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Created January 11, 2022 01:51
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package com.covalenthq.scout.utils;
** Markdown Version of API v1 docs converted
to a string for OpenApi Swaggar Documentation Description.
public class OpenAPIData {
// pagination,
public final String intro, changelog;
private final static String _SIGNED_AT = "The signed time of the block.";
public static class UseCases {
public static final String WALLET = "wallet",
TAX = "tax", DASHBOARD = "dashboard";
public static class Tags {
public static final String CLASS_A_ENDPOINTS = "Class A",
BY_PRICE = "Pricing endpoints";
public static final String UNISWAP_ENDPOINTS = "uniswap",
UNISWAP_ENDPOINTS_DESC = "Uniswap is a fully decentralized protocol for automated liquidity provision on Ethereum. Uniswap is now accessible on XY=K.",
SUSHISWAP_ENDPOINTS_DESC = "Sushi is the home of DeFi. Our community is building a comprehensive, decentralized trading platform for the future of finance.",
PANCAKESWAP_ENDPOINTS_DESC = "Trade, earn, and win crypto on the most popular decentralized platform in the galaxy. PancakeSwap is now accessible on XY=K.",
XYK_ENDPOINTS_DESC = "xy=k is a generalized Uniswap-like endpoints for exchanges on various chains.",
AAVE_ENDPOINTS_DESC = "Aave is an Open Source and Non-Custodial protocol to earn interest on deposits and borrow assets.",
COMPOUND_ENDPOINTS_DESC = "Compound is an algorithmic, autonomous interest rate protocol built for developers, to unlock a universe of open financial applications.",
CURVE_ENDPOINTS_DESC = "Curve is an exchange liquidity pool on Ethereum designed for: extremely efficient stablecoin trading, low risk, supplemental fee income for liquidity providers.",
BALANCER_ENDPOINTS_DESC = "Balancer is an automated portfolio manager and trading platform.";
public static class ErrorMessages {
public static final String PAGINATION_NEG_BOUNDS = "is negative. Please check your parameters and try again.",
TOO_LARGE_INDICES = "Something's wrong with your pagination. Please check your page number\" +\n" +
" \"or your page size.",
CHAIN_ID_MISSING = "Missing/Unavailable chain ID. Please check your path parameter.",
INVALID_QUERY_STRING = "Invalid query: ";
public static class Descriptions {
public static final String PAGE_NUMBER = "The specific page to be returned.",
PAGE_SIZE = "The number of results per page.",
STARTING_BLOCK = "Starting block to define a block range.",
ENDING_BLOCK = "Ending block to define a block range.",
ENDING_BLOCK_LATEST = "Ending block to define a block range. Passing in `latest` uses the latest block height.",
CHAIN_NAME = "The name of the Blockchain",
CHAIN_ID = "Chain ID of the Blockchain being queried. Currently supports `1` for Ethereum Mainnet, `137` for Polygon/Matic Mainnet, `80001` for Polygon/Matic Mumbai Testnet, `56` for Binance Smart Chain, `43114` for Avalanche C-Chain Mainnet, `43113` for Fuji C-Chain Testnet, and `250` for Fantom Opera Mainnet.",
CHAIN_ID_2 = "Chain ID of the Blockchain being queried. Supports `56` for BSC Mainnet and `137` for Polygon/Matic Mainnet, `43114` for Avalanche C-Chain Mainnet, `43113` for Fuji C-Chain Testnet, and `250` for Fantom Opera Mainnet.",
CONTRACT_DECIMALS = "Smart contract decimals.",
CONTRACT_NAME = "Smart contract name.",
CONTRACT_TICKER_SYMBOL = "Smart contract ticker symbol.",
CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "Smart contract address.",
CONTRACT_ADDRESSES = "Smart contract address(es).",
CONTRACT_LOGO_URL = "Smart contract URL.",
QUOTE = "The current balance converted to fiat in `quote-currency`.",
QUOTE_24 = "The current balance converted to fiat in `quote-currency` as of 24 hours ago.",
QUOTE_RATE = "The current spot exchange rate in `quote-currency`.",
QUOTE_RATE_24 = "The spot exchange rate in `quote-currency` as of 24 hours ago.",
ENS_RESOLVES = "Passing in an `ENS` resolves automatically.",
DAYS = "The range of the historical portfolio in days, defaults to 30 days (max days = 2000).",
