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#region Var setup
## Be sure to fill in your values here
$resourceGroupName = 'AcmeApp'
$region = 'xxxxxxx'
$localVMAdminPw = 'I like azure.' ## a single password for demo purposes
$sqlAdminUsername = 'sqladmin'
$sqlAdminPw = 'I like azure.'
$projectName = 'AcmeApp' ## common term used through set up
$subscriptionName = 'xxxxxx'
$subscriptionId = 'xxxxxxx'
$tenantId = 'xxxxxxxxxx'
$orgName = 'adbertram'
$repoName = $projectName
$gitHubRepoUrl = "$orgName/$repoName"
# #region Login
# az login
# az account set --subscription $subscriptionName
# #endregion
# #region Install the Azure CLI DevOps extension
# $null = az devops configure --defaults organization=$orgName
# #endregion
#region Create the resource group to put everything in
$null = az group create --location $region --name $resourceGroupName
#region Create the service principal
$spIdUri = "https://$projectName"
$sp = az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $spIdUri | ConvertFrom-Json
#region Key vault
## Create the key vault. Enabling for template deployment because we'll be using it during an ARM deployment
## via an Azure DevOps pipeline later
$kvName = "$projectName-KV"
$keyVault = az keyvault create --location $region --name $kvName --resource-group $resourceGroupName --enabled-for-template-deployment true | ConvertFrom-Json
# ## Create the key vault secrets
$null = az keyvault secret set --name "$projectName-AppPw" --value $sp.password --vault-name $kvName
$null = az keyvault secret set --name StandardVmAdminUsername --value "$projectName" --vault-name $kvName
$null = az keyvault secret set --name StandardVmAdminPassword --value $localVMAdminPw --vault-name $kvName
$null = az keyvault secret set --name SqlAdminUsername --value $sqlAdminUsername --vault-name $kvName
$null = az keyvault secret set --name SqlAdminPassword --value $sqlAdminPw --vault-name $kvName
## Give service principal created earlier access to secrets. This allows the steps in the pipeline to read the AD application's pw and the default VM password
$null = az keyvault set-policy --name $kvName --spn $spIdUri --secret-permissions get list
#region Instal the Pester test runner extension in the org
$null = az devops extension install --extension-id PesterRunner --publisher-id Pester
#region Create the Azure DevOps project
$null = az devops project create --name $projectName
$null = az devops configure --defaults project=$projectName
#region Create the service connections
## Run $sp.password and copy it to the clipboard
$armEndpoint = az devops service-endpoint azurerm create --azure-rm-service-principal-id $sp.appId --azure-rm-subscription-id $subscriptionId --azure-rm-subscription-name $subscriptionName --azure-rm-tenant-id $tenantId --name 'ARM' | ConvertFrom-Json
## Grant all pipelines use of this service connection "Grant access permission to all pipelines" in the GUI
$null = az devops service-endpoint update --id $ --enable-for-all
## Create service connection for GitHub for CI process in pipeline
$gitHubServiceEndpoint = az devops service-endpoint github create --github-url $gitHubRepoUrl --name 'GitHub' | ConvertFrom-Json
## paste in the GitHub token when prompted (
## when prompted, use the value of $sp.password for the Azure RM service principal key
## Grant all pipelines use of this service connection "Grant access permission to all pipelines" in the GUI
$null = az devops service-endpoint update --id $ --enable-for-all
#region Create the variable group
$varGroup = az pipelines variable-group create --name $projectName --authorize true --variables foo=bar | ConvertFrom-Json ## dummy variable because it won't allow creation without it
Read-Host "Now link the key vault $kvName to the variable group $projectName in the DevOps web portal and create a '$projectName-AppPw' and StandardVmAdminPassword variables with a password of your choosing."
## Create the pipeline
## set the PAT to avoid getting prompted --doesn't work...
# export AZURE_DEVOPS_EXT_GITHUB_PAT=$gitHubAccessToken ## in CMD??
### [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_DEVOPS_EXT_GITHUB_PAT", $gitHubAccessToken ,"Machine") ???
az pipelines create --name $projectName --repository $gitHubRepoUrl --branch master --service-connection $ --skip-run
## Add the GitHub PAT here interactively
#region Cleanup
## Remove the SP
$spId = ((az ad sp list --all | ConvertFrom-Json) | where { $spIdUri -in $_.serviceprincipalnames }).objectId
$null = az ad sp delete --id $spId
## Remove the resource group
$null = az group delete --name $resourceGroupName --yes --no-wait
## remove project
$projectId = ((az devops project list | convertfrom-json).value | where { $ -eq $projectName }).id
$null = az devops project delete --id $projectId --yes
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