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Created May 22, 2021 05:35
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modified credentials options for sheetsql.
import { google, sheets_v4 } from 'googleapis'
import * as _ from 'lodash'
import { Errors } from './errors'
import { Query, Document } from './types'
import * as bluebird from 'bluebird'
export interface IStorage {
insert(docs: Document[]): Promise<Document[]>
find(query?: Query): Promise<Document[]>
query: Query,
toUpdate: Partial<Document>,
opts?: { updatedOnce: boolean },
): Promise<Document[]>
remove(query: Query): Promise<Document[]>
load(): Promise<void>
export interface IStorageOptions {
db: string // google spreadsheet id
table?: string
// google spreadsheet settings
apiKey?: string
// keyFile?: string
clientEmail?: string
privateKey?: string
// storage settings
cacheTimeoutMs?: number // ms
export default class GoogleStorage implements IStorage {
private sheets: sheets_v4.Sheets
private db: string
private table: string
private schema: string[] = []
private schemaMetaStore: { [name: string]: { col: number } } = {}
private data: string[][] = new Array()
private lastUpdated: Date | null = null
private cacheTimeoutMs: number
constructor(opts: IStorageOptions) {
if (!opts.apiKey && !opts.clientEmail|| !opts.privateKey) {
throw new Errors.StorageOptionsError()
const auth = opts.apiKey
? opts.apiKey
: new google.auth.GoogleAuth({
scopes: [''],
// keyFile: opts.keyFile,
credentials: {
client_email: opts.clientEmail,
private_key: opts.privateKey,
this.sheets = google.sheets({
version: 'v4',
auth: auth || '',
this.db = opts.db
this.table = opts.table || 'Sheet1'
this.cacheTimeoutMs = opts.cacheTimeoutMs || 5000
_findRows(query?: Query): number[] {
const queryKeys = _.keys(query)
const nums: number[] = []
_.each(, (row, rowNum) => {
if (!query || !queryKeys.length) {
for (const fieldName of queryKeys) {
if (!this.schemaMetaStore[fieldName]) {
const colNum = this.schemaMetaStore[fieldName].col
const field = row[colNum]
if (_.toString(field) !== _.toString(query[fieldName])) {
return nums
_rowToDoc = (row: string[]): Document => {
const doc: Document = {}
for (let colNum = 0; colNum < row.length; ++colNum) {
const field = row[colNum]
const fieldName = this.schema[colNum]
doc[fieldName] = _.toString(field)
return doc
_docToRow = (doc: Document): string[] => {
const row = new Array(this.schema.length)
for (const fieldName of _.keys(doc)) {
if (this.schemaMetaStore[fieldName]) {
row[this.schemaMetaStore[fieldName].col] = _.toString(doc[fieldName])
return row
async find(query?: Query): Promise<Document[]> {
await this._checkCacheTimeout()
const rowNums = this._findRows(query)
const docs =, (rowNum) => this._rowToDoc([rowNum]))
return docs
async insert(docs: Document[]): Promise<Document[]> {
await this._checkCacheTimeout()
const rows =, this._docToRow)
await this.sheets.spreadsheets.values.append({
spreadsheetId: this.db,
range: this.table,
valueInputOption: 'USER_ENTERED',
requestBody: {
values: rows,
return, this._rowToDoc)
async update(
query: Query,
toUpdate: Document,
opts: { updatedOnce: boolean } = { updatedOnce: false },
): Promise<Document[]> {
await this._checkCacheTimeout()
const rowNums = this._findRows(query)
const { updatedOnce } = opts
if (!rowNums.length) {
return []
const docs: Document[] = []
updatedOnce ? [rowNums[0]] : rowNums,
async (rowNum) => {
const oldDoc = this._rowToDoc([rowNum])
const newDoc = { ...oldDoc, ...toUpdate }
const row = this._docToRow(newDoc)
await this.sheets.spreadsheets.values.update({
spreadsheetId: this.db,
range: `${this.table}!A${rowNum + 2}`,
valueInputOption: 'USER_ENTERED',
requestBody: {
values: [row],
})[rowNum] = row
{ concurrency: 10 },
return docs
async remove(query: Query): Promise<Document[]> {
await this._checkCacheTimeout()
const rowNums = this._findRows(query)
const emptyDoc = _.mapValues(this.schemaMetaStore, () => '')
const emptyRow = this._docToRow(emptyDoc)
const oldDoc: Document[] = []
async (rowNum) => {
await this.sheets.spreadsheets.values.update({
spreadsheetId: this.db,
range: `${this.table}!A${rowNum + 2}`,
valueInputOption: 'USER_ENTERED',
requestBody: {
values: [emptyRow],
})[rowNum] = emptyRow
{ concurrency: 10 },
return oldDoc
async _checkCacheTimeout(): Promise<boolean> {
if (!this.lastUpdated || - this.lastUpdated.getTime() >= this.cacheTimeoutMs) {
await this.load()
return true
return false
async load() {
const res = await this.sheets.spreadsheets.values.get({
range: this.table,
spreadsheetId: this.db,
const rows =
if (!rows || rows.length === 0) {
throw new Errors.StorageFormatError()
const schema = rows[0]
const schemaMetaStore: { [key: string]: { col: number } } = _.zipObject(
rows[0],[0], (_, colNum) => ({
col: colNum,
this.schema = schema
this.schemaMetaStore = schemaMetaStore = _.slice(rows, 1)
this.lastUpdated = new Date()
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