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Created March 10, 2014 08:39
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Save adderllyer/9461493 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
red-black tree implementation
package com.ds.tree.rbtree;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
import com.ds.tree.adt.BinarySearchTree;
import com.ds.tree.adt.TreeTraversal;
* RBTree
* <p/>
* An implementation of a Red Black Tree with
* distinct T-typed values
public class RBTree<T extends Comparable<? super T>> implements BinarySearchTree<T>,TreeTraversal{
* public class RBNode
* <p/>
* If you wish to implement classes other than RBTree
* (for example RBNode), do it in this file, not in
* another file
public class RBNode {
public RBNode right;
public RBNode left;
public RBNode parent;
public T key;
public RBNodeColor color = RBTree.RBNodeColor.Red; //default color of node is red.
public RBNode(T _key) {
key = _key;
public RBNode() {
right = null;
left = null;
parent = null;
public RBNode(T k, RBNode l, RBNode r, RBNode p) {
right = r;
left = l;
parent = p;
key = k;
public enum RBNodeColor {
Red, Black
private RBNode _nullNode; //The Null Node
private RBNode _root; // Root of the the tree
private boolean _isBalanced;
private int _nodeCount;
public RBTree() {
//set null node object
_nullNode = new RBNode();
_nullNode.color = RBNodeColor.Black;
//construct root node
_root = _nullNode;
_root.color = RBNodeColor.Black;
_isBalanced = true;
_nodeCount = 0;
public RBTree(boolean isBalanced) {
_isBalanced = isBalanced;
public boolean contains(T x) {
return (!find(x).equals(_nullNode));
public boolean search(T data) {
return false;
return true;
public String preOrder() {
return preOrder(this._root);
public String postOrder() {
return postOrder(this._root);
public String inOrder() {
return inOrder(this._root);
public String levelOrder() {
return levelOrder(this._root);
* public T insert(T x)
* inserts the x into the binary tree; the tree
* must remain valid (keep its invariants).
* the return value is defined in the exercise
* <p>
* precondition: none
* postcondition: contains(x) == true (that is, x is in the tree)
* @param x - key to insert
* @return - x
public void insert(T x) throws Exception{
RBNode newNode = new RBNode(x, _nullNode, _nullNode, _nullNode);
if (_root.equals(_nullNode)) {
//case root is _nullnode
_root = newNode;
} else {
//Traveling the tree till find a place to add new key
RBNode iterator = _root;
while (true) {
if (iterator.key.compareTo(x) < 0) {
if (iterator.right.equals(_nullNode)) {
iterator.right = newNode;
newNode.parent = iterator;
} else {
iterator = iterator.right;
} else if (iterator.key.compareTo(x) > 0) {
if (iterator.left.equals(_nullNode)) {
iterator.left = newNode;
newNode.parent = iterator;
} else {
iterator = iterator.left;
} else {
throw new Exception("attemping to insert dumpliation value");
if (_isBalanced) {
//check for Red/Black Rules, if the tree is RB.
if (!newNode.equals(_root)) {
//case 0 - parent is not black then fix up tree
if (newNode.parent.color != RBNodeColor.Black) {
_root.color = RBTree.RBNodeColor.Black;
* public void delete(T x)
* <p/>
* deletes x from the binary tree, if it is there;
* the tree must remain valid (keep its invariants).
