T19:39:24.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:24.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:24.938Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:24.939Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:24.939Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:24.939Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:24.939Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:24.939Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:24.939Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:24.939Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:24.939Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:24.939Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:24.939Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:24.939Z - debug: progress: 6094848/30839489 19%
2016-10-18T19:39:24.940Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:24.940Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:25.208Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:25.208Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:25.208Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:25.208Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:25.208Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:25.208Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:25.208Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:25.208Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:25.208Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:25.208Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:25.208Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:25.209Z - debug: progress: 6127616/30839489 19%
2016-10-18T19:39:25.209Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:25.209Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:26.637Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:26.637Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:26.637Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:26.637Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:26.637Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:26.637Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:26.637Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:26.637Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:26.637Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:26.637Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:26.637Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:26.638Z - debug: progress: 6160384/30839489 19%
2016-10-18T19:39:26.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:26.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:26.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:26.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:26.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:26.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:26.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:26.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:26.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:26.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:26.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:26.640Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:26.640Z - debug: progress: 6193152/30839489 20%
2016-10-18T19:39:26.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:26.912Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:26.912Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:26.912Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:26.912Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:26.912Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:26.912Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:26.912Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:26.912Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:26.912Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:26.912Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:26.912Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:26.912Z - debug: progress: 6225920/30839489 20%
2016-10-18T19:39:26.912Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:27.609Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:27.609Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:27.609Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:27.609Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:27.609Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:27.609Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:27.609Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:27.609Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:27.609Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:27.609Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:27.610Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:27.610Z - debug: progress: 6258688/30839489 20%
2016-10-18T19:39:27.610Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:27.978Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:27.978Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:27.978Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:39:27.978Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:27.978Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:27.978Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:27.978Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:27.978Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:27.979Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:27.979Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:39:27.979Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:28.225Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:28.225Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:28.225Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:28.225Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:28.225Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:28.225Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:28.225Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:28.225Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:28.226Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:28.226Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:28.226Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:28.226Z - debug: progress: 6291456/30839489 20%
2016-10-18T19:39:28.226Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:28.226Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.226Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:28.227Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.227Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:28.228Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.228Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:28.228Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.228Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:28.229Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.229Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.229Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.229Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.229Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.229Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.229Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.229Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.229Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.229Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.229Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.229Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.229Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.230Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.230Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.230Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.230Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.230Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.230Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.230Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.230Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.230Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.230Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.230Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.230Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.230Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.230Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.230Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.231Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.231Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.231Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.231Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.231Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.231Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.231Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.231Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.231Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.231Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.231Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.231Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.231Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.231Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.231Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.232Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.232Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.232Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.232Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.232Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.232Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.232Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.232Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.232Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.232Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.232Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.232Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.232Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.232Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.232Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.233Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:28.233Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:29.277Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:29.790Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:29.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:29.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:29.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:29.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:29.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:29.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:29.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:29.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:29.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:29.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:29.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:30.324Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:30.324Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:30.324Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:30.324Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:30.325Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:30.325Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:30.325Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:30.325Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:30.325Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:30.325Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:30.325Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:30.325Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:30.742Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:30.742Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:30.742Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:30.742Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:30.742Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:30.742Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:30.743Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:30.743Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:30.743Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:30.743Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:30.743Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:30.743Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:31.104Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:31.105Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:31.105Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:31.105Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:31.105Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:31.105Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:31.105Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:31.105Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:31.105Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:31.105Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:31.105Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:31.105Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:31.472Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:31.472Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:31.473Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:31.473Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:31.473Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:31.473Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:31.473Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:31.473Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:31.473Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:31.473Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:31.473Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:31.473Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:31.830Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:31.830Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:31.830Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:31.830Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:31.830Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:31.830Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:31.830Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:31.830Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:31.831Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:31.831Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:31.831Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:31.831Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:32.155Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:32.155Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:32.155Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:32.155Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:32.155Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:32.155Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:32.155Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:32.155Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:32.155Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:32.155Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:32.155Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:32.155Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:32.413Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:32.413Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:32.413Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:39:32.413Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:32.413Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:32.413Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:32.413Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:32.413Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:32.414Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:32.414Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:39:32.414Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:32.414Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:33.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:33.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:33.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:33.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:33.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:33.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:33.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:33.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:33.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:33.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:33.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:33.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:33.266Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:33.266Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:33.266Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:33.266Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:33.266Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:33.266Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:33.266Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:33.266Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:33.267Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:33.267Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:33.267Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:33.267Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:33.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:33.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:33.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:33.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:33.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:33.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:33.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:33.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:33.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:33.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:33.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:33.781Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:34.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:34.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:34.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:34.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:34.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:34.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:34.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:34.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:34.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:34.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:34.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:34.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:34.570Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:34.570Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:34.570Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:34.571Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:34.571Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:34.571Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:34.571Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:34.571Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:34.571Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:34.571Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:34.571Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:34.571Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:35.043Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:35.043Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:35.043Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:35.043Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:35.043Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:35.044Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:35.044Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:35.044Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:35.044Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:35.044Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:35.044Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:35.044Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:35.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:35.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:35.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:35.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:35.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:35.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:35.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:35.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:35.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:35.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:35.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:35.330Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:35.601Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:35.601Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:35.601Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:35.601Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:35.601Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:35.601Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:35.601Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:35.601Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:35.602Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:35.602Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:35.602Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:35.602Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:35.866Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:35.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:35.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:39:35.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:35.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:35.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:35.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:35.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:35.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:35.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:39:35.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:35.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:35.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:35.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:35.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:35.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:35.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:35.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:35.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:35.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:35.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:35.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:35.867Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:36.691Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:36.691Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:36.691Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:36.691Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:36.691Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:36.691Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:36.691Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:36.691Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:36.691Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:36.691Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:36.691Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:36.692Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:37.052Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:37.052Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:37.052Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:37.052Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:37.052Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:37.052Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:37.052Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:37.052Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:37.052Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:37.052Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:37.052Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:37.052Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:37.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:37.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:37.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:37.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:37.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:37.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:37.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:37.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:37.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:37.923Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:37.923Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:37.923Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:38.513Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:38.513Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:38.513Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:38.513Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:38.513Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:38.513Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:38.513Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:38.513Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:38.513Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:38.513Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:38.513Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:38.513Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:39.069Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:39.069Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:39.069Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:39.069Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:39.069Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:39.069Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:39.069Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:39.069Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:39.069Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:39.069Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:39.069Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:39.069Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:39.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:39.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:39.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:39.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:39.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:39.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:39.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:39.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:39.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:39.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:39.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:39.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:40.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:40.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:40.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:40.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:40.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:40.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:40.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:40.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:40.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:40.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:40.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:40.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:40.657Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:40.657Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:40.657Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:39:40.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:40.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:40.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:40.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:40.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:40.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:40.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:39:40.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:40.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:41.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:41.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:41.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:41.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:41.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:41.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:41.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:41.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:41.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:41.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:41.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:41.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:41.901Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:41.901Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:41.901Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:41.901Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:41.901Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:41.901Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:41.901Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:41.901Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:41.901Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:41.901Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:41.901Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:41.901Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:42.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:42.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:42.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:42.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:42.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:42.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:42.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:42.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:42.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:42.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:42.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:42.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:42.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:42.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:42.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:42.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:42.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:42.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:42.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:42.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:42.930Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:42.930Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:42.930Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:42.930Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:43.354Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:43.354Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:43.354Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:43.354Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:43.354Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:43.354Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:43.355Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:43.355Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:43.355Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:43.355Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:43.355Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:43.355Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:43.716Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:43.716Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:43.716Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:43.716Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:43.716Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:43.716Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:43.716Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:43.716Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:43.716Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:43.716Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:43.717Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:43.717Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:43.717Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.717Z - debug: progress: 6324224/30839489 20%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.717Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.718Z - debug: progress: 6356992/30839489 20%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.718Z - debug: progress: 6389760/30839489 20%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.718Z - debug: progress: 6422528/30839489 20%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.718Z - debug: progress: 6455296/30839489 20%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.718Z - debug: progress: 6488064/30839489 21%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.718Z - debug: progress: 6520832/30839489 21%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.718Z - debug: progress: 6553600/30839489 21%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.719Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.719Z - debug: progress: 6586368/30839489 21%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.719Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.719Z - debug: progress: 6619136/30839489 21%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.719Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.719Z - debug: progress: 6651904/30839489 21%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.719Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.719Z - debug: progress: 6684672/30839489 21%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.719Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.719Z - debug: progress: 6717440/30839489 21%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.719Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.719Z - debug: progress: 6750208/30839489 21%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.719Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.720Z - debug: progress: 6782976/30839489 21%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.720Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.720Z - debug: progress: 6815744/30839489 22%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.720Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.720Z - debug: progress: 6848512/30839489 22%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.720Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.720Z - debug: progress: 6881280/30839489 22%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.720Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.720Z - debug: progress: 6914048/30839489 22%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.720Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.720Z - debug: progress: 6946816/30839489 22%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.720Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.720Z - debug: progress: 6979584/30839489 22%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.720Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.720Z - debug: progress: 7012352/30839489 22%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.720Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.721Z - debug: progress: 7045120/30839489 22%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.721Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.721Z - debug: progress: 7077888/30839489 22%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.721Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.721Z - debug: progress: 7110656/30839489 23%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.721Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.721Z - debug: progress: 7143424/30839489 23%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.721Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.721Z - debug: progress: 7176192/30839489 23%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.721Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.721Z - debug: progress: 7208960/30839489 23%
2016-10-18T19:39:43.721Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:43.721Z - debug: progress: 7241728/30839489 23%
2016-10-18T19:39:44.107Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:44.107Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:44.107Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:44.107Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:44.107Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:44.107Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:44.107Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:44.107Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:44.107Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:44.107Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:44.107Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:44.108Z - debug: progress: 7274496/30839489 23%
2016-10-18T19:39:44.108Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:44.108Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:44.403Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:44.403Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:44.403Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:44.403Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:44.403Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:44.403Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:44.403Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:44.403Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:44.403Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:44.403Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:44.403Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:44.403Z - debug: progress: 7307264/30839489 23%
2016-10-18T19:39:44.403Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:44.403Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:44.766Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:44.766Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:44.766Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:39:44.766Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:44.766Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:44.766Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:44.766Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:44.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:44.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:44.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:39:44.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:44.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:44.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:44.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:44.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:44.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:44.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:44.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:44.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:44.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:44.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:44.767Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:44.767Z - debug: progress: 7340032/30839489 23%
2016-10-18T19:39:44.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:44.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:45.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:45.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:45.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:45.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:45.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:45.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:45.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:45.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:45.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:45.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:45.023Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:45.023Z - debug: progress: 7372800/30839489 23%
2016-10-18T19:39:45.024Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:45.024Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:45.342Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:45.343Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:45.343Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:45.343Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:45.343Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:45.343Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:45.343Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:45.343Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:45.343Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:45.343Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:45.343Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:45.343Z - debug: progress: 7405568/30839489 24%
2016-10-18T19:39:45.343Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:45.343Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:45.595Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:45.595Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:45.595Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:45.595Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:45.595Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:45.595Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:45.595Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:45.595Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:45.595Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:45.595Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:45.595Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:45.595Z - debug: progress: 7438336/30839489 24%
2016-10-18T19:39:45.596Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:45.596Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:45.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:45.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:45.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:45.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:45.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:45.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:45.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:45.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:45.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:45.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:45.832Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:45.832Z - debug: progress: 7471104/30839489 24%
2016-10-18T19:39:45.832Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:45.833Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:46.038Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:46.038Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:46.038Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:46.038Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:46.038Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:46.039Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:46.039Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:46.039Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:46.039Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:46.039Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:46.039Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:46.039Z - debug: progress: 7503872/30839489 24%
2016-10-18T19:39:46.039Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:46.039Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:46.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:46.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:46.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:46.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:46.294Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:46.294Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:46.294Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:46.294Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:46.294Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:46.294Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:46.294Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:46.294Z - debug: progress: 7536640/30839489 24%
2016-10-18T19:39:46.294Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:46.294Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:46.544Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:46.545Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:46.545Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:46.545Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:46.545Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:46.545Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:46.545Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:46.545Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:46.545Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:46.545Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:46.545Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:46.545Z - debug: progress: 7569408/30839489 24%
2016-10-18T19:39:46.545Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:46.545Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:46.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:46.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:46.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:39:46.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:46.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:46.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:46.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:46.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:46.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:46.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:39:46.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:46.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:46.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:46.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:46.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:46.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:46.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:46.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:46.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:46.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:46.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:46.865Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:46.865Z - debug: progress: 7602176/30839489 24%
2016-10-18T19:39:46.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:46.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:47.144Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:47.144Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:47.144Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:47.144Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:47.144Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:47.144Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:47.144Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:47.144Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:47.144Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:47.144Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:47.144Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:47.144Z - debug: progress: 7634944/30839489 24%
2016-10-18T19:39:47.144Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:47.145Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:47.790Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:47.790Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:47.790Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:47.790Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:47.790Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:47.790Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:47.790Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:47.790Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:47.790Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:47.790Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:47.790Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:47.790Z - debug: progress: 7667712/30839489 24%
2016-10-18T19:39:47.790Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:47.790Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:48.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:48.294Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:48.294Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:48.294Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:48.294Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:48.294Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:48.294Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:48.294Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:48.294Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:48.294Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:48.294Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:48.294Z - debug: progress: 7700480/30839489 24%
2016-10-18T19:39:48.294Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:48.294Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:48.616Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:48.616Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:48.616Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:48.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:48.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:48.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:48.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:48.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:48.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:48.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:48.617Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:48.617Z - debug: progress: 7733248/30839489 25%
2016-10-18T19:39:48.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:48.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:48.878Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:48.879Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:48.879Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:48.879Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:48.879Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:48.879Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:48.879Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:48.879Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:48.879Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:48.879Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:48.879Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:48.879Z - debug: progress: 7766016/30839489 25%
2016-10-18T19:39:48.879Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:48.879Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:49.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:49.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:49.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:49.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:49.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:49.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:49.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:49.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:49.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:49.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:49.418Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:49.418Z - debug: progress: 7798784/30839489 25%
2016-10-18T19:39:49.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:49.419Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:49.690Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:49.690Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:49.690Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:49.690Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:49.690Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:49.690Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:49.690Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:49.690Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:49.690Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:49.690Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:49.690Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:49.691Z - debug: progress: 7831552/30839489 25%
2016-10-18T19:39:49.691Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:49.691Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:50.102Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:50.102Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:50.102Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:39:50.102Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:50.102Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:50.102Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:50.102Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:50.102Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:50.102Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:50.102Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:39:50.102Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:50.103Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:50.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:50.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:50.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:50.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:50.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:50.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:50.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:50.404Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:50.405Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:50.405Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:50.405Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:50.405Z - debug: progress: 7864320/30839489 25%
2016-10-18T19:39:50.405Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:50.405Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:50.730Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:50.730Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:50.730Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:50.730Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:50.730Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:50.730Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:50.730Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:50.730Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:50.730Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:50.730Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:50.730Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:50.733Z - debug: progress: 7897088/30839489 25%
2016-10-18T19:39:50.733Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:50.733Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:51.862Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:51.862Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:51.863Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:51.863Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:51.863Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:51.863Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:51.863Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:51.863Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:51.863Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:51.863Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:51.863Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:51.863Z - debug: progress: 7929856/30839489 25%
2016-10-18T19:39:51.863Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:51.863Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:52.400Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:52.400Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:52.400Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:52.400Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:52.400Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:52.400Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:52.400Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:52.400Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:52.400Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:52.400Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:52.400Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:52.400Z - debug: progress: 7962624/30839489 25%
2016-10-18T19:39:52.400Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:52.400Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:52.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:52.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:52.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:52.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:52.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:52.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:52.964Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:52.964Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:52.964Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:52.964Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:52.964Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:52.964Z - debug: progress: 7995392/30839489 25%
2016-10-18T19:39:52.964Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:52.964Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:53.475Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:53.475Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:53.476Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:53.476Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:53.476Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:53.476Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:53.476Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:53.476Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:53.476Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:53.476Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:53.476Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:53.476Z - debug: progress: 8028160/30839489 26%
2016-10-18T19:39:53.476Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:53.476Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:53.827Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:53.827Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:53.827Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:53.827Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:53.827Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:53.827Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:53.827Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:53.827Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:53.827Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:53.827Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:53.827Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:53.827Z - debug: progress: 8060928/30839489 26%
2016-10-18T19:39:53.827Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:53.827Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:54.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:54.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:54.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:54.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:54.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:54.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:54.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:54.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:54.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:54.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:54.241Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:54.241Z - debug: progress: 8093696/30839489 26%
2016-10-18T19:39:54.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:54.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:54.597Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:54.597Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:54.598Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:39:54.598Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:54.598Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:54.598Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:54.598Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:54.598Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:54.598Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:54.598Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:39:54.598Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:54.598Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:54.598Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:54.598Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:54.598Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:54.598Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:54.598Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:54.598Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:54.598Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:54.598Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:54.598Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:54.598Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:54.598Z - debug: progress: 8126464/30839489 26%
2016-10-18T19:39:54.599Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:54.599Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:54.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:54.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:54.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:54.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:54.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:54.864Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:54.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:54.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:54.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:54.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:54.865Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:54.865Z - debug: progress: 8159232/30839489 26%
2016-10-18T19:39:54.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:55.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:55.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:55.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:55.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:55.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:55.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:55.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:55.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:55.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:55.573Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:55.573Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:55.574Z - debug: progress: 8192000/30839489 26%
2016-10-18T19:39:55.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:55.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:55.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:55.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:55.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:55.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:55.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:55.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:55.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:55.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:55.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:55.574Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:55.574Z - debug: progress: 8224768/30839489 26%
2016-10-18T19:39:55.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:55.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:55.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:55.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:55.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:55.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:55.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:55.575Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:55.575Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:55.575Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:55.575Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:55.575Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:55.575Z - debug: progress: 8257536/30839489 26%
2016-10-18T19:39:55.575Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:55.575Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:55.575Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:55.575Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:55.575Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:55.575Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:55.575Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:55.575Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:55.575Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:55.575Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:55.575Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:55.575Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:55.575Z - debug: progress: 8290304/30839489 26%
2016-10-18T19:39:55.575Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:55.623Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:55.623Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:55.623Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:55.623Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:55.624Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:55.624Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:55.624Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:55.624Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:55.624Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:55.624Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:55.624Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:55.624Z - debug: progress: 8323072/30839489 26%
2016-10-18T19:39:55.624Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:56.213Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:56.213Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:56.213Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:56.213Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:56.213Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:56.213Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:56.213Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:56.213Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:56.213Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:56.213Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:56.213Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:56.213Z - debug: progress: 8355840/30839489 27%
2016-10-18T19:39:56.214Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:56.625Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:56.625Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:56.625Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:39:56.625Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:56.625Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:56.625Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:56.625Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:56.625Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:56.625Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:56.625Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:39:56.625Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:56.882Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:56.882Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:56.882Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:56.882Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:56.882Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:56.882Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:56.883Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:56.883Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:56.883Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:56.883Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:56.883Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:39:56.883Z - debug: progress: 8388608/30839489 27%
