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Created December 18, 2019 12:45
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Build script for blog, Haskell version
#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack script
--resolver lts-14.17
--package turtle
--package text
--package foldl
--package async
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Turtle as Tu
import qualified Control.Foldl as L
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import System.IO
argParser :: Tu.Parser Tu.FilePath
argParser = Tu.argPath "html" "html destination directory"
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- 53 files copied over into destinationDir
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
destinationDir <- Tu.options "Build blog and copy to directory" argParser
Tu.with (Tu.mktempdir "/tmp" "deploy") (mainLoop destinationDir)
mainLoop :: Tu.FilePath -> Tu.FilePath -> IO ()
mainLoop destDir tempDir = do
concurrently (downloadGitRepo "")
(downloadGitRepo "")
copyHelper "scheme/docs/" ""
copyHelper "scheme/img/" "" (tempDir Tu.</> "") "stack build --fast --ghc-options=\"-w\"" Tu.empty "stack exec site rebuild" Tu.empty
downloadGitRepo :: (Tu.MonadIO m) => String -> m ()
downloadGitRepo gitrepo = do
let gitDirectory = Tu.dropExtension . Tu.filename . Tu.decodeString $ gitrepo
gitPath = tempDir Tu.</> gitDirectory
gitCommand = "git clone " ++ gitrepo ++ " --depth 1 " ++ Tu.encodeString (tempDir Tu.</> gitDirectory)
Tu.testdir gitPath >>= (\x -> Tu.when x $ Tu.rmtree gitPath) (T.pack gitCommand) Tu.empty >> pure ()
copyHelper :: (Tu.MonadIO m) => Tu.FilePath -> Tu.FilePath -> m ()
copyHelper src trg = Tu.foldIO ( $ tempDir Tu.</> src)
(L.sink $ \f -> Tu.cp f $ tempDir Tu.</> trg Tu.</> Tu.filename f)
copyBuildToTarget :: (Tu.MonadIO m) => m ()
copyBuildToTarget = do
Tu.foldIO ( destDir) (L.sink Tu.rmtree)
Tu.foldIO ( $ tempDir Tu.</> "")
(L.sink $ procCopyBuildToTarget destDir)
procCopyBuildToTarget :: (Tu.MonadIO m) => Tu.FilePath -> Tu.FilePath -> m ()
procCopyBuildToTarget dest file = do
src <- fromEither $ Tu.toText file
trg <- fromEither $ Tu.toText $ dest Tu.</> Tu.filename file
Tu.procs "cp" [T.pack "-r", src, trg] Tu.mempty
fromEither = either (error . T.unpack) pure
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