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  • Save adarsh-gupta101/b5661dca096f8f3c2ffe3ad481b4d9cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save adarsh-gupta101/b5661dca096f8f3c2ffe3ad481b4d9cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
const dataParts = [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
"data": [
// Extract the first five characters from each part's data
const extractedData = dataParts [0].map((part) =>
// console.log('').split('➡➡➡')
let keys = [];
extractedData.forEach((data) => {
a = data[0];
// console.log(a)
if (data[0].length > 5) {
const half = data[0].slice(0, data[0].length / 2);
const Ohalf = data[0].slice(data[0].length / 2);
console.log(half, Ohalf);
let pos = morseToText(half) + morseToText(Ohalf);
// console.log(pos)
// keys.push ['position'] = pos;
// keys['value'] = morseToText(data[1]);
keys.push([pos, morseToText(data[1])]);
} else {
// keys['position'] = morseToText(data[0]);
// keys['value'] = morseToText(data[1]);
keys.push([morseToText(data[0]), morseToText(data[1])]);
// console.log(morseToText(data[0],morseToText(data[1])))
const sortedArray = keys.sort((a, b) => parseInt(a[0]) - parseInt(b[0]));
// Extract characters and join them
const resultString = => pair[1]).join('');
function morseToText(morseCode) {
const morseCodeMap = {
'.-': 'A',
'-...': 'B',
'-.-.': 'C',
'-..': 'D',
'.': 'E',
'..-.': 'F',
'--.': 'G',
'....': 'H',
'..': 'I',
'.---': 'J',
'-.-': 'K',
'.-..': 'L',
'--': 'M',
'-.': 'N',
'---': 'O',
'.--.': 'P',
'--.-': 'Q',
'.-.': 'R',
'...': 'S',
'-': 'T',
'..-': 'U',
'...-': 'V',
'.--': 'W',
'-..-': 'X',
'-.--': 'Y',
'--..': 'Z',
'-----': '0',
'.----': '1',
'..---': '2',
'...--': '3',
'....-': '4',
'.....': '5',
'-....': '6',
'--...': '7',
'---..': '8',
'----.': '9',
'/': ' ',
// Split Morse code into individual codes
const codes = morseCode.split('➡➡➡'); // into groups of five characters
// console.log(codes)
// Convert each Morse code to its corresponding character
const text = => morseCodeMap[code] || '').join('');
return text;
const submitChainCode = async () => {
try {
const response = await fetch("", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({ chaincode: "CDJPGIWUJGQHGRIGWKKFVDZBWVQO" }),
const data = await response.json();
console.log("Response from /answers:", data);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error submitting chain code:", error.message);
function getData(part) {
const fetchData = async (i, results) => {
try {
const response = await fetch(`${i}`);
const data = await response.json();
// Collect the result
// Continue fetching for the next part after a delay
if (i < part) {
setTimeout(() => fetchData(i + 1, results), 2500);
} else {
// Return the results array when all fetch requests are completed
console.log('All fetch requests completed:', results);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error fetching data for part ${i}:`, error.message);
// Start fetching from part 1
fetchData(1, []);
// Example usage
getData(28); // Replace 10 with the desired number of parts
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