2016-10-18T19:39:56.883Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:56.884Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.884Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:56.885Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.885Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:56.886Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.886Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:56.886Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.887Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:56.887Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.887Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.887Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.887Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.888Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.888Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.888Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.888Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.888Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.888Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.888Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.888Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.888Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.888Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.888Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.889Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.889Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.889Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.889Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.889Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.889Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.889Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.889Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.889Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.889Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.890Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.890Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.890Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.890Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.890Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.890Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.890Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.890Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.890Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.890Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.890Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.890Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.891Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.891Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.891Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.891Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.891Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.891Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.891Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.891Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.891Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.891Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.891Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.891Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.891Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.891Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.891Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.892Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.892Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.892Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.892Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.892Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.892Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.892Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:56.892Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:39:58.802Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:59.925Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:39:59.925Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:59.925Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:39:59.925Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:39:59.925Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:39:59.925Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:39:59.925Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:39:59.925Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:39:59.925Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:39:59.925Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:39:59.925Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:39:59.925Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:00.605Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:00.605Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:00.605Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:00.605Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:00.605Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:00.605Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:00.605Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:00.605Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:00.605Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:00.605Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:00.605Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:00.605Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:02.555Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:02.555Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:02.556Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:02.556Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:02.556Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:02.556Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:02.556Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:02.556Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:02.556Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:02.556Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:02.556Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:02.556Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:03.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:03.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:03.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:03.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:03.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:03.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:03.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:03.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:03.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:03.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:03.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:03.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:04.453Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:04.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:04.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:04.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:04.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:04.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:04.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:04.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:04.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:04.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:04.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:04.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:04.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:04.947Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:04.947Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:04.947Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:04.947Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:04.947Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:04.947Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:04.947Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:04.947Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:04.947Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:04.947Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:04.947Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:06.119Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:06.119Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:06.119Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:06.119Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:06.119Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:06.119Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:06.119Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:06.119Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:06.119Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:06.119Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:06.119Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:06.119Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:06.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:06.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:06.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:40:06.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:06.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:06.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:06.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:06.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:06.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:06.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:40:06.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:06.684Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:07.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:07.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:07.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:07.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:07.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:07.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:07.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:07.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:07.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:07.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:07.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:07.934Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:08.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:08.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:08.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:08.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:08.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:08.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:08.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:08.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:08.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:08.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:08.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:08.675Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:09.571Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:09.571Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:09.571Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:09.571Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:09.571Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:09.571Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:09.571Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:09.572Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:09.572Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:09.572Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:09.572Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:09.572Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:10.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:10.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:10.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:10.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:10.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:10.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:10.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:10.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:10.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:10.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:10.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:10.454Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:11.461Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:11.461Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:11.461Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:11.461Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:11.461Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:11.461Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:11.461Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:11.461Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:11.462Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:11.462Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:11.462Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:11.462Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:12.050Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:12.050Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:12.050Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:12.050Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:12.050Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:12.050Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:12.050Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:12.050Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:12.050Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:12.050Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:12.050Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:12.051Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:12.559Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:12.559Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:12.559Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:12.560Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:12.560Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:12.560Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:12.560Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:12.560Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:12.560Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:12.560Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:12.560Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:12.560Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:12.906Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:12.906Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:12.906Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:12.906Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:12.906Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:12.906Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:12.907Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:12.907Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:12.907Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:12.907Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:12.907Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:12.907Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:13.433Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:13.433Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:13.433Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:40:13.433Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:13.433Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:13.433Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:13.433Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:13.433Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:13.433Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:13.433Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:40:13.433Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:13.434Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:13.748Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:13.748Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:13.748Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:13.748Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:13.748Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:13.748Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:13.748Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:13.748Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:13.748Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:13.748Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:13.748Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:13.748Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:14.283Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:14.284Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:14.284Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:14.284Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:14.284Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:14.284Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:14.284Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:14.284Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:14.284Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:14.284Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:14.284Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:14.284Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:14.851Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:14.851Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:14.851Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:14.852Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:14.852Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:14.852Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:14.852Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:14.852Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:14.852Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:14.852Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:14.852Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:14.852Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:15.159Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:15.160Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:15.160Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:15.160Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:15.160Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:15.160Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:15.160Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:15.160Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:15.160Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:15.160Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:15.160Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:15.160Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:15.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:15.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:15.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:15.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:15.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:15.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:15.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:15.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:15.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:15.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:15.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:15.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:16.165Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:16.165Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:16.165Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:16.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:16.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:16.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:16.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:16.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:16.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:16.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:16.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:16.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:16.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:16.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:16.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:16.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:16.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:16.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:16.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:16.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:16.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:16.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:16.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:16.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:17.366Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:17.366Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:17.366Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:17.366Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:17.366Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:17.366Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:17.366Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:17.366Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:17.366Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:17.366Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:17.366Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:17.366Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:18.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:18.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:18.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:40:18.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:18.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:18.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:18.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:18.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:18.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:18.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:40:18.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:18.263Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:18.785Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:18.785Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:18.785Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:18.785Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:18.785Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:18.785Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:18.785Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:18.785Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:18.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:18.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:18.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:18.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:19.517Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:19.517Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:19.518Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:19.518Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:19.518Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:19.518Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:19.518Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:19.518Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:19.518Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:19.518Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:19.518Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:19.518Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:20.026Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:20.026Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:20.026Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:20.026Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:20.026Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:20.026Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:20.026Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:20.026Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:20.026Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:20.026Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:20.026Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:20.026Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:20.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:20.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:20.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:20.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:20.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:20.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:20.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:20.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:20.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:20.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:20.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:20.419Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:20.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:20.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:20.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:20.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:20.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:20.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:20.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:20.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:20.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:20.916Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:20.916Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:20.916Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:20.916Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.916Z - debug: progress: 8421376/30839489 27%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.916Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.916Z - debug: progress: 8454144/30839489 27%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.916Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.916Z - debug: progress: 8486912/30839489 27%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.917Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.917Z - debug: progress: 8519680/30839489 27%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.917Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.917Z - debug: progress: 8552448/30839489 27%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.917Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.917Z - debug: progress: 8585216/30839489 27%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.917Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.917Z - debug: progress: 8617984/30839489 27%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.917Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.917Z - debug: progress: 8650752/30839489 28%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.917Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.917Z - debug: progress: 8683520/30839489 28%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.917Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.917Z - debug: progress: 8716288/30839489 28%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.917Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.917Z - debug: progress: 8749056/30839489 28%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.918Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.918Z - debug: progress: 8781824/30839489 28%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.918Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.918Z - debug: progress: 8814592/30839489 28%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.918Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.918Z - debug: progress: 8847360/30839489 28%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.918Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.918Z - debug: progress: 8880128/30839489 28%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.918Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.918Z - debug: progress: 8912896/30839489 28%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.918Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.918Z - debug: progress: 8945664/30839489 29%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.918Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.918Z - debug: progress: 8978432/30839489 29%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.918Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.918Z - debug: progress: 9011200/30839489 29%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.918Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.918Z - debug: progress: 9043968/30839489 29%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.919Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.919Z - debug: progress: 9076736/30839489 29%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.919Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.919Z - debug: progress: 9109504/30839489 29%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.919Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.919Z - debug: progress: 9142272/30839489 29%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.919Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.919Z - debug: progress: 9175040/30839489 29%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.919Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.919Z - debug: progress: 9207808/30839489 29%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.919Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.919Z - debug: progress: 9240576/30839489 29%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.919Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.919Z - debug: progress: 9273344/30839489 30%
2016-10-18T19:40:20.919Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:20.919Z - debug: progress: 9306112/30839489 30%
2016-10-18T19:40:21.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:21.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:21.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:21.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:21.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:21.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:21.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:21.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:21.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:21.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:21.194Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:21.194Z - debug: progress: 9338880/30839489 30%
2016-10-18T19:40:21.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:21.195Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:22.230Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:22.230Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:22.230Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:22.230Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:22.230Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:22.230Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:22.230Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:22.230Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:22.230Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:22.231Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:22.231Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:22.231Z - debug: progress: 9371648/30839489 30%
2016-10-18T19:40:22.231Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:22.231Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:23.029Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:23.029Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:23.029Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:23.029Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:23.030Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:23.030Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:23.030Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:23.030Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:23.030Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:23.030Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:23.030Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:23.030Z - debug: progress: 9404416/30839489 30%
2016-10-18T19:40:23.030Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:23.030Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:23.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:23.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:23.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:40:23.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:23.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:23.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:23.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:23.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:23.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:23.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:40:23.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:23.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:23.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:23.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:23.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:23.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:23.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:23.579Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:23.579Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:23.579Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:23.579Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:23.579Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:23.579Z - debug: progress: 9437184/30839489 30%
2016-10-18T19:40:23.579Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:23.579Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:25.464Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:25.464Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:25.464Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:25.464Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:25.464Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:25.464Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:25.464Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:25.465Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:25.465Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:25.465Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:25.465Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:25.465Z - debug: progress: 9469952/30839489 30%
2016-10-18T19:40:25.465Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:25.465Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:26.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:26.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:26.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:26.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:26.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:26.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:26.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:26.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:26.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:26.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:26.293Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:26.293Z - debug: progress: 9502720/30839489 30%
2016-10-18T19:40:26.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:26.294Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:26.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:26.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:26.923Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:26.923Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:26.923Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:26.923Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:26.923Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:26.923Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:26.923Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:26.923Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:26.923Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:26.923Z - debug: progress: 9535488/30839489 30%
2016-10-18T19:40:26.923Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:26.923Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:27.449Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:27.449Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:27.449Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:27.449Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:27.449Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:27.449Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:27.449Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:27.449Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:27.449Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:27.449Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:27.449Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:27.449Z - debug: progress: 9568256/30839489 31%
2016-10-18T19:40:27.449Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:27.449Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:28.742Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:28.742Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:28.742Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:28.742Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:28.743Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:28.743Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:28.743Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:28.743Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:28.743Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:28.743Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:28.743Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:28.743Z - debug: progress: 9601024/30839489 31%
2016-10-18T19:40:28.743Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:28.743Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:29.860Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:29.860Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:29.860Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:29.860Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:29.860Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:29.860Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:29.860Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:29.861Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:29.861Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:29.861Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:29.861Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:29.861Z - debug: progress: 9633792/30839489 31%
2016-10-18T19:40:29.861Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:29.861Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:30.437Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:30.437Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:30.437Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:30.437Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:30.437Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:30.437Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:30.437Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:30.438Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:30.438Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:30.438Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:30.438Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:30.438Z - debug: progress: 9666560/30839489 31%
2016-10-18T19:40:30.438Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:30.438Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:30.959Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:30.959Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:30.959Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:40:30.959Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:30.959Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:30.959Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:30.959Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:30.959Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:30.959Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:30.960Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:40:30.960Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:30.960Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:30.960Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:30.960Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:30.960Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:30.960Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:30.960Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:30.960Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:30.960Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:30.960Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:30.960Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:30.960Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:30.960Z - debug: progress: 9699328/30839489 31%
2016-10-18T19:40:30.960Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:30.961Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:31.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:31.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:31.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:31.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:31.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:31.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:31.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:31.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:31.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:31.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:31.260Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:31.260Z - debug: progress: 9732096/30839489 31%
2016-10-18T19:40:31.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:31.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:32.209Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:32.209Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:32.209Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:32.209Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:32.209Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:32.209Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:32.209Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:32.209Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:32.210Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:32.210Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:32.210Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:32.210Z - debug: progress: 9764864/30839489 31%
2016-10-18T19:40:32.210Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:32.210Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:32.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:32.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:32.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:32.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:32.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:32.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:32.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:32.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:32.544Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:32.544Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:32.544Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:32.544Z - debug: progress: 9797632/30839489 31%
2016-10-18T19:40:32.544Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:32.544Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:33.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:33.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:33.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:33.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:33.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:33.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:33.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:33.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:33.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:33.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:33.046Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:33.046Z - debug: progress: 9830400/30839489 31%
2016-10-18T19:40:33.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:33.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:33.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:33.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:33.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:33.528Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:33.528Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:33.528Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:33.528Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:33.528Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:33.528Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:33.528Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:33.528Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:33.528Z - debug: progress: 9863168/30839489 31%
2016-10-18T19:40:33.528Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:33.529Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:34.862Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:34.862Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:34.862Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:34.862Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:34.862Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:34.862Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:34.862Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:34.862Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:34.862Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:34.862Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:34.862Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:34.862Z - debug: progress: 9895936/30839489 32%
2016-10-18T19:40:34.862Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:34.863Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:35.370Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:35.370Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:35.370Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:35.370Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:35.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:35.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:35.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:35.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:35.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:35.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:35.371Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:35.371Z - debug: progress: 9928704/30839489 32%
2016-10-18T19:40:35.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:35.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:36.853Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:36.853Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:36.853Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:40:36.853Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:36.853Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:36.853Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:36.853Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:36.853Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:36.853Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:36.853Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:40:36.853Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:36.853Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:37.375Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:37.375Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:37.375Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:37.375Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:37.375Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:37.375Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:37.375Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:37.375Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:37.375Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:37.375Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:37.375Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:37.375Z - debug: progress: 9961472/30839489 32%
2016-10-18T19:40:37.375Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:37.375Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:38.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:38.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:38.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:38.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:38.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:38.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:38.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:38.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:38.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:38.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:38.193Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:38.193Z - debug: progress: 9994240/30839489 32%
2016-10-18T19:40:38.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:38.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:38.735Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:38.735Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:38.735Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:38.735Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:38.735Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:38.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:38.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:38.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:38.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:38.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:38.736Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:38.736Z - debug: progress: 10027008/30839489 32%
2016-10-18T19:40:38.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:38.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:39.281Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:39.281Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:39.281Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:39.281Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:39.281Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:39.281Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:39.281Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:39.281Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:39.281Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:39.281Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:39.281Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:39.281Z - debug: progress: 10059776/30839489 32%
2016-10-18T19:40:39.281Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:39.281Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:40.343Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:40.343Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:40.343Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:40.343Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:40.344Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:40.344Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:40.344Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:40.344Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:40.344Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:40.344Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:40.344Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:40.344Z - debug: progress: 10092544/30839489 32%
2016-10-18T19:40:40.344Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:40.344Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:40.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:40.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:40.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:40.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:40.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:40.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:40.675Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:40.675Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:40.675Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:40.675Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:40.675Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:40.675Z - debug: progress: 10125312/30839489 32%
2016-10-18T19:40:40.675Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:40.675Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:41.288Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:41.288Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:41.288Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:41.288Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:41.288Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:41.288Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:41.288Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:41.288Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:41.288Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:41.288Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:41.288Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:41.288Z - debug: progress: 10158080/30839489 32%
2016-10-18T19:40:41.288Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:41.288Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:41.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:41.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:41.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:41.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:41.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:41.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:41.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:41.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:41.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:41.849Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:41.849Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:41.849Z - debug: progress: 10190848/30839489 33%
2016-10-18T19:40:41.849Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:41.849Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:41.849Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:41.849Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:41.849Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:40:41.849Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:41.849Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:41.849Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:41.849Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:41.849Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:41.850Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:41.850Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:40:41.850Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:41.850Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:42.357Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:42.357Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:42.357Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:42.357Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:42.357Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:42.358Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:42.358Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:42.358Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:42.358Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:42.358Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:42.358Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:42.358Z - debug: progress: 10223616/30839489 33%
2016-10-18T19:40:42.358Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:42.358Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:42.358Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:42.358Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:42.358Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:42.358Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:42.358Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:42.358Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:42.358Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:42.358Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:42.358Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:42.358Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:42.358Z - debug: progress: 10256384/30839489 33%
2016-10-18T19:40:42.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:42.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:42.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:42.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:42.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:42.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:42.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:42.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:42.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:42.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:42.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:42.359Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:42.359Z - debug: progress: 10289152/30839489 33%
2016-10-18T19:40:42.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:42.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:42.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:42.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:42.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:42.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:42.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:42.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:42.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:42.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:42.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:42.360Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:42.360Z - debug: progress: 10321920/30839489 33%
2016-10-18T19:40:42.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:42.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:42.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:42.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:42.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:42.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:42.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:42.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:42.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:42.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:42.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:42.360Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:42.360Z - debug: progress: 10354688/30839489 33%
2016-10-18T19:40:42.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:42.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:42.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:42.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:42.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:42.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:42.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:42.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:42.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:42.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:42.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:42.362Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:42.362Z - debug: progress: 10387456/30839489 33%
2016-10-18T19:40:42.362Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:42.797Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:42.797Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:42.797Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:42.797Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:42.797Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:42.797Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:42.797Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:42.797Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:42.797Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:42.797Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:42.797Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:42.797Z - debug: progress: 10420224/30839489 33%
2016-10-18T19:40:42.798Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:43.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:43.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:43.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:43.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:43.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:43.395Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:43.395Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:43.395Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:43.395Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:43.395Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:43.395Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:43.395Z - debug: progress: 10452992/30839489 33%
2016-10-18T19:40:43.395Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:43.889Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:43.889Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:43.889Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:40:43.889Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:43.889Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:43.889Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:43.889Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:43.889Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:43.890Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:43.890Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:40:43.890Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:44.196Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:44.196Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:44.196Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:44.196Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:44.196Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:44.196Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:44.196Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:44.196Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:44.196Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:44.196Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:44.196Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:44.196Z - debug: progress: 10485760/30839489 34%
2016-10-18T19:40:44.196Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:44.197Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.197Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:44.198Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.198Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:44.198Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.198Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:44.199Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.199Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:44.199Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.199Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.199Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.199Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.199Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.199Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.199Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.200Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.200Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.200Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.200Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.200Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.202Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.202Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.202Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.203Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.203Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.203Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.203Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.203Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.203Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.203Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.203Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.203Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.203Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.203Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.203Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.203Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.203Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.203Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.204Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.204Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.204Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.204Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.204Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.204Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.204Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.204Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.204Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.204Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.204Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.204Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.204Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.204Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.204Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.205Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.205Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.205Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.205Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.205Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.205Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.205Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.205Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.205Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.205Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.205Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.205Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.205Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.205Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:44.205Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:40:45.358Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:45.878Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:45.878Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:45.879Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:45.879Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:45.879Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:45.879Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:45.879Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:45.879Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:45.879Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:45.879Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:45.879Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:45.879Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:46.400Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:46.400Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:46.400Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:46.400Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:46.400Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:46.400Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:46.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:46.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:46.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:46.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:46.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:46.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:46.927Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:46.927Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:46.927Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:46.927Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:46.927Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:46.927Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:46.927Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:46.927Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:46.927Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:46.927Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:46.927Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:46.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:47.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:47.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:47.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:47.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:47.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:47.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:47.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:47.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:47.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:47.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:47.424Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:47.424Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:47.965Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:47.965Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:47.965Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:47.965Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:47.965Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:47.965Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:47.966Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:47.966Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:47.966Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:47.966Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:47.966Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:47.966Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:48.409Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:48.409Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:48.409Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:48.409Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:48.409Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:48.409Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:48.409Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:48.409Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:48.409Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:48.409Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:48.409Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:48.409Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:48.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:48.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:48.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:48.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:48.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:48.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:48.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:48.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:48.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:48.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:48.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:48.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:49.043Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:49.043Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:49.043Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:40:49.043Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:49.043Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:49.043Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:49.043Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:49.043Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:49.044Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:49.044Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:40:49.044Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:49.044Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:49.044Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:49.044Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:49.044Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:49.044Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:49.044Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:49.044Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:49.044Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:49.044Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:49.044Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:49.044Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:49.044Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:49.550Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:49.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:49.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:49.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:49.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:49.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:49.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:49.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:49.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:49.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:49.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:49.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:49.854Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:49.854Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:49.854Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:49.854Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:49.854Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:49.854Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:49.854Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:49.854Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:49.854Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:49.854Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:49.854Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:49.854Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:50.168Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:50.168Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:50.168Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:50.168Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:50.168Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:50.168Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:50.168Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:50.168Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:50.168Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:50.168Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:50.169Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:50.169Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:50.668Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:50.668Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:50.668Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:50.668Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:50.668Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:50.668Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:50.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:50.