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Last active June 4, 2020 05:20
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import zio.{Task, ZIO, ZLayer, ZManaged}
object DB {
// 1. service
trait Service {
def execute(sql: String): Task[Unit]
// 2. layer
val liveRelationalDB: ZLayer[HasConnectionPool, Throwable, DB] = ZLayer.fromService
{ cp => new Service {
override def execute(sql: String): Task[Unit] =
Task(println(s"Running: $sql, on: $cp"))
} }
// 1. procedural, low-level interface
class ConnectionPool(url: String) {
def close(): Unit = ()
override def toString: String = s"ConnectionPool($url)"
// 2. integration with ZIO
object ConnectionPoolIntegration {
def createConnectionPool(cfg: DBConfig): ZIO[Any, Throwable, ConnectionPool] =
ZIO.effect(new ConnectionPool(cfg.url))
val closeConnectionPool: ConnectionPool => ZIO[Any, Nothing, Unit] =
(cp: ConnectionPool) => ZIO.effect(cp.close()).catchAll(_ => ZIO.unit)
def managedConnectionPool(cfg: DBConfig): ZManaged[Any, Throwable, ConnectionPool] =
val live: ZLayer[HasDBConfig, Throwable, HasConnectionPool] =
// ---
// 4. type aliases in package.scala
type HasDBConfig = Has[DBConfig]
type HasConnectionPool = Has[ConnectionPool]
type DB = Has[DB.Service]
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