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Created March 9, 2017 14:27
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"Pester - Describe block (Unit Test, Exported Function)": {
"prefix": "descu",
"body": [
"describe '${name}' {",
"\t$$commandName = '${name}'",
"\tcontext 'Help' {",
"\t\t$$nativeParamNames = @(",
"\t\t$$command = Get-Command -Name $$commandName",
"\t\t$$commandParamNames = [array]($$command.Parameters.Keys | where {$$_ -notin $$nativeParamNames})",
"\t\t$$help = Get-Help -Name $$commandName",
"\t\t$$helpParamNames = (Get-Content function:\\\\$$commandName) -split \"`n\" | where {$$_ -cmatch '\\.PARAMETER[\\\\s+|\\\\n]'} | foreach {$$_.Trim() -replace '\\.PARAMETER '}",
"\t\tit 'has a SYNOPSIS defined' {",
"\t\t\t$$help.synopsis | should not match $$commandName",
"\t\tit 'has at least one example' {",
"\t\t\t$$help.examples | should not benullorempty",
"\t\tit 'all help parameters have a description' {",
"\t\t\t$$help.Parameters | where { ('Description' -in $$_.Parameter.PSObject.Properties.Name) -and (-not $$_.Parameter.Description) } | should be $$null",
"\t\tit 'there are no help parameters that refer to non-existent command paramaters' {",
"\t\t\tif ($$commandParamNames) {",
"\t\t\t@(Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $$helpParamNames -DifferenceObject $$commandParamNames).where({",
"\t\t\t\t$$_.SideIndicator -eq '<='",
"\t\t\t}) | should benullorempty",
"\t\tit 'all command parameters have a help parameter defined' {",
"\t\t\tif ($$commandParamNames) {",
"\t\t\t@(Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $$helpParamNames -DifferenceObject $$commandParamNames).where({",
"\t\t\t\t$$_.SideIndicator -eq '=>'",
"\t\t\t}) | should benullorempty",
"\t#region Mocks",
"\tmock 'Write-Log' {",
"\t} -ParameterFilter { $$EntryType -ne 'Error' }",
"\tmock 'Get-CallerPreference'",
"\t$$parameterSets = @(",
"\t\t\tTestName = ''",
"\t$$testCases = @{",
"\t\tAll = $$parameterSets",
"\tcontext 'Input' {",
"\tcontext 'Execution' {",
"\tcontext 'Output' {",
"\t\t$$command = Get-Command -Name $$commandName",
"\t\tit 'returns the same object type as defined in OutputType: <TestName>' -TestCases $$testCases.All {",
"\t\t\t& $$commandName @PSBoundParameters | should beoftype $$command.OutputType.Name",
"description": "Pester - Describe block"
"Pester - Describe block (Unit Test, Helper Function)": {
"prefix": "descuh",
"body": [
"describe '${name}' {",
"\t$$commandName = '${name}'",
"\t$$parameterSets = @(",
"\t\t\tTestName = ''",
"\t$$testCases = @{",
"\t\tAll = $$parameterSets",
"\tcontext 'Input' {",
"\tcontext 'Execution' {",
"\tcontext 'Output' {",
"\t\t$$command = Get-Command -Name $$commandName",
"\t\tit 'returns the same object type as defined in OutputType: <TestName>' -TestCases $$testCases.All {",
"\t\t\t& $$commandName @PSBoundParameters | should beoftype $$command.OutputType.Name",
"description": "Pester - Describe block"
"Pester Test Case": {
"prefix": "tc",
"body": [
"${Name} = $$parameterSets.where({$$_.ContainsKey($1)})"
"description": "Pester Test Case"
"Assert-MockCalled": {
"prefix": "assm",
"body": [
"$$assMParams = @{",
"\tCommandName = '${command}'",
"\tTimes = 1",
"\tExactly = $$true",
"\tScope = 'It'",
"\tParameterFilter = {${paramName} -eq ${paramValue} }",
"Assert-MockCalled @assMParams"
"description": "Assert-MockCalled"
"Pester - It block": {
"prefix": "it",
"body": [
"it '${name}: <TestName>' -TestCases $$testCases.All {",
"\t$$result = & $$commandName @PSBoundParameters",
"description": "Pester - It block"
"Pester - It block (Throws Exception)": {
"prefix": "itexc",
"body": [
"it 'throws an exception when ${name}: <TestName>' -TestCases $$testCases.All {",
"\t$$params = @{} + $$PSBoundParameters",
"\t{ & $$commandName @params } | should throw ",
"description": "Pester - It block"
"Pester - It block (Assertion)": {
"prefix": "itass",
"body": [
"it 'should pass the expected parameters to ${name}: <TestName>' -TestCases $$testCases.All {",
"\t$$null = & $$commandName @PSBoundParameters",
"\t$$assMParams = @{",
"\t\tCommandName = '${name}'",
"\t\tTimes = 1",
"\t\tExactly = $$true",
"\t\tScope = 'It'",
"\t\tParameterFilter = { $2 }",
"\tAssert-MockCalled @assMParams",
"description": "Pester - It block"
"Pester - mock null": {
"prefix": "mockn",
"body": [
"mock '${$$command}'$1"
"description": "Pester - mock null"
"Pester - mock $true": {
"prefix": "mocktrue",
"body": [
"mock '${$$command}'$1 {"
"description": "Pester - mock $true"
"Pester - mock $false": {
"prefix": "mockfalse",
"body": [
"mock '${$$command}'$1 {"
"description": "Pester - mock $false"
"Pester - It block exception thrown": {
"prefix": "itexception",
"body": [
"description": "Pester - It block exception thrown"
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Missing commas on lines 215 and 216 as well.

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