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Created April 19, 2012 19:53
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Save adamwespiser/2423734 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
hpcc automated job running
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
=begin comment < notes>
The purpose of this script is to make it very easy to run single use jobs on the
cluster by generating a one time use script that is submitted after creation.
-i input command e.g. "muscle -in ensemblSeqs.fa -out ensembl.aln (required)
-c number of cores, on hpcc01/02 there are 24 max (required)
-m gb's of ram requested, max practical = 45 (required)
-d directory to place the temp script in (default = /home/wespisea/tempScripts/
-t tag appended to the end of the temp script for identification later (default = "")
-test boolean flag, if set script will be crated but qsub command will not be run
To adopt this script , please re-name the my $dir to a default
directory with read/write permission and also the email address
@2012 Adam Wespiser, University of Massachusetts Medical School
my $test = 0;
my ($inFile,$dir,$in, $out, $cores, $memory,$tag);
GetOptions('i=s' => \$inFile,
'c=s' => \$cores,
'm=s' => \$memory,
't=s' => \$tag,
'd=s' => \$dir,
'test' => \$test,
) or &usage;
print $test."\n\n\n";
if (!defined $inFile) { print STDERR "\n\-i option was not specified\n";&usage; }
if (!defined $cores) { print STDERR "\n\-c option was not specified\n";&usage; }
if (!defined $memory) { print STDERR "\n\-m option was not specified\n";&usage; }
if (!defined $tag) { $tag="qsubJob"; } else { $tag = $tag; }
#if (!defined $tag) { $tag=""; } else { $tag = "_".$tag; }
if (!defined $dir) { $dir = "/home/wespisea/nearline/tempScripts"; } else {$dir=~s/\/$//g; }
my $abbr = &createAbbr($inFile, $tag);
my $heredoc = <<END;
#\$ -V
#\$ -S /bin/bash
#\$ -M wespisea\
#\$ -pe single $cores
#\$ -l mem_free=${memory}G
#\$ -o $dir
#\$ -e $dir
my $file = "$dir/$abbr.temp";
print "a file has been created :<".$file.">\n";
open my $fh, '>', $file or die "file cannot be opened\n";
print $fh $heredoc;
close $fh;
print $file."\n";
if ($test ~~ 0){
#print "would have run it...\n";
system("qsub $file");
#use perl's variable hashcode to generate a random hex string
#(need's to be tested for randomness)
# another option is to use '$$', perl's var for processID
sub hashifyString{
my $in = shift;
my $f = \$in;
$f =~s/(?:SCALAR|\(|\))//g;
return $f;
sub usage{
print STDERR "\n\n";
print STDERR "Usage:\n\n";
print STDERR "the required argument are:\n";
print STDERR "perl $0 [-i command to run] [-c number of cores] [-m memory in GB]\n";
print STDERR "example: perl ~/bin/ -c 4 -m 40 -i \"muscle -in .../TOLL/immuneDBFiles/agam_ensHomologs.fasta -out .../TOLL/immuneDBFiles/\" -t TOLL_ensembl_take2";
print STDERR "\n\n\n";
sub createAbbr(){
my ($abbr,$tag)= @_;
$abbr=~s/ //g;
if(length($abbr) > 20){
$abbr = substr $abbr, 0, 15;
my @timeData = localtime(time);
my $timeStamp="_pid".$$;
#my $timeStamp="_pid".$$."_h=".$timeData[2]."_m=".$timeData[1];
return $tag.$timeStamp;
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