DEXNAMES = "One of `sushiswap`, `pancakeswap`, `quickswap`, `pangolin`, `spiritswap`, `spookyswap`.",
RESPONSE_FORMAT = "If `format=csv`, return a flat CSV instead of JSON responses.",
REFRESH_REAL_TIME = "<span id=\"refresh-rate\" class=\"label label-primary label-xsmall\" style=\"vertical-align:super; font-size:x-small; background-color:#0098db;\">real-time</span>",
REFRESH_BATCH = "<span id=\"refresh-rate\" class=\"label label-primary label-xsmall\" style=\"vertical-align:super; font-size:x-small; background-color:#0098db;\">batch</span>",
CONTRACT_BALANCE = "Current balance.",
TOTAL_SUPPLY = "Total supply of this pool token.",
BLOCK_HEIGHT = "The height of the block.",
TX_HASH = "The transaction hash.",
TOPIC_HASH = "Topic hash value from log records.",
TX_OFFSET = "The transaction offset.",
STATUS = "The transaction status.",
FROM_ADDRESS_LABEL = "The label of `from` address.",
TO_ADDRESS_LABEL = "The label of `to` address.",
TYPE = "One of `cryptocurrency`, `stablecoin`, `nft` or `dust`.", example = "dust",
BALANCE = "The asset balance. Use `contract_decimals` to scale this balance for display purposes.",
BALANCE_24 = "The asset balance 24 hours ago.",
SUPPORTS_ERC = "The standard interface(s) supported for this token, eg: `ERC-20`.",
ITEMS = "",
NFT_DATA = "Array of NFTs that are held under this contract.",
SWAPS = "Get additional insight on swap event data related to this address, default: `false`",
SECONDARY_TOPICS = "Additional topic hash(es) to filter on -- padded & unpadded address fields are supported.",
FACTORY_ADDRESS = "The address of the deployed UniswapV2 like factory contract for this DEX.",
ROUTER_ADDRESS = "The address of the deployed UniswapV2 like router contract for this DEX.",
SWAP_FEE = "The swapping fee for this UniswapV2 like DEX.",
DEX_NAME = "The name of this UniswapV2 like DEX.";
public static class TransferDescription {
public static final String TRANSFER_FROM_ADDRESS = "The address where the transfer is from.",
TRANSFER_TO_ADDRESS = "The address where the transfer is to.",
DELTA = "The delta attached to this transfer.",
TRANSFER_BALANCE = "The transfer balance. Use `contract_decimals` to scale this balance for display purposes.",
DELTA_QUOTE = "The current delta converted to fiat in `quote-currency`.",
BALANCE_QUOTE = "The current balance converted to fiat in `quote-currency`.",
TRANSFERS = "Transfer items.",
METHOD = "Type of ",
METHOD_CALL = "Additional details on which transfer events were invoked. Defaults to `true`.",
LAST_TRANSFERRED_AT = "Last transferred date for a wallet";
public static class TxnDescription {
public static final String TXN_FROM_ADDRESS = "The address where the transaction is from.",
TXN_TO_ADDRESS = "The address where the transaction is to.",
VALUE = "The value attached to this tx.",
VALUE_QUOTE = "The value attached in `quote-currency` to this tx.",
TXN_ITEMS = "The transactions.",
GAS_OFFER = "The gas offered for this tx.",
GAS_SPENT = "The gas spent for this tx.",
GAS_PRICE = "The gas price at the time of this tx.",
GAS_QUOTE = "The gas spent in `quote-currency` denomination.",
GAS_QUOTE_RATE = "Historical ETH price at the time of tx.";
public static class LogDescription {
public static final String LOG_OFFSET = "The log offset.",
RAW_LOG_TOPICS = "The log topics in raw data.",
SENDER_ADDRESS = "The address of the sender.",
SENDER_ADDRESS_LABEL = "The label of the sender address.",
RAW_LOG_DATA = "The log events in raw.",
LOG_EVENTS = "The log events.",
DECODED = "The decoded item.",
DECODED_NAME = "The name of the decoded item.",
DECODED_SIGNATURE = "The signature of the decoded item.",
PARAMETER = "The parameters of the decoded item.",
PARAMETER_NAME = "The name of the parameter.",
PARAMETER_TYPE = "The type of the parameter.",
PARAMETER_INDEX = "The index of the parameter.",
PARAMETER_DECODED = "The decoded value of the parameter.",
PARAMETER_VALUE = "The value of the parameter.";
public static class balanceDescription {
