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Last active April 25, 2017 21:36
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Delaunay-triangulate a simple polygon using Triangle
import triangle
from collections import OrderedDict
def triangulate(multipolygon):
vertices = OrderedDict()
indices = [[vertices.setdefault(co, len(vertices)) for co in poly] for poly in multipolygon]
dt = triangle.triangulate({"vertices": list(vertices), "segments": [s for f in indices for s in pairs(f)]}, "p")
segments = {s for poly in indices for s in pairs(poly)}
triangles = {tuple(tri) for tri in dt["triangles"]}
neighbors = {(b, a): tri for tri in triangles for (a, b) in pairs(tri)}
boundary = [neighbors[s] for s in segments if s in neighbors]
while boundary:
tri = boundary.pop()
if not tri or tri not in triangles:
boundary.extend(neighbors.get((a, b)) for (a, b) in pairs(tri) if (b, a) not in segments)
return list(vertices), triangles
def pairs(seq):
it = iter(seq)
first = prev = next(it)
for here in it:
yield prev, here
prev = here
yield here, first
def read_obj(filename):
result, vertices = list(), list()
for line in open(filename):
if line[0] == "v":
v, x, z, y = line.split()
vertices.append((float(x), -float(y)))
elif line[0] == "f":
f, *verts = line.split()
result.append([vertices[int(i) - 1] for i in verts])
return result
poly = read_obj("polygons.obj")
vertices, triangles = triangulate(poly)
with open("triangles.obj", "w") as f:
for v in vertices:
print("v", v[0], 0, -v[1], file=f)
for tri in triangles:
print("f", *(i+1 for i in tri), file=f)
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