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Created October 15, 2015 21:26
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#Requires -version 2.0
function Get-ADSiteFromComputer
Return the site that a computer is member of
Given a computer name, it looks up its IP address and checks which AD site's subnet it is in
Get-ADSiteFromComputer -ComputerName "server1"
"server1" | Get-ADSiteFromComputer
Adapted from
# Computer Name to look up
#Helper function, convert dotted decimal IP address to binary
function toBinary ($dottedDecimal){
$dottedDecimal.split(".") | %{$binary=$binary + $([convert]::toString($_,2).padleft(8,"0"))}
return $binary
#main function
$hostEntry= [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($ComputerName)
$ipAddress=toBinary ($hostEntry.AddressList[0].IPAddressToString)
Write-Warning "$ComputerName not found!"
Return #Exit
$subnetsDN="LDAP://CN=Subnets,CN=Sites," + $([adsi] "LDAP://RootDSE").Get("ConfigurationNamingContext")
Write-Verbose "`nGathering Site Information..."
foreach ($subnet in $([adsi] $subnetsDN).psbase.children){
$site=[adsi] "LDAP://$($subnet.siteObject)"
if($ -ne $null){
$binNetID=(toBinary $networkID).substring(0,$netbits)
$sites[$binNetID]=([string]$ #.toUpper()
do {$tryNetID=$ipAddress.substring(0,$i);
Write-Verbose "`n$ComputerName is in site $($sites[$tryNetID])`n"
Return $sites[$tryNetID] #Exit
} while ($i -gt 0)
Write-Warning "`n$ComputerName is not in a defined site`n"
function Get-ComputerInfo
Gets info on a computer
Collects into from server via WMI.
gets info on local server
Get-ComputerInfo.ps1 -ComputerName Server1
gets info for Server1
("Server1","Server2") | .\Invoke-PopulateITDB.ps1
gets info for servers Server1 and Server2
# Computer Name or IP Address
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
ValueFromPipeline = $true,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
Position = 0)]
#If Get-ADSiteFromComputer function is removed from the start of this file
#and the following line is uncommented, it runs without errors (& it works!)
#. .\Get-ADSiteFromComputer.ps1
#If no computer specified, use the local machine
$LocalHost = [system.environment]::MachineName
if ($ComputerName -eq "")
$ComputerName = $LocalHost
foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName)
Write-Verbose "Getting BIOS Info..."
$BIOS = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Computer -Class Win32_BIOS
Write-Verbose "Getting OS Info ..."
$OperatingSystem = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Computer -Class Win32_OperatingSystem
Write-Verbose "Getting Network Info..."
$NetworkConfig = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Computer -Class win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -filter "IPENabled=$True"
#alternate method
#$NetworkConfig = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Computer -query "select * from win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPENabled=$Tr
Write-Verbose "Getting CPU Info..."
$CPU = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Computer -Class Win32_Processor
Write-Verbose "Getting Computer Info..."
$Machine = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Computer -Class Win32_ComputerSystem
Write-Verbose "Getting Drive Info..."
$Drives = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Computer -Class Win32_Volume
foreach ($item in $Drives)
$Drive = $item.Caption
$Capacity = $item.Capacity
$FreeSpace = $item.FreeSpace
$site = Get-ADSiteFromComputer -ComputerName $Computer
New-Object psobject -Property @{
HostName = $OperatingSystem.CSName
ServiceTag = $BIOS.SerialNumber
OS = $OperatingSystem.Caption
BootTime = $OperatingSystem.ConvertToDateTime($OperatingSystem.LastBootUpTime)
InstallDate = $OperatingSystem.ConvertToDateTime($OperatingSystem.InstallDate)
PhysicalMemory = $OperatingSystem.TotalVisibleMemorySize
IP = $NetworkConfig.IPAddress[0]
IPSubNet = $NetworkConfig.IPSubnet[0]
CPU = $CPU.CurrentClockSpeed #should this be MaxClockSpeed?
CPUCount = $Machine.NumberOfProcessors
Make = $Machine.Manufacturer
Model = $Machine.Model
Domain = $Machine.Domain
Drive = $Drive
Capacity = $Capacity
FreeSpace = $FreeSpace
Site = $Site
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