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Created August 19, 2014 09:02
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import java.util.ArrayList;
* Unlike a binary search tree, each node of a B-tree may have a variable number of keys and children.
* The keys are stored in non-decreasing order. Each node either is a leaf node or
* it has some associated children that are the root nodes of subtrees.
* The left child node of a node's element contains all nodes (elements) with keys less than or equal to the node element's key
* but greater than the preceding node element's key.
* If a node becomes full, a split operation is performed during the insert operation.
* The split operation transforms a full node with 2*T-1 elements into two nodes with T-1 elements each
* and moves the median key of the two nodes into its parent node.
* The elements left of the median (middle) element of the splitted node remain in the original node.
* The new node becomes the child node immediately to the right of the median element that was moved to the parent node.
* Example (T = 4):
* 1. R = | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
* 2. Add key 8
* 3. R = | 4 |
* / \
* | 1 | 2 | 3 | | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
public class BTree {
private static final int T = 4;
private Node mRootNode;
private static final int LEFT_CHILD_NODE = 0;
private static final int RIGHT_CHILD_NODE = 1;
class Node {
public int mNumKeys = 0;
public int[] mKeys = new int[2 * T - 1];
public Object[] mObjects = new Object[2 * T - 1];
public Node[] mChildNodes = new Node[2 * T];
public boolean mIsLeafNode;
int binarySearch(int key) {
int leftIndex = 0;
int rightIndex = mNumKeys - 1;
while (leftIndex <= rightIndex) {
final int middleIndex = leftIndex + ((rightIndex - leftIndex) / 2);
if (mKeys[middleIndex] < key) {
leftIndex = middleIndex + 1;
} else if (mKeys[middleIndex] > key) {
rightIndex = middleIndex - 1;
} else {
return middleIndex;
return -1;
boolean contains(int key) {
return binarySearch(key) != -1;
// Remove an element from a node and also the left (0) or right (+1) child.
void remove(int index, int leftOrRightChild) {
if (index >= 0) {
int i;
for (i = index; i < mNumKeys - 1; i++) {
mKeys[i] = mKeys[i + 1];
mObjects[i] = mObjects[i + 1];
if (!mIsLeafNode) {
if (i >= index + leftOrRightChild) {
mChildNodes[i] = mChildNodes[i + 1];
mKeys[i] = 0;
mObjects[i] = null;
if (!mIsLeafNode) {
if (i >= index + leftOrRightChild) {
mChildNodes[i] = mChildNodes[i + 1];
mChildNodes[i + 1] = null;
void shiftRightByOne() {
if (!mIsLeafNode) {
mChildNodes[mNumKeys + 1] = mChildNodes[mNumKeys];
for (int i = mNumKeys - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
mKeys[i + 1] = mKeys[i];
mObjects[i + 1] = mObjects[i];
if (!mIsLeafNode) {
mChildNodes[i + 1] = mChildNodes[i];
int subtreeRootNodeIndex(int key) {
for (int i = 0; i < mNumKeys; i++) {
if (key < mKeys[i]) {
return i;
return mNumKeys;
public BTree() {
mRootNode = new Node();
mRootNode.mIsLeafNode = true;
public void add(int key, Object object) {
Node rootNode = mRootNode;
if (!update(mRootNode, key, object)) {
if (rootNode.mNumKeys == (2 * T - 1)) {
Node newRootNode = new Node();
mRootNode = newRootNode;
newRootNode.mIsLeafNode = false;
mRootNode.mChildNodes[0] = rootNode;
splitChildNode(newRootNode, 0, rootNode); // Split rootNode and move its median (middle) key up into newRootNode.
insertIntoNonFullNode(newRootNode, key, object); // Insert the key into the B-Tree with root newRootNode.
} else {
insertIntoNonFullNode(rootNode, key, object); // Insert the key into the B-Tree with root rootNode.
// Split the node, node, of a B-Tree into two nodes that both contain T-1 elements and move node's median key up to the parentNode.
// This method will only be called if node is full; node is the i-th child of parentNode.
void splitChildNode(Node parentNode, int i, Node node) {
Node newNode = new Node();
newNode.mIsLeafNode = node.mIsLeafNode;
newNode.mNumKeys = T - 1;
for (int j = 0; j < T - 1; j++) { // Copy the last T-1 elements of node into newNode.
newNode.mKeys[j] = node.mKeys[j + T];
newNode.mObjects[j] = node.mObjects[j + T];
if (!newNode.mIsLeafNode) {
for (int j = 0; j < T; j++) { // Copy the last T pointers of node into newNode.