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:50.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:50.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:50.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:50.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:51.153Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:51.153Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:51.153Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:51.153Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:51.153Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:51.153Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:51.153Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:51.153Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:51.153Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:51.153Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:51.153Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:51.153Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:51.679Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:51.679Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:51.679Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:51.679Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:51.679Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:51.679Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:51.679Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:51.679Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:51.679Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:51.680Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:51.680Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:51.680Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:51.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:51.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:51.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:51.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:51.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:51.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:51.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:51.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:51.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:51.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:51.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:51.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:52.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:52.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:52.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:40:52.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:52.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:52.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:52.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:52.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:52.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:52.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:40:52.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:52.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:52.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:52.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:52.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:52.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:52.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:52.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:52.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:52.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:52.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:52.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:52.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:53.103Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:53.104Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:53.104Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:53.104Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:53.104Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:53.104Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:53.104Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:53.104Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:53.104Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:53.104Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:53.104Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:53.104Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:53.637Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:53.637Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:53.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:53.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:53.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:53.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:53.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:53.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:53.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:53.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:53.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:53.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:54.200Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:54.200Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:54.200Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:54.200Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:54.200Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:54.200Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:54.200Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:54.200Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:54.201Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:54.201Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:54.201Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:54.201Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:54.822Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:54.822Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:54.822Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:54.822Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:54.822Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:54.822Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:54.822Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:54.822Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:54.822Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:54.822Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:54.822Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:54.822Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:55.109Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:55.109Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:55.109Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:55.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:55.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:55.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:55.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:55.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:55.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:55.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:55.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:55.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:55.644Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:55.644Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:55.644Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:55.644Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:55.644Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:55.644Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:55.644Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:55.645Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:55.645Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:55.645Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:55.645Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:55.645Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:55.992Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:55.992Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:55.992Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:55.992Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:55.992Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:55.992Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:55.992Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:55.992Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:55.992Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:55.992Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:55.992Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:55.992Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:56.479Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:56.479Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:56.479Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:40:56.479Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:56.479Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:56.479Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:56.479Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:56.479Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:56.479Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:56.479Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:40:56.479Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:56.479Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:56.479Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:56.479Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:56.479Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:56.479Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:56.479Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:56.479Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:56.480Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:56.480Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:56.480Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:56.480Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:56.480Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:56.735Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:56.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:56.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:56.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:56.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:56.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:56.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:56.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:56.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:56.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:56.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:56.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:57.489Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:57.489Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:57.489Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:57.489Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:57.489Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:57.489Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:57.490Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:57.490Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:57.490Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:57.490Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:57.490Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:57.490Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:57.775Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:57.775Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:57.775Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:57.775Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:57.775Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:57.775Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:57.775Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:57.775Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:57.775Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:57.775Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:57.775Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:57.775Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:58.301Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:58.301Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:58.301Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:58.301Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:58.301Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:58.301Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:58.301Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:58.301Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:58.301Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:58.301Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:58.301Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:58.301Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:58.849Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:58.850Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:58.850Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:58.850Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:58.850Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:58.850Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:58.850Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:58.850Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:58.850Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:58.850Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:58.850Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:58.850Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:59.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:59.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:59.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:59.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:59.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:59.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:59.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:59.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:59.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:59.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:59.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:59.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:59.704Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:40:59.704Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:59.704Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:40:59.704Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:40:59.704Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:40:59.704Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:40:59.704Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:40:59.704Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:40:59.704Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:40:59.704Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:59.704Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:40:59.704Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:40:59.705Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.705Z - debug: progress: 10518528/30839489 34%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.705Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.705Z - debug: progress: 10551296/30839489 34%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.705Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.705Z - debug: progress: 10584064/30839489 34%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.705Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.705Z - debug: progress: 10616832/30839489 34%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.705Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.705Z - debug: progress: 10649600/30839489 34%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.705Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.705Z - debug: progress: 10682368/30839489 34%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.705Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.705Z - debug: progress: 10715136/30839489 34%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.705Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.706Z - debug: progress: 10747904/30839489 34%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.706Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.706Z - debug: progress: 10780672/30839489 34%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.706Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.706Z - debug: progress: 10813440/30839489 35%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.706Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.706Z - debug: progress: 10846208/30839489 35%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.706Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.706Z - debug: progress: 10878976/30839489 35%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.706Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.706Z - debug: progress: 10911744/30839489 35%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.706Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.706Z - debug: progress: 10944512/30839489 35%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.706Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.706Z - debug: progress: 10977280/30839489 35%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.706Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.706Z - debug: progress: 11010048/30839489 35%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.706Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.707Z - debug: progress: 11042816/30839489 35%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.707Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.707Z - debug: progress: 11075584/30839489 35%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.707Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.707Z - debug: progress: 11108352/30839489 36%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.707Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.707Z - debug: progress: 11141120/30839489 36%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.707Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.707Z - debug: progress: 11173888/30839489 36%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.707Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.707Z - debug: progress: 11206656/30839489 36%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.707Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.707Z - debug: progress: 11239424/30839489 36%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.707Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.707Z - debug: progress: 11272192/30839489 36%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.707Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.707Z - debug: progress: 11304960/30839489 36%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.707Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.707Z - debug: progress: 11337728/30839489 36%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.708Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.708Z - debug: progress: 11370496/30839489 36%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.708Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.708Z - debug: progress: 11403264/30839489 36%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.708Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.708Z - debug: progress: 11436032/30839489 37%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.708Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.708Z - debug: progress: 11468800/30839489 37%
2016-10-18T19:40:59.708Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:40:59.708Z - debug: progress: 11501568/30839489 37%
2016-10-18T19:41:00.105Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:00.105Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:00.105Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:41:00.106Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:00.106Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:00.106Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:00.106Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:00.106Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:00.106Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:00.106Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:41:00.106Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:00.106Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:00.405Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:00.405Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:00.405Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:00.405Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:00.405Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:00.405Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:00.405Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:00.405Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:00.405Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:00.405Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:00.405Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:00.405Z - debug: progress: 11534336/30839489 37%
2016-10-18T19:41:00.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:00.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:00.696Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:00.696Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:00.696Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:00.696Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:00.696Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:00.696Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:00.696Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:00.696Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:00.696Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:00.696Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:00.696Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:00.697Z - debug: progress: 11567104/30839489 37%
2016-10-18T19:41:00.697Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:00.697Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:01.067Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:01.067Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:01.067Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:01.067Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:01.067Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:01.067Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:01.067Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:01.067Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:01.067Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:01.067Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:01.068Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:01.068Z - debug: progress: 11599872/30839489 37%
2016-10-18T19:41:01.068Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:01.068Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:01.321Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:01.321Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:01.321Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:01.321Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:01.321Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:01.321Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:01.321Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:01.321Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:01.322Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:01.322Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:01.322Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:01.322Z - debug: progress: 11632640/30839489 37%
2016-10-18T19:41:01.322Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:01.322Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:01.619Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:01.619Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:01.619Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:01.619Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:01.619Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:01.619Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:01.619Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:01.619Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:01.619Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:01.619Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:01.619Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:01.619Z - debug: progress: 11665408/30839489 37%
2016-10-18T19:41:01.619Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:01.619Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:01.858Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:01.858Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:01.858Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:01.858Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:01.858Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:01.858Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:01.858Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:01.858Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:01.858Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:01.858Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:01.858Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:01.858Z - debug: progress: 11698176/30839489 37%
2016-10-18T19:41:01.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:01.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:02.558Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:02.558Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:02.559Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:02.559Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:02.559Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:02.559Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:02.559Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:02.559Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:02.559Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:02.559Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:02.559Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:02.559Z - debug: progress: 11730944/30839489 38%
2016-10-18T19:41:02.559Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:02.559Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:02.797Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:02.797Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:02.797Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:02.797Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:02.797Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:02.798Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:02.798Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:02.798Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:02.798Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:02.798Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:02.798Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:02.798Z - debug: progress: 11763712/30839489 38%
2016-10-18T19:41:02.798Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:02.798Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:03.159Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:03.159Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:03.159Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:41:03.159Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:03.159Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:03.159Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:03.159Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:03.159Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:03.159Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:03.159Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:41:03.159Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:03.159Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:03.764Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:03.764Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:03.764Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:03.764Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:03.764Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:03.764Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:03.764Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:03.764Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:03.764Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:03.764Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:03.764Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:03.764Z - debug: progress: 11796480/30839489 38%
2016-10-18T19:41:03.764Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:03.764Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:04.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:04.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:04.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:04.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:04.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:04.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:04.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:04.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:04.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:04.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:04.293Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:04.293Z - debug: progress: 11829248/30839489 38%
2016-10-18T19:41:04.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:04.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:05.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:05.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:05.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:05.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:05.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:05.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:05.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:05.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:05.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:05.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:05.047Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:05.047Z - debug: progress: 11862016/30839489 38%
2016-10-18T19:41:05.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:05.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:05.671Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:05.671Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:05.671Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:05.671Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:05.671Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:05.671Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:05.671Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:05.671Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:05.671Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:05.672Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:05.672Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:05.672Z - debug: progress: 11894784/30839489 38%
2016-10-18T19:41:05.672Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:05.672Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:06.441Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:06.441Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:06.441Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:06.441Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:06.441Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:06.441Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:06.441Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:06.441Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:06.441Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:06.441Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:06.441Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:06.441Z - debug: progress: 11927552/30839489 38%
2016-10-18T19:41:06.441Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:06.442Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:07.177Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:07.177Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:07.177Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:07.177Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:07.177Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:07.177Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:07.177Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:07.177Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:07.177Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:07.177Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:07.177Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:07.178Z - debug: progress: 11960320/30839489 38%
2016-10-18T19:41:07.178Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:07.178Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:08.382Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:08.382Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:08.383Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:08.383Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:08.383Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:08.383Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:08.383Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:08.383Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:08.383Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:08.383Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:08.383Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:08.383Z - debug: progress: 11993088/30839489 38%
2016-10-18T19:41:08.383Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:08.383Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:08.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:08.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:08.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:08.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:08.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:08.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:08.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:08.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:08.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:08.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:08.659Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:08.659Z - debug: progress: 12025856/30839489 38%
2016-10-18T19:41:08.659Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:08.659Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:09.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:09.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:09.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:41:09.164Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:09.164Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:09.164Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:09.164Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:09.164Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:09.164Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:09.164Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:41:09.164Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:09.164Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:09.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:09.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:09.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:09.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:09.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:09.699Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:09.699Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:09.699Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:09.699Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:09.699Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:09.699Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:09.699Z - debug: progress: 12058624/30839489 39%
2016-10-18T19:41:09.699Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:09.699Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:10.224Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:10.224Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:10.224Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:10.224Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:10.224Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:10.224Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:10.224Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:10.224Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:10.224Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:10.224Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:10.224Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:10.224Z - debug: progress: 12091392/30839489 39%
2016-10-18T19:41:10.224Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:10.224Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:10.576Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:10.576Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:10.576Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:10.576Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:10.576Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:10.576Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:10.576Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:10.576Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:10.576Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:10.576Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:10.576Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:10.576Z - debug: progress: 12124160/30839489 39%
2016-10-18T19:41:10.576Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:10.577Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:11.064Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:11.064Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:11.064Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:11.064Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:11.065Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:11.065Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:11.065Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:11.065Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:11.065Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:11.065Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:11.065Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:11.065Z - debug: progress: 12156928/30839489 39%
2016-10-18T19:41:11.065Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:11.065Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:11.618Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:11.618Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:11.618Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:11.618Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:11.618Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:11.618Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:11.618Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:11.618Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:11.618Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:11.618Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:11.618Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:11.618Z - debug: progress: 12189696/30839489 39%
2016-10-18T19:41:11.618Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:11.618Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:12.237Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:12.237Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:12.237Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:12.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:12.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:12.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:12.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:12.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:12.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:12.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:12.238Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:12.238Z - debug: progress: 12222464/30839489 39%
2016-10-18T19:41:12.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:12.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:12.642Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:12.642Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:12.642Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:12.642Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:12.642Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:12.643Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:12.643Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:12.643Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:12.643Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:12.643Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:12.643Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:12.643Z - debug: progress: 12255232/30839489 39%
2016-10-18T19:41:12.643Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:12.643Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:13.207Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:13.207Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:13.207Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:13.207Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:13.207Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:13.207Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:13.207Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:13.207Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:13.207Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:13.207Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:13.207Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:13.207Z - debug: progress: 12288000/30839489 39%
2016-10-18T19:41:13.207Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:13.207Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:13.794Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:13.794Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:13.794Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:41:13.794Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:13.794Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:13.794Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:13.794Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:13.795Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:13.795Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:13.795Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:41:13.795Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:13.795Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:14.501Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:14.501Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:14.501Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:14.501Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:14.502Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:14.502Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:14.502Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:14.502Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:14.502Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:14.502Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:14.502Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:14.502Z - debug: progress: 12320768/30839489 39%
2016-10-18T19:41:14.502Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:14.886Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:14.886Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:14.886Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:14.886Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:14.887Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:14.887Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:14.887Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:14.887Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:14.887Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:14.887Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:14.887Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:14.887Z - debug: progress: 12353536/30839489 40%
2016-10-18T19:41:14.887Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:14.887Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:14.887Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:14.887Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:14.887Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:14.887Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:14.887Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:14.887Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:14.887Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:14.887Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:14.887Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:14.887Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:14.887Z - debug: progress: 12386304/30839489 40%
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: progress: 12419072/30839489 40%
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:14.888Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:14.889Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:14.889Z - debug: progress: 12451840/30839489 40%
2016-10-18T19:41:14.889Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:14.889Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:14.889Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:14.889Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:14.889Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:14.889Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:14.889Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:14.889Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:14.889Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:14.889Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:14.889Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:14.889Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:14.889Z - debug: progress: 12484608/30839489 40%
2016-10-18T19:41:14.889Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:14.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:14.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:14.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:14.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:14.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:14.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:14.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:14.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:14.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:14.946Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:14.946Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:14.947Z - debug: progress: 12517376/30839489 40%
2016-10-18T19:41:14.947Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:15.398Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:15.398Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:15.398Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:15.398Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:15.398Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:15.398Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:15.398Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:15.399Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:15.399Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:15.399Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:15.399Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:15.399Z - debug: progress: 12550144/30839489 40%
2016-10-18T19:41:15.399Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:15.678Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:15.678Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:15.678Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:41:15.678Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:15.678Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:15.679Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:15.679Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:15.679Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:15.679Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:15.679Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:41:15.679Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:15.962Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:15.962Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:15.962Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:15.962Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:15.962Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:15.962Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:15.962Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:15.962Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:15.962Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:15.962Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:15.962Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:15.962Z - debug: progress: 12582912/30839489 40%
2016-10-18T19:41:15.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:15.963Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:15.965Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.965Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:15.966Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.967Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:15.968Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.968Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:15.969Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.969Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.969Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.969Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.969Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.969Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.969Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.969Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.969Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.969Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.969Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.969Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.969Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.969Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.969Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.970Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.970Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.970Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.970Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.970Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.970Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.970Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.970Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.970Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.970Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.970Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.970Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.971Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.971Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.971Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.971Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.971Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.971Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.972Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.972Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.972Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.972Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.972Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.972Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.972Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.972Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.972Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.972Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.972Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.972Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.973Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.973Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.973Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.973Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.973Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.973Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.973Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.973Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.973Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.973Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.973Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.973Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.974Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.974Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:15.974Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:16.789Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:17.649Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:17.649Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:17.649Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:17.649Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:17.649Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:17.649Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:17.649Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:17.649Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:17.649Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:17.649Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:17.649Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:17.649Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:18.291Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:18.291Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:18.291Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:18.291Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:18.291Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:18.291Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:18.291Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:18.291Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:18.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:18.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:18.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:18.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:18.806Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:18.806Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:18.806Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:18.806Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:18.806Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:18.806Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:18.806Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:18.806Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:18.806Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:18.806Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:18.807Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:18.807Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:19.252Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:19.253Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:19.253Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:19.253Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:19.253Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:19.253Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:19.253Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:19.253Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:19.253Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:19.253Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:19.253Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:19.253Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:19.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:19.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:19.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:19.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:19.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:19.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:19.563Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:19.563Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:19.563Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:19.563Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:19.563Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:19.563Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:20.249Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:20.249Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:20.249Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:20.249Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:20.249Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:20.249Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:20.249Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:20.249Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:20.249Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:20.250Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:20.250Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:20.250Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:20.778Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:20.778Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:20.778Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:20.778Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:20.778Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:20.778Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:20.778Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:20.778Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:20.778Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:20.778Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:20.778Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:20.779Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:21.324Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:21.324Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:21.325Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:41:21.325Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:21.325Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:21.325Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:21.325Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:21.325Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:21.325Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:21.325Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:41:21.325Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:21.325Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:21.851Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:21.851Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:21.851Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:21.851Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:21.851Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:21.851Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:21.851Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:21.851Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:21.851Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:21.851Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:21.851Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:21.851Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:22.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:22.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:22.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:22.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:22.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:22.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:22.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:22.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:22.581Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:22.581Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:22.581Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:22.581Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:22.954Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:22.954Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:22.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:22.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:22.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:22.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:22.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:22.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:22.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:22.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:22.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:22.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:23.378Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:23.378Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:23.378Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:23.378Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:23.378Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:23.378Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:23.378Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:23.378Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:23.378Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:23.379Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:23.379Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:23.379Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:23.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:23.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:23.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:23.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:23.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:23.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:23.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:23.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:23.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:23.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:23.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:23.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:24.419Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:24.419Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:24.419Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:24.422Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:24.422Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:24.422Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:24.422Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:24.422Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:24.422Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:24.422Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:24.422Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:24.422Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:24.987Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:24.987Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:24.987Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:24.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:24.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:24.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:24.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:24.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:24.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:24.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:24.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:24.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:25.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:25.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:25.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:25.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:25.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:25.238Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:25.239Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:25.239Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:25.239Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:25.239Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:25.239Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:25.239Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:25.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:25.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:25.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:41:25.767Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:25.768Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:25.768Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:25.768Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:25.768Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:25.768Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:25.768Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:41:25.768Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:25.769Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:26.659Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:26.659Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:26.659Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:26.659Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:26.659Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:26.660Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:26.660Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:26.660Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:26.660Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:26.660Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:26.660Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:26.660Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:27.012Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:27.012Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:27.012Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:27.012Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:27.012Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:27.012Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:27.012Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:27.012Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:27.012Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:27.012Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:27.012Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:27.013Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:27.450Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:27.451Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:27.451Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:27.451Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:27.451Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:27.451Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:27.451Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:27.451Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:27.451Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:27.451Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:27.451Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:27.451Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:27.752Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:27.752Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:27.752Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:27.752Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:27.752Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:27.752Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:27.753Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:27.753Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:27.753Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:27.753Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:27.753Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:27.753Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:28.049Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:28.050Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:28.050Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:28.050Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:28.050Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:28.050Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:28.050Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:28.050Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:28.050Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:28.050Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:28.050Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:28.050Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:28.337Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:28.337Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:28.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:28.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:28.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:28.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:28.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:28.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:28.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:28.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:28.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:28.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:28.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:28.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:28.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:28.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:28.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:28.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:28.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:28.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:28.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:28.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:28.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:28.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:29.549Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:29.549Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:29.549Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:29.549Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:29.550Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:29.550Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:29.550Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:29.550Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:29.550Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:29.550Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:29.550Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:29.550Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:29.780Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:29.780Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:29.780Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:41:29.780Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:29.780Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:29.780Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:29.780Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:29.780Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:29.780Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:29.780Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:41:29.780Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:29.780Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:30.109Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:30.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:30.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:30.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:30.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:30.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:30.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:30.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:30.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:30.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:30.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:30.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:30.654Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:30.655Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:30.655Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:30.655Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:30.655Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:30.656Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:30.656Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:30.656Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:30.656Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:30.656Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:30.656Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:30.657Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:31.721Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:31.721Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:31.721Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:31.721Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:31.721Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:31.721Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:31.721Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:31.721Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:31.721Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:31.721Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:31.721Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:31.722Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:32.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:32.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:32.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:32.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:32.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:32.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:32.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:32.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:32.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:32.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:32.372Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:32.372Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:33.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:33.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:33.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:33.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:33.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:33.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:33.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:33.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:33.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:33.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:33.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:33.618Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:33.618Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.618Z - debug: progress: 12615680/30839489 40%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.618Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.618Z - debug: progress: 12648448/30839489 41%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.619Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.619Z - debug: progress: 12681216/30839489 41%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.619Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.619Z - debug: progress: 12713984/30839489 41%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.619Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.619Z - debug: progress: 12746752/30839489 41%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.619Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.619Z - debug: progress: 12779520/30839489 41%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.619Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.619Z - debug: progress: 12812288/30839489 41%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.619Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.619Z - debug: progress: 12845056/30839489 41%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.619Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.619Z - debug: progress: 12877824/30839489 41%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.619Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.619Z - debug: progress: 12910592/30839489 41%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.619Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.619Z - debug: progress: 12943360/30839489 41%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.620Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.620Z - debug: progress: 12976128/30839489 42%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.620Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.620Z - debug: progress: 13008896/30839489 42%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.620Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.620Z - debug: progress: 13041664/30839489 42%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.620Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.620Z - debug: progress: 13074432/30839489 42%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.620Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.620Z - debug: progress: 13107200/30839489 42%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.620Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.620Z - debug: progress: 13139968/30839489 42%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.620Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.620Z - debug: progress: 13172736/30839489 42%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.620Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.620Z - debug: progress: 13205504/30839489 42%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.620Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.620Z - debug: progress: 13238272/30839489 42%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.621Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.621Z - debug: progress: 13271040/30839489 43%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.621Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.621Z - debug: progress: 13303808/30839489 43%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.621Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.621Z - debug: progress: 13336576/30839489 43%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.621Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.621Z - debug: progress: 13369344/30839489 43%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.621Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.621Z - debug: progress: 13402112/30839489 43%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.621Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.621Z - debug: progress: 13434880/30839489 43%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.621Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.621Z - debug: progress: 13467648/30839489 43%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.621Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.621Z - debug: progress: 13500416/30839489 43%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:33.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:33.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:33.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:33.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:33.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:33.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:33.898Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:33.898Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:33.898Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:33.898Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:33.898Z - debug: progress: 13533184/30839489 43%
