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Last active July 12, 2023 20:33
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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Employee.h"
using namespace std;
class EmployeeSalarySlip : public Employee {
double grossSalary;
double monthlyBonus;
double bonusRate;
double annualIncrement;
double taxRate;
double transportAllowance;
double internetAllowance;
double housingAllowance;
double epfDeduction;
double taxDeduction;
double netSalary;
EmployeeSalarySlip() = default;
EmployeeSalarySlip(double annualInc, double tax, double transportAL, double internetAL, double housingAL, double bonus) {
annualIncrement = annualInc;
taxRate = tax;
transportAllowance = transportAL;
internetAllowance = internetAL;
housingAllowance = housingAL;
bonusRate = bonus;
void setAnnualIncrement(double annualInc) {
annualIncrement = annualInc;
double getAnnualIncrement() {
return annualIncrement;
void setTaxRate(double tax) {
taxRate = tax;
double getTaxRate() {
return taxRate;
void setTransportAllowance(double transportAL) {
transportAllowance = transportAL;
double getTransportAllowance() {
return transportAllowance;
void setInternetAllowance(double internetAL) {
internetAllowance = internetAL;
double getInternetAllowance() {
return internetAllowance;
void setHousingAllowance(double housingAL) {
housingAllowance = housingAL;
double getHousingAllowance() {
return housingAllowance;
void setBonusRate(double bonus) {
bonusRate = bonus;
double getBonusRate() {
return bonusRate;
void setGrossSalary() {
int current_year = 2023;
int current_month = 7;
int current_day = 13;
int workYears = 0;
if ((current_month - getJoin_month()) < 0) {
workYears = current_year - getJoin_year() - 1;
} else if ((current_month - getJoin_month()) == 0) {
if ((current_day - getJoin_day()) < 0) {
workYears = current_year - getJoin_year() - 1;
} else {
workYears = current_year - getJoin_year();
} else {
workYears = current_year - getJoin_year();
double amount = getStart_salary();
double gross_salary = amount;
for (int i = 0; i < workYears; i++) {
double incrementAmount = gross_salary * (annualIncrement / 100.0);
gross_salary += incrementAmount;
grossSalary = gross_salary;
double getGrossSalary() {
return grossSalary;
void setMonthlyBonus() {
monthlyBonus = grossSalary * (bonusRate / 100.0);
double getMonthlyBonus() {
return monthlyBonus;
void setEpfDeduction() {
double totalAllowance = transportAllowance + internetAllowance + housingAllowance;
epfDeduction = (grossSalary + totalAllowance) * (11 / 100.0);
double getEpfDeduction() {
return epfDeduction;
void setTaxDeduction() {
taxDeduction = grossSalary * (taxRate / 100.0);
double getTaxDeduction() {
return taxDeduction;
void setNetSalary() {
netSalary = grossSalary + transportAllowance + internetAllowance + housingAllowance + monthlyBonus - epfDeduction - taxDeduction;
double getNetSalary() {
return netSalary;
bool compareCodeNum(Employee& emp1, Employee& emp2) {
return emp1.getCode_num() < emp2.getCode_num();
void bubbleSort(vector<Employee>& person, int size) {
bool swap;
Employee temp;
do {
swap = false;
for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) {
if (person[i].getCode_num() > person[i + 1].getCode_num()) {
temp = person[i];
person[i] = person[i + 1];
person[i + 1] = temp;
swap = true;
} while (swap);
int binarySearch(vector<Employee>& person, int numElems, int target) {
int first = 0; // First array element
int last = numElems - 1; // Last array element
int middle = 0; // Midpoint of search
int position = -1; // Position of search value
bool found = false; // Flag
int n = person.size();
bubbleSort(person, n);
while (!found && first <= last) {
middle = (first + last) / 2; // Calculate midpoint
if (person[middle].getCode_num() == target) // If value is found at mid
found = true;
position = middle;
} else if (person[middle].getCode_num() > target) // If value is in lower half
last = middle - 1;
first = middle + 1; // If value is in upper half
return position;
void displaySalarySlip(vector<Employee>& person, vector<EmployeeSalarySlip>& salarySlips) {
int searchCode;
cout << "Enter employee code number to print the Salary Slip: ";
cin >> searchCode;
int index = binarySearch(person, person.size(), searchCode);
if (index != -1) {
cout << "\nEmployee Code Number: " << person[index].getCode_num() << endl;
cout << "Name: " << person[index].getName() << endl;
cout << "Gender: " << person[index].getGender() << endl;
cout << "Contact Number: " << person[index].getContact_number() << endl;
cout << "Joining Date (DD/MM/YYYY): " << person[index].getJoin_day() << "/" << person[index].getJoin_month() << "/" << person[index].getJoin_year() << endl;
cout << "Department: " << person[index].getDepartment() << endl;
cout << "Designation: " << person[index].getDesignation() << endl;
cout << "Start Salary: $" << person[index].getStart_salary() << endl;
cout << "Gross Salary: $" << salarySlips[index].getGrossSalary() << endl;
cout << "Monthly Bonus: $" << salarySlips[index].getMonthlyBonus() << endl;
cout << "EPF Deduction: $" << salarySlips[index].getEpfDeduction() << endl;
cout << "Tax Deduction: $" << salarySlips[index].getTaxDeduction() << endl;
cout << "Net Salary: $" << salarySlips[index].getNetSalary() << endl;
} else {
cout << "Employee with code number " << searchCode << " not found!" << endl;
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