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Created August 24, 2015 14:11
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Programatically Creating and Storing WordPress Migrate Migrations in Drupal
* Define the WordPress blogs to be imported.
function example_wordpress_migrate_wordpress_blogs() {
// Any key not set here will default to the values set in the
// $blog_default_settings variable in the drush command.
$blogs = array(
'domain' => '',
'domain' => '',
'domain' => '',
return $blogs;
* Implements hook_drush_command().
function example_wordpress_migrate_drush_command() {
$items = array();
// Creates WordPress migrations.
$items['example-migrate-create-wordpress-migrations'] = array(
'description' => 'Creates the WordPress migrations.',
'aliases' => array('mcwm'),
return $items;
* Callback for WordPress migration creation drush command.
function drush_example_wordpress_migrate_create_wordpress_migrations() {
// Reset the file_get_stream_wrappers static cache so the 'wordpress' stream
// wrapper created by the wordpress_migrate module is available.
$wrappers_storage = &drupal_static('file_get_stream_wrappers', NULL, TRUE);
// The wordpress_migrate module's UI is a multi-step form that collects all
// configuration needed to migrate a given blog. As this form's steps are
// submitted and validated, an export file is downloaded for each blog and its
// contents are migrated. There is no easy way to export these settings or use
// code to provide that configuration and then trigger a migration, so the best
// bet is simulate the submission of those form steps with the needed data.
module_load_include('inc', 'migrate_ui', 'migrate_ui.wizard');
// Get a list of blogs to migrate.
$blogs = example_migrate_wordpress_blogs();
$blog_default_settings = array(
'source_select' => '1',
'domain' => '',
'username' => 'admin',
'password' => variable_get('example_migrate_wordpress_password', ''),
'wxr_file' => NULL,
'do_migration' => 0,
'default_author' => 'admin',
'page_type' => '',
'blog_post_type' => 'story',
'path_action' => 1,
'tag_field' => '',
'category_field' => '',
'attachment_field' => '',
'text_format' => 'filtered_html',
'text_format_comment' => 'filtered_html',
// Import each of the blogs.
foreach ($blogs as $blog_settings) {
// Combine the default settings and the custom per blog settings.
$blog_settings = array_merge($blog_default_settings, $blog_settings);
// Skip the import if no username or password was found.
if (empty($blog_settings['username']) || empty($blog_settings['password'])) {
$message = t('The @site-name migration was not created since no username and/or password could be found. Verify that the example_migrate_wordpress_password variable has been set.');
$replacements = array(
'@site-name' => $blog_settings['domain'],
drupal_set_message(t($message, $replacements), 'warning');
// Set the form state values.
$form_state['values'] = $blog_settings;
// Store the values so we can use them again since $form_state is
// a reference variable.
$form_state_values = $form_state['values'];
// Build the import form.
$form = drupal_get_form('migrate_ui_wizard', 'WordPressMigrateWizard');
$form = migrate_ui_wizard($form, $form_state, 'WordPressMigrateWizard');
// Create a Migrate Wizard object.
$form_state['wizard'] = new WordPressMigrateWizard();
// Set the number of steps in the form.
$form_steps = 6;
// Go through all of the steps.
foreach (range(1, $form_steps) as $step) {
// Validate the form data.
// Submit the form page.
migrate_ui_wizard_next_submit($form, $form_state);
// Put any values removed from the array back in for the next step.
$form_state['values'] = array_merge($form_state_values, $form_state['values']);
// Submit the form.
drupal_form_submit('migrate_ui_wizard', $form_state);
// Save the settings into the wizard object.
// Notify the user that the migration was created successfully.
$replacements = array(
'@site-name' => $blog_settings['domain'],
$message = t('The @site-name migration was successfully created.', $replacements);
drupal_set_message($message, 'success');
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