2016-10-18T19:41:33.898Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:33.898Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:34.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:34.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:34.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:34.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:34.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:34.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:34.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:34.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:34.418Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:34.419Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:34.419Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:34.419Z - debug: progress: 13565952/30839489 43%
2016-10-18T19:41:34.419Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:34.419Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:34.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:34.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:34.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:34.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:34.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:34.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:34.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:34.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:34.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:34.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:34.929Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:34.930Z - debug: progress: 13598720/30839489 44%
2016-10-18T19:41:34.930Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:34.930Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:35.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:35.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:35.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:41:35.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:35.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:35.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:35.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:35.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:35.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:35.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:41:35.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:35.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:35.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:35.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:35.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:35.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:35.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:35.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:35.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:35.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:35.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:35.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:35.787Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:35.787Z - debug: progress: 13631488/30839489 44%
2016-10-18T19:41:35.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:35.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:36.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:36.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:36.111Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:36.111Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:36.111Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:36.111Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:36.111Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:36.111Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:36.111Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:36.111Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:36.111Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:36.111Z - debug: progress: 13664256/30839489 44%
2016-10-18T19:41:36.111Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:36.111Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:36.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:36.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:36.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:36.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:36.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:36.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:36.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:36.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:36.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:36.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:36.509Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:36.510Z - debug: progress: 13697024/30839489 44%
2016-10-18T19:41:36.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:36.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:36.868Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:36.868Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:36.868Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:36.868Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:36.868Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:36.868Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:36.868Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:36.868Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:36.868Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:36.868Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:36.868Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:36.868Z - debug: progress: 13729792/30839489 44%
2016-10-18T19:41:36.868Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:36.869Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:37.178Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:37.178Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:37.178Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:37.178Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:37.178Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:37.178Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:37.178Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:37.178Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:37.178Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:37.178Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:37.178Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:37.178Z - debug: progress: 13762560/30839489 44%
2016-10-18T19:41:37.178Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:37.178Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:37.560Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:37.560Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:37.560Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:37.560Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:37.560Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:37.560Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:37.560Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:37.560Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:37.561Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:37.561Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:37.561Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:37.561Z - debug: progress: 13795328/30839489 44%
2016-10-18T19:41:37.561Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:37.561Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.035Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:38.035Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:38.035Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:38.035Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:38.035Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:38.035Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:38.035Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:38.035Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:38.035Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.035Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.035Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:38.035Z - debug: progress: 13828096/30839489 44%
2016-10-18T19:41:38.035Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.035Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.291Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:38.291Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:38.291Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:38.291Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:38.291Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:38.291Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:38.291Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:38.291Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:38.291Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.291Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.292Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:38.292Z - debug: progress: 13860864/30839489 44%
2016-10-18T19:41:38.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:38.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:38.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:41:38.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:38.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:38.292Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:38.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:38.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:38.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.293Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:38.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:38.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:38.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:38.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:38.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:38.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:38.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:38.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.786Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:38.786Z - debug: progress: 13893632/30839489 45%
2016-10-18T19:41:38.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:38.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:38.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:38.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:38.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:38.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:38.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:38.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:38.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.787Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:38.787Z - debug: progress: 13926400/30839489 45%
2016-10-18T19:41:38.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:38.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:38.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:38.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:38.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:38.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:38.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:38.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:38.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.787Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:38.788Z - debug: progress: 13959168/30839489 45%
2016-10-18T19:41:38.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:38.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:38.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:38.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:38.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:38.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:38.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:38.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:38.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.788Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:38.788Z - debug: progress: 13991936/30839489 45%
2016-10-18T19:41:38.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:38.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:38.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:38.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:38.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:38.789Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:38.789Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:38.789Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:38.789Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.789Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.789Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:38.789Z - debug: progress: 14024704/30839489 45%
2016-10-18T19:41:38.789Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:38.789Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:39.548Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:39.548Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:39.548Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:39.548Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:39.548Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:39.548Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:39.548Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:39.548Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:39.548Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:39.548Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:39.548Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:39.548Z - debug: progress: 14057472/30839489 45%
2016-10-18T19:41:39.549Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:39.549Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:40.067Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:40.067Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:40.067Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:40.067Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:40.067Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:40.067Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:40.068Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:40.068Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:40.068Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:40.068Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:40.068Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:40.068Z - debug: progress: 14090240/30839489 45%
2016-10-18T19:41:40.068Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:40.068Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:40.657Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:40.657Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:40.657Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:40.657Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:40.657Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:40.657Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:40.657Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:40.657Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:40.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:40.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:40.658Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:40.658Z - debug: progress: 14123008/30839489 45%
2016-10-18T19:41:40.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:40.658Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:41.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:41.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:41.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:41:41.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:41.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:41.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:41.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:41.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:41.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:41.186Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:41:41.186Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:41.186Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:41.523Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:41.523Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:41.523Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:41.523Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:41.523Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:41.523Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:41.523Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:41.523Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:41.523Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:41.523Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:41.523Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:41.523Z - debug: progress: 14155776/30839489 45%
2016-10-18T19:41:41.523Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:41.523Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:41.808Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:41.808Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:41.808Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:41.808Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:41.808Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:41.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:41.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:41.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:41.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:41.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:41.809Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:41.809Z - debug: progress: 14188544/30839489 46%
2016-10-18T19:41:41.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:41.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:42.249Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:42.249Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:42.249Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:42.250Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:42.250Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:42.250Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:42.250Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:42.250Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:42.250Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:42.250Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:42.251Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:42.251Z - debug: progress: 14221312/30839489 46%
2016-10-18T19:41:42.251Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:42.251Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:42.533Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:42.533Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:42.533Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:42.533Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:42.533Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:42.533Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:42.533Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:42.533Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:42.533Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:42.534Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:42.534Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:42.534Z - debug: progress: 14254080/30839489 46%
2016-10-18T19:41:42.534Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:42.534Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:42.782Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:42.782Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:42.782Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:42.782Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:42.783Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:42.783Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:42.783Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:42.783Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:42.783Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:42.783Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:42.783Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:42.783Z - debug: progress: 14286848/30839489 46%
2016-10-18T19:41:42.783Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:42.783Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:43.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:43.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:43.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:43.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:43.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:43.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:43.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:43.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:43.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:43.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:43.088Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:43.088Z - debug: progress: 14319616/30839489 46%
2016-10-18T19:41:43.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:43.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:43.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:43.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:43.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:43.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:43.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:43.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:43.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:43.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:43.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:43.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:43.360Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:43.360Z - debug: progress: 14352384/30839489 46%
2016-10-18T19:41:43.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:43.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:43.627Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:43.627Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:43.627Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:43.627Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:43.627Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:43.627Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:43.627Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:43.627Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:43.627Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:43.627Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:43.627Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:43.627Z - debug: progress: 14385152/30839489 46%
2016-10-18T19:41:43.628Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:43.628Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:44.173Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:44.173Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:44.173Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:41:44.173Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:44.173Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:44.173Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:44.173Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:44.173Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:44.173Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:44.173Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:41:44.173Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:44.173Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:44.744Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:44.745Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:44.745Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:44.745Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:44.745Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:44.745Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:44.745Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:44.745Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:44.745Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:44.745Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:44.745Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:44.745Z - debug: progress: 14417920/30839489 46%
2016-10-18T19:41:44.745Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:44.745Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:45.349Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:45.349Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:45.349Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:45.349Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:45.350Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:45.350Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:45.350Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:45.350Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:45.350Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:45.350Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:45.350Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:45.350Z - debug: progress: 14450688/30839489 46%
2016-10-18T19:41:45.350Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:45.350Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:45.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:45.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:45.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:45.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:45.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:45.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:45.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:45.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:45.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:45.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:45.929Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:45.929Z - debug: progress: 14483456/30839489 46%
2016-10-18T19:41:45.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:46.446Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:46.446Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:46.446Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:46.446Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:46.446Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:46.446Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:46.446Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:46.446Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:46.446Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:46.446Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:46.447Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:46.447Z - debug: progress: 14516224/30839489 47%
2016-10-18T19:41:46.447Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:46.447Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:46.447Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:46.447Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:46.447Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:46.447Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:46.447Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:46.447Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:46.447Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:46.447Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:46.447Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:46.447Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:46.447Z - debug: progress: 14548992/30839489 47%
2016-10-18T19:41:46.447Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:46.447Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:46.447Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:46.447Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:46.447Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:46.448Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:46.448Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:46.448Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:46.448Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:46.448Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:46.448Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:46.448Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:46.448Z - debug: progress: 14581760/30839489 47%
2016-10-18T19:41:46.448Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:46.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:46.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:46.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:46.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:46.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:46.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:46.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:46.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:46.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:46.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:46.505Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:46.505Z - debug: progress: 14614528/30839489 47%
2016-10-18T19:41:46.506Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:46.987Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:46.987Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:46.987Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:46.987Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:46.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:46.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:46.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:46.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:46.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:46.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:46.988Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:46.988Z - debug: progress: 14647296/30839489 47%
2016-10-18T19:41:46.988Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:47.468Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:47.468Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:47.469Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:41:47.469Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:47.469Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:47.469Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:47.469Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:47.469Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:47.469Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:47.469Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:41:47.469Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:47.710Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:47.710Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:47.710Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:47.711Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:47.711Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:47.711Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:47.711Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:47.711Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:47.711Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:47.711Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:47.711Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:41:47.711Z - debug: progress: 14680064/30839489 47%
2016-10-18T19:41:47.711Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:47.712Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.712Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:47.713Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.713Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:47.713Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.713Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:47.714Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.714Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:47.714Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.714Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.715Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.715Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.715Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.715Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.715Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.715Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.715Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.715Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.715Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.717Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.717Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.717Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.717Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.717Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.719Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.719Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.720Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.720Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.720Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.720Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.720Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.720Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.720Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.720Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.720Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.720Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.720Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.721Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.721Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.721Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.721Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.721Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:47.721Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:41:48.546Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:49.075Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:49.075Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:49.075Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:49.075Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:49.075Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:49.075Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:49.076Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:49.076Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:49.076Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:49.076Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:49.076Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:49.076Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:49.538Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:49.539Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:49.539Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:49.539Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:49.539Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:49.539Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:49.539Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:49.539Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:49.539Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:49.539Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:49.539Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:49.539Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:50.035Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:50.035Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:50.035Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:50.035Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:50.035Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:50.036Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:50.036Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:50.036Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:50.036Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:50.036Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:50.036Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:50.036Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:50.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:50.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:50.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:50.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:50.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:50.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:50.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:50.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:50.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:50.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:50.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:50.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:50.796Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:50.796Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:50.796Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:50.796Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:50.796Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:50.796Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:50.796Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:50.796Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:50.796Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:50.796Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:50.796Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:50.796Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:51.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:51.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:51.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:51.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:51.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:51.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:51.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:51.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:51.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:51.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:51.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:51.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:51.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:51.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:51.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:51.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:51.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:51.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:51.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:51.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:51.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:51.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:51.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:51.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:51.675Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:51.675Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:51.675Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:41:51.675Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:51.675Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:51.675Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:51.675Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:51.675Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:51.675Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:51.675Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:41:51.675Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:51.675Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:51.931Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:51.931Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:51.931Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:51.931Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:51.931Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:51.931Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:51.931Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:51.931Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:51.931Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:51.931Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:51.931Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:51.931Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:52.179Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:52.179Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:52.179Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:52.179Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:52.179Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:52.179Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:52.179Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:52.180Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:52.180Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:52.180Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:52.180Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:52.180Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:52.434Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:52.434Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:52.434Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:52.434Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:52.434Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:52.434Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:52.434Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:52.434Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:52.434Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:52.434Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:52.434Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:52.434Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:52.906Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:52.906Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:52.906Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:52.906Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:52.906Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:52.906Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:52.906Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:52.906Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:52.906Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:52.906Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:52.906Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:52.906Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:54.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:54.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:54.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:54.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:54.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:54.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:54.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:54.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:54.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:54.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:54.916Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:54.916Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:55.810Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:55.810Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:55.810Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:55.810Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:55.810Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:55.810Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:55.810Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:55.810Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:55.810Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:55.810Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:55.810Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:55.810Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:56.311Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:56.311Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:56.311Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:56.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:56.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:56.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:56.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:56.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:56.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:56.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:56.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:56.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:56.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:56.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:56.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:41:56.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:56.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:56.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:56.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:56.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:56.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:56.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:56.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:56.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:41:57.190Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:41:57.190Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:57.190Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:41:57.191Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:41:57.191Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:41:57.191Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:41:57.191Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:41:57.191Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:41:57.191Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:41:57.191Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:41:57.191Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:41:57.191Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:00.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:00.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:00.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:00.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:00.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:00.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:00.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:00.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:00.375Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:00.375Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:00.375Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:00.375Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:01.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:01.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:01.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:01.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:01.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:01.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:01.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:01.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:01.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:01.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:01.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:01.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:02.168Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:02.168Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:02.168Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:02.168Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:02.168Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:02.168Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:02.168Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:02.168Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:02.168Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:02.168Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:02.168Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:02.169Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:02.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:02.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:02.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:02.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:02.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:02.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:02.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:02.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:02.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:02.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:02.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:02.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:03.448Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:03.448Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:03.448Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:03.449Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:03.449Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:03.449Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:03.449Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:03.449Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:03.449Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:03.449Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:03.449Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:03.449Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:04.020Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:04.020Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:04.020Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:04.020Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:04.020Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:04.020Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:04.020Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:04.020Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:04.020Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:04.020Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:04.020Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:04.020Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:04.311Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:04.311Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:04.311Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:04.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:04.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:04.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:04.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:04.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:04.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:04.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:04.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:04.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:04.810Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:04.810Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:04.811Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:04.811Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:04.811Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:04.811Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:04.811Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:04.811Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:04.811Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:04.811Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:04.811Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:04.811Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:05.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:05.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:05.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:42:05.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:05.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:05.098Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:05.098Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:05.098Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:05.101Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:05.101Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:42:05.101Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:05.101Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:05.416Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:05.416Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:05.416Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:05.416Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:05.416Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:05.416Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:05.416Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:05.416Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:05.416Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:05.416Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:05.416Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:05.417Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:05.841Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:05.842Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:05.842Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:05.842Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:05.842Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:05.842Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:05.842Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:05.842Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:05.842Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:05.842Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:05.842Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:05.842Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:06.110Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:06.111Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:06.111Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:06.111Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:06.111Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:06.111Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:06.111Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:06.111Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:06.111Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:06.111Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:06.111Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:06.111Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:06.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:06.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:06.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:06.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:06.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:06.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:06.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:06.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:06.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:06.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:06.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:06.361Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:06.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:06.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:06.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:06.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:06.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:06.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:06.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:06.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:06.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:06.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:06.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:06.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:06.627Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.627Z - debug: progress: 14712832/30839489 47%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.627Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.627Z - debug: progress: 14745600/30839489 47%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.627Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.627Z - debug: progress: 14778368/30839489 47%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.628Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.628Z - debug: progress: 14811136/30839489 48%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.628Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.628Z - debug: progress: 14843904/30839489 48%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.628Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.628Z - debug: progress: 14876672/30839489 48%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.628Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.628Z - debug: progress: 14909440/30839489 48%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.628Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.628Z - debug: progress: 14942208/30839489 48%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.628Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.628Z - debug: progress: 14974976/30839489 48%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.628Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.628Z - debug: progress: 15007744/30839489 48%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.628Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.628Z - debug: progress: 15040512/30839489 48%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.628Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.629Z - debug: progress: 15073280/30839489 48%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.629Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.629Z - debug: progress: 15106048/30839489 48%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.629Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.629Z - debug: progress: 15138816/30839489 49%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.629Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.629Z - debug: progress: 15171584/30839489 49%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.629Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.629Z - debug: progress: 15204352/30839489 49%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.629Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.629Z - debug: progress: 15237120/30839489 49%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.629Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.629Z - debug: progress: 15269888/30839489 49%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.629Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.629Z - debug: progress: 15302656/30839489 49%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.629Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.629Z - debug: progress: 15335424/30839489 49%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.630Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.630Z - debug: progress: 15368192/30839489 49%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.630Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.630Z - debug: progress: 15400960/30839489 49%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.630Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.630Z - debug: progress: 15433728/30839489 50%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.630Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.630Z - debug: progress: 15466496/30839489 50%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.630Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.630Z - debug: progress: 15499264/30839489 50%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.630Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.630Z - debug: progress: 15532032/30839489 50%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.630Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.630Z - debug: progress: 15564800/30839489 50%
2016-10-18T19:42:06.630Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:06.630Z - debug: progress: 15597568/30839489 50%
2016-10-18T19:42:07.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:07.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:07.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:07.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:07.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:07.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:07.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:07.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:07.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:07.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:07.185Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:07.185Z - debug: progress: 15630336/30839489 50%
2016-10-18T19:42:07.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:07.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:08.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:08.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:08.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:08.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:08.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:08.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:08.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:08.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:08.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:08.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:08.478Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:08.478Z - debug: progress: 15663104/30839489 50%
2016-10-18T19:42:08.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:08.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:09.200Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:09.200Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:09.200Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:09.200Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:09.200Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:09.200Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:09.200Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:09.200Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:09.200Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:09.200Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:09.200Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:09.201Z - debug: progress: 15695872/30839489 50%
2016-10-18T19:42:09.201Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:09.201Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:09.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:09.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:09.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:42:09.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:09.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:09.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:09.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:09.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:09.736Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:09.737Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:42:09.737Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:09.737Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:09.737Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:09.737Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:09.737Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:09.737Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:09.737Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:09.737Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:09.737Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:09.737Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:09.737Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:09.737Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:09.737Z - debug: progress: 15728640/30839489 51%
2016-10-18T19:42:09.737Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:09.737Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:10.222Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:10.222Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:10.222Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:10.222Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:10.222Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:10.222Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:10.222Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:10.223Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:10.223Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:10.223Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:10.223Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:10.223Z - debug: progress: 15761408/30839489 51%
