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Created April 25, 2019 10:47
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BLUETOOTH_DEFAULTS=$(defaults read /Library/Preferences/
SYSTEM_PROFILER=$(system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType 2>/dev/null)
MAC_ADDR=$(grep -b2 "Minor Type: Headphones"<<<"${SYSTEM_PROFILER}"|awk '/Address/{print $3}')
CONNECTED=$(grep -ia6 "${MAC_ADDR}"<<<"${SYSTEM_PROFILER}"|awk '/Connected: Yes/{print 1}')
BATTERY_LEVELS=("BatteryPercentCombined" "HeadsetBattery" "BatteryPercentSingle" "BatteryPercentCase" "BatteryPercentLeft" "BatteryPercentRight")
if [[ "${CONNECTED}" ]]; then
for I in "${BATTERY_LEVELS[@]}"; do
declare -x "${I}"="$(awk -v pat="${I}" '$0~pat{gsub (";",""); print $3 }'<<<"${BLUETOOTH_DATA}")"
[[ ! -z "${!I}" ]] && OUTPUT="${OUTPUT} $(awk '/BatteryPercent/{print substr($0,15,1)": "}'<<<"${I}")${!I}%"
osascript -e "display notification \"${OUTPUT}\" with title \"AirPods connected\""
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