* the return value is defined in the exercise
* <p/>
* precondition: none
* postcondition: contains(i) == false (that is, x is not in the tree)
* @param x - key to delete
* @return x
public void delete(T x) throws Exception{
RBNode nodeToDelete = find(x);
throw new Exception("attemping to delete not exists value");
if (nodeToDelete.equals(_nullNode)) {
RBNode node1, node2;
if (nodeToDelete.left.equals(_nullNode) || nodeToDelete.right.equals(_nullNode)) {
// one chile or no children
node1 = nodeToDelete;
} else {
//two children
node1 = Successor(nodeToDelete);
if (!node1.left.equals(_nullNode)) {
node2 = node1.left;
} else {
node2 = node1.right;
node2.parent = node1.parent;
if (!node1.parent.equals(_nullNode)) {
if (node1.equals(node1.parent.left)) {
node1.parent.left = node2;
} else {
node1.parent.right = node2;
} else {
_root = node2;
_root.parent = _nullNode;
if (!node1.equals(nodeToDelete)) {
nodeToDelete.key = node1.key;
if (_isBalanced) {
if (node1.color == RBNodeColor.Black && !node2.equals(_nullNode)) {
_root.color = RBTree.RBNodeColor.Black;
private void insertFixUp(RBNode current) {
while (current.parent.color == RBNodeColor.Red && !current.equals(_root)) {
if (current.parent.equals(current.parent.parent.left)) { //LLr,LRr,LLb,LRb
RBNode uncle = current.parent.parent.right;
if (uncle.color == RBNodeColor.Red) { // LLr, LRr: cases for right uncle is red
current.parent.color = RBNodeColor.Black; //father
uncle.color = RBNodeColor.Black; //uncle
current.parent.parent.color = RBNodeColor.Red;//grandfather
current = current.parent.parent;
} else {//LLb, LRb: case for right uncle is black
if (current.equals(current.parent.right)) {// LRb
current = current.parent;
//LLb or LRb
current.parent.color = RBNodeColor.Black;
current.parent.parent.color = RBNodeColor.Red;
} else { //RRr,RLr, RRb, RLb
RBNode uncle = current.parent.parent.left;
if (uncle.color == RBNodeColor.Red) {//RRr, RLr
//case 1 - uncle is red
current.parent.color = RBNodeColor.Black; //father
uncle.color = RBNodeColor.Black; //uncle
current.parent.parent.color = RBNodeColor.Red;//grandfather
current = current.parent.parent;
} else {//RRb, RLb case for left uncle is black
if (current.equals(current.parent.left)) {//RLb
current = current.parent;
//RRb or RLb
current.parent.color = RBNodeColor.Black;
current.parent.parent.color = RBNodeColor.Red;
private void deleteFixUP(RBNode current) {
while ((!current.equals(_root)) && current.color == RBNodeColor.Black) {
if (current.equals(current.parent.left)) {
RBNode brother = current.parent.right;
if (brother.color == RBTree.RBNodeColor.Red) {
//case1 - right brother is red
brother.color = RBNodeColor.Black;
current.parent.color = RBNodeColor.Red;
brother = current.parent.right;
if (brother.left.color == RBNodeColor.Black &&
brother.right.color == RBNodeColor.Black) {
//case2 - right brother is black and both of his children black
brother.color = RBNodeColor.Red;
current = current.parent;
} else {
//one child of right brother is red
if (brother.right.color == RBNodeColor.Black) {
//case3 - right brother\'s right child is black
brother.left.color = RBNodeColor.Black;
brother = current.parent.right;
//case4 - right brother\'s left child is black
brother.color = current.parent.color;
current.parent.color = RBNodeColor.Black;
brother.right.color = RBNodeColor.Black;
current = _root;
} else {
//symetric cases as above
RBNode brother = current.parent.left;
if (brother.color == RBTree.RBNodeColor.Red) {
//case1 - left brother is red
brother.color = RBNodeColor.Black;
current.parent.color = RBNodeColor.Red;
brother = current.parent.left;
if (brother.left.color == RBNodeColor.Black &&
brother.right.color == RBNodeColor.Black) {
//case2 - left brother is black and both of his children black
brother.color = RBNodeColor.Red;
current = current.parent;
} else {
//one child of left brother is red
if (brother.left.color == RBNodeColor.Black) {
//case3 - left brother\'s left child is black
brother.right.color = RBNodeColor.Black;
brother = current.parent.left;
//case4 - left brother\'s right child is black
brother.color = current.parent.color;
current.parent.color = RBNodeColor.Black;
brother.left.color = RBNodeColor.Black;
current = _root;
current.color = RBNodeColor.Black; //make sure curren is black
* The method makes newLeft to be the left child of current
* @param current - node to set the left child
* @param newLeft - a new node to be the left child of current
private void setLeftNode(RBNode current, RBNode newLeft) {
current.left = newLeft;
newLeft.parent = current;
* The method makes newRight to be the right child of current
* @param current - node to set the right child
* @param newRight - a new node to be the right child of current
private void setRightNode(RBNode current, RBNode newRight) {
current.right = newRight;
newRight.parent = current;
* The method replace oldNode with newNode
* @param oldNode - node to be replaced.