2016-10-18T19:42:10.223Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:10.223Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:10.695Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:10.695Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:10.695Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:10.695Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:10.695Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:10.695Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:10.695Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:10.695Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:10.695Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:10.695Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:10.695Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:10.695Z - debug: progress: 15794176/30839489 51%
2016-10-18T19:42:10.696Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:10.696Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:11.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:11.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:11.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:11.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:11.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:11.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:11.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:11.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:11.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:11.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:11.085Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:11.085Z - debug: progress: 15826944/30839489 51%
2016-10-18T19:42:11.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:11.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:11.488Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:11.488Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:11.488Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:11.489Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:11.489Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:11.489Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:11.489Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:11.489Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:11.489Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:11.489Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:11.489Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:11.489Z - debug: progress: 15859712/30839489 51%
2016-10-18T19:42:11.489Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:11.489Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:12.207Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:12.207Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:12.208Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:12.208Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:12.208Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:12.208Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:12.208Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:12.208Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:12.208Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:12.208Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:12.208Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:12.208Z - debug: progress: 15892480/30839489 51%
2016-10-18T19:42:12.208Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:12.208Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:12.556Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:12.556Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:12.557Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:12.557Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:12.557Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:12.557Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:12.557Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:12.557Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:12.557Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:12.557Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:12.557Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:12.557Z - debug: progress: 15925248/30839489 51%
2016-10-18T19:42:12.557Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:12.557Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:13.068Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:13.068Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:13.068Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:13.068Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:13.068Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:13.068Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:13.068Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:13.068Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:13.068Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:13.068Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:13.068Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:13.068Z - debug: progress: 15958016/30839489 51%
2016-10-18T19:42:13.069Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:13.069Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:13.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:13.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:13.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:42:13.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:13.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:13.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:13.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:13.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:13.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:13.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:42:13.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:13.641Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:14.041Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:14.041Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:14.042Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:14.042Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:14.042Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:14.042Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:14.042Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:14.042Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:14.042Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:14.042Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:14.042Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:14.042Z - debug: progress: 15990784/30839489 51%
2016-10-18T19:42:14.042Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:14.042Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:14.503Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:14.503Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:14.503Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:14.503Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:14.503Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:14.504Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:14.504Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:14.504Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:14.504Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:14.504Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:14.504Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:14.504Z - debug: progress: 16023552/30839489 51%
2016-10-18T19:42:14.504Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:14.504Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:14.812Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:14.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:14.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:14.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:14.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:14.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:14.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:14.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:14.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:14.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:14.813Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:14.813Z - debug: progress: 16056320/30839489 52%
2016-10-18T19:42:14.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:14.813Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:15.170Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:15.170Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:15.170Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:15.170Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:15.170Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:15.170Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:15.170Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:15.170Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:15.171Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:15.171Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:15.171Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:15.171Z - debug: progress: 16089088/30839489 52%
2016-10-18T19:42:15.171Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:15.171Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:15.661Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:15.661Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:15.661Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:15.661Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:15.661Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:15.661Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:15.661Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:15.661Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:15.661Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:15.661Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:15.661Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:15.661Z - debug: progress: 16121856/30839489 52%
2016-10-18T19:42:15.661Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:15.662Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:16.483Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:16.483Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:16.483Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:16.483Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:16.483Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:16.483Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:16.483Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:16.483Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:16.483Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:16.483Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:16.484Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:16.484Z - debug: progress: 16154624/30839489 52%
2016-10-18T19:42:16.484Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:16.484Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:16.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:16.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:16.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:16.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:16.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:16.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:16.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:16.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:16.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:16.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:16.994Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:16.994Z - debug: progress: 16187392/30839489 52%
2016-10-18T19:42:16.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:16.995Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:17.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:17.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:17.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:17.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:17.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:17.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:17.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:17.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.510Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:17.510Z - debug: progress: 16220160/30839489 52%
2016-10-18T19:42:17.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:17.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:17.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:42:17.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:17.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:17.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:17.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:17.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:17.511Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.511Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.511Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.511Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.954Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:17.954Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:17.954Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:17.954Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:17.954Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:17.954Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:17.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:17.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:17.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.955Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:17.955Z - debug: progress: 16252928/30839489 52%
2016-10-18T19:42:17.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:17.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:17.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:17.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:17.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:17.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:17.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:17.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:17.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.955Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.955Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:17.955Z - debug: progress: 16285696/30839489 52%
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: progress: 16318464/30839489 52%
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:17.956Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.957Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.957Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:17.957Z - debug: progress: 16351232/30839489 53%
2016-10-18T19:42:17.957Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.957Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:17.957Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:17.957Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:17.957Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:17.957Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:17.957Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:17.957Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:17.957Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:17.957Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.957Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.957Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:17.957Z - debug: progress: 16384000/30839489 53%
2016-10-18T19:42:17.958Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.958Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:17.958Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:17.958Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:17.958Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:17.958Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:17.958Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:17.958Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:17.958Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:17.958Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.958Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.958Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:17.958Z - debug: progress: 16416768/30839489 53%
2016-10-18T19:42:17.958Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:17.958Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:18.294Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:18.751Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:18.752Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:18.752Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:18.752Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:18.752Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:18.752Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:18.752Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:18.752Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:18.752Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:18.752Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:18.752Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:18.752Z - debug: progress: 16449536/30839489 53%
2016-10-18T19:42:18.752Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:18.753Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:19.413Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:19.413Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:19.413Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:19.413Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:19.413Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:19.413Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:19.413Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:19.413Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:19.414Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:19.414Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:19.414Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:19.414Z - debug: progress: 16482304/30839489 53%
2016-10-18T19:42:19.414Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:19.414Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:19.790Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:19.790Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:19.790Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:42:19.790Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:19.790Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:19.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:19.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:19.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:19.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:19.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:42:19.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:19.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:20.372Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:20.373Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:20.373Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:20.373Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:20.373Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:20.373Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:20.373Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:20.373Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:20.373Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:20.373Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:20.373Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:20.373Z - debug: progress: 16515072/30839489 53%
2016-10-18T19:42:20.373Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:20.373Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:21.007Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:21.008Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:21.008Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:21.008Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:21.008Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:21.008Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:21.008Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:21.008Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:21.008Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:21.008Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:21.008Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:21.008Z - debug: progress: 16547840/30839489 53%
2016-10-18T19:42:21.008Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:21.008Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:21.668Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:21.668Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:21.668Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:21.668Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:21.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:21.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:21.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:21.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:21.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:21.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:21.669Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:21.669Z - debug: progress: 16580608/30839489 53%
2016-10-18T19:42:21.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:21.669Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:22.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:22.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:22.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:22.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:22.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:22.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:22.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:22.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:22.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:22.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:22.360Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:22.360Z - debug: progress: 16613376/30839489 53%
2016-10-18T19:42:22.360Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:22.724Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:22.724Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:22.724Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:22.724Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:22.724Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:22.724Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:22.724Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:22.724Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:22.724Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:22.724Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:22.724Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:22.724Z - debug: progress: 16646144/30839489 53%
2016-10-18T19:42:22.724Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:22.724Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:22.724Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:22.724Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:22.724Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:22.724Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:22.725Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:22.725Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:22.725Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:22.725Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:22.725Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:22.725Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:22.725Z - debug: progress: 16678912/30839489 54%
2016-10-18T19:42:22.725Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:22.808Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:22.808Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:22.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:22.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:22.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:22.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:22.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:22.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:22.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:22.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:22.809Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:22.809Z - debug: progress: 16711680/30839489 54%
2016-10-18T19:42:22.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:23.270Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:23.270Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:23.270Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:23.270Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:23.270Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:23.270Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:23.270Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:23.270Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:23.270Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:23.270Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:23.270Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:23.270Z - debug: progress: 16744448/30839489 54%
2016-10-18T19:42:23.271Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:23.808Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:23.808Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:23.808Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:42:23.808Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:23.808Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:23.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:23.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:23.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:23.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:23.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:42:23.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:24.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:24.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:24.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:24.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:24.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:24.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:24.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:24.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:24.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:24.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:24.046Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:24.046Z - debug: progress: 16777216/30839489 54%
2016-10-18T19:42:24.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:24.046Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:24.047Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:24.048Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.048Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:24.048Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.049Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:24.049Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.049Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.049Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.049Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.049Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.049Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.049Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.049Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.050Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.050Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.050Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.050Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.050Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.050Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.050Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.050Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.050Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.050Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.050Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.050Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.050Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.051Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.051Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.051Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.051Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.051Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.051Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.051Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.052Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.052Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.052Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.052Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.052Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.052Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.052Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.053Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.053Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.053Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.053Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.053Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.053Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.053Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.053Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.053Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.053Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.053Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.053Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.053Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.053Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.054Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.054Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.054Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.054Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.054Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.054Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.054Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.054Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.054Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.054Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.054Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:24.654Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:24.654Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:24.654Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:24.654Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:24.654Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:24.654Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:24.654Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:24.654Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:24.655Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:24.655Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:24.655Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:24.655Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:25.291Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:25.771Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:25.771Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:25.771Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:25.771Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:25.771Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:25.771Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:25.771Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:25.771Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:25.771Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:25.772Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:25.772Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:25.772Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:26.315Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:26.315Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:26.315Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:26.315Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:26.315Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:26.315Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:26.315Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:26.315Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:26.315Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:26.316Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:26.316Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:26.316Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:26.768Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:26.768Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:26.769Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:26.769Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:26.769Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:26.769Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:26.769Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:26.769Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:26.769Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:26.769Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:26.769Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:26.769Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:27.199Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:27.199Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:27.199Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:27.199Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:27.199Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:27.199Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:27.199Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:27.199Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:27.199Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:27.199Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:27.199Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:27.199Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:27.554Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:27.554Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:27.554Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:27.555Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:27.555Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:27.555Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:27.555Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:27.555Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:27.555Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:27.555Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:27.555Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:27.555Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:27.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:27.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:27.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:27.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:27.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:27.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:27.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:27.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:27.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:27.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:27.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:27.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:28.351Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:28.351Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:28.351Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:42:28.351Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:28.351Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:28.351Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:28.351Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:28.351Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:28.351Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:28.351Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:42:28.351Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:28.351Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:28.351Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:28.351Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:28.351Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:28.352Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:28.352Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:28.352Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:28.352Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:28.352Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:28.352Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:28.352Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:28.352Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:28.627Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:28.627Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:28.627Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:28.627Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:28.627Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:28.628Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:28.628Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:28.628Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:28.628Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:28.628Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:28.628Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:28.628Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:28.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:28.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:28.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:28.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:28.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:28.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:28.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:28.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:28.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:28.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:28.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:28.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:29.165Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:29.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:29.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:29.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:29.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:29.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:29.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:29.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:29.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:29.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:29.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:29.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:29.896Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:29.896Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:29.896Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:29.896Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:29.896Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:29.896Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:29.896Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:29.896Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:29.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:29.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:29.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:29.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:30.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:30.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:30.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:30.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:30.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:30.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:30.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:30.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:30.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:30.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:30.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:30.788Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:31.296Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:31.296Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:31.296Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:31.296Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:31.296Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:31.296Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:31.296Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:31.296Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:31.296Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:31.296Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:31.296Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:31.296Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:32.074Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:32.074Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:32.074Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:32.074Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:32.074Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:32.074Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:32.074Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:32.074Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:32.074Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:32.074Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:32.074Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:32.075Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:32.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:32.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:32.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:42:32.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:32.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:32.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:32.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:32.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:32.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:32.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:42:32.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:32.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:32.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:32.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:32.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:32.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:32.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:32.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:32.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:32.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:32.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:32.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:32.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:33.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:33.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:33.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:33.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:33.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:33.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:33.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:33.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:33.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:33.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:33.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:33.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:33.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:33.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:33.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:33.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:33.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:33.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:33.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:33.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:33.574Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:33.575Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:33.575Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:33.575Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:34.048Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:34.048Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:34.048Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:34.048Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:34.048Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:34.048Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:34.048Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:34.048Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:34.049Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:34.049Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:34.049Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:34.049Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:34.393Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:34.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:34.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:34.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:34.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:34.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:34.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:34.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:34.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:34.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:34.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:34.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:34.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:34.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:34.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:34.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:34.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:34.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:34.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:34.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:34.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:34.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:34.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:34.647Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:34.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:34.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:34.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:34.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:34.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:34.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:34.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:34.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:34.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:34.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:34.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:34.915Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:35.157Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:35.157Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:35.157Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:35.157Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:35.157Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:35.157Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:35.157Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:35.157Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:35.157Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:35.158Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:35.158Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:35.158Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:35.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:35.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:35.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:42:35.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:35.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:35.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:35.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:35.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:35.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:35.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:42:35.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:35.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:36.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:36.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:36.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:36.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:36.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:36.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:36.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:36.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:36.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:36.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:36.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:36.837Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:37.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:37.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:37.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:37.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:37.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:37.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:37.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:37.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:37.088Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:37.089Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:37.089Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:37.089Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:37.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:37.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:37.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:37.609Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:37.609Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:37.609Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:37.609Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:37.609Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:37.609Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:37.609Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:37.609Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:37.609Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:38.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:38.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:38.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:38.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:38.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:38.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:38.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:38.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:38.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:38.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:38.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:38.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:38.673Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:38.673Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:38.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:38.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:38.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:38.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:38.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:38.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:38.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:38.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:38.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:38.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:39.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:39.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:39.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:39.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:39.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:39.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:39.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:39.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:39.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:39.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:39.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:39.163Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:39.577Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:39.577Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:39.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:39.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:39.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:39.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:39.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:39.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:39.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:39.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:39.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:39.578Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:39.578Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.579Z - debug: progress: 16809984/30839489 54%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.579Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.579Z - debug: progress: 16842752/30839489 54%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.579Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.579Z - debug: progress: 16875520/30839489 54%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.579Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.579Z - debug: progress: 16908288/30839489 54%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.579Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.579Z - debug: progress: 16941056/30839489 54%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.579Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.579Z - debug: progress: 16973824/30839489 55%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.579Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.580Z - debug: progress: 17006592/30839489 55%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.580Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.580Z - debug: progress: 17039360/30839489 55%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.580Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.580Z - debug: progress: 17072128/30839489 55%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.580Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.580Z - debug: progress: 17104896/30839489 55%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.580Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.580Z - debug: progress: 17137664/30839489 55%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.580Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.580Z - debug: progress: 17170432/30839489 55%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.580Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.580Z - debug: progress: 17203200/30839489 55%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.580Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.581Z - debug: progress: 17235968/30839489 55%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.581Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.581Z - debug: progress: 17268736/30839489 55%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.581Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.581Z - debug: progress: 17301504/30839489 56%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.581Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.581Z - debug: progress: 17334272/30839489 56%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.581Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.581Z - debug: progress: 17367040/30839489 56%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.581Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.581Z - debug: progress: 17399808/30839489 56%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.581Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.581Z - debug: progress: 17432576/30839489 56%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.581Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.581Z - debug: progress: 17465344/30839489 56%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.581Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.581Z - debug: progress: 17498112/30839489 56%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.581Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.582Z - debug: progress: 17530880/30839489 56%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.582Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.582Z - debug: progress: 17563648/30839489 56%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.582Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.582Z - debug: progress: 17596416/30839489 57%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.582Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.582Z - debug: progress: 17629184/30839489 57%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.582Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.582Z - debug: progress: 17661952/30839489 57%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.582Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.582Z - debug: progress: 17694720/30839489 57%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.582Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.582Z - debug: progress: 17727488/30839489 57%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.582Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.582Z - debug: progress: 17760256/30839489 57%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.943Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:39.943Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:39.943Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:39.943Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:39.943Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:39.943Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:39.943Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:39.943Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:39.943Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:39.944Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:39.944Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:39.944Z - debug: progress: 17793024/30839489 57%
2016-10-18T19:42:39.944Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:39.944Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:40.316Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:40.316Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:40.316Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:42:40.316Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:40.316Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:40.316Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:40.316Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:40.316Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:40.320Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:40.321Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:42:40.321Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:40.321Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:40.659Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:40.659Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:40.659Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:40.659Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:40.660Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:40.660Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:40.660Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:40.660Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:40.660Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:40.660Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:40.660Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:40.660Z - debug: progress: 17825792/30839489 57%
2016-10-18T19:42:40.660Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:40.660Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:40.930Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:40.930Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:40.930Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:40.930Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:40.930Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:40.930Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:40.931Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:40.931Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:40.931Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:40.931Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:40.931Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:40.931Z - debug: progress: 17858560/30839489 57%
2016-10-18T19:42:40.931Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:40.931Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:41.282Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:41.282Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:41.283Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:41.283Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:41.283Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:41.283Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:41.283Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:41.283Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:41.283Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:41.283Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:41.283Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:41.283Z - debug: progress: 17891328/30839489 58%
2016-10-18T19:42:41.283Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:41.283Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:41.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:41.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:41.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:41.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:41.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:41.698Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:41.699Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:41.699Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:41.699Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:41.699Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:41.699Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:41.699Z - debug: progress: 17924096/30839489 58%
2016-10-18T19:42:41.699Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:41.699Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:42.346Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:42.346Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:42.346Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:42.346Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:42.346Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:42.346Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:42.346Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:42.346Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:42.346Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:42.347Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:42.347Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:42.347Z - debug: progress: 17956864/30839489 58%
2016-10-18T19:42:42.347Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:42.347Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:42.896Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:42.896Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:42.896Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:42.896Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:42.896Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:42.896Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:42.896Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:42.896Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:42.896Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:42.896Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:42.896Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:42.896Z - debug: progress: 17989632/30839489 58%
2016-10-18T19:42:42.896Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:42.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:43.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:43.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:43.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:43.407Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:43.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:43.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:43.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:43.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:43.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:43.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:43.408Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:43.408Z - debug: progress: 18022400/30839489 58%
2016-10-18T19:42:43.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:43.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:43.770Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:43.770Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:43.770Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:43.770Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:43.770Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:43.770Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:43.770Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:43.770Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:43.770Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:43.770Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:43.770Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:43.770Z - debug: progress: 18055168/30839489 58%
2016-10-18T19:42:43.770Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:43.771Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:44.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:44.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:44.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:42:44.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:44.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:44.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:44.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:44.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:44.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:44.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:42:44.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:44.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:44.567Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:44.567Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:44.567Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:44.567Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:44.567Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:44.567Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:44.567Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:44.567Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:44.567Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:44.568Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:44.568Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:44.568Z - debug: progress: 18087936/30839489 58%
2016-10-18T19:42:44.568Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:44.568Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:44.890Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:44.890Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:44.891Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:44.891Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:44.891Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:44.891Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:44.891Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:44.891Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:44.891Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:44.891Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:44.891Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:44.891Z - debug: progress: 18120704/30839489 58%
2016-10-18T19:42:44.891Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:44.891Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:45.332Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:45.332Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:45.332Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:45.332Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:45.333Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:45.333Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:45.333Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:45.333Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:45.333Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:45.333Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:45.333Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:45.333Z - debug: progress: 18153472/30839489 58%
2016-10-18T19:42:45.333Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:45.333Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:45.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:45.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:45.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:45.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:45.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:45.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:45.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:45.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:45.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:45.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:45.580Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:45.580Z - debug: progress: 18186240/30839489 58%
2016-10-18T19:42:45.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:45.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:45.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:45.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:45.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:45.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:45.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:45.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:45.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:45.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:45.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:45.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:45.859Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:45.859Z - debug: progress: 18219008/30839489 59%
2016-10-18T19:42:45.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:45.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:46.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:46.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:46.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:46.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:46.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:46.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:46.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:46.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:46.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:46.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:46.126Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:46.126Z - debug: progress: 18251776/30839489 59%
