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Last active April 21, 2023 09:17
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GlotPress Playground as a blueprint
import { phpVars } from '@php-wasm/common';
import { ProgressTracker } from '@php-wasm/progress';
import {
} from '@wp-playground/client';
const query = new URL(document.location.href).searchParams;
export async function setupPlayground(
playground: PlaygroundClient,
progress: ProgressTracker
) {
await playground.onDownloadProgress(
progress.stage(0.4, 'Preparing WordPress').loadingListener
await playground.isReady();
const blueprint = localGlotPressBlueprint('pl_PL', 'pl/default', true, 'friends');
await runBlueprint(playground, blueprint, progress.stage(0.6));
function localGlotPressBlueprint(
lang: string,
langWithSlug: string,
refresh?: boolean,
plugin?: string,
wp = false
): Blueprint {
const languages: Record<string, string> = {
'wp/dev': '',
'wp/dev/admin': 'admin-',
'wp-plugins/glotpress/dev': 'plugins/glotpress-',
'wp-plugins/friends/dev': 'plugins/friends-',
const filters: Record<string, string> = {
'wp-plugins/friends/dev': '&filters[status]=current_or_waiting',
const format = 'mo';
const js = phpVars({
return {
steps: [
{ step: 'login', username: 'admin', password: 'password' },
step: 'mkdir',
path: '/wordpress/wp-content/languages/plugins',
([urlPath, fsPath]) => {
const remoteUrl = escape(
urlPath in filters ? filters[urlPath] : ''
return {
step: 'writeFile',
path: `/wordpress/wp-content/languages/${fsPath}${lang}.${format}`,
data: {
resource: 'url',
caption: `Downloading ${fsPath}${lang}.${format}`,
url: `/translate-proxy?format=${format}&${
refresh ? 'refresh&' : ''
step: 'setSiteOptions',
options: {
WPLANG: lang,
permalink_structure: '/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/',
gp_enable_local_translation: 1,
gp_enable_inline_translation: 1,
step: 'updateUserMeta',
meta: {
show_welcome_panel: '0',
userId: 1,
step: 'writeFile',
path: '/wordpress/wp-content/mu-plugins/gp-sqlite.php',
data: `<?php
add_filter('query', function( $query ) {
return str_replace( ' BINARY ', ' ', $query);
} );
step: 'installPlugin',
pluginZipFile: {
resource: '',
slug: 'glotpress-local',
plugin && {
step: 'installPlugin',
pluginZipFile: {
resource: '',
slug: plugin,
wp && {
step: 'runPHP',
code: `<?php
include 'wordpress/wp-load.php';
$request = new WP_REST_Request();
$request->set_param( 'name', 'WordPress');
$request->set_param( 'path', 'wp/dev');
$request->set_param( 'locale', ${js.lang} );
$request->set_param( 'locale_slug', 'default' );
print_r( GP::$rest->create_local_project( $request ) );
progress: {
caption: 'Making WordPress translatable',
plugin && {
step: 'runPHP',
code: `<?php
include 'wordpress/wp-load.php';
$request = new WP_REST_Request();
$request->set_param( 'name', ${js.plugin});
$request->set_param( 'path', 'wp-plugins/' + ${js.plugin} );
$request->set_param( 'locale', ${js.lang} );
$request->set_param( 'locale_slug', 'default' );
print_r( GP::$rest->create_local_project( $request ) );
progress: {
caption: 'Making plugins translatable',
step: 'goTo',
url: '/wp-admin/?welcome=0',
const proxy = {
'^/plugin-proxy.*glotpress-local.*': {
target: '',
changeOrigin: true,
secure: true,
followRedirects: true,
rewrite: (path: string) => {
return '/GlotPress/GlotPress/archive/refs/heads/';
'/plugin-proxy': {
target: '',
changeOrigin: true,
secure: true,
rewrite: (path: string) => {
const url = new URL(path, '');
if (url.searchParams.has('plugin')) {
return `/plugin/${url.searchParams.get('plugin')}`;
} else if (url.searchParams.has('theme')) {
return `/theme/${url.searchParams.get('theme')}`;
throw new Error('Invalid request');
'/translate-proxy': {
target: '',
changeOrigin: true,
secure: true,
followRedirects: true,
rewrite: (path: string) => {
const url = new URL(path, '');
if (url.searchParams.has('url')) {
const url2 = new URL(url.searchParams.get('url')!);
return url2.toString();
throw new Error('Invalid request');
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