newNode.mChildNodes[j] = node.mChildNodes[j + T];
for (int j = T; j <= node.mNumKeys; j++) {
node.mChildNodes[j] = null;
for (int j = T; j < node.mNumKeys; j++) {
node.mKeys[j] = 0;
node.mObjects[j] = null;
node.mNumKeys = T - 1;
// Insert a (child) pointer to node newNode into the parentNode, moving other keys and pointers as necessary.
for (int j = parentNode.mNumKeys; j >= i + 1; j--) {
parentNode.mChildNodes[j + 1] = parentNode.mChildNodes[j];
parentNode.mChildNodes[i + 1] = newNode;
for (int j = parentNode.mNumKeys - 1; j >= i; j--) {
parentNode.mKeys[j + 1] = parentNode.mKeys[j];
parentNode.mObjects[j + 1] = parentNode.mObjects[j];
parentNode.mKeys[i] = node.mKeys[T - 1];
parentNode.mObjects[i] = node.mObjects[T - 1];
node.mKeys[T - 1] = 0;
node.mObjects[T - 1] = null;
// Insert an element into a B-Tree. (The element will ultimately be inserted into a leaf node).
void insertIntoNonFullNode(Node node, int key, Object object) {
int i = node.mNumKeys - 1;
if (node.mIsLeafNode) {
// Since node is not a full node insert the new element into its proper place within node.
while (i >= 0 && key < node.mKeys[i]) {
node.mKeys[i + 1] = node.mKeys[i];
node.mObjects[i + 1] = node.mObjects[i];
node.mKeys[i] = key;
node.mObjects[i] = object;
} else {
// Move back from the last key of node until we find the child pointer to the node
// that is the root node of the subtree where the new element should be placed.
while (i >= 0 && key < node.mKeys[i]) {
if (node.mChildNodes[i].mNumKeys == (2 * T - 1)) {
splitChildNode(node, i, node.mChildNodes[i]);
if (key > node.mKeys[i]) {
insertIntoNonFullNode(node.mChildNodes[i], key, object);
public void delete(int key) {
delete(mRootNode, key);
public void delete(Node node, int key) {
if (node.mIsLeafNode) { // 1. If the key is in node and node is a leaf node, then delete the key from node.
int i;
if ((i = node.binarySearch(key)) != -1) { // key is i-th key of node if node contains key.
node.remove(i, LEFT_CHILD_NODE);
} else {
int i;
if ((i = node.binarySearch(key)) != -1) { // 2. If node is an internal node and it contains the key... (key is i-th key of node if node contains key)
Node leftChildNode = node.mChildNodes[i];
Node rightChildNode = node.mChildNodes[i + 1];
if (leftChildNode.mNumKeys >= T) { // 2a. If the predecessor child node has at least T keys...
Node predecessorNode = leftChildNode;
Node erasureNode = predecessorNode; // Make sure not to delete a key from a node with only T - 1 elements.
while (!predecessorNode.mIsLeafNode) { // Therefore only descend to the previous node (erasureNode) of the predecessor node and delete the key using 3.
erasureNode = predecessorNode;
predecessorNode = predecessorNode.mChildNodes[node.mNumKeys - 1];
node.mKeys[i] = predecessorNode.mKeys[predecessorNode.mNumKeys - 1];
node.mObjects[i] = predecessorNode.mObjects[predecessorNode.mNumKeys - 1];
delete(erasureNode, node.mKeys[i]);
} else if (rightChildNode.mNumKeys >= T) { // 2b. If the successor child node has at least T keys...
Node successorNode = rightChildNode;
Node erasureNode = successorNode; // Make sure not to delete a key from a node with only T - 1 elements.
while (!successorNode.mIsLeafNode) { // Therefore only descend to the previous node (erasureNode) of the predecessor node and delete the key using 3.
erasureNode = successorNode;
successorNode = successorNode.mChildNodes[0];
node.mKeys[i] = successorNode.mKeys[0];
node.mObjects[i] = successorNode.mObjects[0];
delete(erasureNode, node.mKeys[i]);
} else { // 2c. If both the predecessor and the successor child node have only T - 1 keys...
// If both of the two child nodes to the left and right of the deleted element have the minimum number of elements,
// namely T - 1, they can then be joined into a single node with 2 * T - 2 elements.
int medianKeyIndex = mergeNodes(leftChildNode, rightChildNode);
moveKey(node, i, RIGHT_CHILD_NODE, leftChildNode, medianKeyIndex); // Delete i's right child pointer from node.
delete(leftChildNode, key);
} else { // 3. If the key is not resent in node, descent to the root of the appropriate subtree that must contain key...
