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Created December 2, 2011 11:19
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import Data.Char
import System.Random
main = do
randomGen <- newStdGen
let getR = getRandom randomGen
contents <- getContents
outputStory . (generateStory 10 getR) $ contents
putStrLn ""
outputStory :: [String] -> IO ()
outputStory [] = return ()
outputStory (x:[]) = putStr x
outputStory (x:xs) = do
putStr x
putStr " "
outputStory xs
getSets :: [String] -> [(String, String, String)]
getSets (x0:x1:x2:xs) = (x0,x1,x2):getSets(x1:x2:xs)
getSets _ = []
triSetMatches w0 w1 (a0,a1,a2)
| a0 == w0 && a1 == w1 = True
| otherwise = False
getNextWord :: String -> String -> [(String,String,String)] -> String
getNextWord w0 w1 triSets =
let matchingSet = take 1 $ filter (triSetMatches w0 w1) triSets
[(_,_,nextWord)] = matchingSet
in nextWord
getThird (_,_,third) = third
getRandom gen x =
let randResult = randomR(0,x-1)(gen)
case randResult of (r,_) -> r
getRandomWord getR xs =
let dropAmount = getR $ length xs
in head . (drop dropAmount) $ xs
getWords :: String -> String -> [(String,String,String)] -> (Int -> Int) -> [String]
getWords w0 w1 triSets getR =
let matchingSet = map getThird $ filter (triSetMatches w0 w1) triSets
case matchingSet of [] -> [w0,w1]
(xs) ->
let w2 = (getRandomWord getR xs)
in w0:(getWords w1 w2 triSets getR)
getTriSets :: String -> [String]
getTriSets input = words input
getInitialWords getR xs =
head (drop (getR (length xs)) xs)
generateStory :: Int -> (Int -> Int) -> String -> [String]
generateStory maxWords getR input =
let triSets = getSets (words input)
(firstWord, secondWord, _) = (getInitialWords getR) triSets
storyWords = getWords firstWord secondWord triSets getR
in take maxWords storyWords
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