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Last active November 11, 2019 23:35
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Save addisoneee/5960674 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import urllib
import urllib2
import re
#Created by Addison Euhus, July 9 2013.
#In order to run this program:
# call yearHistory(CUSIP#, year)
# returns a dictionary variable with all of the prices for indicated bond in that year
def URLRequest(url, params, method="GET"):
if method == "POST":
return urllib2.Request(url, data=urllib.urlencode(params))
return urllib2.Request(url + "?" + urllib.urlencode(params))
def getPrice(cusip, month, day, year):
data = URLRequest("",{"priceDate.month":str(month),"":str(day),"priceDate.year":str(year),"submit":"Show+Prices"}, method="POST")
response = urllib2.urlopen(data)
data_str =
if len(data_str) < 20000:
return ''
start = data_str.find(str(cusip))
end = data_str[start:].find("</td>\r\n\t</tr>")
arr = []
for m in re.finditer('</td>\r\n\t\t<td>',data_str[start:][:end]):
return data_str[start:][:end][arr[5]:]
calendar = {1:31,2:28,3:31,4:30,5:31,6:30,7:31,8:31,9:30,10:31,11:30,12:31}
def getMonth(cusip,month,year):
tempdict = {}
for b in range(month,calendar[month]+1):
tempdict[str(month)+"/"+str(b)+"/"+str(year)] = getPrice(cusip,month,b,year)
return tempdict
def cleanCache(data_dict):
for x in list(data_dict.keys()):
if data_dict[x] == '':
del data_dict[x]
return data_dict
def yearHistory(cusip, year):
yearData = {}
for i in range(1,13):
yearData = cleanCache(yearData)
return yearData
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