// The method is structured to guarantee that whenever delete is called recursively on node "node", the number of keys
// in node is at least the minimum degree T. Note that this condition requires one more key than the minimum required
// by usual B-tree conditions. This strengthened condition allows us to delete a key from the tree in one downward pass
// without having to "back up".
i = node.subtreeRootNodeIndex(key);
Node childNode = node.mChildNodes[i]; // childNode is i-th child of node.
if (childNode.mNumKeys == T - 1) {
Node leftChildSibling = (i - 1 >= 0) ? node.mChildNodes[i - 1] : null;
Node rightChildSibling = (i + 1 <= node.mNumKeys) ? node.mChildNodes[i + 1] : null;
if (leftChildSibling != null && leftChildSibling.mNumKeys >= T) { // 3a. The left sibling has >= T keys...
// Move a key from the subtree's root node down into childNode along with the appropriate child pointer.
// Therefore, first shift all elements and children of childNode right by 1.
childNode.mKeys[0] = node.mKeys[i - 1]; // i - 1 is the key index in node that is smaller than childNode's smallest key.
childNode.mObjects[0] = node.mObjects[i - 1];
if (!childNode.mIsLeafNode) {
childNode.mChildNodes[0] = leftChildSibling.mChildNodes[leftChildSibling.mNumKeys];
// Move a key from the left sibling into the subtree's root node.
node.mKeys[i - 1] = leftChildSibling.mKeys[leftChildSibling.mNumKeys - 1];
node.mObjects[i - 1] = leftChildSibling.mObjects[leftChildSibling.mNumKeys - 1];
// Remove the key from the left sibling along with its right child node.
leftChildSibling.remove(leftChildSibling.mNumKeys - 1, RIGHT_CHILD_NODE);
} else if (rightChildSibling != null && rightChildSibling.mNumKeys >= T) { // 3a. The right sibling has >= T keys...
// Move a key from the subtree's root node down into childNode along with the appropriate child pointer.
childNode.mKeys[childNode.mNumKeys] = node.mKeys[i]; // i is the key index in node that is bigger than childNode's biggest key.
childNode.mObjects[childNode.mNumKeys] = node.mObjects[i];
if (!childNode.mIsLeafNode) {
childNode.mChildNodes[childNode.mNumKeys + 1] = rightChildSibling.mChildNodes[0];
// Move a key from the right sibling into the subtree's root node.
node.mKeys[i] = rightChildSibling.mKeys[0];
node.mObjects[i] = rightChildSibling.mObjects[0];
// Remove the key from the right sibling along with its left child node.
rightChildSibling.remove(0, LEFT_CHILD_NODE);
} else { // 3b. Both of childNode's siblings have only T - 1 keys each...
if (leftChildSibling != null) {
int medianKeyIndex = mergeNodes(childNode, leftChildSibling);
moveKey(node, i - 1, LEFT_CHILD_NODE, childNode, medianKeyIndex); // i - 1 is the median key index in node when merging with the left sibling.
} else if (rightChildSibling != null) {
int medianKeyIndex = mergeNodes(childNode, rightChildSibling);
moveKey(node, i, RIGHT_CHILD_NODE, childNode, medianKeyIndex); // i is the median key index in node when merging with the right sibling.
delete(childNode, key);
// Merge two nodes and keep the median key (element) empty.
int mergeNodes(Node dstNode, Node srcNode) {
int medianKeyIndex;
if (srcNode.mKeys[0] < dstNode.mKeys[dstNode.mNumKeys - 1]) {
int i;
// Shift all elements of dstNode right by srcNode.mNumKeys + 1 to make place for the srcNode and the median key.
if (!dstNode.mIsLeafNode) {
dstNode.mChildNodes[srcNode.mNumKeys + dstNode.mNumKeys + 1] = dstNode.mChildNodes[dstNode.mNumKeys];
for (i = dstNode.mNumKeys; i > 0 ; i--) {
dstNode.mKeys[srcNode.mNumKeys + i] = dstNode.mKeys[i - 1];
dstNode.mObjects[srcNode.mNumKeys + i] = dstNode.mObjects[i - 1];
if (!dstNode.mIsLeafNode) {
dstNode.mChildNodes[srcNode.mNumKeys + i] = dstNode.mChildNodes[i - 1];
// Clear the median key (element).
medianKeyIndex = srcNode.mNumKeys;
dstNode.mKeys[medianKeyIndex] = 0;
dstNode.mObjects[medianKeyIndex] = null;
// Copy the srcNode's elements into dstNode.
for (i = 0; i < srcNode.mNumKeys; i++) {
dstNode.mKeys[i] = srcNode.mKeys[i];
dstNode.mObjects[i] = srcNode.mObjects[i];
if (!srcNode.mIsLeafNode) {
dstNode.mChildNodes[i] = srcNode.mChildNodes[i];
if (!srcNode.mIsLeafNode) {
dstNode.mChildNodes[i] = srcNode.mChildNodes[i];
} else {
// Clear the median key (element).