2016-10-18T19:42:46.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:46.126Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:46.425Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:46.425Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:46.425Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:46.425Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:46.425Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:46.425Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:46.425Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:46.425Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:46.425Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:46.425Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:46.425Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:46.425Z - debug: progress: 18284544/30839489 59%
2016-10-18T19:42:46.426Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:46.426Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:47.034Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:47.034Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:47.034Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:47.034Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:47.034Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:47.034Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:47.034Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:47.034Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:47.034Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:47.034Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:47.034Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:47.034Z - debug: progress: 18317312/30839489 59%
2016-10-18T19:42:47.034Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:47.034Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:47.327Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:47.327Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:47.327Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:42:47.327Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:47.327Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:47.327Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:47.327Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:47.327Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:47.327Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:47.327Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:42:47.327Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:47.327Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:47.799Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:47.799Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:47.799Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:47.799Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:47.799Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:47.799Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:47.799Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:47.799Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:47.799Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:47.799Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:47.799Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:47.800Z - debug: progress: 18350080/30839489 59%
2016-10-18T19:42:47.800Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:47.800Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:48.303Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:48.303Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:48.303Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:48.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:48.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:48.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:48.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:48.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:48.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:48.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:48.304Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:48.304Z - debug: progress: 18382848/30839489 59%
2016-10-18T19:42:48.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:48.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:48.825Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:48.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:48.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:48.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:48.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:48.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:48.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:48.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:48.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:48.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:48.826Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:48.826Z - debug: progress: 18415616/30839489 59%
2016-10-18T19:42:48.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:48.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:49.486Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:49.486Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:49.486Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:49.486Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:49.486Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:49.486Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:49.486Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:49.486Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:49.486Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:49.486Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:49.486Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:49.486Z - debug: progress: 18448384/30839489 59%
2016-10-18T19:42:49.487Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:49.487Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:49.968Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:49.969Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:49.969Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:49.969Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:49.969Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:49.969Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:49.969Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:49.969Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:49.969Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:49.969Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:49.969Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:49.969Z - debug: progress: 18481152/30839489 59%
2016-10-18T19:42:49.969Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:49.969Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:50.514Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:50.514Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:50.514Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:50.514Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:50.514Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:50.514Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:50.514Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:50.514Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:50.514Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:50.514Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:50.514Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:50.514Z - debug: progress: 18513920/30839489 60%
2016-10-18T19:42:50.514Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:50.514Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:51.027Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:51.027Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:51.027Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:51.027Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:51.027Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:51.027Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:51.027Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:51.027Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:51.027Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:51.027Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:51.027Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:51.027Z - debug: progress: 18546688/30839489 60%
2016-10-18T19:42:51.027Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:51.027Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:51.606Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:51.606Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:51.606Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:51.606Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:51.606Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:51.606Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:51.606Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:51.606Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:51.606Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:51.606Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:51.606Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:51.607Z - debug: progress: 18579456/30839489 60%
2016-10-18T19:42:51.607Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:51.607Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:51.607Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:51.607Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:51.607Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:42:51.607Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:51.607Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:51.607Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:51.607Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:51.607Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:51.607Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:51.607Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:42:51.607Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:51.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:52.370Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:52.370Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:52.370Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:52.370Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:52.370Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:52.370Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:52.370Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:52.370Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:52.370Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:52.370Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:52.371Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:52.371Z - debug: progress: 18612224/30839489 60%
2016-10-18T19:42:52.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:52.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:52.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:52.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:52.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:52.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:52.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:52.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:52.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:52.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:52.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:52.371Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:52.371Z - debug: progress: 18644992/30839489 60%
2016-10-18T19:42:52.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:52.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:52.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:52.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:52.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:52.371Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: progress: 18677760/30839489 60%
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: progress: 18710528/30839489 60%
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:52.372Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:52.373Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:52.373Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:52.373Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:52.373Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:52.373Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:52.373Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:52.373Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:52.373Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:52.373Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:52.373Z - debug: progress: 18743296/30839489 60%
2016-10-18T19:42:52.373Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:52.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:52.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:52.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:52.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:52.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:52.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:52.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:52.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:52.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:52.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:52.374Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:52.374Z - debug: progress: 18776064/30839489 60%
2016-10-18T19:42:52.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:53.001Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:53.001Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:53.001Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:53.001Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:53.001Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:53.001Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:53.001Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:53.001Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:53.001Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:53.001Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:53.001Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:53.001Z - debug: progress: 18808832/30839489 60%
2016-10-18T19:42:53.001Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:53.435Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:53.435Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:53.435Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:53.435Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:53.435Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:53.435Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:53.435Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:53.435Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:53.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:53.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:53.436Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:53.436Z - debug: progress: 18841600/30839489 61%
2016-10-18T19:42:53.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:53.846Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:53.846Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:53.846Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:42:53.847Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:53.847Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:53.847Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:53.847Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:53.847Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:53.847Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:53.847Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:42:53.847Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:54.082Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:54.082Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:54.082Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:54.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:54.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:54.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:54.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:54.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:54.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:54.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:54.083Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:42:54.083Z - debug: progress: 18874368/30839489 61%
2016-10-18T19:42:54.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:54.083Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.084Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:54.084Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.084Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:54.085Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:54.085Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.085Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:54.086Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.086Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.086Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.086Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.086Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.086Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.086Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.086Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.086Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.086Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.086Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.087Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.087Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.087Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.087Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.087Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.087Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.087Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.087Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.088Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.088Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.088Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.088Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.088Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.088Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.088Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.088Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.089Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.089Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.089Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.089Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.089Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.089Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.089Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.089Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.089Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.089Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.089Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.089Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.089Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.090Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.090Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.090Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.090Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.090Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.090Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.090Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.090Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.090Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.090Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.090Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.090Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.090Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.090Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.090Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.090Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.091Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.091Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.091Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:54.091Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:42:55.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:55.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:55.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:55.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:55.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:55.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:55.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:55.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:55.562Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:55.563Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:55.563Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:55.563Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:56.458Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:56.798Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:56.798Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:56.798Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:56.798Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:56.798Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:56.798Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:56.798Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:56.798Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:56.798Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:56.798Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:56.798Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:56.798Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:57.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:57.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:57.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:57.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:57.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:57.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:57.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:57.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:57.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:57.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:57.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:57.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:57.993Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:57.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:57.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:57.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:57.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:57.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:57.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:57.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:57.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:57.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:57.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:57.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:58.748Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:58.748Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:58.748Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:58.748Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:58.748Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:58.748Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:58.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:58.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:58.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:58.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:58.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:58.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:59.089Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:59.090Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:59.090Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:59.090Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:59.090Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:59.090Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:59.090Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:59.090Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:59.090Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:59.090Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:59.090Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:59.090Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:59.526Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:59.526Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:59.526Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:42:59.526Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:59.526Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:59.526Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:59.526Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:59.526Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:59.526Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:59.526Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:59.526Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:59.526Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:42:59.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:42:59.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:59.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:42:59.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:42:59.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:42:59.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:42:59.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:42:59.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:42:59.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:42:59.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:42:59.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:42:59.994Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:00.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:00.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:00.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:00.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:00.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:00.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:00.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:00.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:00.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:00.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:00.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:00.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:01.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:01.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:01.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:01.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:01.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:01.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:01.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:01.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:01.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:01.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:01.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:01.023Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:01.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:01.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:01.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:01.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:01.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:01.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:01.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:01.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:01.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:01.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:01.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:01.527Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:01.828Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:01.828Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:01.828Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:01.828Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:01.828Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:01.828Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:01.828Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:01.828Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:01.828Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:01.828Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:01.828Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:01.828Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:02.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:02.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:02.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:02.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:02.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:02.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:02.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:02.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:02.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:02.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:02.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:02.394Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:02.673Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:02.673Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:02.673Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:02.673Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:02.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:02.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:02.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:02.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:02.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:02.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:02.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:02.674Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:03.228Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:03.228Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:03.229Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:03.229Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:03.229Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:03.229Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:03.229Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:03.229Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:03.229Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:03.229Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:03.229Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:03.229Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:03.757Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:03.757Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:03.757Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:03.758Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:03.758Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:03.758Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:03.758Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:03.758Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:03.758Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:03.758Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:03.758Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:03.758Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:04.322Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:04.322Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:04.322Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:43:04.322Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:04.322Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:04.322Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:04.322Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:04.322Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:04.322Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:04.322Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:43:04.322Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:04.322Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:04.322Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:04.322Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:04.323Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:04.323Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:04.323Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:04.323Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:04.323Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:04.323Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:04.323Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:04.323Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:04.323Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:04.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:04.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:04.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:04.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:04.749Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:04.750Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:04.750Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:04.750Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:04.750Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:04.750Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:04.750Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:04.750Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:05.094Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:05.094Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:05.094Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:05.094Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:05.094Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:05.094Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:05.095Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:05.095Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:05.095Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:05.095Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:05.095Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:05.095Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:05.545Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:05.545Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:05.546Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:05.546Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:05.546Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:05.546Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:05.546Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:05.546Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:05.546Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:05.546Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:05.546Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:05.546Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:05.800Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:05.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:05.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:05.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:05.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:05.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:05.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:05.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:05.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:05.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:05.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:05.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:06.073Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:06.073Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:06.073Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:06.074Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:06.074Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:06.074Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:06.074Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:06.074Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:06.074Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:06.074Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:06.074Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:06.074Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:06.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:06.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:06.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:06.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:06.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:06.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:06.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:06.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:06.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:06.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:06.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:06.408Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:06.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:06.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:06.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:06.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:06.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:06.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:06.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:06.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:06.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:06.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:06.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:06.720Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:07.029Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:07.029Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:07.029Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:43:07.029Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:07.029Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:07.029Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:07.029Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:07.029Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:07.029Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:07.030Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:43:07.030Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:07.030Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:07.630Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:07.630Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:07.630Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:07.630Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:07.631Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:07.631Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:07.631Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:07.631Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:07.631Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:07.631Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:07.631Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:07.631Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:07.925Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:07.925Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:07.925Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:07.925Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:07.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:07.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:07.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:07.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:07.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:07.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:07.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:07.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:08.405Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:08.405Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:08.405Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:08.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:08.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:08.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:08.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:08.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:08.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:08.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:08.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:08.406Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:08.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:08.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:08.998Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:08.999Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:08.999Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:08.999Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:08.999Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:08.999Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:08.999Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:08.999Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:08.999Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:08.999Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:09.439Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:09.440Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:09.440Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:09.440Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:09.440Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:09.440Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:09.440Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:09.440Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:09.440Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:09.440Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:09.440Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:09.440Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:09.925Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:09.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:09.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:09.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:09.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:09.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:09.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:09.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:09.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:09.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:09.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:09.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:09.927Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.927Z - debug: progress: 18907136/30839489 61%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.927Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.927Z - debug: progress: 18939904/30839489 61%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.927Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.927Z - debug: progress: 18972672/30839489 61%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.927Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.927Z - debug: progress: 19005440/30839489 61%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.927Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.927Z - debug: progress: 19038208/30839489 61%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.927Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.928Z - debug: progress: 19070976/30839489 61%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.928Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.928Z - debug: progress: 19103744/30839489 61%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.928Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.928Z - debug: progress: 19136512/30839489 62%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.928Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.928Z - debug: progress: 19169280/30839489 62%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.928Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.928Z - debug: progress: 19202048/30839489 62%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.928Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.928Z - debug: progress: 19234816/30839489 62%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.928Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.928Z - debug: progress: 19267584/30839489 62%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.928Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.929Z - debug: progress: 19300352/30839489 62%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.929Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.929Z - debug: progress: 19333120/30839489 62%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.929Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.929Z - debug: progress: 19365888/30839489 62%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.929Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.929Z - debug: progress: 19398656/30839489 62%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.929Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.929Z - debug: progress: 19431424/30839489 63%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.929Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.929Z - debug: progress: 19464192/30839489 63%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.929Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.929Z - debug: progress: 19496960/30839489 63%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.929Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.929Z - debug: progress: 19529728/30839489 63%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.929Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.929Z - debug: progress: 19562496/30839489 63%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.929Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.929Z - debug: progress: 19595264/30839489 63%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.930Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.930Z - debug: progress: 19628032/30839489 63%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.930Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.930Z - debug: progress: 19660800/30839489 63%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.930Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.930Z - debug: progress: 19693568/30839489 63%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.930Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.930Z - debug: progress: 19726336/30839489 63%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.930Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.930Z - debug: progress: 19759104/30839489 64%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.930Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.930Z - debug: progress: 19791872/30839489 64%
2016-10-18T19:43:09.930Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:09.930Z - debug: progress: 19824640/30839489 64%
2016-10-18T19:43:10.242Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:10.242Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:10.242Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:10.242Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:10.242Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:10.243Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:10.243Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:10.243Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:10.243Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:10.243Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:10.243Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:10.243Z - debug: progress: 19857408/30839489 64%
2016-10-18T19:43:10.243Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:10.243Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:10.645Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:10.645Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:10.645Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:10.645Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:10.645Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:10.645Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:10.645Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:10.645Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:10.645Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:10.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:10.646Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:10.646Z - debug: progress: 19890176/30839489 64%
2016-10-18T19:43:10.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:10.646Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:10.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:10.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:10.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:43:10.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:10.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:10.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:10.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:10.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:10.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:10.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:43:10.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:10.933Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:11.240Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:11.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:11.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:11.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:11.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:11.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:11.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:11.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:11.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:11.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:11.241Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:11.241Z - debug: progress: 19922944/30839489 64%
2016-10-18T19:43:11.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:11.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:11.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:11.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:11.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:11.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:11.791Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:11.792Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:11.792Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:11.792Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:11.792Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:11.792Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:11.792Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:11.792Z - debug: progress: 19955712/30839489 64%
2016-10-18T19:43:11.792Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:11.792Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:12.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:12.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:12.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:12.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:12.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:12.186Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:12.186Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:12.186Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:12.186Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:12.186Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:12.186Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:12.186Z - debug: progress: 19988480/30839489 64%
2016-10-18T19:43:12.186Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:12.186Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:12.825Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:12.825Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:12.825Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:12.825Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:12.825Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:12.825Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:12.825Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:12.825Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:12.825Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:12.825Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:12.825Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:12.825Z - debug: progress: 20021248/30839489 64%
2016-10-18T19:43:12.825Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:12.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:13.112Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:13.112Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:13.112Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:13.113Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:13.113Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:13.113Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:13.113Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:13.113Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:13.113Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:13.113Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:13.113Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:13.113Z - debug: progress: 20054016/30839489 65%
2016-10-18T19:43:13.113Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:13.113Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:13.718Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:13.718Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:13.718Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:13.718Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:13.719Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:13.719Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:13.719Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:13.719Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:13.719Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:13.719Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:13.719Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:13.719Z - debug: progress: 20086784/30839489 65%
2016-10-18T19:43:13.719Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:13.719Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:14.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:14.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:14.367Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:14.368Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:14.368Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:14.368Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:14.368Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:14.368Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:14.368Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:14.368Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:14.368Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:14.368Z - debug: progress: 20119552/30839489 65%
2016-10-18T19:43:14.368Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:14.368Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:14.681Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:14.681Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:14.682Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:14.682Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:14.682Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:14.682Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:14.682Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:14.682Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:14.682Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:14.682Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:14.682Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:14.682Z - debug: progress: 20152320/30839489 65%
2016-10-18T19:43:14.682Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:14.682Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:15.203Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:15.203Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:15.203Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:43:15.203Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:15.203Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:15.204Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:15.204Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:15.204Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:15.204Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:15.204Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:43:15.204Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:15.204Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:15.204Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:15.204Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:15.204Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:15.204Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:15.204Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:15.204Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:15.204Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:15.204Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:15.204Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:15.204Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:15.204Z - debug: progress: 20185088/30839489 65%
2016-10-18T19:43:15.204Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:15.205Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:15.701Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:15.701Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:15.701Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:15.702Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:15.702Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:15.702Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:15.702Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:15.702Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:15.702Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:15.702Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:15.702Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:15.702Z - debug: progress: 20217856/30839489 65%
2016-10-18T19:43:15.702Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:15.702Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:16.017Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:16.017Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:16.017Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:16.017Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:16.017Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:16.017Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:16.018Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:16.018Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:16.018Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:16.018Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:16.018Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:16.018Z - debug: progress: 20250624/30839489 65%
2016-10-18T19:43:16.018Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:16.018Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:16.309Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:16.309Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:16.311Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:16.311Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:16.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:16.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:16.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:16.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:16.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:16.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:16.312Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:16.312Z - debug: progress: 20283392/30839489 65%
2016-10-18T19:43:16.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:16.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:16.587Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:16.588Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:16.588Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:16.588Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:16.588Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:16.588Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:16.588Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:16.588Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:16.588Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:16.588Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:16.588Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:16.588Z - debug: progress: 20316160/30839489 65%
2016-10-18T19:43:16.588Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:16.588Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:16.957Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:16.957Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:16.957Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:16.957Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:16.957Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:16.957Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:16.957Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:16.957Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:16.957Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:16.957Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:16.957Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:16.958Z - debug: progress: 20348928/30839489 65%
2016-10-18T19:43:16.958Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:16.958Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:17.234Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:17.235Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:17.235Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:17.235Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:17.235Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:17.235Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:17.235Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:17.235Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:17.235Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:17.235Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:17.235Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:17.235Z - debug: progress: 20381696/30839489 66%
2016-10-18T19:43:17.235Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:17.235Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:17.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:17.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:17.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:17.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:17.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:17.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:17.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:17.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:17.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:17.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:17.608Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:17.609Z - debug: progress: 20414464/30839489 66%
2016-10-18T19:43:17.609Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:17.609Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:18.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:18.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:18.241Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:43:18.242Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:18.242Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:18.242Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:18.242Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:18.242Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:18.242Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:18.242Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:43:18.242Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:18.242Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:18.550Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:18.550Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:18.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:18.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:18.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:18.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:18.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:18.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:18.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:18.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:18.551Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:18.551Z - debug: progress: 20447232/30839489 66%
2016-10-18T19:43:18.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:18.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:18.913Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:18.913Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:18.913Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:18.913Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:18.913Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:18.913Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:18.913Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:18.913Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:18.913Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:18.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:18.914Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:18.914Z - debug: progress: 20480000/30839489 66%
2016-10-18T19:43:18.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:18.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:19.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:19.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:19.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:19.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:19.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:19.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:19.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:19.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:19.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:19.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:19.477Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:19.477Z - debug: progress: 20512768/30839489 66%
2016-10-18T19:43:19.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:19.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:19.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:19.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:19.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:19.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:19.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:19.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:19.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:19.786Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:19.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:19.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:19.787Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:19.787Z - debug: progress: 20545536/30839489 66%
2016-10-18T19:43:19.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:19.787Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:20.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:20.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:20.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:20.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:20.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:20.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:20.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:20.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:20.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:20.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:20.374Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:20.374Z - debug: progress: 20578304/30839489 66%
2016-10-18T19:43:20.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:20.374Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:20.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:20.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:20.802Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:20.802Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:20.802Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:20.802Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:20.802Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:20.802Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:20.802Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:20.802Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:20.802Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:20.802Z - debug: progress: 20611072/30839489 66%
2016-10-18T19:43:20.802Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:20.802Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:21.219Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:21.219Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:21.219Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:21.219Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:21.219Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:21.219Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:21.220Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:21.220Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:21.220Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:21.220Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:21.220Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:21.220Z - debug: progress: 20643840/30839489 66%
2016-10-18T19:43:21.220Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:21.220Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:21.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:21.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:21.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:21.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:21.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:21.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:21.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:21.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:21.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:21.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:21.633Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:21.633Z - debug: progress: 20676608/30839489 67%
2016-10-18T19:43:21.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:21.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:21.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:21.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:21.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:43:21.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:21.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:21.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:21.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:21.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:21.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:21.634Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:43:21.634Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:21.634Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.180Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:22.180Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:22.180Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:22.180Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:22.180Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:22.180Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:22.180Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:22.180Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:22.180Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.180Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.181Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:22.181Z - debug: progress: 20709376/30839489 67%