* @param newNode - new node to replace.
private void transplant(RBNode oldNode, RBNode newNode) {
if (!oldNode.parent.equals(_nullNode)) {
if (oldNode.equals(oldNode.parent.left)) {
setLeftNode(oldNode.parent, newNode);
} else {
setRightNode(oldNode.parent, newNode);
} else {
_root = newNode;
_root.parent = _nullNode;
* The method makes left rotate a round the give node.
* @param current - the node to rotate around.
private void leftRotate(RBNode current) {
RBNode tmp = current.right;
transplant(current, tmp);
setRightNode(current, tmp.left);
setLeftNode(tmp, current);
* The method makes right rotate a round the give node.
* @param current - the node to rotate around.
private void rightRotate(RBNode current) {
RBNode tmp = current.left;
transplant(current, tmp);
setLeftNode(current, tmp.right);
setRightNode(tmp, current);
* The method returns the node to the successor of the given node
* @param x - node
* @return the node holding the key next to x.key
private RBNode Successor(RBNode x) {
RBNode baseNode = x;
if (!baseNode.equals(_nullNode)) {
if (!baseNode.right.equals(_nullNode)) {
//return the minimum of right child
return findMostLeft(baseNode.right);
} else {
RBNode baseParentNode = baseNode.parent;
while (!baseParentNode.equals(_nullNode) && baseNode.equals(baseParentNode.right)) {
if (!baseParentNode.equals(_root)) {
baseNode = baseParentNode;
baseParentNode = baseNode.parent;
} else {
return _nullNode;
return baseParentNode;
} else {
return _nullNode;
public boolean empty() {
//if root is _nullnode
return (_root.equals(_nullNode));
* @param x - key to find
* @return pointer to the nodeResult else _nullnode
private RBNode find(T x) {
RBNode iterator = _root;
//Start travelling the tree from the root.
while (true) {
if (!(iterator.equals(_nullNode))) {
if (iterator.key.compareTo(x) == 0) {
return iterator;
} else if (iterator.key.compareTo(x) < 0) {
iterator = iterator.right;
} else {
iterator = iterator.left;
} else {
return _nullNode;
* The method returns the most left node of a given node.
* @param current - node to start from
* @return Most left node
private RBNode findMostLeft(RBNode current) {
RBNode iterator = current;
while (!iterator.left.equals(_nullNode)) {
iterator = iterator.left;
return iterator;
* The method returns the most right node of a given node.
* @param current - node to start from
* @return Most Right node
private RBNode findMostRight(RBNode current) {
RBNode iterator = current;
while (!iterator.right.equals(_nullNode)) {
iterator = iterator.right;
return iterator;
* public T min()
* <p/>
* Returns the smallest key in the tree. If the tree
* is empty, returns -1;
* <p/>
* precondition: none
* postcondition: none
* @return - Minimum key of the tree
public T min() {
if (!_root.equals(_nullNode)) {
return findMostLeft(_root).key;
} else {
return null;
* public T max()
* <p/>
* Returns the largest key in the tree. If the tree
* is empty, returns -1;
* <p/>
* precondition: none
* postcondition: none
* @return - Maximum key of the tree
public T max() {
if (!_root.equals(_nullNode)) {
return findMostRight(_root).key;
} else {
return null;
* public int getHeight()
* <p/>
* Returns the height of the tree.
* <p/>
* precondition: none
* postcondition:
public int getHeight() {
return treeHeight(_root, 0);
* The method returns the height of the tree from a given node.