public static final String ADDRESS = "The requested wallet address.",
UPDATED_AT = "The updated time.",
NEXT_UPDATED_AT = "The next updated time.",
QUOTE_CURRENCY = "The requested fiat currency.",
CHAIN_ID = "The requested chain ID.";
public static class blockDescription {
public static final String SIGNED_AT = _SIGNED_AT,
HEIGHT = "The height of the block.";
public static class registerDescription {
public static final String ADDRESS_REGISTERED = "The registered address.",
ADDRESS_RESOLVED = "The resolved address.";
public static class tokenDescription {
public static final String ADDRESS = "The address of token holder.",
BALANCE = "The balance of token holder.",
SUPPLY = "The total supply of the token.",
TOKEN_HOLDER = "The token holder.",
PREV_BALANCE = "The starting block balance.",
PREV_BLOCK_HEIGHT = "The starting block height.",
NEXT_BALANCE = "The ending block balance.",
NEXT_BLOCK_HEIGHT = "The ending block height.",
DIFF = "The difference of the balance.";
public static class primerDescription {
public static final String PRIMER = "Records enter a multi-stage pipeline that transforms the records into aggregated results. Supports $group and Aggregation operators.",
MATCH = "Filters the records to pass only the documents that match the specified condition(s).",
GROUP = "Groups input elements by the specified id expression and for each distinct grouping, outputs an element. Grouping by _date operators is also possible.",
SORT = "Sorts all input records and returns them in ascending or descending sorted order.",
SKIP = "Skips over the specified number of records.",
LIMIT = "Limits the number of records.";
public static class genericChainInfoDescription {
public static final String IS_ENABLED = "Status of the chain",
NAME = "Name of chain",
_CHAIN_ID = Descriptions.CHAIN_ID,
METRIC_LABEL = "Label name of metric";
public static class NFTMarketCapDescription {
public static final String VOLUME_ETH_24H = "Volume of sales within the last 24H in ETH.",
VOLUME_WEI_24H = "Volume of sales within the last 24H in WEI.",
VOLUME_QUOTE_24H = "Volume of sales within the last 24H in quote currency.",
AVERAGE_VOLUME_ETH_24H = "Average volume of sales within last 24H in ETH.",
AVERAGE_VOLUME_WEI_24H = "Average volume of sales within last 24H in WEI.",
AVERAGE_VOLUME_QUOTE_24H = "Average volume of sales within last 24H in quote currency.",
DT = "Recorded date of sale.",
VOLUME_ETH_DAY = "Volume of sale within that day in ETH.",
VOLUME_WEI_DAY = "Volume of sale within that day in WEI.",
VOLUME_QUOTE_DAY = "Volume of sale within that day in quote currency.",
AVERAGE_VOLUME_ETH_DAY = "Average volume of sale within that day in ETH.",
AVERAGE_VOLUME_WEI_DAY = "Average volume of sale within that day in WEI.",
AVERAGE_VOLUME_QUOTE_DAY = "Average volume of sale within that day in quote currency.",
TOKEN_IDS_SOLD = "Amount of distinct token ids sold.",
CONTRACT_DEPLOYMENT_AT = "Contract deployment date.",
MARKET_CAP_ETH = "Market Cap in ETH.",
MARKET_CAP_WEI = "Market Cap in WEI.",
MARKET_CAP_QUOTE = "Market Cap in quote currency.",
FLOOR_PRICE_ETH = "The minimum average sale within the last 7 days defined as floor price in ETH.",
FLOOR_PRICE_WEI = "The minimum average sale within the last 7 days defined as floor price in WEI.",
FLOOR_PRICE_QUOTE = "The minimum average sale within the last 7 days defined as floor price in quote currency.",
MAX_PRICE_ETH = "The max price recorded as a sale in ETH.",
MAX_PRICE_WEI = "The max price recorded as a sale in WEI.",
MAX_PRICE_QUOTE = "The max price recorded as a sale in quote currency.",
NUMBER_OF_TRANSACTIONS = "Number of transactions for this collection.",
NUMBER_OF_WALLETS = "Number of wallets for this collection.",
DATE = "Date recorded for Market Cap.";
public OpenAPIData() throws IOException {
this.intro = StaticResource.getRaw("/docs/");
//this.pagination = StaticResource.getAsString("/docs/");
this.changelog = StaticResource.getRaw("/docs/");
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