2016-10-18T19:43:22.181Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.181Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:22.181Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:22.181Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:22.181Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:22.181Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:22.181Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:22.181Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:22.181Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:22.181Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.181Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.181Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:22.181Z - debug: progress: 20742144/30839489 67%
2016-10-18T19:43:22.181Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.181Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:22.181Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:22.181Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:22.181Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:22.182Z - debug: progress: 20774912/30839489 67%
2016-10-18T19:43:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:22.182Z - debug: progress: 20807680/30839489 67%
2016-10-18T19:43:22.182Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:22.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:22.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:22.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:22.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:22.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:22.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:22.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:22.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.183Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:22.183Z - debug: progress: 20840448/30839489 67%
2016-10-18T19:43:22.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:22.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:22.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:22.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:22.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:22.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:22.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:22.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:22.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.184Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:22.184Z - debug: progress: 20873216/30839489 67%
2016-10-18T19:43:22.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.556Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:22.556Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:22.557Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:22.557Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:22.557Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:22.557Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:22.557Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:22.557Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:22.557Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.557Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.557Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:22.557Z - debug: progress: 20905984/30839489 67%
2016-10-18T19:43:22.557Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.808Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:22.808Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:22.808Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:22.808Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:22.808Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:22.808Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:22.808Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:22.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:22.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:22.809Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:22.809Z - debug: progress: 20938752/30839489 67%
2016-10-18T19:43:22.809Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:23.076Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:23.076Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:23.076Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:43:23.076Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:23.076Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:23.076Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:23.076Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:23.076Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:23.076Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:23.076Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:43:23.077Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:23.077Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:23.077Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:23.077Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:23.077Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:23.077Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:23.077Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:23.077Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:23.077Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:23.077Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:23.077Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:23.077Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:23.077Z - debug: progress: 20971520/30839489 68%
2016-10-18T19:43:23.077Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:23.078Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.078Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:23.078Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.079Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:23.079Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.079Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:23.080Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.080Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:23.080Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.080Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.081Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.081Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.081Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.081Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.081Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.081Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.081Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.081Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.081Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.081Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.081Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.081Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.081Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.081Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.082Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.082Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.082Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.082Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.082Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.082Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.082Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.082Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.082Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.082Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.082Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.082Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.082Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.082Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.083Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.083Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.083Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.083Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.083Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.083Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.083Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.083Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.083Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.083Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.083Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.083Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.083Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.083Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.083Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.084Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.084Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.084Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.084Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.084Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.084Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.084Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.084Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.084Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.084Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.084Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.084Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.084Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.085Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:23.085Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:43:26.631Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:27.186Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:27.186Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:27.186Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:27.186Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:27.186Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:27.186Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:27.186Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:27.186Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:27.186Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:27.186Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:27.186Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:27.186Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:27.799Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:27.799Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:27.799Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:27.799Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:27.799Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:27.799Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:27.799Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:27.799Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:27.799Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:27.799Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:27.799Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:27.799Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:28.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:28.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:28.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:28.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:28.580Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:28.581Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:28.581Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:28.581Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:28.581Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:28.581Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:28.581Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:28.581Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:29.442Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:29.442Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:29.442Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:29.442Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:29.442Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:29.443Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:29.443Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:29.443Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:29.443Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:29.443Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:29.443Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:29.443Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:29.718Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:29.718Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:29.718Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:29.718Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:29.718Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:29.718Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:29.718Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:29.718Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:29.718Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:29.718Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:29.718Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:29.718Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:30.266Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:30.266Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:30.267Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:30.267Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:30.267Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:30.267Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:30.267Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:30.267Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:30.267Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:30.267Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:30.267Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:30.267Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:30.751Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:30.751Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:30.751Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:30.751Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:30.751Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:30.751Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:30.751Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:30.751Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:30.751Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:30.752Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:30.752Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:30.752Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:31.228Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:31.228Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:31.228Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:43:31.228Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:31.228Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:31.228Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:31.228Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:31.228Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:31.228Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:31.229Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:43:31.229Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:31.229Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:31.634Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:31.634Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:31.634Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:31.634Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:31.635Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:31.635Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:31.635Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:31.635Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:31.635Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:31.635Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:31.635Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:31.635Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:32.072Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:32.072Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:32.072Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:32.072Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:32.072Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:32.073Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:32.073Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:32.073Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:32.073Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:32.073Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:32.073Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:32.073Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:32.599Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:32.599Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:32.599Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:32.599Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:32.599Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:32.599Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:32.599Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:32.599Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:32.599Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:32.599Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:32.599Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:32.599Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:33.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:33.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:33.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:33.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:33.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:33.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:33.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:33.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:33.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:33.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:33.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:33.260Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:34.096Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:34.096Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:34.096Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:34.096Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:34.096Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:34.096Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:34.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:34.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:34.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:34.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:34.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:34.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:34.745Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:34.745Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:34.746Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:34.746Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:34.746Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:34.746Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:34.746Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:34.746Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:34.746Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:34.746Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:34.746Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:34.746Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:35.076Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:35.076Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:35.077Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:35.077Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:35.077Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:35.077Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:35.077Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:35.077Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:35.077Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:35.077Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:35.077Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:35.077Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:35.663Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:35.663Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:35.663Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:35.663Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:35.663Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:35.663Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:35.663Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:35.664Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:35.664Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:35.664Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:35.664Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:35.664Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:36.319Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:36.319Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:36.319Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:43:36.319Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:36.319Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:36.319Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:36.320Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:36.320Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:36.320Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:36.320Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:43:36.320Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:36.320Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:36.320Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:36.320Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:36.320Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:36.320Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:36.320Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:36.320Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:36.320Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:36.320Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:36.320Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:36.320Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:36.320Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:36.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:36.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:36.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:36.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:36.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:36.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:36.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:36.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:36.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:36.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:36.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:36.865Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:37.226Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:37.226Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:37.226Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:37.226Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:37.226Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:37.226Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:37.226Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:37.226Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:37.227Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:37.227Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:37.227Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:37.227Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:37.661Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:37.661Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:37.661Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:37.661Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:37.661Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:37.661Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:37.661Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:37.662Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:37.662Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:37.662Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:37.662Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:37.662Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:38.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:38.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:38.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:38.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:38.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:38.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:38.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:38.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:38.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:38.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:38.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:38.047Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:38.358Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:38.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:38.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:38.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:38.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:38.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:38.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:38.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:38.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:38.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:38.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:38.359Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:38.663Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:38.663Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:38.663Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:38.663Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:38.663Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:38.663Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:38.663Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:38.663Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:38.663Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:38.663Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:38.663Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:38.663Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:38.913Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:38.913Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:38.913Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:38.913Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:38.913Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:38.913Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:38.913Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:38.913Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:38.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:38.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:38.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:38.914Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:39.177Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:39.177Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:39.177Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:43:39.177Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:39.177Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:39.177Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:39.177Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:39.177Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:39.177Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:39.177Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:43:39.177Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:39.178Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:39.883Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:39.883Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:39.884Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:39.884Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:39.884Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:39.884Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:39.884Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:39.884Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:39.884Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:39.884Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:39.884Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:39.884Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:40.113Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:40.113Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:40.114Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:40.114Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:40.114Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:40.114Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:40.114Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:40.114Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:40.114Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:40.114Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:40.114Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:40.114Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:41.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:41.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:41.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:41.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:41.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:41.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:41.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:41.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:41.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:41.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:41.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:41.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:43.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:43.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:43.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:43.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:43.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:43.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:43.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:43.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:43.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:43.541Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:43.541Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:43.541Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:44.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:44.411Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:44.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:44.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:44.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:44.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:44.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:44.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:44.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:44.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:44.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:44.412Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:44.692Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:44.692Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:44.692Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:44.692Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:44.692Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:44.692Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:44.692Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:44.692Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:44.692Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:44.692Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:44.692Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:44.692Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:44.693Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.693Z - debug: progress: 21004288/30839489 68%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.693Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.693Z - debug: progress: 21037056/30839489 68%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.693Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.693Z - debug: progress: 21069824/30839489 68%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.693Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.693Z - debug: progress: 21102592/30839489 68%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.693Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.693Z - debug: progress: 21135360/30839489 68%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.693Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.693Z - debug: progress: 21168128/30839489 68%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.693Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.693Z - debug: progress: 21200896/30839489 68%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.693Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.694Z - debug: progress: 21233664/30839489 68%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.694Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.694Z - debug: progress: 21266432/30839489 68%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.694Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.694Z - debug: progress: 21299200/30839489 69%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.694Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.694Z - debug: progress: 21331968/30839489 69%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.694Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.694Z - debug: progress: 21364736/30839489 69%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.694Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.694Z - debug: progress: 21397504/30839489 69%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.694Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.694Z - debug: progress: 21430272/30839489 69%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.694Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.694Z - debug: progress: 21463040/30839489 69%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.694Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.694Z - debug: progress: 21495808/30839489 69%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.694Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.695Z - debug: progress: 21528576/30839489 69%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.695Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.695Z - debug: progress: 21561344/30839489 69%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.695Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.695Z - debug: progress: 21594112/30839489 70%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.695Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.695Z - debug: progress: 21626880/30839489 70%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.695Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.695Z - debug: progress: 21659648/30839489 70%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.695Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.695Z - debug: progress: 21692416/30839489 70%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.695Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.695Z - debug: progress: 21725184/30839489 70%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.695Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.695Z - debug: progress: 21757952/30839489 70%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.695Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.695Z - debug: progress: 21790720/30839489 70%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.695Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.696Z - debug: progress: 21823488/30839489 70%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.696Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.696Z - debug: progress: 21856256/30839489 70%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.696Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.696Z - debug: progress: 21889024/30839489 70%
2016-10-18T19:43:44.696Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:44.696Z - debug: progress: 21921792/30839489 71%
2016-10-18T19:43:45.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:45.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:45.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:45.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:45.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:45.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:45.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:45.244Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:45.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:45.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:45.245Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:45.245Z - debug: progress: 21954560/30839489 71%
2016-10-18T19:43:45.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:45.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:46.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:46.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:46.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:46.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:46.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:46.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:46.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:46.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:46.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:46.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:46.193Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:46.193Z - debug: progress: 21987328/30839489 71%
2016-10-18T19:43:46.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:46.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:46.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:46.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:46.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:43:46.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:46.477Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:46.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:46.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:46.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:46.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:46.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:43:46.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:46.478Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:47.010Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:47.010Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:47.010Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:47.010Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:47.010Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:47.010Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:47.010Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:47.011Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:47.011Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:47.011Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:47.011Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:47.011Z - debug: progress: 22020096/30839489 71%
2016-10-18T19:43:47.011Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:47.011Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:47.595Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:47.595Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:47.595Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:47.595Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:47.596Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:47.596Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:47.596Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:47.596Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:47.596Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:47.596Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:47.596Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:47.596Z - debug: progress: 22052864/30839489 71%
2016-10-18T19:43:47.596Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:47.596Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:48.116Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:48.116Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:48.116Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:48.116Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:48.116Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:48.116Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:48.116Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:48.116Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:48.116Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:48.116Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:48.116Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:48.117Z - debug: progress: 22085632/30839489 71%
2016-10-18T19:43:48.117Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:48.117Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:48.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:48.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:48.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:48.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:48.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:48.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:48.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:48.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:48.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:48.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:48.436Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:48.436Z - debug: progress: 22118400/30839489 71%
2016-10-18T19:43:48.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:48.437Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:48.896Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:48.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:48.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:48.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:48.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:48.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:48.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:48.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:48.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:48.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:48.897Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:48.897Z - debug: progress: 22151168/30839489 71%
2016-10-18T19:43:48.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:48.897Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:49.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:49.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:49.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:49.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:49.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:49.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:49.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:49.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:49.245Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:49.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:49.246Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:49.246Z - debug: progress: 22183936/30839489 71%
2016-10-18T19:43:49.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:49.246Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:49.534Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:49.534Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:49.534Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:49.534Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:49.534Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:49.534Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:49.534Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:49.534Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:49.534Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:49.534Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:49.534Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:49.535Z - debug: progress: 22216704/30839489 72%
2016-10-18T19:43:49.535Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:49.535Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:49.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:49.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:49.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:49.819Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:49.820Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:49.820Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:49.820Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:49.820Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:49.820Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:49.820Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:49.820Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:49.820Z - debug: progress: 22249472/30839489 72%
2016-10-18T19:43:49.820Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:49.820Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:50.069Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:50.069Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:50.069Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:43:50.069Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:50.069Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:50.069Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:50.069Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:50.070Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:50.070Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:50.070Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:43:50.070Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:50.070Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:50.422Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:50.422Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:50.422Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:50.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:50.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:50.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:50.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:50.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:50.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:50.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:50.423Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:50.423Z - debug: progress: 22282240/30839489 72%
2016-10-18T19:43:50.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:50.423Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:50.621Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:50.621Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:50.621Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:50.622Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:50.622Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:50.622Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:50.622Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:50.622Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:50.622Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:50.622Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:50.622Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:50.622Z - debug: progress: 22315008/30839489 72%
2016-10-18T19:43:50.622Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:50.622Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:50.877Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:50.877Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:50.877Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:50.877Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:50.877Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:50.877Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:50.877Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:50.877Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:50.877Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:50.877Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:50.877Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:50.878Z - debug: progress: 22347776/30839489 72%
2016-10-18T19:43:50.878Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:50.878Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:51.553Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:51.554Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:51.554Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:51.554Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:51.554Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:51.554Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:51.554Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:51.554Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:51.554Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:51.554Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:51.554Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:51.554Z - debug: progress: 22380544/30839489 72%
2016-10-18T19:43:51.554Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:51.555Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:51.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:51.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:51.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:51.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:51.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:51.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:51.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:51.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:51.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:51.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:51.826Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:51.826Z - debug: progress: 22413312/30839489 72%
2016-10-18T19:43:51.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:51.826Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:52.221Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:52.221Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:52.221Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:52.221Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:52.221Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:52.221Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:52.221Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:52.221Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:52.221Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:52.221Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:52.221Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:52.221Z - debug: progress: 22446080/30839489 72%
2016-10-18T19:43:52.221Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:52.221Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:52.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:52.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:52.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:52.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:52.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:52.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:52.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:52.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:52.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:52.801Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:52.802Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:52.802Z - debug: progress: 22478848/30839489 72%
2016-10-18T19:43:52.802Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:52.802Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:54.298Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:54.298Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:54.298Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:54.298Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:54.299Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:54.299Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:54.299Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:54.299Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:54.299Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:54.299Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:54.299Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:54.299Z - debug: progress: 22511616/30839489 72%
2016-10-18T19:43:54.299Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:54.299Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:54.299Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:54.300Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:54.300Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:43:54.300Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:54.300Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:54.300Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:54.300Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:54.300Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:54.300Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:54.300Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:43:54.300Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:54.300Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:55.137Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:55.137Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:55.137Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:55.137Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:55.137Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:55.137Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:55.137Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:55.137Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:55.137Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:55.137Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:55.137Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:55.137Z - debug: progress: 22544384/30839489 73%
2016-10-18T19:43:55.137Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:55.137Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:55.137Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:55.138Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:55.138Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:55.138Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:55.138Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:55.138Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:55.138Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:55.138Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:55.138Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:55.138Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:55.138Z - debug: progress: 22577152/30839489 73%
2016-10-18T19:43:55.138Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:55.138Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:55.138Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:55.138Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:55.138Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:55.138Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:55.138Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:55.138Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:55.138Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:55.138Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:55.138Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:55.139Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:55.139Z - debug: progress: 22609920/30839489 73%
2016-10-18T19:43:55.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:55.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:55.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:55.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:55.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:55.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:55.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:55.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:55.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:55.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:55.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:55.139Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:55.139Z - debug: progress: 22642688/30839489 73%
2016-10-18T19:43:55.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:55.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:55.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:55.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:55.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:55.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:55.139Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:55.140Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:55.140Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:55.140Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:55.140Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:55.140Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:55.140Z - debug: progress: 22675456/30839489 73%
2016-10-18T19:43:55.140Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:55.140Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:55.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:55.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:55.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:55.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:55.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:55.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:55.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:55.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:55.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:55.848Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:55.848Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:55.848Z - debug: progress: 22708224/30839489 73%
2016-10-18T19:43:55.849Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:55.849Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:56.337Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:56.337Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:56.337Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:56.337Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:56.337Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:56.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:56.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:56.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:56.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:56.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:56.338Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:56.338Z - debug: progress: 22740992/30839489 73%
2016-10-18T19:43:56.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:56.338Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:56.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:56.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:56.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:56.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:56.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:56.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:56.692Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:56.692Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:56.692Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:56.692Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:56.692Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:56.692Z - debug: progress: 22773760/30839489 73%
2016-10-18T19:43:56.692Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:56.692Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:57.165Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:57.165Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:57.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:43:57.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:57.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:57.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:57.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:57.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:57.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:57.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:43:57.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:57.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:57.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:57.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:57.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:57.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:57.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:57.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:57.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:57.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:57.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:57.166Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:57.166Z - debug: progress: 22806528/30839489 73%
2016-10-18T19:43:57.167Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:57.167Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:57.616Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:57.616Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:57.616Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:57.616Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:57.616Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:57.616Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:57.616Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:57.616Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:57.616Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:57.616Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:57.617Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:57.617Z - debug: progress: 22839296/30839489 74%
2016-10-18T19:43:57.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:57.617Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:58.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:58.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:58.552Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:58.552Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:58.552Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:58.552Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:58.552Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:58.552Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:58.552Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:58.552Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:58.552Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:58.552Z - debug: progress: 22872064/30839489 74%
2016-10-18T19:43:58.552Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:58.552Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:58.959Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:43:58.959Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:58.959Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:43:58.959Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:43:58.959Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:43:58.959Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:43:58.959Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:43:58.959Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:43:58.959Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:43:58.959Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:43:58.960Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:43:58.960Z - debug: progress: 22904832/30839489 74%
2016-10-18T19:43:58.960Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:43:58.960Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:00.470Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:00.470Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:00.471Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:00.471Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:00.471Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:00.471Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:00.471Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:00.471Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:00.471Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:00.471Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:00.471Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:00.471Z - debug: progress: 22937600/30839489 74%
2016-10-18T19:44:00.471Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:00.522Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:00.522Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:00.522Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:00.522Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:00.522Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:00.522Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:00.522Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:00.522Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:00.522Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:00.522Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:00.522Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:00.522Z - debug: progress: 22970368/30839489 74%
2016-10-18T19:44:00.522Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:00.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:00.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:00.964Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:00.964Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:00.964Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:00.964Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:00.964Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:00.964Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:00.964Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:00.964Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:00.964Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:00.964Z - debug: progress: 23003136/30839489 74%
2016-10-18T19:44:00.964Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:01.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:01.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:01.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:01.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:01.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:01.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:01.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:01.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:01.689Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:01.690Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:01.690Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:01.690Z - debug: progress: 23035904/30839489 74%
2016-10-18T19:44:01.690Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:02.232Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:02.232Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:02.232Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:44:02.233Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:02.233Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:02.233Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:02.233Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:02.233Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:02.233Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:02.233Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:44:02.233Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:02.529Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:02.530Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:02.530Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:02.530Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:02.530Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:02.530Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:02.530Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:02.530Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:02.530Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:02.530Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:02.530Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:02.530Z - debug: progress: 23068672/30839489 74%