medianKeyIndex = dstNode.mNumKeys;
dstNode.mKeys[medianKeyIndex] = 0;
dstNode.mObjects[medianKeyIndex] = null;
// Copy the srcNode's elements into dstNode.
int offset = medianKeyIndex + 1;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < srcNode.mNumKeys; i++) {
dstNode.mKeys[offset + i] = srcNode.mKeys[i];
dstNode.mObjects[offset + i] = srcNode.mObjects[i];
if (!srcNode.mIsLeafNode) {
dstNode.mChildNodes[offset + i] = srcNode.mChildNodes[i];
if (!srcNode.mIsLeafNode) {
dstNode.mChildNodes[offset + i] = srcNode.mChildNodes[i];
dstNode.mNumKeys += srcNode.mNumKeys;
return medianKeyIndex;
// Move the key from srcNode at index into dstNode at medianKeyIndex. Note that the element at index is already empty.
void moveKey(Node srcNode, int srcKeyIndex, int childIndex, Node dstNode, int medianKeyIndex) {
dstNode.mKeys[medianKeyIndex] = srcNode.mKeys[srcKeyIndex];
dstNode.mObjects[medianKeyIndex] = srcNode.mObjects[srcKeyIndex];
srcNode.remove(srcKeyIndex, childIndex);
if (srcNode == mRootNode && srcNode.mNumKeys == 0) {
mRootNode = dstNode;
public Object search(int key) {
return search(mRootNode, key);
// Recursive search method.
public Object search(Node node, int key) {
int i = 0;
while (i < node.mNumKeys && key > node.mKeys[i]) {
if (i < node.mNumKeys && key == node.mKeys[i]) {
return node.mObjects[i];
if (node.mIsLeafNode) {
return null;
} else {
return search(node.mChildNodes[i], key);
public Object search2(int key) {
return search2(mRootNode, key);
// Iterative search method.
public Object search2(Node node, int key) {
while (node != null) {
int i = 0;
while (i < node.mNumKeys && key > node.mKeys[i]) {
if (i < node.mNumKeys && key == node.mKeys[i]) {
return node.mObjects[i];
if (node.mIsLeafNode) {
return null;
} else {
node = node.mChildNodes[i];
return null;
private boolean update(Node node, int key, Object object) {
while (node != null) {
int i = 0;
while (i < node.mNumKeys && key > node.mKeys[i]) {
if (i < node.mNumKeys && key == node.mKeys[i]) {
node.mObjects[i] = object;
return true;
if (node.mIsLeafNode) {
return false;
} else {
node = node.mChildNodes[i];
return false;
// Inorder walk over the tree.
String printBTree(Node node) {
String string = "";
if (node != null) {
if (node.mIsLeafNode) {
for (int i = 0; i < node.mNumKeys; i++) {
string += node.mObjects[i] + ", ";
} else {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < node.mNumKeys; i++) {
string += printBTree(node.mChildNodes[i]);
string += node.mObjects[i] + ", ";
string += printBTree(node.mChildNodes[i]);
return string;
public String toString() {
return printBTree(mRootNode);
void validate() throws Exception {
ArrayList<Integer> array = getKeys(mRootNode);
for (int i = 0; i < array.size() - 1; i++) {
if (array.get(i) >= array.get(i + 1)) {
throw new Exception("B-Tree invalid: " + array.get(i) + " greater than " + array.get(i + 1));
// Inorder walk over the tree.
ArrayList<Integer> getKeys(Node node) {
ArrayList<Integer> array = new ArrayList<Integer>();
if (node != null) {
if (node.mIsLeafNode) {
for (int i = 0; i < node.mNumKeys; i++) {
} else {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < node.mNumKeys; i++) {
return array;
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Great Job

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jidol commented Nov 14, 2023

Simple JUnit Add/Remove test shows failure of code.

public void RemoveSearchExampleTest() {
final int treeOrder = 8;
final int numEntries = 10000;
//final int numEntries = 3000000;
final Random random = new Random(;
final List values = random.ints()
ArrayList values = new ArrayList<>(numEntries);
IntStream.range(0, numEntries).forEach(index -> values.add(index));
BTreeExample subject = new BTreeExample();
for (Integer value : values) {
subject.add(value, value);
assertEquals(value,, "Should have value");
for (Integer value : values) {
assertNull(, "value should be removed");

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jidol commented Nov 14, 2023

line 224 incorrect, still broken after that fix though. Appears upon debug that the key array does not remain sorted somehow

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