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Last active December 21, 2015 08:38
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Micro Inversion of Control Container
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace MicroIoC
public interface IMicroIoContainer
object Resolve(Type type);
T Resolve<T>(Type type) where T : class;
T Resolve<T>() where T : class;
void Register<T>() where T : class;
void RegisterInstance<T>() where T : class;
void RegisterInstance<T>(T impl) where T : class;
void RegisterInstance<T, TImpl>()
where T : class
where TImpl : class, T;
void Register<T, TImpl>()
where T : class
where TImpl : class;
void Register<T, TImpl>(TImpl impl)
where T : class
where TImpl : class;
public class MicroIoContainer : IMicroIoContainer
private readonly Dictionary<Type, object> _instances = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
private readonly Dictionary<Type, Type> _types = new Dictionary<Type, Type>();
public MicroIoContainer()
public object Resolve(Type type)
return InnerResolve(type);
public T Resolve<T>(Type type) where T : class
if (type == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
if (!typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(type)) throw new Exception(string.Format("{0} is not assignable from {1}", typeof(T), type));
return (T)InnerResolve(type);
public T Resolve<T>() where T : class
return (T)InnerResolve(typeof(T));
public void Register<T>() where T : class
public void RegisterInstance<T>(T impl) where T : class
public void RegisterInstance<T>() where T : class
ThrowIfTIsNotValidImplementation<T, T>();
public void RegisterInstance<T, TImpl>()
where T : class
where TImpl : class, T
ThrowIfTIsNotValidImplementation<T, TImpl>();
public void Register<T, TImpl>()
where T : class
where TImpl : class
_types.Add(typeof(T), typeof(TImpl));
public void Register<T, TImpl>(TImpl impl)
where T : class
where TImpl : class
if (impl == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("impl");
if (!typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TImpl))) throw new ArgumentException("T must be assignable from TImpl");
_instances.Add(typeof(T), impl);
private void ThrowIfTIsNotValidImplementation<T,TImpl>()
var timpl = typeof(TImpl);
var t = typeof(T);
if (!t.IsAssignableFrom(timpl)) throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("{0} is not assignable from {1}", t, timpl));
if (timpl.IsInterface) throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Cannot register {0} as an implementation of {1}, since it is an interface.", t, timpl));
if (timpl.IsAbstract) throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Cannot register {0} as an implementation of {1}, since it is abstract.", t, timpl));
// ReSharper disable UnusedParameter.Local
private object InnerResolve(Type type, bool throwError = true)
// ReSharper restore UnusedParameter.Local
if (type == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
var errorMessage = string.Format("Could not resolve {0}", type);
object result;
result = GetActiveInstance(type) ?? Activate(type);
if (throwError && result == null) throw new Exception();
catch (Exception error)
throw new Exception(errorMessage, error);
if (result == null)
throw new Exception(errorMessage);
return result;
private object GetActiveInstance(Type type)
object obj;
return _instances.TryGetValue(type, out obj) ? obj : null;
private object Activate(Type type)
var activators = new Func<Type, object>[]
foreach (var activator in activators)
var obj = activator(type);
if (obj == null) continue;
return obj;
return null;
private object ActivateByFindingSubClassOfT(Type type)
foreach (var objType in _instances.Keys)
if (type.IsAssignableFrom(objType)) return InnerResolve(objType, false);
foreach (var map in _types)
if (type.IsAssignableFrom(map.Key)) return InnerResolve(map.Value, true);
return null;
private object ActivateDefaultConstructor(Type type)
if (Type.GetTypeCode(type) != TypeCode.Object) return null;
var defaultConstructor = type.GetConstructor(new Type[0]);
if (defaultConstructor != null)
return defaultConstructor.Invoke(null);
return null;
private object ActivateFromExplicitTypeDefinition(Type type)
Type implType;
if (!_types.TryGetValue(type, out implType)) return null;
return ActivateDefaultConstructor(implType);
private object ActivateByAutoDiscoverConstructorWithDependencyParameters(Type type)
foreach (var constructor in type.GetConstructors().OrderByDescending(c => c.GetParameters().Length))
var parameters = constructor
.Select(i => InnerResolve(i.ParameterType, false))
if (parameters.Any(p => p == null)) continue;
return constructor.Invoke(parameters);
return null;
private void ResolvePropertyDependencies(object obj)
foreach (var property in obj.GetType().GetProperties())
if (!property.CanWrite) continue;
if (!property.CanRead) continue;
if (property.GetValue(obj) != null) continue;
var typeCode = Type.GetTypeCode(property.PropertyType);
if (typeCode != TypeCode.Object) continue;
if (!property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (DependencyAttribute), true).Any()) continue;
var dependency = InnerResolve(property.PropertyType, false);
if (dependency == null) continue;
property.SetValue(obj, dependency);
public class DependencyAttribute : Attribute
using System;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MicroIoC.Tests