2016-10-18T19:44:02.530Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:02.531Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.531Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:02.532Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.532Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:02.532Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.532Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:02.533Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.533Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:02.533Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.533Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.533Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.533Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.533Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.533Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.533Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.534Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.534Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.534Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.534Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.534Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.534Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.534Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.534Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.534Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.534Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.534Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.534Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.534Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.534Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.534Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.535Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.535Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.535Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.535Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.535Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.535Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.535Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.535Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.535Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.535Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.535Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.535Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.536Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.536Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.536Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.536Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.536Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.536Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.536Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.536Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.536Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.536Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.536Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.536Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.536Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.537Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.537Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.537Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.537Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.537Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.537Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.537Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.537Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.537Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.537Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.537Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.537Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:02.537Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:03.217Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:03.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:03.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:03.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:03.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:03.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:03.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:03.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:03.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:03.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:03.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:03.859Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:03.860Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:04.532Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:04.532Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:04.532Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:04.533Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:04.533Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:04.533Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:04.533Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:04.533Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:04.533Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:04.533Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:04.533Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:04.533Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:05.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:05.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:05.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:05.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:05.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:05.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:05.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:05.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:05.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:05.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:05.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:05.166Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:05.501Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:05.501Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:05.501Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:05.501Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:05.501Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:05.501Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:05.501Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:05.501Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:05.501Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:05.501Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:05.501Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:05.502Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:05.972Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:05.972Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:05.972Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:05.972Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:05.972Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:05.972Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:05.972Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:05.972Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:05.972Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:05.972Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:05.972Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:05.972Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:06.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:06.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:06.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:06.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:06.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:06.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:06.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:06.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:06.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:06.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:06.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:06.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:06.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:06.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:06.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:06.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:06.926Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:06.927Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:06.927Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:06.927Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:06.927Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:06.927Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:06.927Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:06.927Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:07.601Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:07.601Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:07.601Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:44:07.601Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:07.601Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:07.601Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:07.601Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:07.601Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:07.601Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:07.601Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:44:07.601Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:07.601Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:08.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:08.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:08.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:08.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:08.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:08.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:08.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:08.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:08.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:08.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:08.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:08.022Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:08.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:08.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:08.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:08.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:08.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:08.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:08.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:08.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:08.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:08.543Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:08.544Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:08.544Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:09.003Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:09.003Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:09.003Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:09.003Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:09.003Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:09.003Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:09.003Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:09.003Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:09.003Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:09.004Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:09.004Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:09.004Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:09.381Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:09.381Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:09.381Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:09.381Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:09.381Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:09.381Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:09.381Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:09.381Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:09.381Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:09.381Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:09.381Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:09.381Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:09.764Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:09.764Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:09.764Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:09.764Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:09.765Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:09.765Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:09.765Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:09.765Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:09.765Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:09.765Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:09.765Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:09.765Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:10.092Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:10.092Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:10.092Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:10.092Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:10.092Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:10.092Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:10.092Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:10.092Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:10.092Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:10.092Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:10.092Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:10.092Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:10.380Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:10.380Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:10.380Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:10.380Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:10.380Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:10.381Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:10.381Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:10.381Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:10.381Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:10.381Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:10.381Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:10.381Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:10.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:10.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:10.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:10.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:10.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:10.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:10.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:10.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:10.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:10.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:10.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:10.922Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:11.272Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:11.272Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:11.272Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:44:11.272Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:11.272Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:11.273Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:11.273Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:11.273Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:11.273Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:11.273Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:44:11.273Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:11.273Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:11.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:11.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:11.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:11.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:11.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:11.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:11.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:11.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:11.632Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:11.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:11.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:11.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:11.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:11.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:11.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:11.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:11.870Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:11.871Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:11.871Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:11.871Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:11.871Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:11.871Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:11.871Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:11.871Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:12.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:12.193Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:12.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:12.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:12.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:12.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:12.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:12.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:12.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:12.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:12.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:12.194Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:12.824Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:12.824Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:12.824Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:12.824Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:12.824Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:12.824Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:12.824Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:12.824Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:12.824Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:12.824Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:12.824Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:12.824Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:13.136Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:13.136Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:13.136Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:13.136Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:13.136Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:13.136Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:13.136Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:13.136Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:13.136Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:13.136Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:13.136Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:13.136Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:13.544Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:13.544Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:13.544Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:13.544Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:13.545Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:13.545Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:13.545Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:13.545Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:13.545Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:13.545Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:13.545Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:13.545Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:14.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:14.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:14.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:14.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:14.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:14.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:14.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:14.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:14.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:14.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:14.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:14.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:14.934Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:14.934Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:14.934Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:14.934Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:14.934Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:14.934Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:14.934Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:14.934Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:14.934Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:14.934Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:14.934Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:14.934Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:15.547Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:15.547Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:15.547Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:44:15.547Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:15.547Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:15.547Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:15.547Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:15.547Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:15.547Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:15.547Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:44:15.548Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:15.548Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:16.062Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:16.063Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:16.063Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:16.063Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:16.063Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:16.063Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:16.063Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:16.063Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:16.063Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:16.063Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:16.063Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:16.063Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:16.686Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:16.686Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:16.687Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:16.687Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:16.687Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:16.687Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:16.687Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:16.687Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:16.687Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:16.687Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:16.687Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:16.687Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:17.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:17.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:17.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:17.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:17.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:17.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:17.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:17.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:17.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:17.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:17.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:17.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:17.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:17.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:17.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:17.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:17.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:17.591Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:17.591Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:17.591Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:17.591Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:17.591Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:17.591Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:17.591Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:18.101Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:18.101Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:18.101Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:18.101Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:18.101Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:18.101Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:18.101Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:18.101Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:18.101Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:18.101Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:18.101Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:18.101Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:18.102Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.102Z - debug: progress: 23101440/30839489 74%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.102Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.102Z - debug: progress: 23134208/30839489 75%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.102Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.102Z - debug: progress: 23166976/30839489 75%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.102Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.102Z - debug: progress: 23199744/30839489 75%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.102Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.102Z - debug: progress: 23232512/30839489 75%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.102Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.103Z - debug: progress: 23265280/30839489 75%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.103Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.103Z - debug: progress: 23298048/30839489 75%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.103Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.103Z - debug: progress: 23330816/30839489 75%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.103Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.103Z - debug: progress: 23363584/30839489 75%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.103Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.103Z - debug: progress: 23396352/30839489 75%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.103Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.103Z - debug: progress: 23429120/30839489 75%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.103Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.103Z - debug: progress: 23461888/30839489 76%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.103Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.103Z - debug: progress: 23494656/30839489 76%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.103Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.103Z - debug: progress: 23527424/30839489 76%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.103Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.103Z - debug: progress: 23560192/30839489 76%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.104Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.104Z - debug: progress: 23592960/30839489 76%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.104Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.104Z - debug: progress: 23625728/30839489 76%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.104Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.104Z - debug: progress: 23658496/30839489 76%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.104Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.104Z - debug: progress: 23691264/30839489 76%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.104Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.104Z - debug: progress: 23724032/30839489 76%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.104Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.104Z - debug: progress: 23756800/30839489 77%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.104Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.104Z - debug: progress: 23789568/30839489 77%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.104Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.104Z - debug: progress: 23822336/30839489 77%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.104Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.104Z - debug: progress: 23855104/30839489 77%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.104Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.105Z - debug: progress: 23887872/30839489 77%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.105Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.105Z - debug: progress: 23920640/30839489 77%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.105Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.105Z - debug: progress: 23953408/30839489 77%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.105Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.105Z - debug: progress: 23986176/30839489 77%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:18.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:18.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:18.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:18.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:18.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:18.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:18.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:18.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:18.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:18.626Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:18.626Z - debug: progress: 24018944/30839489 77%
2016-10-18T19:44:18.626Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:18.627Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:19.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:19.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:19.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:19.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:19.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:19.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:19.183Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:19.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:19.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:19.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:19.184Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:19.184Z - debug: progress: 24051712/30839489 77%
2016-10-18T19:44:19.184Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:19.185Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:19.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:19.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:19.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:19.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:19.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:19.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:19.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:19.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:19.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:19.590Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:19.590Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:19.590Z - debug: progress: 24084480/30839489 78%
2016-10-18T19:44:19.591Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:19.591Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:20.131Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:20.132Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:20.132Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:44:20.132Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:20.132Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:20.132Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:20.132Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:20.132Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:20.132Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:20.132Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:44:20.132Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:20.132Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:20.962Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:20.962Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:20.962Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:20.962Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:20.962Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:20.962Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:20.962Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:20.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:20.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:20.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:20.963Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:20.963Z - debug: progress: 24117248/30839489 78%
2016-10-18T19:44:20.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:20.963Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:21.874Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:21.874Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:21.874Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:21.874Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:21.874Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:21.874Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:21.874Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:21.874Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:21.874Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:21.874Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:21.874Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:21.875Z - debug: progress: 24150016/30839489 78%
2016-10-18T19:44:21.875Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:21.875Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:22.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:22.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:22.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:22.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:22.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:22.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:22.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:22.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:22.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:22.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:22.608Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:22.608Z - debug: progress: 24182784/30839489 78%
2016-10-18T19:44:22.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:22.608Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:22.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:22.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:22.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:22.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:22.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:22.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:22.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:22.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:22.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:22.928Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:22.928Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:22.929Z - debug: progress: 24215552/30839489 78%
2016-10-18T19:44:22.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:22.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:23.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:23.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:23.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:23.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:23.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:23.304Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:23.305Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:23.305Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:23.305Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:23.305Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:23.305Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:23.305Z - debug: progress: 24248320/30839489 78%
2016-10-18T19:44:23.305Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:23.305Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:23.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:23.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:23.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:23.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:23.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:23.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:23.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:23.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:23.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:23.633Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:23.633Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:23.634Z - debug: progress: 24281088/30839489 78%
2016-10-18T19:44:23.634Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:23.634Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:24.060Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:24.060Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:24.060Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:24.060Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:24.060Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:24.060Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:24.060Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:24.060Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:24.060Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:24.060Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:24.061Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:24.061Z - debug: progress: 24313856/30839489 78%
2016-10-18T19:44:24.061Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:24.061Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:24.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:24.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:24.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:24.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:24.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:24.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:24.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:24.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:24.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:24.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:24.814Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:24.814Z - debug: progress: 24346624/30839489 78%
2016-10-18T19:44:24.814Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:24.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:24.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:24.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:24.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:44:24.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:24.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:24.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:24.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:24.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:24.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:24.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:44:24.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:24.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:24.815Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:24.816Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:24.816Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:24.816Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:24.816Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:24.816Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:24.816Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:24.816Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:24.816Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:24.816Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:24.816Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:24.816Z - debug: progress: 24379392/30839489 79%
2016-10-18T19:44:24.816Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:25.311Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:25.311Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:25.311Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:25.311Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:25.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:25.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:25.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:25.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:25.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:25.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:25.312Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:25.312Z - debug: progress: 24412160/30839489 79%
2016-10-18T19:44:25.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:25.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:25.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:25.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:25.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:25.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:25.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:25.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:25.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:25.312Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:25.313Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:25.313Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:25.313Z - debug: progress: 24444928/30839489 79%
2016-10-18T19:44:25.313Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:25.313Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:25.313Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:25.313Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:25.313Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:25.313Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:25.313Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:25.313Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:25.313Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:25.313Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:25.313Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:25.313Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:25.313Z - debug: progress: 24477696/30839489 79%
2016-10-18T19:44:25.313Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:25.313Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:25.313Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:25.313Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:25.313Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:25.313Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:25.314Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:25.314Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:25.314Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:25.314Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:25.314Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:25.314Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:25.314Z - debug: progress: 24510464/30839489 79%
2016-10-18T19:44:25.314Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:25.314Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:25.314Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:25.314Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:25.314Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:25.314Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:25.314Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:25.314Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:25.314Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:25.314Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:25.314Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:25.314Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:25.314Z - debug: progress: 24543232/30839489 79%
2016-10-18T19:44:25.314Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:25.314Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:25.640Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:26.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:26.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:26.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:26.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:26.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:26.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:26.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:26.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:26.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:26.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:26.097Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:26.097Z - debug: progress: 24576000/30839489 79%
2016-10-18T19:44:26.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:26.097Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:26.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:26.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:26.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:26.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:26.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:26.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:26.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:26.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:26.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:26.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:26.436Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:26.436Z - debug: progress: 24608768/30839489 79%
2016-10-18T19:44:26.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:26.436Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:26.746Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:26.746Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:26.747Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:44:26.747Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:26.747Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:26.747Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:26.747Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:26.747Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:26.747Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:26.747Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:44:26.747Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:26.747Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:26.747Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:26.747Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:26.747Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:26.747Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:26.747Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:26.747Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:26.747Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:26.747Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:26.747Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:26.747Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:26.747Z - debug: progress: 24641536/30839489 79%
2016-10-18T19:44:26.747Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:26.748Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:27.086Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:27.086Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:27.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:27.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:27.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:27.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:27.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:27.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:27.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:27.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:27.087Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:27.087Z - debug: progress: 24674304/30839489 80%
2016-10-18T19:44:27.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:27.087Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:27.357Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:27.357Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:27.357Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:27.357Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:27.357Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:27.357Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:27.357Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:27.357Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:27.357Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:27.357Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:27.357Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:27.358Z - debug: progress: 24707072/30839489 80%
2016-10-18T19:44:27.358Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:27.358Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:27.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:27.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:27.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:27.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:27.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:27.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:27.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:27.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:27.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:27.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:27.638Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:27.638Z - debug: progress: 24739840/30839489 80%
2016-10-18T19:44:27.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:27.638Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:27.884Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:27.884Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:27.885Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:27.885Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:27.885Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:27.885Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:27.885Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:27.885Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:27.885Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:27.885Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:27.885Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:27.885Z - debug: progress: 24772608/30839489 80%
2016-10-18T19:44:27.885Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:27.885Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:28.131Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:28.131Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:28.131Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:28.131Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:28.131Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:28.131Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:28.131Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:28.131Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:28.131Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:28.132Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:28.132Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:28.132Z - debug: progress: 24805376/30839489 80%
2016-10-18T19:44:28.132Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:28.132Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:28.369Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:28.369Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:28.369Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:28.369Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:28.369Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:28.369Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:28.369Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:28.369Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:28.369Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:28.369Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:28.369Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:28.369Z - debug: progress: 24838144/30839489 80%
2016-10-18T19:44:28.370Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:28.370Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:29.353Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:29.353Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:29.353Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:29.353Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:29.353Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:29.353Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:29.353Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:29.353Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:29.354Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:29.354Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:29.354Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:29.354Z - debug: progress: 24870912/30839489 80%
2016-10-18T19:44:29.354Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:29.354Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:29.593Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:29.593Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:29.593Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:44:29.593Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:29.593Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:29.593Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:29.593Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:29.593Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:29.594Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:29.594Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:44:29.594Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:29.594Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:30.257Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:30.257Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:30.257Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:30.257Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:30.258Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:30.258Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:30.258Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:30.258Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:30.258Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:30.258Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:30.258Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:30.258Z - debug: progress: 24903680/30839489 80%
2016-10-18T19:44:30.258Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:30.258Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:30.871Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:30.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:30.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:30.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:30.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:30.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:30.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:30.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:30.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:30.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:30.872Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:30.872Z - debug: progress: 24936448/30839489 80%
2016-10-18T19:44:30.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:30.872Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:31.508Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:31.508Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:31.508Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:31.508Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:31.508Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:31.508Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:31.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:31.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:31.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:31.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:31.509Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:31.509Z - debug: progress: 24969216/30839489 80%
2016-10-18T19:44:31.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:31.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:31.997Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:31.997Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:31.997Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:31.997Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:31.997Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:31.997Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:31.997Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:31.997Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:31.997Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:31.997Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:31.997Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:31.997Z - debug: progress: 25001984/30839489 81%
2016-10-18T19:44:31.997Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:32.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:32.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:32.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:32.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:32.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:32.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:32.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:32.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:32.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:32.509Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:32.510Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:32.510Z - debug: progress: 25034752/30839489 81%
2016-10-18T19:44:32.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:32.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:32.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:32.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:32.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:32.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:32.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:32.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:32.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:32.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:32.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:32.510Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:32.510Z - debug: progress: 25067520/30839489 81%
2016-10-18T19:44:32.510Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:32.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:32.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:32.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:32.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:32.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:32.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:32.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:32.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:32.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:32.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:32.540Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:32.540Z - debug: progress: 25100288/30839489 81%
2016-10-18T19:44:32.540Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:33.055Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:33.055Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:33.055Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:33.055Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:33.056Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:33.056Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:33.056Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:33.056Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:33.056Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:33.056Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:33.056Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:33.056Z - debug: progress: 25133056/30839489 81%
2016-10-18T19:44:33.056Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:33.457Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:33.457Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:33.457Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:44:33.457Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:33.457Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:33.457Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:33.457Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:33.457Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:33.457Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:33.457Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:44:33.457Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:33.708Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:33.708Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:33.708Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:33.708Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:33.708Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:33.708Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:33.708Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:33.708Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:33.708Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:33.708Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:33.708Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Parser: Response: STATUS
2016-10-18T19:44:33.708Z - debug: progress: 25165824/30839489 81%
2016-10-18T19:44:33.709Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:33.709Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.709Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:33.710Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.710Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:33.710Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.710Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:33.711Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.711Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:33.711Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.711Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.711Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.711Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.712Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.712Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.712Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.712Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.712Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.712Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.712Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.712Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.712Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.712Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.715Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.715Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.715Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.715Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.716Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.717Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.717Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.717Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.717Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.717Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.717Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.717Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.717Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.717Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.717Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.717Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.717Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.717Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.717Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:33.718Z - debug: DEBUG[SFTP]: Outgoing: Writing WRITE
2016-10-18T19:44:34.391Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:34.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:34.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:34.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:34.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:34.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:34.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:34.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:34.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:34.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:34.929Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:34.930Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:34.930Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:35.438Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:35.438Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:35.438Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:35.439Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:35.439Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:35.439Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:35.439Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:35.439Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:35.439Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:35.439Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:35.439Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:35.439Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:35.977Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:35.977Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:35.977Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:35.977Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:35.977Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:35.977Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:35.977Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:35.977Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:35.977Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:35.977Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:35.977Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:35.977Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:36.550Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:36.550Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:36.550Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:36.550Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:36.550Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:36.550Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:36.550Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:36.550Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:36.550Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:36.550Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:36.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:36.551Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:37.116Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:37.117Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:37.117Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:37.117Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:37.117Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:37.117Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:37.117Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:37.117Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:37.117Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:37.117Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:37.117Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:37.117Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:37.504Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:37.504Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:37.504Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:37.504Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:37.504Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:37.504Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:37.504Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:37.504Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:37.504Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:37.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:37.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:37.505Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:37.951Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:37.951Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:37.951Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:37.951Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:37.951Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:37.951Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:37.951Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:37.951Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:37.951Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:37.951Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:37.951Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:37.951Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:38.234Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:38.234Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:38.234Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:28,padLen:18,remainLen:16
2016-10-18T19:44:38.234Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:38.234Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:38.234Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:38.234Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:38.234Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:38.234Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:38.234Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (0, 262760)
2016-10-18T19:44:38.234Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:38.234Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:38.234Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:38.234Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:38.234Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:38.234Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:38.234Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:38.235Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:38.235Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:38.235Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:38.235Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:38.235Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:38.235Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:38.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:38.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:38.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:38.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:38.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:38.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:38.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:38.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:38.519Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:38.520Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:38.520Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:38.520Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:38.816Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:38.816Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:38.816Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:38.816Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:38.816Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:38.816Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:38.816Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:38.816Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:38.816Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:38.816Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:38.817Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:38.817Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:39.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:39.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:39.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:39.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:39.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:39.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:39.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:39.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:39.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:39.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:39.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:39.083Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:40.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:40.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:40.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:40.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:40.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:40.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:40.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:40.045Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:40.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:40.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:40.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:40.046Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:40.400Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:40.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:40.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:40.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:40.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:40.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: HMAC size:20
2016-10-18T19:44:40.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY
2016-10-18T19:44:40.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Verifying MAC
2016-10-18T19:44:40.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAVERIFY (Valid HMAC)
2016-10-18T19:44:40.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATAAFTER, packet: CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:40.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETBEFORE (expecting 16)
2016-10-18T19:44:40.401Z - debug: DEBUG: Outgoing: Writing CHANNEL_DATA (0)
2016-10-18T19:44:41.225Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKET
2016-10-18T19:44:41.225Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
2016-10-18T19:44:41.225Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: pktLen:76,padLen:13,remainLen:64
2016-10-18T19:44:41.225Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: IN_PACKETDATA
2016-10-18T19:44:41.225Z - debug: DEBUG: Parser: Decrypting
View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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