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Created December 17, 2020 17:56
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#requires -Module ActiveDirectory
$dnsServer = '' ## This is the server name as a NETBIOS or FQDN
$OutputFilePath = 'C:\DNSDebugLogSummary.csv' ## The CSV file that will be created
## The log file you specified in the debug logging dialog box
$DnsDebugLogFilePath = "\$dnsServer\c$\DnsDebugLog.log"
## Find all of the DNS server IPs in the current domain
$DnsServerIPs = ((Get-ADDomain).ReplicaDirectoryServers | Resolve-DnsName).IPAddress
Write-Verbose -Message "Found DNS servers $($DnsServerIPs -join ',')"
## Find all lines in the log file that don't contain the strings 'NOERROR' or are blank. This
## retrieves only the lines with errors in them.
Select-String -Pattern 'NOERROR|^\s*' -Path $DnsDebugLogFilePath -NotMatch | foreach {
try {
## Find lines containing an IP address
if ($_.Line -match '\b(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\b') {
Write-Verbose -Message 'Found line with IP address.'
$IP = $Matches[0]
## If the IP isn't a DNS server it must be a client IP
if ($DnsServerIPs -notcontains $IP) {
Write-Verbose "Processing IP '$IP'"
$Split = $_.Line.Split(' ')
$Date = $Split[0]
$Time = $Split[1] + $Split[2]
$Err = [regex]::Match($_.Line, '\[(.*)\]').Groups[1].Value
[pscustomobject]@{ 'Date' = "$Date $Time"; 'IP' = $IP; 'Error' = $Err }
} catch {
Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
} | Export-Csv -Path $OutputFilePath -Append -NoTypeInformation
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IPv6 is need to handle which is missing

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