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Created September 15, 2016 22:08
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$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$passedArgs = Parse-Args $args
$definedParams = @(
@{ Name = 'Address'; Mandatory = $true }
@{ Name = 'InterfaceAlias'; Mandatory = $true }
@{ Name = 'State'; Mandatory = $true }
@{ Name = 'AddressFamily'; Mandatory = $false }
$params = @()
foreach ($param in $definedParams) {
$getParams = @{
obj = $passedArgs
name = $param.Name
FailIfEmpty = $true
if ($param.Mandatory)
$getParams.emptyattributefailmessage = "The required parameter [$($param.Name)] was not used."
$getParams.emptyattributefailmessage = "The parameter [$($param.Name)] was empty."
Set-Variable -Name $param.Name -Value (Get-AnsibleParam @getParams)
$result = [pscustomobject]@{ changed = $false }
$clientParams = @{
'AddressFamily' = $AddressFamily
'InterfaceAlias' = $InterfaceAlias
'ErrorAction' = 'Ignore'
## Ensure we can find the network adapter
if (-not ($dnsClientServerAddresses = Get-DnsClientServerAddress @clientParams))
$aliases = (Get-DnsClientServerAddress).InterfaceAlias
throw "Could not find network adapter with interface alias [$InterfaceAlias]. Possible aliases are [$($aliases -join ',')]"
if (@($dnsClientServerAddresses.ServerAddresses).Count -lt @($Address).Count)
Write-Verbose -Message 'One or more servers missing on the node.'
$result.changed = $true
elseif (@($dnsClientServerAddresses.ServerAddresses).Count -gt @($Address).Count)
Write-Verbose -Message 'Too many servers defined on the node.'
$result.changed = $true
$compParams = @{
'ReferenceObject' = $dnsClientServerAddresses.ServerAddresses
'DifferenceObject' = $Address
'SyncWindow' = 0
if ($compare = Compare-Object @compParams)
Write-Verbose -Message 'The DNS server search order does not match.'
$result.changed = $true
if ($result.Changed)
Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias $InterfaceAlias -ServerAddresses $Address
Write-Verbose -Message "The DNS server addresses are correct."
Fail-Json ([pscustomobject]) $_.Exception.Message
Exit-Json $result
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