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Last active August 11, 2023 16:21
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$resourceGoupName = 'skylinespsdemo'
$azureRegion = 'East US'
$vmName = 'MYVM'
#region Create the resource group
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGoupName -Location $azureRegion
#region Create the vNet for the VM
$newSubnetParams = @{
'Name' = 'MySubnet'
'AddressPrefix' = ''
$subnet = New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig @newSubnetParams
$newVNetParams = @{
'Name' = 'MyNetwork'
'ResourceGroupName' = $resourceGoupName
'Location' = $azureRegion
'AddressPrefix' = ''
$vNet = New-AzVirtualNetwork @newVNetParams -Subnet $subnet
#region Create the storage account
$newStorageAcctParams = @{
'Name' = 'skylinesdemo1' ## Must be globally unique and all lowercase
'ResourceGroupName' = $resourceGoupName
'Type' = 'Standard_LRS'
'Location' = $azureRegion
$storageAccount = New-AzStorageAccount @newStorageAcctParams
#region Create the public IP address
$newPublicIpParams = @{
'Name' = 'MyNIC'
'ResourceGroupName' = $resourceGoupName
'AllocationMethod' = 'Dynamic' ## Dynamic or Static
'DomainNameLabel' = 'test-domain'
'Location' = $azureRegion
$publicIp = New-AzPublicIpAddress @newPublicIpParams
#region Create the vNic and assign to the soon-to-be created VM
$newVNicParams = @{
'Name' = 'MyNic'
'ResourceGroupName' = $resourceGoupName
'Location' = $azureRegion
$vNic = New-AzNetworkInterface @newVNicParams -SubnetId $vNet.Subnets[0].Id -PublicIpAddressId $publicIp.Id
#region Config the OS settings
$newConfigParams = @{
'VMName' = $vmName
'VMSize' = 'Standard_A3'
$vmConfig = New-AzVMConfig @newConfigParams
$newVmOsParams = @{
'Windows' = $true
'ComputerName' = $vmName
'Credential' = (Get-Credential -Message 'Type the name and password of the local administrator account.')
'ProvisionVMAgent' = $true
'EnableAutoUpdate' = $true
$vm = Set-AzVMOperatingSystem @newVmOsParams -VM $vmConfig
#region Define the OS disk image
## Find the OS offer
# $offer = Get-AzVMImageOffer -Location eastus -PublisherName MicrosoftWindowsServer | where { $_.Offer -eq 'WindowsServer' }
## Fimd the OS SKU
## Get-AzVMImageSku -Location 'east us' -PublisherName 'MIcrosoftWindowsServer' -Offer WindowsServer
$newSourceImageParams = @{
'PublisherName' = 'MicrosoftWindowsServer'
'Version' = 'latest'
'Skus' = '2019-Datacenter'
$vm = Set-AzVMSourceImage @newSourceImageParams -VM $vm -Offer 'WindowsServer'
#region Add the vNic created earlier
$vm = Add-AzVMNetworkInterface -VM $vm -Id $vNic.Id
#region Create the OS disk
$osDiskName = 'myDisk'
$osDiskUri = $storageAccount.PrimaryEndpoints.Blob.ToString() + "vhds/" + $vmName + $osDiskName + ".vhd"
$newOsDiskParams = @{
'Name' = 'OSDisk'
'CreateOption' = 'fromImage'
$vm = Set-AzVMOSDisk @newOsDiskParams -VM $vm -VhdUri $osDiskUri
#region Bring all of the work together to create the $vm variable and create the VM
New-AzVM -VM $vm -ResourceGroupName $resourceGoupName -Location $azureRegion
#region Stop the VM to not cost us
Stop-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $resourceGoupName -Name $vmName
#region Clean up the resource group
Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGoupName -Force
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