public class MicroIoContainerTests
public void ShouldRecursivlyResolveTypes()
var sut = new MicroIoContainer();
var actual = sut.Resolve<MyClass>();
Assert.That(actual.FirstDependency, Is.Not.Null);
Assert.That(actual.SecondDependency, Is.Not.Null);
public void ShouldResolveFromTypeInstance()
var sut = new MicroIoContainer();
var actual = sut.Resolve(typeof(SecondDependencyClass));
Assert.That(actual, Is.Not.Null);
public void ShouldResolveInstances()
var expectedFirstDependency = new FirstDependencyClass();
var expectedSecondDependency = new SecondDependencyClass();
var sut = new MicroIoContainer();
var actual = sut.Resolve<MyClass>();
Assert.That(actual.FirstDependency, Is.SameAs(expectedFirstDependency));
Assert.That(actual.SecondDependency, Is.SameAs(expectedSecondDependency));
public void ShouldResolveSubClass()
var sut = new MicroIoContainer();
var actual = sut.Resolve<MyClass>();
Assert.That(actual.SecondDependency, Is.InstanceOf<DuplicateSecondDependencyClass>());
public void ShouldResolveRegisteredInstance()
var expectedFirstDependency = new FirstDependencyClass();
var expectedSecondDependency = new SecondDependencyClass();
var expected = new MyClass(expectedFirstDependency) {SecondDependency = expectedSecondDependency};
var sut = new MicroIoContainer();
var actual = sut.Resolve<MyClass>();
Assert.That(actual, Is.SameAs(expected));
Assert.That(actual.FirstDependency, Is.SameAs(expectedFirstDependency));
Assert.That(actual.SecondDependency, Is.SameAs(expectedSecondDependency));
public void ShouldResolveDefaultConstructor()
var sut = new MicroIoContainer();
var actual = sut.Resolve<FirstDependencyClass>();
Assert.That(actual, Is.Not.Null);
public void ShouldResolveSubClassOfT()
// Arrange
var sut = new MicroIoContainer();
var expected = new FirstDependencyClass();
// Act
var actual = sut.Resolve<IFirstDependency>();
// Assert
Assert.That(actual, Is.SameAs(expected));
public void ShouldResolveExplicitType()
var sut = new MicroIoContainer();
sut.Register<ISecondDependency, DuplicateSecondDependencyClass>();
var actual = sut.Resolve<ISecondDependency>();
Assert.That(actual, Is.InstanceOf<DuplicateSecondDependencyClass>());
public void ShouldResolveSelf()
var sut = new MicroIoContainer();
var actual = sut.Resolve<IMicroIoContainer>();
Assert.That(actual, Is.SameAs(sut));
public void StackOverflowException_ShouldNotRecursivilyCallItself()
var sut = new MicroIoContainer();
sut.Register<ISecondDependency, SecondDependencyClass>();
sut.Register<IThirdDependency, ThirdDependencyClass>();
var actual = sut.Resolve<IThirdDependency>();
Assert.That(actual, Is.InstanceOf<ThirdDependencyClass>());
Assert.That(actual.SecondDependency, Is.InstanceOf<SecondDependencyClass>());
public void ShouldThrowArgumentExceptionIfTIsNotAssignableFromTImpl()
var sut = new MicroIoContainer();
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => sut.Register<IFirstDependency, SecondDependencyClass>());
public void ShouldThrowArgumentExceptionIfTImplisInterface()
var sut = new MicroIoContainer();
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => sut.Register<IFirstDependency, IFirstDependency>());
public void ShouldThrowArgumentExceptionIfTImplIsAbstract()
var sut = new MicroIoContainer();
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => sut.Register<IFirstDependency, FirstAbstractClass>());
public void ShouldThrowArgumentExceptionIfTImplIsAbstractWhenRegisterInstanceImpl()
var sut = new MicroIoContainer();
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => sut.RegisterInstance<IFirstDependency, FirstAbstractClass>());
public void ShouldThrowArgumentExceptionIfTImplIsAbstractWhenRegisterInstance()
var sut = new MicroIoContainer();
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => sut.RegisterInstance<FirstAbstractClass>());
public void ShouldNotResolvePropertiesMissingTheDependencyAttribute()
var sut = new MicroIoContainer();
sut.Register<IFirstDependency, FirstDependencyClass>();
sut.Register<ISecondDependency, SecondDependencyClass>();
var actual = sut.Resolve<PropertyDependencyTestClass>();
Assert.That(actual.FirstDependency, Is.InstanceOf<FirstDependencyClass>(), "#1");
Assert.That(actual.SecondDependency, Is.Null, "#2");
private class MyClass
public FirstDependencyClass FirstDependency { get; set; }
public ISecondDependency SecondDependency { get; set; }
public MyClass(FirstDependencyClass firstDependency)
FirstDependency = firstDependency;
private interface IFirstDependency {}
private interface ISecondDependency {}
private class FirstDependencyClass : IFirstDependency {}
private class SecondDependencyClass : ISecondDependency {}
private class DuplicateSecondDependencyClass : ISecondDependency {}
private interface IThirdDependency
ISecondDependency SecondDependency { get; }
private class ThirdDependencyClass : IThirdDependency
private readonly ISecondDependency _secondDependency;
public ThirdDependencyClass(ISecondDependency dependency)
_secondDependency = dependency;
public ISecondDependency SecondDependency
get { return _secondDependency; }
private class PropertyDependencyTestClass
public IFirstDependency FirstDependency { get; set; }
public ISecondDependency SecondDependency { get; set; }
private abstract class FirstAbstractClass : IFirstDependency {}
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