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Last active May 18, 2020 08:43
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object Server {
import Endpoints._
import scala.concurrent.Future
// should fail with Error if user not found
def authorize(authToken: AuthToken): Future[Either[Error, User]] = ???
def findPetForUser(user: User, id: UUID): Future[Either[Error, Option[Pet]]] = ???
def addPetToUser(user: User, pet: Pet): Future[Either[Error, Unit]] = ???
val getPetWithLogic = getPet.serverLogicPart(authorize).andThen {
case (user, id) =>
findPetForUser(user, id).map {
case Right(Some(pet)) => Right(pet)
case Right(None) => Left(Error("Not found", StatusCode.NotFound))
case Left(error) => Left(error)
val addPetWithLogic = addPet.serverLogicPart(authorize)
.andThen((addPetToUser _).tupled)
// the endpoints are now interpreted as an akka.http.scaladsl.Route
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route
import sttp.tapir.server.akkahttp._
val routes: Route = List(getPetWithLogic, addPetWithLogic).toRoute
// expose routes using akka-http
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