* @param current - node to start from
* @return height of the tree
private int treeHeight(RBNode current, int i) {
int iLeft;
int iRight;
if (!(current.left.equals(_nullNode))) {
iLeft = treeHeight(current.left, i + 1);
} else {
iLeft = i + 1;
if (!(current.right.equals(_nullNode))) {
iRight = treeHeight(current.right, i + 1);
} else {
iRight = i + 1;
if (iLeft > iRight) {
i = iLeft;
} else {
i = iRight;
return i;
* public T getAverageDepth()
* <p/>
* Returns the average depth of a node in the tree.
* <p/>
* precondition: none
* postcondition:
public double getAverageDepth() {
return sumHeight(_root, 0) / (numOfNulls(_root, 0) + _nodeCount);
* The method returns the sum height of a sub tree from a given node.
* @param current - node to start from
* @return sum of nodes heights.
private int sumHeight(RBNode current, int i) {
int sumLeft;
int sumRight;
if (current.equals(_nullNode)) {
return i;
sumLeft = sumHeight(current.left, i + 1);
sumRight = sumHeight(current.right, i + 1);
i = i + sumLeft + sumRight;
return i;
* The method returns the number of null nodes in a tree.
* @param current - node to start from
* @return number of null nodes in a tree
private double numOfNulls(RBNode current, double count) {
if (current.equals(_nullNode)) {
return count + 1;
count = numOfNulls(current.left, count) + numOfNulls(current.right, count);
return count;
* public int size()
* <p/>
* Returns the number of nodes in the tree.
* <p/>
* <p/>
* precondition: none
* postcondition:
* @return how many nodes in the tree,
public int getSize() {
return _nodeCount;
* visit binary tree pre-order
* @param root binary tree root node
* @return String nodes' value list
private String preOrder(RBNode root){
if(root.equals(_nullNode)) return null;
String result = "";
result += visit(root);
result += preOrder(root.left);
result += preOrder(root.right);
return result;
* visit binary tree post-order
* @param root binary tree root node
* @return String nodes' value list
private String postOrder(RBNode root){
if(root.equals(_nullNode))return null;
String result = "";
result += postOrder(root.left);
result += postOrder(root.right);
result += visit(root);
return result;
* visit binary tree in-order
* @param root binary tree root node
* @return String nodes' value list
private String inOrder(RBNode root){
if(root.equals(_nullNode))return null;
String result = "";
result += inOrder(root.left);
result += visit(root);
result += inOrder(root.right);
return result;
* visit binary tree per level
* @param root binary tree root node
* @return String nodes' value list
private String levelOrder(RBNode root){
if(root.equals(_nullNode)) return null;
String result = "";
Queue<RBNode> queue = new LinkedList<>();
RBNode node = root;
node = queue.remove();
result += visit(node);
return result;
* visit one RBTreeNode and print its element value
* @param node tree node to be visit
private String visit(RBNode node){
return "("+node.key.toString()+","+node.color+") ";
public static void main(String[] args){
RBTree<Integer> t = new RBTree<>();
try {
t.insert (new Integer(8));
t.insert (new Integer(3));
t.insert (new Integer(4));
t.insert (new Integer(2));
t.insert (new Integer(10));
t.insert (new Integer(5));
t.insert (new Integer(6));
t.insert (new Integer(7));
t.insert (new Integer(9));
t.insert (new Integer(0));
t.insert (new Integer(11));
t.insert (new Integer(12));
t.insert (new Integer(13));
t.insert (new Integer(14));
t.insert (new Integer(15));
t.insert (new Integer(16));
t.insert (new Integer(17));
t.insert (new Integer(18));
System.out.println ("prefix Traversal:");
t.delete(new Integer(17));
System.out.println ("prefix Traversal after remove 11:");
t.delete(new Integer(12));
System.out.println ("prefix Traversal after remove 12:");
t.delete(new Integer(8));
System.out.println ("prefix Traversal after remove 8:");
t.insert(new Integer(4));
System.out.println ("Infix Traversal after insert 4:");
t.delete(new Integer(7));
System.out.println ("Infix Traversal after remove 7:");
t.delete(new Integer(6));
System.out.println ("Infix Traversal after remove 6:");
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
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